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alpo 11-17-2004 08:57 PM

Does Anyone Miss the NHL?
It's been about 2 months since the NHL owners locked out the players. Does anyone miss NHL hockey? How have you replaced hockey in your sports diet?

Anyone think hockey will be played again this year? Call me a pessimist, but I don't think we'll be seeing any hockey again until next season.

wolfpack0102 11-17-2004 09:11 PM

im starting to. it is really pissing me off that they arent even speaking about reaching a new deal. It looks pathetic when you have two morons (Goodenow and Bettman) that arent even speaking to each other

Once again the fan gets screwed!

Halx 11-17-2004 09:20 PM

Nope! :) :p

Obtuse 11-17-2004 09:33 PM

I haven't had time to miss it yet, but when (what should be) playoff time rolls around I will definitely miss it. There is no sporting event more exciting than a Stanley Cup playoff game.

alpo 11-17-2004 09:55 PM

Not communicating is a very effective method of negotiations. :rolleyes:

As much as I love hockey, there is something wrong with having Stanley Cup playoff games in June.

Ridge 11-17-2004 10:02 PM

No Way. A season without Hockey means more basketball on ESPN. :)

McG 11-17-2004 10:20 PM

Bah... nobody likes the NHL but canadians or canadian wantabes anyways.

FlatLand Flyer 11-17-2004 10:34 PM

Those are a couple of intelligent posts... :rolleyes:

Yes I miss the NHL. Hockey is my favorite sport and luckily my college (UND) has a good team and an awesome arena. So I still get my hockey fix.

The disheartening thing for me is that the two sides aren't even making an effort.

The players are the one's that are really screwing up. The vast majority of the revenue generated comes from attendance. You cannot make the kind of money they have been making and not have ticket prices go through the roof. The other sports can curb ticket price hikes because of the TV revenue. The NHL does not have that anymore. The players have to take a paycut. Whether or not that is a salry cap, I don't know.

There has to be a way to make it work, but they aren't even trying.

Spartak 11-17-2004 11:10 PM

Yeah I miss the NHL, you betcha :(

phathom 11-17-2004 11:21 PM

I never knew it was gone in the first place. So in short. No.

msf518 11-17-2004 11:29 PM

My favorite team in any sport is the New York Rangers (I am a diehard), so to not be able to see them play at all recently has been very disapointing to me. Come back soon NHL.

pcockren 11-18-2004 04:35 AM

I miss it...I drive past Nassau Colliseum every day and think about how much it sucks not seeing hockey this year...

paddyjoe 11-18-2004 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by Obtuse
There is no sporting event more exciting than a Stanley Cup playoff game.

You ain't kidding there man. Last seasons Flames - Lightning series was as intense as you could ever see.

Not really missing it now, but we have a great AHL team here that I've had season tickets to for a number of years. But yeah, come April I'll miss the NHL.

Daoust 11-18-2004 05:46 AM

Like most of you, I don't know if I miss it yet, because it takes a while to realize it's gone, but definitely it will be missed in April.
I have found that the Junior leagues are benefitting in a major way because of the strike. I am watching The Rocket of the QMJHL a lot these days. To be honest I've always found the OHL and QMJHL hockey very exciting fast paced action, and most times I'd rather spend $13 to see a good MJ game in awesome seats, rather than pay $70 to watch an NHL game from the nosebleeds.
The NHL will be back soon. I kind of hope that it sits out a season and all the crap is dealt with. Even if it means losing a franchise or two.

dylanmarsh 11-18-2004 05:48 AM

I dunno if I really miss it. Between the Red Sox and the Patriots successes, the Bruins not playing hasn't really occurred to me, yet. The hockey season is always so long that I usually don't start really following the NHL until like mid to late January.

I really doubt both sides will come to an argeement this season. On the upside, I suppose, a lot of the older and injured players will have been given a year to rest up and get ready for the 2005-06, if that season even happens.

Charlatan 11-18-2004 06:13 AM

As a Canadian, I have to confess I really don't watch all that much hockey.

Daoust 11-18-2004 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Charlatan
As a Canadian, I have to confess I really don't watch all that much hockey.

I won't hold it against you.

zenmaster10665 11-18-2004 06:52 AM

what is an NHL?

