I was wrong - there were at LEAST two passports found . Here are two reports one from Sep 12th and one from the 17th. Each lists a passport with a deifferent name, each recovered from the wreckage.
Now, there may have been more passports found. I don't want to take the time to do an extensive search. So what are the chances of two passports being found intact, rescued from a flaming fireball that melted and destroyed ALL FOUR (!!!)black boxes that are designed to withstand the most extreme crashes?
How about this - the BBC reports that at least four of the hijackers identified by the US are, in fact alive and well and REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF. Now, wouldn't you think that the american media would have jumped all over this?
Oh yeah - remember the stories about the hijackers being seen in a STRIP CLUB soon before the attacks? Why then hell would religious fanatics willing to die for their righteous cause fuck up in the eyes of Allah before blowing themselves up. Wouldn't Allah know? Where would their virgins go? Something doesn't make sense there.
Oh, remember all the reports about the 4,744 suspicious trades that happened on Wall Street right before the 11th? Remember all the talk about following the money back to the hijackers? There was unprecedented tradning of airline stocks before the 11th. That much we know. NOBODY has followed the money trail though - nobody has cancelled the transactions. Why? Somebody we like knew what was gong to happen and wanted to make some money off it, and now the US doesn't want to screw them or uncover their identity.
What about Bush's reluctance to have a 9/11 inquiry?
One last thing. If 9/11 was a conspiracy to get us into a middle east conflict, it would follow a pattern established all the way back to 1812. The Alamo, the Maine, Gulf of Tonkin, Lusitania: do those ring a bell? They were all staged/exaggerated to get us into war. Where was the press then? They didn't get it right. They went along to get along - and added fuel to the public sentiment for revenge. That's what sells papers. What happend when people CORRECTLY pointed out inconsistencies in the government/media's stories? The media called those people crackpots. Pearl Harbor? There are plenty of rumors about that one too. Our last war - Gulf war 1 - came down to an extremely close vote in the senate. What was the single thing that turned the tide in favor of war? Reports that the Iraqi army were pulling babies out of incubators in Kuwait and spearing them with bayonettes. Guess what? That was fabricated too. By whom? You guessed it - CIA. A former Kuwaiti official's daughter working for, and paid handsomely by, the CIA.
sorry for the typo's. I'm writing on a boroken keyboard. Damned CIA must have done it