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silent_jay 04-20-2004 06:36 PM

The Sens fans need some of these
Here's some crying towels for all you Sens fans out there. :D



scotty 04-20-2004 06:48 PM

Woot! Right with you silent_jay. Just watched the game and will sleep contentedly tonight. Too bad we got outplayed throughout most of the series - Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!

Quadraton 04-20-2004 07:14 PM

If you're going to give those Sens fans any towels, you might want to give them the ones you haven't already used. I've seen more melancholy and melodrama reading the Toronto Star over this series than I would have reading a Shakespearean drama. :p

silent_jay 04-20-2004 08:00 PM

Is that Spezza, Hossa, and Alfredsson? They have tons of time for this now.

Here's a good job for Lalime the human golf tee, because playing a goalie didn't work too well in Game 7


Ace_O_Spades 04-20-2004 08:39 PM

thats low

silent_jay 04-21-2004 06:38 AM

low but true

Quadraton 04-21-2004 10:17 AM

You know, the Leafs haven't won anything yet. I'd be careful with all this gloating. It just might come back to bite you in the ass after the Philly series. :)

silent_jay 04-21-2004 05:37 PM


Originally posted by Quadraton
You know, the Leafs haven't won anything yet. I'd be careful with all this gloating. It just might come back to bite you in the ass after the Philly series. :)
what every other fan can gloat about his team but a Leafs fan does it and it's bad? The Leafs did win something they won the first round series against the Sens , something that everyone said they were too old too do and lookie what happened, people can post what they want after the Philly series I don't care, I know I'll be posting pics of the Flyers golfing, and the Leafs will still be playing the greatest game.

Quadraton 04-21-2004 06:55 PM


Originally posted by silent_jay
what every other fan can gloat about his team but a Leafs fan does it and it's bad? The Leafs did win something they won the first round series against the Sens , something that everyone said they were too old too do and lookie what happened, people can post what they want after the Philly series I don't care, I know I'll be posting pics of the Flyers golfing, and the Leafs will still be playing the greatest game.
Meh, I just think that people that gloat over the success and hard work of others have something missing from their life. I just thought I'd point that out.

silent_jay 04-21-2004 08:51 PM


Originally posted by Quadraton
Meh, I just think that people that gloat over the success and hard work of others have something missing from their life. I just thought I'd point that out.
WOW that's a rather ignorant statement to make considering that you know absolutely nothing about me, or what type of life I lead and if said life has been fullfilling.

I happen to know the hard work that goes into playing the game, and am rather happy when I see the hard work of others pay off for them, especially when it is a team I have cheered for since childhood.

I guess that you are saying the majority of sports fans around the world for all sports have something missing from their lives because let's face it all sports fans gloat about their teams.

Maybe you should be some type of role model for everyone because you seem to have the perfect life, at least if you don't gloat, which I highly doubt. Just thought I'd point that out.

Quadraton 04-22-2004 06:16 AM

Sorry to offend you. I see now that you can dish out the belittlement, but you can't take it.

Quadraton 04-22-2004 06:32 AM

On second thought, that was mean of me. I apologize.

Look, I came into this thread with the intention of proving a point. I don't like people who gloat, regardless of which team in which sport they're cheering for. You talked about the hard work that the people on these teams put forth. Well to me, gloating about their hard work, of which you had no part of, in order to make yourself feel better at someone else'se expense pisses all over that hard work. Cheering for a team is great, but there's a line that's crossed when you use that team's effort to put down other people.

That's my point. Agree or disagree, I'm sticking to it.

silent_jay 04-22-2004 06:56 AM


Originally posted by Quadraton
On second thought, that was mean of me. I apologize.

Look, I came into this thread with the intention of proving a point. I don't like people who gloat, regardless of which team in which sport they're cheering for. You talked about the hard work that the people on these teams put forth. Well to me, gloating about their hard work, of which you had no part of, in order to make yourself feel better at someone else'se expense pisses all over that hard work. Cheering for a team is great, but there's a line that's crossed when you use that team's effort to put down other people.

That's my point. Agree or disagree, I'm sticking to it.

Keep your appology it means nothing to me. Stay out of the thread then if you don't like people who gloat, all that you wanted to do was come in here and start shit, that's all you have done since you got here not proving a point pure and simple trying to start something, I mean look at your posts.

I started this thread because I was happy that the Leafs beat the Sens (as I'm sure the other Leafs fans were as well) something that people said they wouldn't do, and yes to gloat, do you know the amount of people who hate the Leafs? The amount of people who gloat after their team wins? Fuck yeah I was happy when they won and if I choose to gloat it is my right.

