They dont have to endorse them, but this IS politics.
By running they are testing what political power they have within their own party. Those that win temporarily have more power, those that lose need to cut off the flood, and by endorsing the winner they hold onto what they had before the run.
Aside from that if you support the party even in defeat you will most likely be given cushy jobs and lots of PAC funding.
Sleazy? maybe. But if your friend was in a fight wouldnt you help him? even if he maybe deserved to get his ass kicked? Doesnt matter WHY he is in the fight but the fact that you're his friend obligates you. This IMO is the same way, being funded by the party obligates you to supporting them. That and if you dont support even in defeat they will cut your funding and you're almost garanteed to lose next election race.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas