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Halx 05-07-2003 09:12 PM

Rome Is Burning
I watched the first show last night.. I gotta say that I still love Jim Rome!

"'I wouldn't want a gay guy hanging around me' ??? Well, if I was a gay baseball player, *I* wouldn't want a relief pitcher with a 5.82 ERA hanging around *me*"

I hope to catch his show as often as possible from now on. He may sometimes badmouth my teams, but he has a great sharp sense of humor that makes it all right.

username 05-07-2003 09:17 PM

I love Jim Rome.. It is always nice for a guy to tell it like it is, even if he comes off as a jerk every so often.

deepinjello 05-07-2003 09:18 PM

I can respect Jim Rome for his knowledge and his wit but he is way too much of a jerk or at least plays one for me to every watch his show.

gov135 05-08-2003 06:28 AM

I won't watch him. I'm not sure why he thinks he knows everything about sports. He looks like the kid in high school that got beat up all the time, and never touched an athletic field in his life. I think he says stuff cause he knows it will make people mad, not cause he actually feels that way.

I DO like the Around the Horn and PTI programs though.

My favorite Jim Rome slam came from Steve Rushin of Sports Illustrated:
Paraphrase "I keep thinking, if Rome is Burning he should go see a good urologist"

aminoacid 05-08-2003 01:47 PM

i hate that blowhard idiot. The title of his show is a cock-tease as I thought he was actually burning and I prematurely started celebrating.

bender 05-08-2003 02:11 PM

Rome is great!!!

healyk 05-08-2003 03:10 PM

I listen to his radio show occasionally and all I can say is that he is entertaining, which is a lot more than can be said for most sports talk show hosts. And he does get good guests.

Ryan 05-08-2003 03:12 PM

I too used to listen to this radio show, as well as watch him on Fox Sports net, I missed last nights show however I hope to ctach the one next week. He truly brings a lot to the table, and he is just pure entertaining.

SACKINGSFAN 05-08-2003 03:20 PM

I think Jim Rome is fucking stupid and doesn't know shit about sports

clockworkgreen 05-08-2003 04:01 PM

I love Rome. Today he was calling for the Orioles, after losing 3 straight to the Tigers, to be contracted. I went to the O's game on Tuesday night, and they are trrrrrrible.

War Hokies. Out.

quest1mark 05-08-2003 07:10 PM

i hate his radio show program. or should i say: " i............hate..........his...........radio.............show..............program."
the way he pauses in between his speech drives me crazy when im listening to his show. i cant help it either cause im a sports nut and i have to have those sports updates every 20 minutes.

Artermis 05-09-2003 07:08 AM

Rome is GREEAT!!


PTI and Around the Horn are $$.

I miss Bob though.


BlueFaceBeast 05-14-2003 11:23 AM

Ok, I've listened to him in the past, but what the hell is the point? All he does is repeat himself, and I'm not talking about from radio to TV. I'm talking from month to month! If he ever had anything new, you could call it entertainment but as of now Dennis Miller is a better sports commentator.

BigBlueWrecking 05-19-2003 04:21 PM

That Chris Evert thing with Jim Everett thing when he had his Fox Sprots show!! CLASSIC!!! I thought Jim was going to beat his ass.

HeAtHeN 05-19-2003 09:02 PM

Rome is great... love his radio show... but yet to see his new TV show.


gamer715 05-20-2003 05:25 PM

Heh I love Jim Rome. In fact, I subscribe to online version of his radio show....

when's the smack-off?

BlueFaceBeast 06-20-2003 09:16 PM

Ok, So I started listening to him again while I'm driving at work, anyone hear the Smack off this year? (Was Friday the 20th of June) Still one of my favorite things to listen to, no matter how much Jim repeats himself...his clones don't.

Cross-Over 06-21-2003 07:09 AM


Originally posted by BigBlueWrecking
That Chris Evert thing with Jim Everett thing when he had his Fox Sprots show!! CLASSIC!!! I thought Jim was going to beat his ass.
I thought that incident occured when he had a show on espn or espn2, before he was at fox sports. I have watched his new show a couple times and I enjoyed it. He does come of harsh, but it doesn't really bother me.

Justin 06-21-2003 09:57 AM

I like him sometimes, but there are times I just want to go through the radio or tv and stangle him.

Its good that he's on the radio finally in new york (on tape delay though), but its unfair when he knocks women sports or soccer.

