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Emotion 05-08-2003 02:59 PM

definately football.

oane 05-08-2003 09:33 PM

WRC, motoGP, F1...you get the drift.

Booboo 05-09-2003 07:12 AM

Lacrosse all the way for me.

bender 05-09-2003 07:35 AM

I think that for the football lovers who love the hitting, just think about a hockey player who is traveling faster on skates and has the boards and the player who is hitting him to worry about.
Booboo, with the NLL getting stronger everyday it wont be long until it becomes a major.

godukehoops 05-09-2003 06:09 PM

My favorite is English Premier Football but at home MLB is my fave.

Tirian 05-15-2003 12:07 PM

Hockey all the way.

It is the funnest to watch, and to play. Nothing else can keep a fan riveted to the game for a 6 hour 3 overtime periods game of ice hockey.

Although I think the NHL should change some rules to the european rules they should NEVER GO TO THE SHOOTOUT ENDING.

If any NHL execs are listening....NEVER GO TO A SHOOTOUT !

Speaking of overtime - how is the current NFL overtime rule considered fair. Win the coin toss win the game ? or is this another thread ?

Arock 05-17-2003 04:47 PM

I'll watch any team play hockey. I'll watch squirt hockey, college, highschool, or any variation of pro. That said- go Avs (F- you Wirtz)

I can only watch baseball if it's the Cubs, and football if it's the Bears. And if this season is any indiaction, apparently I can only watch basketball if the Lakers are losing.

Brian Fellows 05-17-2003 06:53 PM

Football is the sport that rules the American Culture. It is Americas newest pastime. But there is always baseball to kill the time between the Super Bowl and the Preseason.

Hard8s 05-18-2003 01:47 AM

Its gotta be Hockey!!!!

The Speed, the Power, The Agility......
They say hitting a baseball is the hardest thing in professional sports, but how about redirecting a 95 MPH slapshot, with a 5' stick that has a curved end, into a 4' x 6' goal being guarded by a 2' x 4' goalie all while skating on 1/8" pieces of cold steel and being kncked around by 6' 250# defensemen???

I used to play college basketball, played everyday until I got into playing hockey. Now I can't even watch basketball anymore. The game is just to slow. Besides the Ego's that todays players have is outrageous. Quit talking and just play the damn game. And they have way too many timeouts, hell the last 2 mins of the game can take an hour to watch!

As for Baseball, anysport where they put someone on the D.L because they have a blister on their finger, or a slight strain doesn't deserve to be number one. If you look at hockey the guys go into the locker room to get stitched up and then COME BACK to play some more. Baseball players just don't play hurt.

Football.....Well football has the power and agility, but it doesn't have the speed or the flow of hockey. And these guys play hurt as well. Sometimes you wonder though.....The announcer says "well he has a sprained knee, he'll most likely be back in the second half." Makes you wonder what the hell they give these guys. But its mostly the short season that makes these guys play like this. 16 game season is rather short, alot to play for.

So all in all its got to be HOCKEY. You get the speed of track, the playmaking of the NBA, the power of the NFL and the strategy of the MLB, all rolled into one.

Mondak 05-18-2003 09:12 AM

It has to be football.

I love baseball, but I can see that the pace of the game is not for everyone. Hockey has the best action, but following it on TV is a world of difference since you can't even see the line changes.

Football has the best parity and is killer to watch on TV as well as in person. It also has that small amount of "Roman Coliseum" Lions vs. Christians thing going. When some LB sets his crosshairs on a helpless QB....by by baby!

buffto 05-18-2003 10:05 PM

sorry, but basketball is monotonous and irritates the hell out of me. My fav is definitely baseball, then football, then amateur wrestling.

BigBlueWrecking 05-19-2003 03:18 PM

I can't decide. Here are the sports I really watch:

Hockey (love it)
Baseball (best to play as I am a former college player and spent some time with a minor league team)
College Hoops
Football both college and pro

I used to watch the NBA until it was ruined by high schoolers and no talent hacks that can only dunk.
Loathe Soccer for some reason

Tirian 05-20-2003 07:44 AM


Originally posted by Hard8s
Its gotta be Hockey!!!!

As for Baseball, anysport where they put someone on the D.L because they have a blister on their finger, or a slight strain doesn't deserve to be number one. If you look at hockey the guys go into the locker room to get stitched up and then COME BACK to play some more. Baseball players just don't play hurt.

That's funny - I was playing goalie in rec league, and broke a small corner off my jawbone with a slapper to the head. Finished the game though, cause there are not usually backup goaltenders on rec-league teams. :-)

Hockey is the best.. !!!

bender 05-20-2003 08:13 AM

Great point as Sammy S. was/is on the DL because he's lost a toe nail and yet a hocky player will play with a broken foot.
Speed and toughness looks like a winning combo. on this thread anyway, you don't see that in basketball, baseball or for that matter football.

gloveshot3 05-25-2003 06:32 AM

women's tennis--I just like to hear girls GRUNT

NoCure 05-26-2003 09:20 AM

It's gotta be Football, I mean look at all the substitutes we have on the TV right now. AFL and NFL Europe just to keep football on for a whole year.

If you go to any other country though, it'll be soccer, hands down

bender 05-26-2003 09:27 AM

Yeah thats the thing I'm thinking that it all depends on where your at as to the "MAJOR"

Nocturnal 05-27-2003 02:14 AM

Australian Rules Football!! It has it all, hard hitting without padding, skills, power, speed, endurance athletes and plenty of scoring. There is no other sport like it.

