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arch13 04-22-2005 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
damn ache u drilled it for me, im at 595 lol with everything i need, i'll run down what i have and u can give me suggestions

Linkworld 3210-04-C2628 Black/Silver Metal ATX Mid Tower Computer Case $28.50

Kingston ValueRAM 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200) System Memory Model KVR400X64C3A/512 $39.67 i plan top upgrade latter, but im a little strapped for cash so i';ll start with 512

Antec SmartPower 2.0 SP-350 ATX12V 350W Power Supply $55.00

SAPPHIRE Radeon 9600 128MB DDR AGP 4X/8X Video Card $69.00

K13-1300 CD :: Mercury 56x CD-ROM / Black / CD Drive $19.99
i don't really need a dvd reader, i've got like 3 dvd players in my house so im set their. Plus i don't really watch dvd's on my computer

MBM-K8TNEO2-3000 :: MSI K8TNeo2-F Via Socket 939 ATX Motherboard and AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Processor $254.99

WD 120 GB WD1200BB 7200 RPM
with Microsoft Windows XP Home Full Version OEM $137.00

Pay no sttention to the post above mine advocating "aquiring" an OS through illegal means. The last thing you want is to get your whole family in legal trouble. Each illegal copy of software is a $5000- 10,000 fine.
The 120gb drive w/ XP included is actually quite a good deal. Grab that one while it's hot (As long as your source isn't shady)

I like your motherboard/CPU choice, but we've established that I'm biased :lol:
512mb is quite fine for everything you do in terms of memory. Having a full 1gb would actually not translate into improvements for the games you listed playing, and XP works fine with that much. You don't need more than what you've listed, it's just overkill that won't do anything.

Get a modem if you need one. There like $10.00 nowdays. If you don't need it, don't even buy one.
I'm digging your video card choice. That's a good deal for a 9700.

I can't think of anything we are missing.
Can anyone else spot any missing items?

MikeSty 04-22-2005 06:55 PM

Nope, looks good so far ... but.. okay.. I hate to be picky but... get SATA and you will be happy. Oh so happy.

pacaveli 04-23-2005 08:59 AM

wel im actually htinking of gettin some stuff thats a little less expensive, i found a nice case for about 20 bucks, and i found a ati radeon 9200 with 128 mb for 50 that will save like like 30 bucks. and then i can spend the money i saved either more memory or a mouse and keyboard

this is the video card im thinking about


MikeSty 04-23-2005 09:52 AM

That seems like a pretty cheesy card but I suppose it might get by.

pacaveli 04-23-2005 09:59 AM

will it work for what i play?

P-Naughty 04-23-2005 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
will it work for what i play?

You might want to spend a little more money on it if you plan on playing Guild Wars. It will run the other two games you listed just fine, but Guild Wars will be a pretty big struggle for it. You could run it, but would have to turn down all the graphics settings in the game. I still think a Radeon 9800 (any of them: regular, pro, se, xt) would be a much better deal in terms of bang for your buck. It's ATI's best card from their old line, which isn't that old or that bad. I don't no how it will do on Guild Wars, but my friend just built a new Athlon 64 system with a Radeon 9800 Pro, and WoW looks great on it.

And yes, the power supply you picked is just fine. Antec PSUs are very reliable and, with the exception of the one I had struck by lightning which also f'ed up my mobo & CPU, I have had no problem with them. Sorry if I seemed a little harsh, but the PSU is often on of the most overlooked areas in a PC and is generally neglected. Spending a little more money now will save you money and hassle later on. Trust me, I went through two PSUs before I decided to sit down and find out why every 500W PSU I was buying kept dieing on me. Bought myself a 300W Antec SmartPower and it lasted for two years... then it got royaly farked.

pacaveli 04-24-2005 07:07 AM

how about the 70 dollar card i picked out would that run guild wars nicely?

