Somebody on TV said we wouldn't get involved in Haiti because they didn't have the two commodities we care about
: oil and white people.
Seriously though, I've heard from several sources now that Aristide's "abdication" was "helped" by the US. Most say we forced him out.
My realist side tells me that we had been talking to Aristide, asking him to resign. Resignation would have a number of positive upshots. One, it would prevent the rebels from sacking Port-au-prince. Second, the chief justice seems to be well liked, and he could succeed the president in the interim, thus maintaining political stability. Third, it would circumvent any effort by a rebel leader to seize power if Aristide was removed by force. Fourth, it might very well protect the young Haitian democracy. It seems, if these sources are true, that Aristide refused to resign. Seeing the inevitable, we chose to go through back channels, and ultimately resorted to more aggressive methods to see Aristide leave. An ugly solution to an uglier situation.
I still think it's a rather big if. It wouldn't surprise me if Aristide left in an American plane under marine escort. Who's to say?
The link above isn't quite the one. I think you meant these:
Then again, you might want to check out this one: