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ebeye 01-27-2004 04:57 AM

Fantasy Baseball
I am looking to get away from playing in the minor leagues as far as Fantasy Baseball goes. After two years of dead Yahoo leagues, I would actually like to play in a league that every team plays until the end. Anyone have a good recommendation on an online league? I have played in ESPN's football leagues for a couple of years, so I was thinking about just joining up into one of those. Thanks in advance!

Jadey 01-27-2004 11:27 AM

Maybe someone will get another TFP league going again this year. It was pretty competitive all year even though I got screwed at the end! OK, I didn't really get screwed, but I thought I had a team I could win with. Oh well.

The_Dude 01-27-2004 11:55 AM

yea, i was in the tfp league too and we had fun.

JohnnyRock 01-27-2004 02:20 PM

I'd join that league. Never played in the ESPN baseball league [but have done football], but if people are paying for it they will be competitive unlike the yahoo leagues--I'm sick of it as well!!

AL9045 01-27-2004 03:51 PM

I would join too.

Bobaphat 01-27-2004 04:29 PM

I have found, rounding up your friends or coworkers is the best way to go. If anyone starts slipping, you can bother them until they get back in. Its fun to be able to talk smack in person too.

forecheck 01-27-2004 05:26 PM

This is not free and is not quite the same but have you tried www.whatifsports.com

pythonite 01-27-2004 05:29 PM

i agree with Bobaphat... I've played both public and private leagues all over the place and have found that private leagues with irl friends are the best! The unfortunate side effect (or fortunate for most people) is that I ended up talking baseball all the time and consequently, pissing off my significant other ;) (she's obviously not a baseball fan)

thephuse 01-27-2004 06:05 PM

i'd join the tfp league

dylanmarsh 01-27-2004 08:16 PM

I'd definitely be in favor of a tfp league on yahoo or where ever.

ebeye 01-27-2004 11:09 PM

Pay leagues are really the only way to go in my opinion anymore. The reason I tried Yahoo was to get my feet wet in baseball. I'd love to join in a TFP league if one forms up this year. :) Otherwise, i'll let yall know if I join up in a league somewhere, maybe we can fill up a league ourselves.

KeyserSoze 01-29-2004 10:37 PM

I run two leagues on Yahoo...and everyone playes till the end each year. Good bunch of guys and I don't allow any flakes or managers that don't keep up with the league.

I also play in a ESPN league, actually any of their free ones are good and competitive.

If you want I'll get a league together for TFP this season...but be warned .....I WILL KICK YOUR ASSES!!


Jadey 02-03-2004 10:19 PM


Originally posted by KeyserSoze

If you want I'll get a league together for TFP this season...but be warned .....I WILL KICK YOUR ASSES!!


Them there's fightin' words!!!!!:hmm: :lol:

Bigt6909 02-04-2004 04:35 PM

I'd join if the TFP had a league

dylanmarsh 02-04-2004 04:50 PM

All right, Keyser, set it up.

KeyserSoze 02-04-2004 08:39 PM

I'll let you all know when the season starts and I get them set up for your WHOOPIN!!:lol:

MontanaXVI 02-05-2004 08:40 AM

come on Hal set up the league like you did for basketball.

keyser can too i guess it doesnt matter just kind of easier for hal to do it (more of a make him do it as the main main behind the TFP type of deal)


crewsor 02-05-2004 07:01 PM

Hal set up a baseball league last year also. It was a Yahoo league and it went really well. I PM'd him to see if he planned to do it again this season but havn't heard anything yet. If he doesn't and someone else wants to I'd be interested.

MontanaXVI 02-05-2004 09:47 PM

im in the TFP basketball league and getting my ass handed to me on a nightly basis i wanna do baseball though its been fun so far, everyone is active and just a good time for all really.

dylanmarsh 02-08-2004 03:13 PM

I just signed up on ESPN. Let me know if you guys do a league on there or elsewhere. I haven't hooked on with a team at ESPN yet.

pan6467 02-09-2004 09:53 AM

I'd definately be into a league. Having played alot of them the Yahoo style is the best available, and if set up and having the right people in it, it can run well and be alot of fun.

The problem with Yahoo, is that you have guys who register 100+ teams and only play with the teams they feel they can win with the rest are hung out to dry.

bond007 02-17-2004 03:32 PM

hey Jadey... what was the name of your team from last year's TFP league???

KeyserSoze 02-17-2004 08:43 PM

Halx set up a league and so did I but hey what the hell...I'm still going to kick all your @sses :D

This is an Autodraft League (pre-rank your players)all the damn good times and dates were gone.

PM me after Halxs is full.

japhyryder 02-18-2004 08:31 AM

Count me in as long as it is not a pay league I will join it.

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