Not as bad tasting as the unbeatable Coyote, but repulsive looking and pretty foul tasting..:
Miscarriage (the other variants on the same theme are Embryo, Braintumor & Bartender's Sperm.

All use the straw trick)
Build this in tall glass. Pity I don't know the proportions.
Gin on the bottom
Galliano next
Lime/lemon (?) juice on top
Take the a straw, suck it half full of Bailey's Irish cream, cover the straw's end with your finger. Gently insert the straw into Galliano layer, take the finger away and pull the straw out slowly.
Found from the net when trying to locate "Dirt Mattress":
3/4 oz. White Creme de Cacao
1/4 oz. Amaretto
1/4 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
1/4 oz. Grenadine
Cherries (For layering)
In tall shot or cordial glass layer white cream de cacao, Amaretto and Bailey's. Using a drink straw or a bar spoon drop in grenadine from a height of 3 or 4 inches over the drink allowing grenadine to pull down the Bailey's through the layers, to form the _tentacles_ of the jellyfish. Backlight with a lighter or a match.
That sounds cool, gotta ask for it sometime. When I have money, I love to go bugging the bartenders to do difficult & rare drinks.