I haven't put down anybody, and if you think those pics were putting people down then, once again all fans are guilty, because they all bad mouth players on signs.

Once again you think people gloat to make themselves feel better, are you a shrink by chance because man you have every type of person figured out ( at least you think you do)

I disagree with your opinion because well all sports fans gloat plain and simple you can't deny it, even water polo, so I tip my hat to you for leading such a perfect life, watching sports and never gloating, just remember the next time you do gloat about your team winning that little voice you hear calling you a hypocrite, that's me. Have a nice day.

Quadraton 04-22-2004 07:35 AM

You know, I'd say the only person causing shit in this thread was you.

I mean, you start a post mocking fans from another team, then you act surprised that someone takes offence to that. Then you have the sheer audacity to tell that person he shouldn't make his opinion known to you.

My first post wasn't a personal attack. It was only a personal attack because you made it a personal attack. You don't have to tell me anything about yourself. That speaks volumes about you.

You gloat about a team winning. Good for you. Go back to living off the hard work and success of others. You clearly have nothing of your own to gloat about.

silent_jay 04-22-2004 07:46 AM

The difference is I was poking fun at professional hockey players, do you know the amount of shit that comes with that? You on the other hand were makin an attack against me.

I never said you didn't have the right to let your opinion known.

You see this is a game hockey is just a game, and fans have their rivalries, and fans always gloat when their team wins, and they always expect to take the piss when their team looses, I don't know why you can't understand this. I started this thread yes to brag about my team beating out the Sens, as any Sens fan would of done had they won, but I never had the intention of it turning into this, I mean there are threads applauding the great run of the Calgary Flames I don't see you shooting your mouth off in there, why's that? Jesus man get the coat hanger out of your shirt and loosen up a bit.

I have no need to live off the success of others I am perfectly happy, I'm 26 in great health, had a great hockey career, great family, great friends, no nothing to complain about here.

streak_56 04-22-2004 01:44 PM

I gotta admit..... Eddie pulled it off..... I want the leafs to go to the next round but idk yet.... hopefully Eddie will take them all the way for an all Canadian final....
Calgary vs. Toronto......
AB vs. ON ........
West vs. East........

gotta love those rivalries in the making (hopefully)

Kaos 04-22-2004 07:26 PM

Toronto better play better than they did in Game 1 against the Flyers and get Nolan and Sundin back in the line-up...fast.

rockzilla 04-22-2004 08:46 PM

Looks like the Sens need a new coaching staff too. Jacques Martin, an assistant coach, and the goaltending coach all got fired today. The only coach left is Perry Pearn (think he coaches the power play) and he won't be considered for the head coach job.
Martin won't be out of work for long, he took the Sens from bottom-feeders to President's Trophy winners , but the question is who's gonna stand behind the bench next season (assuming there is a next season)?

silent_jay 04-23-2004 05:18 AM

Leafs didn't get dominated or anything in the first game, Philly got some lucky bounces, and Toronto couldn't capitalize on their chances, still tons of hockey left too play, Toronto will come out flying in game 2 and the story will be different GO LEAFS GO

Quadraton 04-23-2004 05:39 PM

I'm hearing names like Larry Robinson or Joel Quenneville who was recently fired from the St.Louis Blues as the next replacement for Martin. There's also Paul Maurice who used to coach the Carolina Hurricanes during their lofty drive to the Cup in 2001. Where's a young Scotty Bowman when you need him?

It's sad really, in that it was pretty much Martin who made the Sens into a President's Trophy team. Unfortunately, like John Muckler said, most of the problem this year was in the dressing room, but you can't just fire 29 people.

They have a good team, it will be interesting to see if they can find someone to fire them up when it really counts.

silent_jay 04-23-2004 08:21 PM

I think Ted Nolan is a deserving candidate had Hasek not sunk his career

canuckguy 04-24-2004 09:38 AM


Originally posted by silent_jay
Leafs didn't get dominated or anything in the first game, Philly got some lucky bounces, and Toronto couldn't capitalize on their chances, still tons of hockey left too play, Toronto will come out flying in game 2 and the story will be different GO LEAFS GO
not sure you and I watched the same game? I thought the flyers dominated the leafs in almost every way. not a shot against you or anything, but the only thing worse than the leafs are there fans.:p as a life long red wing fan living in leaf country its brutal. first off u only see the leaf jerseys and car flags if they win never when they lose. what happens if belfours back goes out? kidd gonna win ya a cup?
hehe just playing:D

silent_jay 04-24-2004 04:47 PM

Ya a bag of hammers could be more effective than Kidd in nets, he's pretty brutal, Leafs fans are some of the worst and that is what is so great about us, we inspire friendly rivalry between fans of opposite teams, it's great

silent_jay 04-28-2004 04:32 AM

Big game tonight at the ACC, Leafs should be flying, jesus I wish I could be there, they need another strong showing like game 2, only more of the bounces to go their way. They'll take the next 2 in T.O.

