Ok, let’s go through the steps to figure this one out.
Ask anyone who has a problem with same-sex marriage these questions.
A) Is marriage a religious matter?
Y) Go to question B
N) Then, same sex marriages are fine, not a religious matter thus, a legal one where everyone's rights should be the same.
B) Do you have a problem with non-religious people getting married, (leave it male and female)?
Y) Many non-religious people get married each year (Vegas anyone), and it's legal, why not same sex?
N) Then it isn't a religious event, thus Same-sex couples can marry and enjoy the same legal rights as everyone else.
Also, if they insist that it IS a religious matter, that’s ok. If it is a religious matter then how about no constitutional amendment because that would break separation of church and state.
(feel free to poke holes in or fix anything)