Are you considered an independant woman?
My boyfriend reminded me the other day how much he likes an "independant woman" and I got to thinking about what the hell this means.
I think of myself as independant. I live alone, I support myself 100% without help from anyone, I am a part time student and a full time employee. I got the job I have all by myself without any help. In fact I do a whole lot of things by myself.
But here is the catch and the part that has got me wondering.
I don't like it.
I would rather have him with me 90% of the time. I would rather have a partner who helped pay the bills and help take off some of the stress of living alone. I would like to be married. To have someone always here to come home to.
So does this really make me codependant? Because it seems that I am not independant so much by circumstance.