SAPPHIRE Radeon 9600 128MB DDR AGP 4X/8X Video Card

i think that should be decent and save me about 30 bucks

MikeSty 04-24-2005 08:26 AM

I really think that P-Naughty is right and you should spend a bit more to get a 9800. That will give you a lot more room with gfx options and will improve the life of your machine in a sense. If you buy somewhat of a lower-end card you will find yourself spending more money to upgrade sooner than not.

pacaveli 04-24-2005 02:10 PM

i think im onna ge that saphire card it's what i need and it'll run things smoothly and it'll cost me abotu 30 dolalrs less

Lasereth 04-24-2005 07:00 PM

There's no reason to buy a nice processor and 512 MB of RAM if you're gonna go cheap on the videocard. You're gonna regret it later, trust me. Please buy a Radeon 9800 Pro for $160. PLEASE. Your computer will be bottlenecked without it. Buying the Radeon 9600 will be like buying a 1 GHz processor with 128 MB of RAM instead of your current options.


arch13 04-24-2005 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lasereth
There's no reason to buy a nice processor and 512 MB of RAM if you're gonna go cheap on the videocard. You're gonna regret it later, trust me. Please buy a Radeon 9800 Pro for $160. PLEASE. Your computer will be bottlenecked without it. Buying the Radeon 9600 will be like buying a 1 GHz processor with 128 MB of RAM instead of your current options.


He can always upgrade latter.
Some of you guys are talking like he has a ton of money to throw around. He's made it clear he needs to be aware of cost in this project, and you can't deny he's put together a bang up system with the limited funds he talking about.
He's not a hardcore gamer, and he doesn't do high end graphics. Web browsing, typing paper, listening to music. What do they have in common? They could all be done just fine with an 16mb vid card set at 1024x786.

I know your all about the fast cards Lasereth, but in his current monetary position, the 9600 is quite nice for the price.
Not picking a fight, just pointing out that not everyone needs the highend, or even upper-mid grade cards.
I do architecture for a living. I think it's probably obvious I'm running something above a 9600. But he hasn't shown an imediate need. 6 months to year down the line, he could upgrade his card just fine, and open up more possablilites if he finds the 9600 limiting for gaming.

portwineboy 04-25-2005 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by sashime76
Portwineboy, the MB/CPU combo will run you $250+, you might as well get this:

My brother in law bought one and has been working great. I'd recommend you use Sysoft Sandra and run burn in test for at least 24 hrs. It has a 3 month warranty so you want to break it, break it before the warranty is up.

lol, no thanks, the last thing i want is an emachine. i build my own. I'd rather have the kickass MB/CPU than 10 emachines.

Lasereth 04-25-2005 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by arch13
He can always upgrade latter.
Some of you guys are talking like he has a ton of money to throw around. He's made it clear he needs to be aware of cost in this project, and you can't deny he's put together a bang up system with the limited funds he talking about.
He's not a hardcore gamer, and he doesn't do high end graphics. Web browsing, typing paper, listening to music. What do they have in common? They could all be done just fine with an 16mb vid card set at 1024x786.

I know your all about the fast cards Lasereth, but in his current monetary position, the 9600 is quite nice for the price.
Not picking a fight, just pointing out that not everyone needs the highend, or even upper-mid grade cards.
I do architecture for a living. I think it's probably obvious I'm running something above a 9600. But he hasn't shown an imediate need. 6 months to year down the line, he could upgrade his card just fine, and open up more possablilites if he finds the 9600 limiting for gaming.

He mentioned he does play games earlier and does want to play Guild Wars. Guild Wars isn't too intensive but it will require a decent videocard.

I should have paid more attention to his overall needs I suppose. After reading his posts, I have to suggest downgrading the processor and motherboard to accomodate for the videocard. You can get a nice processor, a nice motherboard, and an "ok" videocard, or you can get a good processor, nice motherboard, and good videocard. The second option is clearly better -- a more roundabout system is better off than having two aspects of your system way better than the other.

I think pacaveli should stick with an Athlon XP setup with an nForce 2 or VIA motherboard. It'll run games just as well as an Athlon 64 combined with the correct videocard and it will save him money.

