Originally posted by wilbjammin
That's sad, I wish that everyone would live such an enriched life as I do with friends that care deeply about philosophical matters on life, existence, ethics, society, values, etc.
If you find most philosophical discussions useless then you're either talking to the wrong people, or about the wrong things, or something. I can only hope that you find out why this is the case so that you can change it. It seems that if you talk about these big key issues about the nature of what, why, and how things are and you aren't getting anything out of it other than "intellectual masturbation" then you're cheating yourself somehow. I guess I just don't understand...
Sure i do find Philosophy intresting and a great conversation always comes out of it. But have you ever heard the saying "Shoulda Coulda Woulda"? If i thought about why the world is here and why i'm writing this and why i'm listening to the incredibly funny Adam Sandler right now then I would be wasting time. It doesn't change anything thinking about it, it's like when you think about what you could have done, why would you? there is no point. I'm not saying that there is no point to philosophy because it's amazing to think about, i'm just saying don't build your life around it? I think? hahaha, sorry about the not so clear answer. Hope that helps