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Bring back the titty board
Is it just me or is this place slowing to a crawl?
As old users go, new users seem few and far between. But what brought most of us together? Was it the politics board? :crazy: Philosophy? :lol: Sports? :rolleyes: No, it was the boobies! Everyone loves boobies, yet now with the restricted access and far far fewer posters the tittyboard is just a ghost of its once former glory. Now obviously there were problems, but is stagnation better? |
I very rarely go into the TB so.. I don't know know if it's that much slower or not. However, I do know (at least IMO) that the quality of posts over the span of the entire board is much much better. If it takes the TB being slow to get better all around quality ..so be it.
Its the over all lack of posting and lack of new people. The titty board is like advertising. Many of our long time posters, including mods, were drawn here first by the titty board. |
Don't forget this is the middle of summer... things always slow down on the board in the summer when people are on vacation and, more importantly, students are not a school.
Don't worry Ustwo... Irateplatypus will be back soon... ;) |
I was drawn here by the titty board.
Hooray for Boobies! |
How long has it been since the last Boobies free-for-all, anyway?
perhaps people need to donate some more money and than there could be more leniancy for newer members. I know i wouldn't want people just sucking bandwidth for TB, and have me paying for it out of my pocket. I know Halx has posted recently about cahsflow and this site....and perhaps this just shows us how serious he is.....
If...in my opinion.....this place became dependent on prOn to be a community, I would likely leave. That said, the tittie board has its place in TFP and is a part of the sexual nature of our experiment. As for the "Bring it back" statement.....It has never left, and likely never will. I do however remember seeing the stats on membership at one point and the number of lurking bodies that NEVER contributed to the community. Fully 82% of those "Members" were exclusive tittie board watchers.
I have to ask a simple question: In what way did this population of people help TFP become a better place? And secondly: How many people have become active in this place because they were forced to post, to gain access to the boobies? |
If you came for the TB you can move right on to a million other sites on the internet that cater to this type of thing.
The only people I really want to see around here is people that care about every other aspect of this board. |
Well, I will say that I didn't come for the TB. I'm not saying I don't enjoy looking, but I always thought this was a very intelligent place to come to and voice opinions and whatnot. I have not been a member for that long, but my husband has and I could be getting the porn with no membership through him. I actually enjoy the people here and the topics and that is why I joined on my own.
Well, that's my 2 cents for what it's worth. |
When I (and many, MANY others) came to the TFP, we came for the porn. Once here we discovered the community and got hooked.
I think this is what Ustwo is suggesting... The ratio of porn lurkers to actual posters is probably pretty shocking BUT it did help build the community. In the end, it proved to be a useful tool in generating awareness of the site. What are we doing now to add new users... if anything? I'm honestly curious. |
The TB is candy. Sweet, but it can upset your system if you gorge senselessly. I enjoy boobies, but the TB really is a non-factor in being involved with TFP - unless you compare it to a specialty sandwich available in the smorgasborg of this site. I don't see a real need to pull in random fellows who's forum training generally consists of shoutouts and exchanging repetitive critiques of female bodies. Let them devolve to that after access to TFP pr0n boils their freshly opened minds :D
I see new member names popping up, and have a lot of confidence in TFP remaining viable - so long as I and others tickle paypal every few months ;) The university crowd is out and about trying their new lifestyle adjustments in their old environments during summer break, and probably don't have as much downtime compared to when they're in a settled residence/classes routine. |
While I appreciate the Titty Board, there's no shortage of porn on the internet. I'm here for intelligent, civil conversation. It's the middle of summer, many people are busy with other things, I'm not sure I'd worry about it.
At this point...not much. We did open the registration process to free E-mail accounts again (I wont go into the reasons for stopping them in the first place), but other than that I am unaware of any other recruiting. Perhaps this thread may serve a purpose yet......Ideas for a membership drive.
What 'ya got People? |
And Halx has done this at least once before, where he allowed free access to the TB for a few months, then reinstated the old rules. I think it dragged a few good people into the boards, but I don't remember who they were. |
Redlemon and I seem to be the same person...
I picture something crafted with the tfp logo and header, and carrying the charter and some brief observations. Perhaps a tie in with the magazine. A pdf created and downloaded to any interested person who could print a few out and put them up where they thought it would do good (eg university common areas, laundromats near places where literate people may congregate . . . |
Perhaps the problem is that the Titty Board is so hugely responsible for the numbers of people that come to this thread. So many of us came here because we read FARK or we heard somewhere about the massive collection of pr0n here. That's what drew us.
The lure of pr0n continues to bring hundreds of people to the TFP daily. What would be good is if there was something else, some other publicity or advertising that might draw people. Do you see what I mean? Pr0n draws mainly males. The majority of posters on this site are male. Right? If there was some way that we could change what people perceive the TFP to be about, perhaps we could draw a more diverse audience. If somehow it got out that TFP while still maintaining its love of the naked body, is so much more than the pr0n. I know, all of us who are regulars here already know that TFP is so much more than that, but rookies don't. Then again, I hear a lot of you saying "Maybe Not". Maybe it's a good thing that porn draws people here. Maybe its the best way to get lots of people to come here initially (even if it's mostly males). So I've basically said that it would be good to have another way to draw people, but i have no suggestions. So I've basically said nothing. Hmmm. Sorry. |
Now I rarely even look at the TB. |
Actually it's been slow during the summer as a historical fact.