Hockey, schmocky...let it die and replace it with proper soccer coverage.

Daoust 11-18-2004 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by zenmaster10665
what is an NHL?

Hockey, schmocky...let it die and replace it with proper soccer coverage.

You're either from Alabamy (or one of them deep south States) or Europe, right?

Redlemon 11-18-2004 07:46 AM

Football is the only pro sport in our household, so no, I barely noticed that the NHL is gone.

silent_jay 11-18-2004 08:21 AM

meh, not really, I live in Ottawa so if I want to watch hockey it's the 67's or the Olympiques, much better hockey anyways, at least these kids have heart, and still play for the love of the game and not money like some players.

Ace_O_Spades 11-18-2004 09:39 AM

Hell yeah i miss it, Vancouver on the whole misses it, they will miss it more after this weekend when the CFL is done.

Bring it back, I miss my Canucks :(

That's the problem, the league relies on income from a country who quite frankly ranks it the #4 sport at BEST... Bring it back to the country who appreciates it... Bring back the Nordiques and the Jets... screw the american market

CandleInTheDark 11-18-2004 11:17 AM

The longer the lockout lasts, the more likely Winnipeg gets a team again.

ledhead 11-18-2004 03:25 PM

they are replaying the games when the ducks went to the stanley cup, and my mom cant stand it when i watch them. she like, you already know whos gonna win! why are you watching it? all i have to say is that i got to get my hockey some how. in fact i will probably go watch some usc hockey games since they play relatively close to my house.

alpo 11-18-2004 03:40 PM

I really think expansion into some of the non-traditional markets really was a bad thing for hockey. I know there are some die hard fans in some of those smaller, non-traditional cities, but I don't think on the whole the support is all that great. Not to mention the fact that it has severely diluted the talent. The increase in the number of teams means that more of the marginal and older players are able to stick around. I think that has really helped drive up the cost of a moderately decent player.

Let's see hockey again in Winipeg and Quebec. GO Nordiques!

Coppertop 11-18-2004 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by alpo
How have you replaced hockey in your sports diet?



(me at the Shark Tank a few weeks ago)

alpo 11-18-2004 06:09 PM

Better pick that head up, Coppertop. :lol:

That's the same way I've replaced the NHL in my sports diet.

DEI37 11-18-2004 06:42 PM

Didn't know it was gone! However, after next week, the racing season is over...and that's gonna be a long spell until February.

SteelGlider 11-18-2004 07:19 PM

I never used to really get into the hockey season until after the NFL season. So, yeah, if it's not back by Feb. I'll miss it.

archer2371 11-18-2004 07:37 PM

Yes I miss it, but have been trying to cure my ailment with healthy doses of rugby, watching rugby, and working out, so far, it's working pretty good.

Coppertop 11-18-2004 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by alpo
Better pick that head up, Coppertop. :lol:

That's the same way I've replaced the NHL in my sports diet.

Tell me about it. Everytime I see a pic of me with the puck I'm staring at the ice and am going to pay for it someday. :eek:

Good thing I am 6'2" 220 lbs. Most people in my rec. league think twice before trying to take me down. But there's always someone bigger...

thriolith 11-18-2004 08:09 PM

I'm a huge hockey fan, seeing as I'm from Toronto. But, truthfully as much as I love the game, I haven't missed hockey as much as I would have thought.

Irishsean 11-18-2004 08:12 PM

I do! Watching college teams and foreign leagues just isn't the same!

alpo 11-18-2004 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop
Tell me about it. Everytime I see a pic of me with the puck I'm staring at the ice and am going to pay for it someday. :eek:

Good thing I am 6'2" 220 lbs. Most people in my rec. league think twice before trying to take me down. But there's always someone bigger...

As a defenseman myself, my mouth began to salivate seeing you with your head down like that. I guess all these years watching Scott Stevens crush opposing forwards has rubbed off on my own game. :D

Is your rec league no check? Ours is in theory, but there is still a decent amount of checking.

00111000 11-18-2004 10:53 PM

I sure as hell do.

MSD 11-18-2004 11:48 PM

I didn't even know it was gone.

pimpercrobian 11-18-2004 11:59 PM

...NHL...? what is this "NHL" you guys speak of...?