NFL is a great game too and is my second favorite football code. Cricket is my 2nd favorite sport behind Aussie Rules. NBA basketball is good too and I think they have the best athletes in the world that play that sport.

sabre1044 07-22-2003 08:35 PM

Football is the best sport because you cannot make a mistake. 16 weeks and 1 mistake, there goes the playoffs..

stroke9413 07-22-2003 11:43 PM

To watch on TV, hockey, but for the strategy and everything else that goes on along with it, baseball is by far my favorite. With this trade deadline approaching, I am going nuts.

Jebus99 07-23-2003 12:03 AM

I would have to say hockey for sure, first sport I ever loved, I like soccer, football, basketball, baseball, driving, but I always come back to hockey :).

Brian Fellows 07-23-2003 12:38 AM

The new american past time: Football

Jonnymax 07-23-2003 02:41 AM

Thank you so much... I could not have said this any better.


Originally posted by gov135
Baseball. Hands down, for reasons opposite of the ones metioned already. Baseball is slower, with an easy-going diffinitive pace. Its a great spectator sport. Finally, you can have the Cubs game on and get work done, play around - its great comfort. Its - having the game on.

Baseball has all the stats for hardcore junkies. It has all the provenance and history. It did not just begin, for instance to record sacks in the last fifteen years.

Baseball is an everymans game, which makes it all the more spectacular when transfered to a level that is above the everyman level. Cause you played the game and your son will too. Not always the case with hockey and football, which require a bit more girth.

Finally, hitting a baseball is time and time again said to be the most difficult thing to do in sport. Here are your most honed athletes. There are no "special teamers," "long-snappers," or "enforcers."

geodaro 07-23-2003 04:52 AM

I would have to go with baseball. The season stretches through my favorite time of year in Florida (summer),when the old people stay indoors and off the streets and most of the snowbirds have flown back north! It's easy going and slow enough paced where you can clean the garage and have the game on in the background (if your lucky enough to have satellite TV in your garage, like me, of course).

Second favorite, by far and away, is NFL football (GO BUCS!) Love the hype and buildup between games (during the work week) and the anticipation of Sunday afternoon with a bunch of buddy's (and my wife) drinking beer, yelling at the TV, jumping around the living room like a bunch of amped-up teenagers on Jolt Cola!

zubrei 07-23-2003 05:20 AM

Has to be football and I mean proper football (or soc-cah as some uneducated people call it). The greatest and most popular major sport on the planet.

nash 07-23-2003 06:50 AM

I like playoff hockey but for regular season sports, I like American football.

sailor75 07-23-2003 01:20 PM

One word ... FOOTBALL!

The_Dude 07-23-2003 01:36 PM

football all the way.

not pro football, but college football.

there's nuthin i'd rather watch than 2 good teams goin @ it.

SysteMatiC 07-24-2003 02:52 PM

NFL by far.

almostaugust 07-25-2003 03:06 AM

Soccer any day, hands down. Its the best to watch and support. Its the world game. You can be tall or short or any nationality. All the players need to be fit and usually run hard for 90minutes. Can you beat it? No.

numberfive 07-25-2003 03:27 AM

American Football. Love watching it and love playing it even more.

bluearmy 07-25-2003 06:06 AM

Has to be football the (the world version) that is referred to as soccer in the states. Anyone can play the game just by using jumpers for goal posts. Once you have played the game you can then start to appreciate the different styles of play which not only vary from league to league but from nation to nation.

Without question it is the worlds most popular sport.

dimbulb 07-25-2003 11:59 AM


XXXs 07-25-2003 05:50 PM

For speed, I'd say F1. For stupidity, WRC. Overall, NFL (Go 49ers!)

BigGov 07-25-2003 07:23 PM


Football.....Well football has the power and agility, but it doesn't have the speed or the flow of hockey. And these guys play hurt as well. Sometimes you wonder though.....The announcer says "well he has a sprained knee, he'll most likely be back in the second half." Makes you wonder what the hell they give these guys.
A lot of stuff that isn't good for them in the long run. But in the end, it's the player's decision.


I think that for the football lovers who love the hitting, just think about a hockey player who is traveling faster on skates and has the boards and the player who is hitting him to worry about.
Booboo, with the NLL getting stronger everyday it wont be long until it becomes a major.
Football hits and Hockey hits are different. Both are painful and devastating in their own respect, but they have major differences. In Football, there's constant contact with the ground, meaning more traction, meaning more...hrm...omph, if you will, provided by the player. In Hockey, most hits are on the boards, which is delivered via speed only, and in most cases the player has a chance to brace themselves and flatten themselves out. A hit from Brian Dawkins while you're running full speed in the opposite direction is a hit that can knock you out. Since a power hit can be found numerous times in one football game, and since the runner is often looking for blockers and such before defenders so he can't see the hit before it's too late, football is given an edge in the hitting department. However, Hockey does have the harder hits. 99% of the time, delivered by Scott Stevens to morons who skate with their heads down, like Paul Kariya, or with their heads up their ass, such as Eric Lindros.

tom824 07-25-2003 09:43 PM

Football, with NASCAR in a close second.

splck 07-26-2003 06:38 AM

Baseball - sucks
Football (american)- sucks even more
Basketball - sucks more than football

Football (soccer) - cool game
Hockey - dosn't get any better than this.

crfpilot 07-26-2003 05:06 PM

My favorite "major" sport is hockey I was at almost every Ducks home game last season.

My other favorites in no particular order are motogp, wsb, ama superbike, motocross, and any other racing that involves 2 wheels and a motor.

more fire 07-29-2003 08:53 AM

football, as in soccer not american.

guy2003 07-29-2003 11:34 AM

Its all about college football. Only soccer has more heated rivalries.

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