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Old 02-29-2004, 12:54 PM   #14 (permalink)
Sky Piercer
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Location: Ireland
Originally posted by ARTelevision
I think the human mind is unlimited as far as knowledge is concerned. But there isn't much "understanding" at all going on in there.
Really? unlimited?

Let us make some assumptions:

1 Knowledge requires (and is based on) information.

2 The mind's ability to store information is mirrored in the brain's physical state. (*see note)

So, given the above assumptions your statement would allow us to conclude that a physical system (i.e. the brain) had the ability to store an infinite abount of information...surely an impossibility?

So we now have to accept that due to the laws of physics, the brain's ability to store information is limited, and hence the minds ability to store knowledge is also limited.

So, the only way to continue to hold the belief that the mind is unlimited is to disregard 2, and accept some sort of "magic" brain, which disregards the laws of physics.

So. is this your belief?

*note: This is not necessarrily a statement of full blown materialism (which I happen to support), but rather claims that "knowledge" is contained physically within the brain leaving open where the "processing" is coming from (materialism = "processing" also from the brain, dualism = "processing" from elsewhere).
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