We also don't have as many thread starters that post something that is discussion worthy. I was actually going to comment on this after locking the Mate's Fart smell thread... I mean that's a discussion? |
OH, I could KISS you for locking that POS!!!! :icare:
Quite frankly, Isn't having quality over quantity so much better? And after last weekend's successful conclusion, I for one would certainly prefer a community of true interactions than the comings and goings of a few bored lurkers.... Side note of the obvious: "I'd hit it", "Nice tit's", "Thanks-she's hot", besides being obviously devoid of any thought, are useless thieves of bandwidth. Hell, I don't even care for the "thanks for the contribution" comments I've gotten(you're welcome,but that's not commentary)...just repetitious, serves no purpose(which in my case would be ego-boosting) and it's more waste of space. |
I'd say advertise on non-porn sites. Don't even mention the pornography, then when a contributor gets to the point that he would be abel to enter the TB a mod PMs him and says "Hey, we have this section for our loyal contributors. We don't advertise it, so if you'd like, we can unlock it for you to join in, or keep it more R then XXX."
And if you're really wanting quality what you can do is advertise different websites based on the lull in conversation - computers need help? See if you can get a plug on a computer group site, same with the hiking/exploration thread, etc. Then you've got yourself a fairly well rounded forum of people who all enjoy different hobbies but still talk in the general forums, etc. |
It's not the people who are drawn in by the titty board, it's the ones who stay away because of it that makes this board what it is.
It's our common demoninator. |
I came for the boobies and stayed for the tilted Asia board...
ok I've never opened that forum or been to asia, but I agree that the titty board is a good way of recruiting new folks. The bait and switch worked for me. I was all "damn no more boobies for guests" and now im all "screw titty board, I need to reveal the deepest secret of the above poster" |
Interesting. Except, upon further reading, this makes no sense. I think what you mean to say that its both the people who are drawn and the absence of the kind of people who are turned away by pr0n, that make this thread what it is. So in essence you're just talking about one and the same group of people. |
Since I have had a few moderators tell me that THEY started comming to TFP for the titty board, I think its safe to say it has a very usefull purpose and brings in good people.
To deny this is to deny the truth of the situation. |
While the board has slowed down some it seems no more than one of its many moods. Almost every day I start at the top of the forums and then check several on the way down and have noticed a large change in the membership. Lots of new names. It feels as if the board is currently in a state of serene contemplation, this thread as an example. More introspection, less fire and gunpowder if you will.
Those of you that have been around for a long while have seen the quickly changing gesalt personality of the TFP. There are periods of ever increasing posting and discussion, then a sort of pause, and a sublty changed TFP is reborn with slightly different DNA than the last phase. This is one of the reasons I have been a member, a quiet one I'll admit, for such a long time. The observation of the TFP is in itself a form of intelligent entertainment. A social experiment that works, and I think, works quite well. An artifact of the bold new age of communication with truly global membership. How many other global clubs do you belong to? Your color doesn't matter, your gender doesn't matter, your sexual preference, your age. None of this matters to the members of this group. I was born in 1953, this is light years from those days. I think, and this is just my opinion, that we are evolving again. We have molted old members and gained new ones, but many of the central strands remain. The board will soon accelerate again, I have no doubt at all. If you hang around long enough it's a kick ass ride! Geez, can I ramble or what? |
hehe i like how you lend such profundity to this site with your ramblings
It's been said, but I'll mention it again. It's summertime. And it's not like this hasn't happened before. I mean, we've all seen the forum lull from time to time. I don't know, maybe a membership drive is just what the doctor ordered. I really think GF might be onto something there. I certainly like the idea of promoting the site as more a discussion board than porn dump. Not that I don't enjoy the porn dump, don't get me wrong, but the turn over from TB lurker to active participant seems really low. |
The other part here is that as community members you should all try to engage each other instead of just responding to posts, seek out something interesting and start a discussion via posting a thread.
Maybe what we need is more thread starters than just thread responders. |
There are a couple of other boards I frequent (bicycling related) and they have slowed greatly over the past month. I don't regard it as much more than a blip (as opposed to a trend). I think a couple of chilly, dark fall weekends, with students back at school, and volume will go back to where it was. And despite the lack of volume currently, I don't think there's any lack of quality.
it's refreshing to note that 10 (well, 11 now) donors have posted to this thread...
So, basically, what we see here is a good debate about how the TB contributed to membership for this community. I personally was drawn by the forbidden fruit of the magical land of boobs. I then was forced to post to access it. I like to think that I contribute, and engage in in the discussions here, and I like to think I have a good time.
It is the people that make this site. Without people, (and donations) we don't have a site. This is one of the only sites I've seen like it. We are real people. We have real lives. We go out of our way to post on this forum because we are bored, because we want to be enlightened, because we're frighened, because we need advice, because we like to help others, and because we want to see other people's genitals. I've come to learn that there is more to the board than boobs. It's the people who post that make this special. Not to say that I still enjoy the board, heh heh. |
I am going to post a leaflet at the Uof R campus in the next week.....and ask that responders hit the newbie board/introduction thread with a Uof R notation
seems an interesting experiment....and likely the intellectual stuff that fits our community (if you knew this campus, you would understand)....might prove interesting to watch what happens |
It doesnt matter what gets 'em in the door -- boobies, polly-ticks, phyllis ophy, or plain nonsense... everyone finds their nitch, and eventually moves to other parts of the board and contributes in their own way.. /me checks her own threads started on the boobie board... who'da thunk that one? :D |
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