I'm sort of a bastard about processors and videocards concerning gaming, but I do know quite a bit about the effects of a processor and a videocard on a system. A processor faster than the Athlon XP line will not run Windows any faster than the Athlon XP series. This is fact. That's why I think an Athlon 64 is serious overkill for his purposes. He is on a limited budget...there's no reason to go apeshit and get an Athlon 64 where it's not needed. It'd be different if pacaveli's budget was over $1,000, but when it's $600, you gotta choose parts that are just what you need to make a nice, well rounded system. Here's my suggestion:

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ Barton @ 1.9 GHz = $80
Abit KV7-V Motherboard = $55
Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro = $150
Corsair 512 MB RAM = $42
Enermax 350w PSU = $60
Case = $30
CD-ROM = $20
Western Digital 80 GB 7200 RPM HDD = $60
Windows XP Home Edition = $90

Total = $587. If I had $600 to build a new computer with, this is what I'd do with full confidence. Then you can laugh at your friends who build $1000 PCs with a crappy videocard that your $600 PC runs circles around. This computer will play any game on the market easily. I'd upgrade the RAM for another $40 when you have the money but it'll be fine until it comes your way.


pacaveli 04-25-2005 03:47 PM

well i do plan to upgrade my video card in the future. The 9600 looks decent for a short term maybe a year or less time period. i plan to take this PC to college soon rather than a Notebook. So it'll have to last a good deal of time. Im not looking for something to run like high end games and i looked on the guild wars website.

this is the minimum they suggest
ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX Series Video Card with 32MB of VRAM

this is what they recomend
ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce 4 Ti Series Video Card with 64MB of VRAM

so i think i'll be safe with my 70 dollar 9600 card. that will most lieky be the highest end game i end up playing. Im more of an old school player anyways. Diablo 2, starcraft, dungeon keeper 2, Populous the beggining, maybe some civilization 3 every once and while. Nothing too crazy that this card won'e be able to handle

P-Naughty 04-25-2005 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
well i do plan to upgrade my video card in the future. The 9600 looks decent for a short term maybe a year or less time period. i plan to take this PC to college soon rather than a Notebook. So it'll have to last a good deal of time. Im not looking for something to run like high end games and i looked on the guild wars website.

this is the minimum they suggest
ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX Series Video Card with 32MB of VRAM

this is what they recomend
ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce 4 Ti Series Video Card with 64MB of VRAM

so i think i'll be safe with my 70 dollar 9600 card. that will most lieky be the highest end game i end up playing. Im more of an old school player anyways. Diablo 2, starcraft, dungeon keeper 2, Populous the beggining, maybe some civilization 3 every once and while. Nothing too crazy that this card won'e be able to handle

Keep in mind that when they do these minimums and recommended graphics card they go with what will run the game with everything turned down (graphicly speaking). I would really recommend what lasereth recommended for parts. You can always upgrade the AMD processor for pretty darn cheap later on and have a decent gfx card. Sure, the 9600 will run Guild Wars, but it by no means will make it nearly as enjoyable as playing it on the 9800 Pro. I'm surprised at how long the card itself has stayed up there, but it is a damn good card. Just don't be like I was until I upgraded my graphics card recently:


AMD Athlon XP 3200+, watercooled with a Zalman Reserator I and OCd
PC Power & Cooling TurboCool 510 Deluxe PSU
ASUS A7N8X mobo
1 gig DDR
Western Digital 250GB Caviar Edit. HD
Plextor PX712A 12x DVD-/+RW
5 80mm case fans (all Antec, 3 of which are clear with blue LEDS)
Chieftec blue aluminium full tower case w/window in side panel
*PNY Geforce FX 5200 Ultra graphics card with 128MB DDR*

pacaveli 04-26-2005 10:40 AM

thanx for the advice, but i figure it will be cheaper, not to mention easier, to upgrade to a higher video card, than get a new processor. it's a lot easiter on me anyways

arch13 04-26-2005 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
thanx for the advice, but i figure it will be cheaper, not to mention easier, to upgrade to a higher video card, than get a new processor. it's a lot easiter on me anyways