EbolaVirus 11-19-2004 07:15 AM

I will definately miss the playoffs. Those are always great.

00111000 11-19-2004 11:56 AM

Side note...CCM is offering free tickets to AHL games. Check this link out for more info.Free tickets!

Coppertop 11-19-2004 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Halx
Nope! :) :p


I don't use smileys.
Whoa. You drinking again Halx?

stevo 11-19-2004 01:15 PM

We'll see how I feel when football season is over. I'll probably just watch more college hoops. For some reason hockey doesn't interest me like it used to.

Blackthorn 11-19-2004 01:19 PM

Simply put: NOPE!

Living in the 'nati I'd have to say no. We still have the Cyclones and the Mighty Ducks but no I don't miss the NHL.

Loup 11-21-2004 03:49 AM

I thought that I would be missing it by now, but my honest answer is: Nope.
Shame on me :(

splck 11-21-2004 07:54 AM

I miss it.
Football sucks, basketball sucks..what am I to do?

absorbentishe 11-22-2004 07:35 AM

I really really miss it. I've been to three ECHL games so far, which is about all I've gone to in the last 5 years. The quality is no where near the same, but it's hockey. I miss the Wings on TV more than anything. I've been watching more Basketbrawl this year too, but that isn't the same to me.

runtuff 11-22-2004 08:08 AM

Nope can't say that I do. Maybe the NHL will just fade away.

LIMilf 11-22-2004 09:45 PM

I didn't think I would miss hockey, but with the NFL only playing twice a week, and Basketball becoming basketbrawl, I would like to see some hockey. At least until April when my White Sox start up again.

Lefty04 11-23-2004 07:06 AM

I'm a pretty serious sports fan, but I didn't even realize that it was hockey season.

Fly 11-23-2004 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
Hell yeah i miss it, Vancouver on the whole misses it, they will miss it more after this weekend when the CFL is done.

Bring it back, I miss my Canucks :(

That's the problem, the league relies on income from a country who quite frankly ranks it the #4 sport at BEST... Bring it back to the country who appreciates it... Bring back the Nordiques and the Jets... screw the american market

I agree,wholeheartidly with every word Ace........... :thumbsup:

FUCK YOU GARY BETTMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daoust 11-23-2004 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by flyman
I agree,wholeheartidly with every word Ace........... :thumbsup:

FUCK YOU GARY BETTMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with this wise and well worded agreement.

JustDisGuy 11-23-2004 04:28 PM

I can't say that I miss it. I've felt like the fans have been at best a secondary thought for years. I've decided as a result of the current bullshit that I'm never buying anything that sports an NHL logo again. That's the "vote with your dollar" power that is the only power fans have.

I'd rather watch junior (or senior) hockey than these dolts that think they're worth bazillions of dollars a year.

dragon2fire 11-23-2004 07:56 PM

uh whats the nhl

Ace_O_Spades 11-24-2004 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by flyman
I agree,wholeheartidly with every word Ace........... :thumbsup:

FUCK YOU GARY BETTMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I'm more of a "Fuck you Bettman AND Goodenow"

can't forget that it takes two to tango.

vox_rox 11-26-2004 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by CandleInTheDark
The longer the lockout lasts, the more likely Winnipeg gets a team again.

Man, this made me laugh at loud. And, who knows?

But in reality, I find it very sad that such a great sport is in the hand, players AND owners, of people who no longer have a passion for the game and instead have a passion of business and finance.

Bring back the Jets, bring home the Nordiques, let Saskatoon, Halifax, Regina and Victoria have a team as well, and bring this thing home to where it belongs!

Either that, or it's time to watch some lacrosse.


Zephyr66 11-26-2004 09:40 PM

I miss it, but if it was here, I'd miss forsberg just as much, so either way doesnt make a difference

Andrew 11-26-2004 10:03 PM

I'll miss it once the playoffs come along.

holtmate 11-27-2004 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by kjroh
Simply put: NOPE!

Living in the 'nati I'd have to say no. We still have the Cyclones and the Mighty Ducks but no I don't miss the NHL.

You do know that the 'Clones have suspended operations, right?

No NHL really hit me a couple of weekends ago. My friends and I take a trip out to St Louis every November, and we have recently started going to a Blues game each time. We had a hotel right by the arena this time, and it was depressing to not be able to see them.

