Pretty much just as the previous poster stated, GeForce4 MX or a ATI-Radeon7000 both are in the 50$ range.
Just use the normal HS&F on a system like that.
I my self think its foolish to NOT get a dvdrom so they dont need to upgrade later on. Liteon 16x - 29$ @ newegg.
Anyways, heres my recommendation:
AMD XP 1800+ - $49
Abit NF7-s $92
Corsair Value PC2100 512MB - $82 (Not sure if you really want this much memory)
Liteon 16x DvdRom - $29
Case - Anything under w/300watt $50
Windows XP Home - $89
Wd 40Gb 7200 8mb Cache - $55
GeForce4 MX 440 - $50~ (brand specific really changes prices, such as I prefer gainward over any)
Total: $496.00
You bore me.... next.