You know, I read the 2 pieces of advice on here that seem to be the most prevalent and make the most sense:
know yourself and stop looking
And I wonder, how does one do that?
I mean, who am I? How do you answer that question? How do you get a feel for who you are?
And stop looking, that's easy to say for those of you who don't constantly have to live with the question "How about you? Do you have a gf yet?" all the time. I mean sometime I even wonder wether the only real reason I want a girl in my life is because it's 'what's expected' from me by everyone else. I know that is probably the worst mindset there is, but how does one not care about what all your friends and family seem to care about?
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein