Originally posted by Kadath
Well, the problem there, my friend, (though nicely played, you do have the dismissive tone down) is that I never bought into your bullshit theory that infidelity is the same or even comprable to physical abuse. But for me the best part is that you left out (conveniently) the most significant and damning part of what I said. You don't care about the victims of abuse; they are only a forensic tool for you.
I told you who I care about. Their kid. She's the one that got the shit end of the stick cause daddy is a liar and mommy is weak. And, I'll say this.
I will never pity the weak. I will never feel sorry for someone who isn't smart enough to get out of a fucked up relationship. When someone stays in a relationship like that they show me that they don't deserve any better. I hope you're as forgiving as Hellary if you wife ever cheats on you and makes you and your child/children look like fools.