Like most of you, I'm just furious that the sides aren't talking. It's crazy.

Jimellow 11-28-2004 08:20 AM

I miss the NHL in that hockey is a great sport, that is very exciting and fun to watch.

However, with it not being played right now, I just watch more basketball instead. In a way, the lack of a NHL season has helped me get into basketball more, and I consider that a good thing, because I do like the sport, but just haven't been as "into" it in years past.

Also, now that the season isn't being played, I really hope they hold off on playing again until they "fix" everything and not just the bare minimum.

This is a nice opportunity for the league and its players to get everything worked out, and if done right, and completely, should result in an improved game all around, especially the fans. And that's ultimately what should matter, as they are the ones paying to watch these guys play.

Bratwurst 11-28-2004 09:27 PM

Hockey is one of my favorite sports, since I used to watch the Univ of Arizona icecats college/club team back in school. I absolutely fell in love with the game. It didn't hurt that you could get glass seats for $5 and they sold beer at the games.

When the NBA locked out I stopped being a fan and I haven't watched the NBA really since. I don't think i feel that same way about the NHL but it really does piss me off that the two sides are not even talking. I don't know what to think of it, but they better put in some kind of salary cap and they better find a way to keep prices down for the fans. As it is now, I can barely afford to go to 4 or 5 games a season and there is no way I can sit in the lower half of the MCI center. Its out of control.

alpo 12-02-2004 08:08 PM

I'm glad to hear that the NHLPA and the NHL will be meeting again. I don't really expect any agreements in the near future, but you can't come to any agreements if you aren't even talking.

alpo 12-09-2004 08:16 AM

So the owners and players are sitting down again today. I don't expect the owners to give in on their demands for a hard salary cap at all. Unfortunately I think this is the last hope for saving the season. DAMN THEM ALL!!

alpo 12-09-2004 04:22 PM

So, what does everyone think of the player's offer? I think the salary tax is fair. It does not link player salaries to league revenue as the owner's would like, but I think a fairly punitive salary tax is a reasonable compromise. The salary rollbacks will help bring down salaries in the short term, but it's unclear how long these rollbacks are in effect for. If you're Bobby Holik of the NY Ranger$ and you're supposed to make $9 million this year, will you're salary become $8.1 million this year but go back to $9 mill next year?

I'm glad to hear that they'll be meeting again next week. I don't really expect any sort of agreement to be reached that will save the season, but I won't hate the owners and players so much if they are at least talking.

bellzboy 12-09-2004 05:37 PM

I dont really realize it until I go to a hockey game here at Miami University and realize how long its been since I have seen NHL hockey. The games in person are better than watching it on tv, especially when you're watching the Blackhawks, but hockey is still such a great sport, and I get worked up whenever I watch one of my teams play.

alpo 12-09-2004 07:56 PM

You've really got to be a die-hard hockey fan if you miss seeing the Blackhawks play ;).

blitz.fenix 12-10-2004 04:44 AM

Don't miss it, but it couldn't hurt fo it to be on the tube either :P Went to see St. Johns Maple Leafs vs. Binghamton Senators a week ago. Was pretty good, my first experience going to a pro hockey game...in the ACC!!

CandleInTheDark 12-10-2004 08:15 AM

As I understand it, the 24% rollback applies to all current contracts until completion. So a 4 year contract has a 24% reduction for every year, not just this year.

I could handle the luxury tax, but this is too lenient.

50 cents over 40 million. 100% over 50. 150% over 60.

thrsn0730 12-10-2004 08:22 AM

Found a post by someone who understands the situation a little better than I do on a hockey site. Here's his thoughts:

Read the NHLPA .PDF file carefully. There are lots of potential problems I can see, and I've only read it a bit so far.

1) Reduced number of rounds in the draft, making more players free agents. No opting in anymore.
2) Eliminated compensation draft picks.
3) Increased minimum salaries.
4) "modified" waiver and player assignment options. Could be very significant.
5) Reduced training camp, and pre-season games. Costs money.
6) Potential changes to regular season games and *playoff seeding*.
7) Increased per diem, and more free tickets given to players.
8) Increased pension payments by owners.

