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KirStang 03-26-2011 08:01 AM

Help! I suck at running.
I have always had weak legs. Partially due to my flat foot, I've never been able to become a superstar distance runner like I wanted to. I love running fast--the feeling of cruising along, banging out the steps, it's great.

But unfortunately, with the exception of after basic training, I've had a hard time with running. I used to have a hard time with pushups, but after cranking out an average of 300+ a night, pushups became a forte.

Due to the discomfort in my knees, shins, and ankles from my cross country days (I would run 30min 3 miles...I sucked), I tend to avoid just straight running long distances, or, at least to do it only once a week. Right now I run 2 miles on Monday, interval sprints on Wednesday, and a 3 mile "distance" run on Fridays.

However, to my chagrin, yesterday when I went to our PT track to do a 2 mile timed run, I became tired after my first quarter mile.

Does anyone have any exercises (Besides just straight running a lot) that helped them improve? I'm considering going on a 7 mile ruck march tomorrow to help improve the strength in my calves.


Plan9 03-26-2011 08:59 AM

[advice you already know]

The_Jazz 03-26-2011 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885442)
(Besides just straight running a lot)

Gather 'round, chillen's, cause I's about to lay some knowledge on y'all. And it's not just any knowledge, it's The Secret. You know, The Secret to how to get really fucking good at running.


Are you sure?

Ok - the secret to being able to run better/faster/scald dogs is.....

run more miles faster.

Sorry, Kirstang, there's not much more to it than that. No matter what other things you do, it comes down to having to train for the event that you're running. You can lift weights. You can walk around in special shoes. You can paint your feet with Icey Hot to get you to pick them up faster. But at the end of the day, you're got to put in the miles. There aren't any shortcuts.

Now, that said, it sounds like you may have some specific issues that limit your ability to go fast. If that's the case, you probably need to consult a trainer or a doctor. Orthodics might be a huge help. There may be something else that's better.

Those will help with the pain and pounding your giving your body. But if you want to run x distance in y time, the only way you'll ever be remotely capable of it is to actually go out and train for it.

Wish I wasn't such a Debbie Downer, bud, but that's the facts.

DaveOrion 03-26-2011 10:34 AM

Its actually more mental than physical, as long as your body's in decent shape & it sounds like yours isnt in all great. (cant help ya with that)

I always just mentally relocated to a different place and ran my ass off while chilling on a beach, being served umbrella drinks.

Strange Famous 03-26-2011 12:52 PM

the best thing I find is not to run in the first place.

The only running Ive ever done competively is on the football pitch, and there, the first yard is all in the mind... and if you get a yard head start you'll win your fair share of balls.

noodle 03-26-2011 02:16 PM

Get the right shoes.
And run more.
That being said, I suck at running, too.
Unlike you, though, I has the boobs and the ass that make running painful and annoying.
S has extremely flat feet... his arch almost collapses to the ground. He's always had problems running and the got evaluated at a running shoe store where they video your feet and your running and they found the right pair. He still hates running, but it doesn't hurt as much.
I have the opposite problem, my arches are so high, only one pair of shoes on the market meets my needs. It doesn't hurt as much in my legs any more, but it still sucks.
S has found that he can run longer with the right shoes. I still avoid it :lol:
I'd rather do incline walking. Good luck.

Baraka_Guru 03-26-2011 02:28 PM

PonyPotato 03-26-2011 04:28 PM

1: get fitted for good running shoes, run more. (See a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor for a REALLY good gait analysis if you need one.)

2: Improve your cardiovascular fitness through something other than running, and running will get easier. For me, this was spinning classes.. when I started running seriously, I sucked.. but after a month or two of spinning classes (something that came more naturally, where I was more willing to push myself), my runs improved drastically, and my endurance was surprising.

3: Run consistently, with good form. As Jazz said, more miles, faster. If you have to, do shorter runs for a while focusing only on your form - this will help prevent shin splints and other injuries, in addition to your fitted shoes.