But he does have an opinion.

kimmytr 06-22-2003 07:21 PM

I think he is an idiot. Anyone ever noticed he ALWAYS lead his guests in ALL of his interviews.If you have a chance, listen to Dan Patrick from ESPN (same time slot), he is lot funnier and a lot more knowledgeable

dalegribble 06-22-2003 08:00 PM

he is funny, unfortunately our local station knocked him off for more of the venerable tony kornheiser (who is also good, even if he's orange.)

the only thing about his show was there was way too much talk about how gay Bert and Ernie were. still entertaining for the drive to lunch, though.

livingitup101 06-24-2003 12:23 PM

i hate how he pauses as well. and how he repeats everything he says about 4 times before moving on. he always goes off on how one of his interviews was the best ever. i can't stand him. won't listen anymore and definitely won't watch.

PTI is a great show though.

JohnnyRock 06-27-2003 08:52 AM

He Blows...he is just a loud mouth hat likes the sound of his own voice...sometimes he has good topics and he craps it by spouting in his i'm-so-cool style...what an ass!!!!

grumpyolddude 06-28-2003 12:33 PM

Rome does his job... stirs his audience. Sponsors love that! He'll be a round a long time.

Tour stop at the Palace. Gotta get my ducats!

tntenson 07-01-2003 10:36 AM

Rome is an idiot, he stirs for purpose of stirring but really makes any points. I feel stupider for ever listening to him and his clones.

daryl10 07-01-2003 03:52 PM

Dan & Dibbs rule.

The first 5 times I listened to the Jungle, I found it very entertaining but noticed his fond effection for Kobey. The more I sparodically got to listen, the more it sounded like the same crap rehashed but the affection for Kobey was blossoming into full blown love. Now I can't stand to listen and frequently choose some political blowhard (O' Reilly for godsakes) to pass the time during comericials on the Dan Patrick show.

I want sports talk, not 5 minutes of He Got Game. Peace out.

BlueFaceBeast 07-01-2003 06:10 PM

Wow with all of these haters....why is this thread still continueing on? People must be listening to him...atleast to say how much he sucks.

dawg1998 07-08-2003 06:49 AM

That Everett spot was posed, people.

dude2003 07-13-2003 01:17 PM

Rome is 50:50. He will have a truly funny thing to say and then follow by repeating it about 20 times until it is no longer funny. Some of his takes are hilarious, some are downright stupid. I too get irritated with the "dead air." Take away the "dead air" and his show is really like 30 minutes long. Anyway, yeah I listen hoping to hear one of those funny moments and because The Dan Patrick show comes on right after which is truly funny and entertaining.

darkmagnus 07-20-2003 05:03 AM

No respect for Rome. He is just a lackey...he has a team of writers who writes his stuff. The best thing about Rome:

When Jim (Chris) Everett almost broke him in two. Now that was GREATTT.

Ever hear Jim Caliendo do an impression of Rome?

Krycheck 07-20-2003 05:50 PM


Originally posted by darkmagnus
No respect for Rome. He is just a lackey...he has a team of writers who writes his stuff.

I love Jim Rome. Some of his funnier takes are not sports related.
He's a great interviewer imho. Great guests and asks the right questions. He was much better when he was out of San Diego before syndication. I miss the drug tests :D

My name is Krycheck and I'm a clone :P

Zeld2.0 07-21-2003 12:36 AM

He's still a pretty entertaining guy and its worth watching the show IMO just for that if anything.

sabre1044 07-22-2003 07:45 PM

rome is awesome

Brian Fellows 07-23-2003 12:24 AM

Still love listening to Rome on the radio when i get a chance.

Jesus Malverde 07-23-2003 01:27 AM

Jim Rome is pretty cool, his show is entertaining. I like people who aren't afraid to cause conflict if they are trying to get a different side of a story, or give their opinions. Too many commentators and reporters out there are pussies. Bill Walton is kind of like Jim Rome; they both don't give a fuck. They need someone like that in Football, but someone who isn't a weirdo like Dennis Miller. Joe Theismann shows some flashes of this kind of persona, but not often enough.

joe100 07-23-2003 07:44 AM

Jim Rome is very entertaining.

How many of you guys remember the "Chris" Everett interview?


Hrothgar 08-02-2003 07:07 PM

Lets hope Jim Everett is a surprise guest and smacks the shit out of that punk ass bitch. He says some good stuff on his radio show but he repeats himself like 3x to the point where he is fucking annoying. I never did like that whole "clone" crap either. When the callers call in some rehearsed monologue and try to sound cool it's really pathetic.

Plus the fact that Rome gave birth to JT the Prick radio personality really pisses me off. JT is an even bigger asshole than Rome.

Explosive 08-02-2003 07:09 PM

I never get to catch the show, i'm usually away when it's on.

hotchocolate 08-03-2003 11:36 AM

I don't mind him! I enjoy his humor!

bobw 08-04-2003 01:02 PM

Rome is an ass and I hate how he talks also, but have to listen anyway.....

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