And my favourite:

9) Player conduct rules dropped. Players can gamble on NHL games if they want, be late for practice, ignore curfew, and no longer have to treat media or fans with respect or courtesy.

tspikes51 12-10-2004 09:04 AM

I would have missed it more about 5 years ago when the league was still strong.

toniku 12-10-2004 05:41 PM

here's hoping the latest negotiations will lead to a quick resolution. the regular season doesn't really matter anways. it's all about the playoffs.

shortened season might actually help the blackhawks lol

vengeance 12-11-2004 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ridge
No Way. A season without Hockey means more basketball on ESPN. :)

The EXACT reason why I love hockey season, :P (less coverage of basketball on ESPN) :p

blitz.fenix 12-11-2004 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by thrsn0730

And my favourite:

9) Player conduct rules dropped. Players can gamble on NHL games if they want, be late for practice, ignore curfew, and no longer have to treat media or fans with respect or courtesy.

Haha, gotta love Brett Hull, "Fuck the fans I don't care what they think" something like that.

Pfhorte 12-11-2004 09:00 PM

Well, I don't exactly miss it, but I would like to watch the odd game now and again.

Personally, I would like a NEW league started that is 4 on 4 with tweaks to the rules and a reasonable pay structure.

The players do NOT need to make that much. Ticket prices should be lower etc.

Hard8s 12-12-2004 06:39 PM

Ok haven't been surfing the sports board for awhile, so heres my take. Both the NHL and the NHLPA both need to make some concessions. I agree that ther players salaries are way to high. Personally I thought for a long time that the NHL guys were not being paid enough for the punishment they put their bodies through, especially when a baseball guy can't play because he has a blister on his finger. But, and here is the big reason, the salaries jumped way to fast over the last 5-6 years. Look at Jagr's contract, he's making $8-10 mil a year. There is no way with seating capped in the stadiums and no real TV money coming in that any team would be able to pay that. That being said, what kind of GM does not keep the bottom line in sight??? I think they both need to sit down and talk and not go home without ironing out some sort of deal. Not talking for 2 months is not a real great negotiation tactic if you really want to solve the problem. I'm glad to see the players thought it was a big enough problem that they rolled back salaries 24% but I do not see that as good enough. Give back 30% and really stiffen up that luxury tax. If the GM's can see their way to paying over 30-35 mil a year in salary then make 'em pay a hard luxury tax. Make it $.40 over 35 mil, $.50 over 40 mil, $.55 over 45 mil, etc. If they really want to pay someone $10 mil a year its going to make them look at the bottom line. Its the closest thing to cost certainty they can get withoput a hard cap.

As for the rule changes they are proposing its simple. Go back to the touch up offsides, and make the goalies far game if they go outside the crease. You can make the crease a little bigger but don't make it extend behind the goal line. If the goalie wants to play the puck its on him. I must say the one of the best hits I saw was when Owen Nolan plowed Belfour during the game when he came out to play the puck in the corner. These guys have the most padding on, and loard knows the forward get their fair share of beatings in front of the net (at least I do when i play) and its only fair that the forwards get a chance for payback, legally. No need to eliminate the two line pass or extend the neutral zone, but if that what you want put the nets back in the original place and extend the neutral zone that way.

As far as the guys who don't understand hockey, they just need to try it. The speed of the game is faster than basketball or football, the skills required are alot like baseball and soccer, and your're doing it while skating on 2 1/4" blades on ice!

They say the hardest thing to do is hit a baseball, have they ever tried to deflect a 90 mph slapshot with a 4' stick into a 4'x6' net past a 2'x'6 goalie, while being leaned on by another player dead fixed on you not doing that?

Coppertop 12-13-2004 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Hard8s
They say the hardest thing to do is hit a baseball, have they ever tried to deflect a 90 mph slapshot with a 4' stick into a 4'x6' net past a 2'x'6 goalie, while being leaned on by another player dead fixed on you not doing that?

Well said.

Serpent 12-13-2004 09:04 PM

There are some jobs that pay great for little work and some where you ahve to work our ass off to make a few bucks and hockey is one of em.. So if hockeyplayers want to make a boat load they are playing the wrong sport. Until they start playing in areas the size of football stadiums and have prime time television contracts they are not going to get paid anywhere near the amount of a baseball player or a football player.

