I think people in the developed world have no idea how bad things in these countries can get. Aristide has done nothing good for Haiti, he rigged elections to get into power. The US is not trying to ouster him. They are not even very much involved (probably to the dislike of most Hatians). If the guy has managed to get the country into the mess its in, he should resing.
Please think about these issues critically before listening and believing everything one organization or other has writen.
That said I really hate it when people don't know about the situations in these countries, read something and then go on to critizese everything the US does. This topic is very personal to me, because I come from a country where there is one of "democratically elected" presidents, who have completely lost support of the people and turn to violence against regular citizens. The United States is not trying to overthrow the government in Haiti, I doubt they really care that much, Aristide will have to go because he has failed
Go Kool Aid. OH YEAAHH