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-   -   how about a flame section? (https://thetfp.com/tfp/tilted-suggestions/149130-how-about-flame-section.html)

squeeeb 07-03-2009 10:20 AM

how about a flame section?
not everyone is gonna get along, it's human nature. someone is gonna say something to make another person want to reach through the internet and stomp his or her figurative dick with acid coated golf spikes. it seems when tempers are about to flare you can't just vent and call someone a *%@!-ing @%^#$ @%^&* or you get in some sort of trouble.

can we have a no holds barred, anything goes, no retribution place to open up on someone? the only rule would be if you post in that section, you are open to anyone and anything, fair game, and you can't complain that someone called you a bad name or questioned your mother's species or sexual orientation or anything.

this way, if some snotty little young punk filled with ignorant indignation or some full of himself old punk filled with alzhiemers fueled indignation, or some person you just wanna call names spouts off in a regular thread, someone can go to the flame section and open up on him or her, calling him or her whatever he wants to, letting out any aggression or steam, without any retribution. anyone can post about anyone in it, but if you post, you are open to anyone and everyone's righteous keyboard of flaming doom.

is that possible? or is it against some kind of "we are all gonna love each other dammit, even if it kills us" code TFP has? just wondering.

Punk.of.Ages 07-03-2009 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663045)
...some snotty little young punk...

Is this about me?




Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663045)
is that possible? or is it against some kind of "we are all gonna love each other dammit, even if it kills us" code TFP has? just wondering.

Actually, it goes against everything I understand this place to stand for. I come to this site because I know that nobody will immaturely attack me in the way you're talking about designing an area specifically for. They may attack my argument, but not me as a person.

Sure, we're not all going to agree all the time. This place gives everybody the ability to freely express their opinions. Somebody's bound to have an opinion that downright pisses you the fuck off, but that's where maturity comes in. There are ways to disagree and even call out somebody else's opinion as complete bullshit without "flaming" them. It's called tact and it's a necessary quality in adults.

I think this type of section would belittle the purpose of this community, and I don't think there's a need for such childishness...

mixedmedia 07-03-2009 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2663051)
Actually, it goes against everything I understand this place to stand for. I come to this site because I know that nobody will immaturely attack me in the way you're talking about designing an area specifically for. They may attack my argument, but not me as a person.

Sure, we're not all going to agree all the time. This place gives everybody the ability to freely express their opinions. Somebody's bound to have an opinion that downright pisses you the fuck off, but that's where maturity comes in. There are ways to disagree and even call out somebody else's opinion as complete bullshit without "flaming" them. It's called tact and it's a necessary quality in adults.

I think this type of section would belittle the purpose of this community, and I don't think there's a need for such childishness...

I'm glad you've said this. I know of a place that has a similar feature and it's a total shithole of puerile behavior. I'm not sure there is a place here for that and I would be really disappointed if there were to be.

Of course, I'm fairly certain that many of the folks here wouldn't use it even if it did exist.

telekinetic 07-03-2009 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2663051)
Actually, it goes against everything I understand this place to stand for. I come to this site because I know that nobody will immaturely attack me in the way you're talking about designing an area specifically for. They may attack my argument, but not me as a person.

Sure, we're not all going to agree all the time. This place gives everybody the ability to freely express their opinions. Somebody's bound to have an opinion that downright pisses you the fuck off, but that's where maturity comes in. There are ways to disagree and even call out somebody else's opinion as complete bullshit without "flaming" them. It's called tact and it's a necessary quality in adults.

I think this type of section would belittle the purpose of this community, and I don't think there's a need for such childishness...

+1 to every word and sentence. Was going to type my own response but hitting quote was just as accurate.

Psycho Dad 07-03-2009 11:01 AM

What was it called? Concept Anarchy? I can't be the only one to remember how that was as successful as a fart in a phone booth.

Willravel 07-03-2009 11:06 AM

Yeah, Concept Anarchy forums demonstrated that while this is certainly an interesting idea in theory, it can be quite problematic in practice. It wasn't pretty.

squeeeb 07-03-2009 11:09 AM

ok then. i have my answer.