silent_jay 04-28-2004 05:39 PM


silent_jay 04-28-2004 07:48 PM

Next game is a big one for the Leafs, tying the series is crucial, the way they played tonight, I have no worries. GO LEAFS GO

matteo101 04-28-2004 08:34 PM

Notice how you are the only one who really cares about this series. Or atleast who is posting recently. I dunno, its a good series and all, but I just don't find the games to be as exciting as some of the other series'. I am not going to lie tho, I am cheering for the leafs, but just because they are a Canadian team. Congrats to them tonight.

silent_jay 04-28-2004 09:13 PM

Doesn't matter to me if I'm the only one posting, I'll continue to do so, glad too hear you're cheering for the Canadian team, even if it is the dreaded Leafs.

00111000 04-28-2004 09:49 PM

I'd much rather see the Leafs win...since I picked them in the pool at the rink. Eddie has got to be HUGE the rest of the series. As much as I hate him, he still is one of the best goalies in the league, his style and how well he reads a play is second to none.

silent_jay 04-30-2004 05:21 AM

Looks like the war of words is heating up, Mogilny when asked about the blindsided hit was wondering if Markov tripped into the boards, or was picking up his stick. Antopov even said that because their (Philly) defence is all European all you have to do is hit them and they will start to hear footsteps, and he's from Kazikhstan(sp), it's been my experience that he is right. This series is gonna get ugly, oldtime hockey at it's best from here on out. Huge game tonight Leafs are gonna tie the series, GO LEAFS GO

OFKU0 04-30-2004 10:02 AM


Originally posted by Quadraton
You know, the Leafs haven't won anything yet. I'd be careful with all this gloating. It just might come back to bite you in the ass after the Philly series. :)
Agreed. Sitting about 5 minutes from the Corel Centre my take is Philly in 5, 6 if they are in a generous mood.

In the end thought I see a TB/SJ final which would be awesome.

As for Ottawa, Martin is gone, just have to look forward to Lalime,Bonk, Phillips to name a few that will get the jack, that being if my big brother Eugene wants to be a contender.

silent_jay 04-30-2004 08:37 PM

Oh, oh, who predicted the Leafs would tie this bad boy up? What a game the word domination comes to mind. The Leafs played a great game, sound play all around, and talk about Sundin stepping up his play. Their on a roll going into Philly and they' re gonna be hard to stop.

Ace_O_Spades 04-30-2004 10:07 PM

i find it strange how in the LONG history of the flyers they have never lost a series after going up 2 games to 0

we'll see if history holds true in this best of three affair now

oohhhh that made me sound like a sportscaster

silent_jay 05-01-2004 05:03 AM

Going up 2 games to nothing is great, unless you lose the next 2, it's like Gino Reda said on TSN Philly has never lost a series after leading 2-0, not that it matters now with the series all tied up at 2.

matteo101 05-01-2004 12:34 PM

Interesting series so far. Anything can happen now. Best of 3's are an interesting affair. Momentum usually has alot to do with it, but that is not always the case. I am expecting for Philly to come out with ALOT of energy for game 5. Sundin is doing good now. But the stat that I read keeps coming up on teams. Only one team in the last 25 years has won the stanley cup without a Canadian captain. Can Sundin prove this wrong?

matteo101 05-02-2004 01:25 PM

Ouchhh, how bout those leafs, or right now I should say how bout those laughs. Right now its 6-1 Philly. Not looking good at all...

silent_jay 05-02-2004 07:18 PM

They were bound to have a bad game combined eventually, Belfour can only save them for so long, they need a far better showing next game. I wouldn't be calling them the laughs just yet this series isn't over, not by a long shot, gotta win 4 games for that to happen not 3, nope the Leafs are taking this series.

matteo101 05-03-2004 05:41 AM

Hopefully, but even you have to admit, that they played just terrible last night. Only one shot in the first, and third. Come on, admit it. As for next game, yah, I think they can pull it off. Esche is ?out?.

silent_jay 05-03-2004 06:02 AM

Oh yeah no problem here admitting they played terrible, it was a disgusting display

OFKU0 05-04-2004 03:43 PM

Well it's 2-0 in the first in T.O. Could be a repeat of Sunday.

silent_jay---- you the same dude as on PST forum?

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