I was thinking that also, but wasn't going to keep arguing ;)
A vid card is far cheaper than a CPU upgrade. Just buy a better vid card as your needs change. :thumbsup:

pacaveli 04-27-2005 05:56 PM

i plan to do that, but i've been removed from y computer for the better part of most days. I didn't do to great this quarter in my school work. so they stole my power cords :(

luckily they suck at hiding things. anyways i'm not sure when im gonna be able to do this project now, but i'm going to do it proly before or durring summer.

pacaveli 05-18-2005 06:41 PM

ok guys i need some fast repsonese so please help fast cause im checking stuff before i purchase

this is the motherboard/chipset im gonna get


i wanna know if everything else will work with it

the fan

keyboard, no real concern

Memory, Need to know!

power supply

Graphics Card

heres my hard drive and OS

hard drive

trying to cut costs a little so im thinking of going for the PS


It's 20 bucks cheaper and it has good reveiws form most everyone who bought it

d4in 05-19-2005 07:15 AM


they have some cool cases, but they are a little on the expensive side. I use these guys for modding supplies a lot.

Check out the Diabolic and Sunbeam cases....

pacaveli 05-19-2005 12:53 PM

i got a decent case for 20 bucks so im set their

pacaveli 05-25-2005 06:28 PM

Alright guys i put everything together and plugged it in to try it out, it turned on for a second, and then everyhting shut off. Any suggestions of what i might have done wrong.The LED lights in teh front turn on and the green one udner the one button flashes , but other than that nothing. Im in a jam :(

DukeNukem4ever 05-25-2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
Alright guys i put everything together and plugged it in to try it out, it turned on for a second, and then everyhting shut off. Any suggestions of what i might have done wrong.The LED lights in teh front turn on and the green one udner the one button flashes , but other than that nothing. Im in a jam :(

Re-check ALL your connections against the MOBO manual and failing that remove all the non-essentials... take it down to just the board, ram, cpu/fan, & video card.
You can test things out without the drives connected.

Also, reseat the ram... all to often people are to careful with it and don't seat it properly.

When you say it turned on for a second... did you get any video signal at all?


pacaveli 05-25-2005 06:53 PM

no video signal that i could see. The power supply fan turned on and then off after like 5 seconds.

DukeNukem4ever 05-25-2005 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
no video signal that i could see. The power supply fan turned on and then off after like 5 seconds.

Did you get any constant beeping... like in a patern?
Like three fast beeps pause three fast beeps pause... means no video signal detected... i.e. bad video card or not correctly installed into the slot.
Pull it out and put it back in if you have this sound.

DukeNukem4ever 05-25-2005 07:13 PM

Please tell me the CPU fan is plugged into the CORRECT spot... there are a couple of them that look the same... only the right one will do.

DukeNukem4ever 05-25-2005 07:25 PM

One more bit of advice before I jump into bed...

If all else fails and nothing I or anyone else posts works... take the board out of the case and place it on a NON-CONDUCTIVE surface like wood or something else.
With the cpu/fan and ram plugged into the board make only the connection for the power switch and the actual power supply to the board. Be careful with the monitor cable connection to the video card as it might try to pull the video card out of the board... with power on this would be VERY BAD! Just make sure it does not. Hook up the keyboard and that's it.... hit the power switch on the front of the case.

You will of course have the case lying next to the removed board for this to take place.

The test here will tell you if the board is grounding out someplace in the case that you can't see.

If it powers up into the bios then you have your answer... :thumbsup:

pacaveli 05-26-2005 06:00 AM

havedn't tried that yet, im prolly gonna take every cord out and go through the book that came with my mother board step by step. Then i'll try the things u suggested

I got frustrated last night and just went to bed

MikeSty 05-26-2005 06:40 AM

Make sure you reset CMOS.

I hope you made sure you were grounded from static ownage ...