The_Jazz 07-03-2009 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2663070)
Yeah, Concept Anarchy forums demonstrated that while this is certainly an interesting idea in theory, it can be quite problematic in practice. It wasn't pretty.

Yep. Good idea, very very bad reality. Should have been kept on the drawing board.


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663074)
ok then. i have my answer.

Officially - NFW.

telekinetic 07-03-2009 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2663082)
Yep. Good idea, very very bad reality. Should have been kept on the drawing board.

I'm trying to remember...was that the popularity contest sister site with rotating staff?

Daniel_ 07-03-2009 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Psycho Dad (Post 2663064)
What was it called? Concept Anarchy? I can't be the only one to remember how that was as successful as a fart in a phone booth.

It was an interesting experiment, in that it proved people cannot cope with too much freedom.

ring 07-03-2009 12:03 PM

When I googled , 'pillowfight images',
this was on the first page:


man...check out that carpeting!

hunnychile 07-03-2009 12:33 PM

Okay...THAT is a Party I'd love to attend and want to know when & where they meet! And where did they get the Princess Lia outfits???? HA! LOL!!

(The Perfect example of "Anarchy As Art & Excercise")

Punk.of.Ages 07-03-2009 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by ring (Post 2663112)
When I googled , 'pillowfight images',
this was on the first page:

[Awesome Picture]

man...check out that carpeting!

I think all my dreams just came true...

Psycho Dad 07-03-2009 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel_ (Post 2663106)
It was an interesting experiment, in that it proved people cannot cope with too much freedom.

Actually I think it just proved that people like to pretend that their on-line friends don't have the same human abilities and or faults as their real life friends.

I was on a forum once where the only rules were no gay porn, no child porn and don't be a dumb-ass. While I don't have a problem with forums like CA, I can see where people don't like them as they don't find that warm fuzzy place they are looking for and can't find.

Jetée 07-03-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663074)
ok then. i have my answer.


Originally Posted by The_Jazz (Post 2663082)
Yep. Good idea, very very bad reality. Should have been kept on the drawing board.

Officially - NFW.

Well, to chip in, when I think of all the threads you've started since your return squeeeb, I thought of an idea for a new subsection/forum for "Tilted Rants", where whenever anything goes wrong, or you feel the need to decry some wrongdoing you see, you have the option to post your thoughts/vociferous yellings there.

And because I quoted you, The_Jazz, what does the acronym, 'NFW', seek to say?

Punk.of.Ages 07-03-2009 01:59 PM

I'm pretty sure it's "No Fucking Way", Jet...

At least that's how I took it after realizing there was no "S" and NSFW doesn't really apply, anyhow.

Jetée 07-03-2009 02:02 PM

Ah, thanks for the elaboration, Punk.

Glory's Sun 07-03-2009 03:31 PM

There was nothing wrong with C:A except people couldn't make the disconnect from here and there.

As far as on here, we had a very lax rules section called "trampoline" once..and to say it bombed is very generous.

FuglyStick 07-03-2009 03:34 PM

(you all suck)


mixedmedia 07-03-2009 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Psycho Dad (Post 2663173)
Actually I think it just proved that people like to pretend that their on-line friends don't have the same human abilities and or faults as their real life friends.

I was on a forum once where the only rules were no gay porn, no child porn and don't be a dumb-ass. While I don't have a problem with forums like CA, I can see where people don't like them as they don't find that warm fuzzy place they are looking for and can't find.

That's funny. I can't ever remember a time ever when I had to tell a real-life friend (*edit* or anyone) that they were an ugly, saggy-titted, old bitch.

CA had potential, but unfortunately a group of folks decided that it would be really funny (because, you know, they were so hilarious and honest) to work out their accumulated grudges on a few people a la Lord of the Flies.

Just because you find that behavior to be childish and outrageously self-indulgent doesn't mean you're looking for 'warm fuzzies.'

Xerxys 07-03-2009 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2663172)
I think all my dreams just came true...

Dude, you have absolutely NO TASTE in carpeting ...

Psycho Dad 07-03-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by mixedmedia (Post 2663221)

Just because you find that behavior to be childish and outrageously self-indulgent doesn't mean you're looking for 'warm fuzzies.'

