I agree. My 6-year old has had too much discussion for too long, and now it's hell to get him to understand he is not an adult.
I've come full circle from a "anything is OK if they understand what's going on" to "no way, and you may not use that tone of voice in this hoouse!" I've don't want to be my dad, but here I am anyway....(Although I don't understand 12-year old girls, I see them milling about, and often I see them wearing clothes that make me (a complete stranger) want to ask these girls if they know what they are doing. I never would, but how would they react to "Are you trying to capture a man who only wants to screw you? That's what you get with an invitation like that!"
I don't care how old a person is, sexy undies feel sexy. I got silk boxers when I was about that age, and lemme tell ya, it changed my life! It was the innocent beginning of my sex life. If she's ready for a sex life, by all means, get her a thong.<- That was supposed to be an obvious joke..(sarcasm)
--And I also can't tell what is right anymore as far as parenting goes. I feel that we parents get a lot of mixed messages today, and there is no "right thing" to do. My son needs a "good whuppin" like nobody's business, but in this society I'm honestly afraid to, for my own protection and because a family therapist could get the idea that "abuse" or "violence" was the beginning of the problem rather than the last resort. Do what you think is right, and don't beat yourself up if she hates you for it. She needs a parent right now, not a freind.