Guess this changes some in canada, but since the league is predominatly in the US, it is abit more substantial finacially.

Blackthorn 12-13-2004 09:08 PM

I still don't miss hockey. I would like to not miss the NBA but they seem to somehow still keep on keeping on. :D

Hard8s 12-14-2004 06:18 PM

It looks like we might not have a season this year now! I just wish the twop groups would sit down and actually work this damn thing out. They are both acting like little kids. The whole thing is negotiation, you know give and take, not just "its my way or the highway."
Thee biggest problem I have with the NHL side is that the Owners and GM's seem to be asking the players to accept something that makes the Owners & GM's have no resposibility for the leagues problems. I know what my Cap is when I go to buy a house or a car, I don't blame it on the car. Somewhere along the line the owners have to take some resposibility for the mess they are in too. They need to keep their checkbooks in their pockets and just say "No" to the rising salaries. Instead they are trying to make it idiot proof. We can't pay you that amount we are going to be over the cap! Bullshit, we don't think you're worth the money to keep you and the rest of the TEAM together and still be viable, woould be a better answer.


ledsam 12-15-2004 12:36 AM

Yes, the owners do shoulder some of the blame for not keeping their spending in check, but there are many factors that also contribute.

What about the owners who have much deeper pockets? The owner of the Rangers is going to have a lot more money to throw at someone like Jagr than the owner of the Blue Jackets, which puts him at an unfair advantage. And then you've got the agents who are looking for the richest contract they can find, so they will gravitate to the richest teams. Not to mention the Canadian teams who have to compete with the American dollar.

At this point it's not really about who's fault it is; the game needs to be fixed. A cap is needed because hockey simply doesn't have enough revenue coming in to pay for these outrageous salaries, and it's too risky to simply rollback the salaries.

Anyways, I obviously miss hockey. I saw the Brad May charity game on Sunday night though. Man, was it good to see Nazzy and Bert back on the ice ...

Serpent 12-15-2004 10:14 AM

They could atleast agree on a moderator and talk about it, hard is right though, seems like a bunch of little kids fighting over a toy.

blitz.fenix 12-15-2004 02:26 PM

After the rejection of the latest offer, I seriously doubt hockey will be played NEXT season. The best thing is for NHL to go down and form a new league. We will see what the players do when they not making 2-5 million per year. They won't go to Europe so they will just sit around and realise how spoiled they are.

alpo 12-19-2004 02:53 PM

As much as I think the players are greedy SOB's, I have to blame the owner's for much of the mess that is hockey today. There was a really nice article at a Canadian website that looks at some of the insane contracts that owners have given out and has lead to the current impasse. It reminds you that both sides are equally at fault in this mess.

wrongfullyaccuzd 12-20-2004 11:24 PM

..I really haven't noticed there's no hockey, except occasionally I say to myself, "Hmm, no hockey on Sportscenter", but that leaves more time for football and MLB offseason rumors, so...no, don't really miss it.
I feel for the hockey fans though.

Coppertop 12-21-2004 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by alpo
As a defenseman myself, my mouth began to salivate seeing you with your head down like that. I guess all these years watching Scott Stevens crush opposing forwards has rubbed off on my own game. :D

Is your rec league no check? Ours is in theory, but there is still a decent amount of checking.

Same as yours. No checking in theory, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

omid 12-22-2004 11:36 AM

wait what's the NHL again? ;)

Hard8s 12-22-2004 10:04 PM

once again more discouraging news...


The NHL has finally produced what appears to be a drop-dead date - Jan. 14 - for cancelling the season.

Although it won't admit to it. The league confirmed Wednesday that a board of governors' meeting has been scheduled for that day in New York. "I don't want to speculate as to what the agenda will look like on Jan. 14 because obviously there's more than three weeks between now and then," Bill Daly, the NHL's executive vice-president and chief legal officer, said Wednesday from New York. "Hopefully a lot happens between now and then.
and ...

Sources indicate the union is not working on another new proposal and will not be the one to pick up the phone to renew talks.
read the whole story here

Why, oh why, won't these people TALK!!! Nothing will get fixed if no one talks!!! THey all seem to think that they are better than the game itself!!!

ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :mad:

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