Secretmethod, I am quoting the Bible, and have done so now, verbatim for the second time specifically for your benefit. I neglected to include the quotastion marks the second time around, but it is a direct quote nonetheless. How can that be interpretive? "His is The Name Above All Names- at which every knee will bend, every head will bow and every tongue confess that Yeshua (Jesus) is Lord" Another specific quote, directly from both the Christian and Catholic Bible. Is this interpretive as well?
I believe the problem lies in the fact that your own religion does not allow you to read it's own book, but instead fills your head with the dogmatic policies of interpretations of Religion! The very concept that started this thread to begin with.
All that is wrong with the western religions began in Alexandria with Augustine, when he talked the Popes into believing that the Romans Pontiffs and church had taken the place of the Jews as the Chosen People, and it has all gone down hill from there. But if you bother to read Leviticcus and compare it to the Catholic Mass, you will see what amounts to the the Latin version of the Hebrew Temple rites. and the Roman Catholics have done nothing but replace the Levites and Cohen all the way up to the High Priest! In direct contradiction to what is written in the Book of Hebrews, in which it states that there is now only ONE High Priest who serves on the Order of Melchezidek, and that is Yeshua, Meschiach! Jesus, Messiah!
Please- go READ your Bible. Compare WHAT it says and what it demands to what is being carried out and taught in the religion that goes on under your nose.
The same is true for anyone in a dogmatic sphere of oligarchal perversion. If you want to know what the truth is- by alleans, don't ask the people who claim to represent G*D- especially if that is who employs them! And especially if they take great pride in their employment and the pomp and circumstance that goes with it! Jesus was a humble man of no repute. He preached to the sinners of the day and ate with the Tax gatherers and whores and drunks and needy and sick and ill because those were the ones who truly wanted and needed Him with them. He despised the pride and arrogance of the Chief Priests and Pharisees and Saducess of His day who marched around acting Holy in their robes and garments and acted dignified- Jesus called them Whitedwashed tombs- clean on the outside but full of dead men's bones. "Hypocrites- vipers!" that was what Jesus called them then. Her would have a field day on them today!
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"