I didn't mean to come across that I thought it childish, self indulgent or anything else. I just thought that some people got far too offended when they saw people doing with the other forum exactly what they should have been doing with it.

I do however think many people think this is a forum where everyone likes them. I don't think some people realize the reason there isn't name calling and flaming here is because it isn't accepted. Not because tfp members aren't capable of it.

mixedmedia 07-03-2009 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Psycho Dad (Post 2663238)
I do however think many people think this is a forum where everyone likes them. I don't think some people realize the reason there isn't name calling and flaming here is because it isn't accepted. Not because tfp members aren't capable of it.

You could be right about that.^^

I was one of those people who were, not offended, but fatally put off by the free-reign of ugliness at CA that was being directed towards specific people who were members here. And, ironically, all hell broke loose when some of us started to call them on it here - and it is truly amazing how huffy a person can get when you call them childish for making a comment like the one I posted above. The whole episode made it seem like some folks thought that 'honesty' was a one-way street. There was no room for criticizing their criticism.

That's a paradox that seems to keep rearing its ugly head around here. And I found it played out again during my time as a mod, only this time I put myself in the position of trying to placate it - which made me a hypocrit when I finally started saying what I really thought. Now that I'm just a regular member again, I feel like I can truly be honest and say exactly what I think - and that includes what I think of free-wheeling displays of mean-spirited provocation. People hardly need an entire forum for that sort of thing. Save it for private message and email.

pig 07-03-2009 05:36 PM

Well, damn. I both think that this cross-referenced flame forum would be a relatively bad idea, and that C:A was some fun; at least at times it was. I mostly enjoyed it after it died for a few months, but now it's just vacated. There were some pretty funny threads being kicked around over there for a while, but that was yesteryear. I think the primary problem with a flame forum on this board, or in general, is that some people like to talk shit and have a good time with it, but not actually demean others...and some people just like to rip people to shreds without respecting the other person's feelings. What I mean is that you can call someone pretty awful things, but do so in a way that they know you're "laughing with them, not at them..." I think that some of the latter happened in the initial stages of CA, but tended to drop out after it actually died. I suspect the same thing would happen here. In fact, I would venture that someone could basically start this idea in Nonsense, and as long as it wasn't overly nasty and people had a mature outlook on satirical borderline-asshole humor, it wouldn't cause any problems. However, I think the problem wouldn't be with "flaming" other members, it would be with crossover from the thread where you have to act mature and the thread where you rip someone's ass out. To wit, you could probably start a Nonsense thread of "say the worst thing you can to the previous poster" and it wouldn't cause an issue. Having a thread that was basically "TFPer X is a cumdripping ball of retardation-infused ass phlem because of their obviously backass views on the Abortion thread" would cause a whole different set of problems. Two separate conversations between meta-personalities, one being polite and the other being as childish as possible. I'd say we're better off reinforcing polite discourse. If you want to flame someone squeeb, log on to C:A and make a thread. I can pretty much promise it won't be taken down over there. Of course, no one will probably read it, but them's the breaks.

In fact, just for you: http://www.conceptanarchy.com. There's a whole section to flame away in.

Xerxys 07-03-2009 05:40 PM

^^ there is a thread in nonsense, must be something like worst insult or something like that ... lemme find it for ya ...

Got it, I was wrong though, it's the great insult thread ... sorry .:no:

Bill O'Rights 07-03-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2663051)
Sure, we're not all going to agree all the time. This place gives everybody the ability to freely express their opinions. Somebody's bound to have an opinion that downright pisses you the fuck off, but that's where maturity comes in. There are ways to disagree and even call out somebody else's opinion as complete bullshit without "flaming" them. It's called tact and it's a necessary quality in adults.

Not bad, for a punk assed punk. ;) Couldn't have said it better my own old and feeble minded self. Except to add that there is more to this being an "adult" site than just the titty board.


Originally Posted by ring (Post 2663112)
man...check out that carpeting!