SiN 05-26-2005 11:02 AM

I build computers every day (it's my current job) and the first thing I would suspect/try is the power switch. especially since it's a 'cheap' case ...

either use a test power switch you know works, or perhaps the screwdriver trick works in this case? (i've seen it done, but never tried it myself, so i'm not going to suggest you go poking at your motherboard with a screwdriver).

pacaveli 05-26-2005 05:16 PM

alright guys we found a solution to the first problem,but we don't know how safe it is,and we have a second problem now.

We switched the red switch in the backto 230 and it powers everything. Now im not sure how safe this is.

Problem 2,I don't get a signal 2 my monitor,any suggestions?

pacaveli 05-26-2005 06:39 PM

well it turns out that the instuction book was incorrect. the golden arrow onteh processor shouldn't be facing the locking mechanism hinge, long story short 4 pins are bent. My dads taking them to where he works up at APG to see if any of those army computer nerds can straighten the pins, but this probably was my problem i always was bad at puzzels...

DukeNukem4ever 05-26-2005 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by pacaveli
well it turns out that the instuction book was incorrect. the golden arrow onteh processor shouldn't be facing the locking mechanism hinge, long story short 4 pins are bent. My dads taking them to where he works up at APG to see if any of those army computer nerds can straighten the pins, but this probably was my problem i always was bad at puzzels...

Chances are even IF the pins can be bent back the cpu will be dead.. and IF you try to return it for replacement they will no doubt notice the damage and not give you a new one.
I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how the hell you managed to shoe horn the damn thing onto the board?!?

Good Luck... cause your gonna need it!

pacaveli 05-26-2005 07:46 PM

thanx, the instructiuons in the book were wrong, so im hoping that they're at fault

teh good news is my dad works with really really smart comptuer people, so they might be able to fix it, he's a plastics engineer at the science research base for the army. He is freinds with a couple of the computer nerds so with some luck they can straighten the pins and have anotehr go at it. if not then im down about 100-150 bucks assuming my angry letter fails

pacaveli 05-27-2005 04:13 PM

anyways my dad straightened the pins out and it runs on the normal 115 now, except when i turn it on with everything good i get no visual signal, it's not the video card, i tryed it in another computer, and i tryed a different card in mine and it didn't work, any suggestions

asudevil83 05-27-2005 04:33 PM

as far as websites go......you might look at elitepc.com

they have quite an assortment pretty much everything.

MikeSty 05-27-2005 04:38 PM

So the computer isn't turning off after 5 seconds now? It's constantly running? No video signal?

Perhaps you did damage to the motherboard slot.

BTW, for the power .. If I recall correctly, europeans use 230v setting? America is about half that (~110~120ish) .. i think... I hope..

Also, make sure you reset the CMOS :D

pacaveli 05-27-2005 06:18 PM

alright heres mny status, i now have the computer running on normal 115 american setting

it runs constantly
and i get no video signal on the monitor, like the video card slot isn't working.

whats a CMOS and how would i reset it, and what would it do?

MikeSty 05-27-2005 07:21 PM

CMOS = Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor -- it's a chip backed up by battery that holds basic system information. It is advised to reset the CMOS every time a CPU is installed.

Do this grounded, with the PC off, disconnected from the PSU:

Look in your Motherboard manual for something talking about "CMOS reset jumper". Basically it will be a set of pins on the motherboard with a thingy covering two pins. Take that jumper and move it so it covers the middle pin and the previously uncovered pin. Let it sit for ... mmm ... 30 seconds ... and then move it to the other pins.

If you can't find shit in the manual, check for these "jumpers" near the battery on the motherboard.

Here's what it should look like

[XOO] X = Uncovered Pin; O = Pin covered by Jumper

Move that jumper so it is now like:

[OOX] X = Uncovered Pin; O = Pin covered by Jumper

Sorry to sound like a retard in this post, even if you don't need to do this, it's still good practice and I wanted to break it down as much as i could.

MikeSty 05-27-2005 07:44 PM


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