Originally posted by filtherton
Democracy is meaningless if the majority choose not to participate. It is ridiculous that the majority cares more about who is going to win the superbowl than who is going to be president. I bet more people voted for american idol than will vote for president.
Don't you get it, its not YOUR business if others choose not to vote. You don't know what’s good for them, its not up to you to decide what they need to do to make 'democracy' meaningful. Democracy (or a Republic) requires EDUCATED voters, educated on the issues. If they don't know and don't care then there is NO point in forcing them to vote. If anything you are going to more bad decisions since such voters will be easily swayed.
How about we force people to vote, and then give the a little test to prove they know what they are voting on? Would you like that?
Being forced to vote wouldn't violate civil liberties any more paying taxes violates your civil liberties. I'm not sure about the wording of the constitution, but i don't think that it expressly outlines your right not to vote.
I don't know about you, but i think people should be obligated to participate in the process that makes america what it is.
Good to see we agree on taxes, they violate our civil liberties.
Now back to voting, America is 'not what is is' by forcing people to do things they don't want to do. America is what it is great based on the freedom we have, and if some people decide not to vote that’s their business, and not for you to decide what’s good for them.
I'm sure the left would like this because more uninformed voters is good for most leftist causes, but even if it turned out that such voting gave republican majorities in all states, I wouldn't be for it.