At first, I thought that there was a "wardrobe malfunction". But, then I realized that you meant the actual carpeting. ;)
Given the gawdawful carpeting, the commercial double door and the breakaway wall...it's a hotel convention room. But that was certainly no convention that I ever got to attend. :sad:


Originally Posted by mixedmedia (Post 2663221)
CA had potential, but unfortunately a group of folks decided that it would be really funny (because, you know, they were so hilarious and honest) to work out their accumulated grudges on a few people a la Lord of the Flies.

This was my observation as well. The Lord of the Flies reference being highly accurate and appropriate. Much like my first marriage, Concept Anarchy seemed like a good idea at the time. But, also like my first marriage, it spun in in flames.

squeeeb 07-04-2009 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2663174)
Well, to chip in, when I think of all the threads you've started since your return squeeeb, I thought of an idea for a new subsection/forum for "Tilted Rants", where whenever anything goes wrong, or you feel the need to decry some wrongdoing you see, you have the option to post your thoughts/vociferous yellings there.


yeah, you're right, it seems all i do is rant about dumb shit and waste everyone's time. and this was a pretty stupid idea, i'm sorry i brought it up (i'm not apologizing, i mean i feel stupid for bringing it up, i should have kept it to myself).

i should stop posting until i have something worthwhile to post.

Xerxys 07-04-2009 03:43 PM

^^ You stop posting and I'll be fucking pissed!!

Punk.of.Ages 07-04-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663473)
yeah, you're right, it seems all i do is rant about dumb shit and waste everyone's time. and this was a pretty stupid idea, i'm sorry i brought it up (i'm not apologizing, i mean i feel stupid for bringing it up, i should have kept it to myself).

i should stop posting until i have something worthwhile to post.


Originally Posted by Xerxys (Post 2663630)
^^ You stop posting and I'll be fucking pissed!!

Seriously. I'll be pretty pissed too..

You may not always bring up things I agree with, squeeeb-o, but everything makes for some good fucking conversation.

Over the past few weeks that you've been back I've found myself with a lot to say. You definitely have your place around here, man, and I know that I, at least, thoroughly appreciate what you bring to this community.

Glory's Sun 07-04-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages (Post 2663633)
Seriously. I'll be pretty pissed too..

You may not always bring up things I agree with, squeeeb-o, but everything makes for some good fucking conversation.

Over the past few weeks that you've been back I've found myself with a lot to say. You definitely have your place around here, man, and I know that I, at least, thoroughly appreciate what you bring to this community.


this is a QFT moment.

Jetée 07-05-2009 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663473)
yeah, you're right, it seems all i do is rant about dumb shit and waste everyone's time. and this was a pretty stupid idea, i'm sorry i brought it up (i'm not apologizing, i mean i feel stupid for bringing it up, i should have kept it to myself).

i should stop posting until i have something worthwhile to post.

I think you took my quote a litlle too literally, because as I see the subsequent posts to your response of my reply, I agree with them all.

It has always been an entertaining ride with you, squeeeb, from when you were an active poster 12-18 months ago, up until you decided to remember you still had a membership here and got back into the habit of conversing with us.

What I meant about the "Tilted Rants" subforum comment is that I would suspect that if we were ever to see it come into fruition, it would be a wildly popular portion of the board because of the distinct personalities and situations that come into light because there is a good place to vent their frustrations. And of all the potential contributors, I'd wager you'd be our best spokesmodel of the hypothetical "have a fit and be candid about it" forum, even so much as to designate it as "a welcome asylum for all your manic moments and rage bouts" just like our pal squeeeb is prone to have.

Plan9 07-05-2009 08:08 PM

Please don't let me near the rants.

Randerolf 07-06-2009 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by squeeeb (Post 2663473)
yeah, you're right, it seems all i do is rant about dumb shit and waste everyone's time. and this was a pretty stupid idea, i'm sorry i brought it up (i'm not apologizing, i mean i feel stupid for bringing it up, i should have kept it to myself).

i should stop posting until i have something worthwhile to post.

Don't listen to him. Some of the best writing comes when the writer is angry. I like your posts Squeeeb. Sometimes, I think of Andy Rooney, but I enjoy the post.

Shell 07-06-2009 05:39 AM

...you've got my vote squeeeb

...your threads are controversial
but isn't that what this is all about?

...or is it the hokey-pokey


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