When I started running seriously last year to train for triathlons, I couldn't run more than a minute or two without feeling tired and wanting to quit and do something else.. and I just finished my first half marathon on Sunday. Get some good playlists to run to, and go out and do it for some zone out time and for the enjoyment of it, and it WILL get easier and start to feel good. You just have to make sure the big pieces are in place (shoes, form, fitness base) so you don't develop any injuries to further repel from running.

Oh, and don't increase your mileage too quickly. Do some non-impact cardio on off days (swimming, cycling, whatever) to help maintain and increase that fitness base, and make sure you build rest days in, as well as weeks where you cut back your mileage.

Hotmnkyluv 03-26-2011 04:34 PM

If you're having a problem with ypur legs, shins, etc, I'd encourage you to research running bare footed.
Studies show you run "lighter" on your feet, and it doesn't put as much pressure on you

PonyPotato 03-26-2011 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hotmnkyluv (Post 2885582)
If you're having a problem with ypur legs, shins, etc, I'd encourage you to research running bare footed.
Studies show you run "lighter" on your feet, and it doesn't put as much pressure on you

For most people, barefoot running is pretty harmful if overdone. For <1 mile to critique and improve your form? Sure. But since most people didn't grow up walking and running barefoot everywhere, their tissues are not conditioned to deal with the impact caused by barefoot running, and that results in lower extremity injuries and, very commonly, back pain. It is better for most people to get fitted for good running shoes, which are designed to absorb impact so your joints and spine don't have to.

snowy 03-26-2011 07:49 PM

I want to echo something Pony said. I sucked at running for a long time. Then I started bicycling on a regular basis. When I went to try running again (hubby is a runner), it was SO MUCH EASIER.

Plan9 03-26-2011 08:08 PM

Wow, I beat Jazz in the "Was Most Concise" category in this thread. For once.


Barefoot running is stupid.

Oh, hey... thousands of years of evolution called: They're not done with our feet yet so we still have to use shoes.

Barefoot running is an asinine fad and diversion from reliable training. Protect your feet with the proper equipment.

The human foot isn't designed to deal with the kinds of shit you're going to step on out there. Rock, glass, metal, etc.

I was a kid who had to go to the ER to have a big part of the bottom of his foot sewn shut and was on crutches for while.

Explaining to your spouse / boss why you need time off work because you were running barefoot outside? Yeaaah.

Barefoot stuff is best done on a track or in a CrossFit gym or for P90X/Insanity on workout mats. Watch your paws.



Cardio work in general is great but there is no substitute to running itself. Bicycling isn't even close to the motion.

Example: Dammitall and I go on a bike ride. She smokes my ass. Dammitall and I go on a run. I run like a gazelle.

I'm horrible on a bike, my muscles straight fail, but for some reason I'll do a 10 miler in well under 80 minutes.

Note to self: Spend more frickin' time on your bicycle.


One of my coworkers and I were doing a 3-mile run and he was wearing Five Fingers. He couldn't do 500 yards.

Pebbles are a bitch.



Your current training program is good. Stick with it. I couldn't run a 1/4 mile without stopping when I started.

Stop thinking about times and go for distance. Focusing on the clock is bad for morale. Get down solid distance first.

There are nights I just go and run and don't time myself. I just push myself as hard as I can and call it awesome.

That way, the nights that I'm out cranking live Pantera and actually timing myself are always so much sweeter.

Walt 03-26-2011 09:12 PM

Run 1/4 mile as fast as you can. Rest for the amount of time it took you to complete the 1/4 mile. Repeat x 4.

Once you break (or get close to breaking) the 1 minute mark on your first lap, rest for 1 minute between reps. Add more reps.

KirStang 03-26-2011 09:43 PM

Great, great advice in this thread, thanks to all.

On my best time, I ran a quarter mile in 70 seconds....and HAD A LOT MORE LEFT IN ME. I was amazed. Best run time of my life.

Lately, in a 2 mile run, I'll finish the first quarter mile in about 96 seconds or so, and I'll start to feel the fatigue in my calves or quads set in. I can do a mile in about 7:30, but I'll hit a wall and I get slower and slower.

Anyway, great advice. More interval sprints, more "I'm just out on a long run, dude" and maybe I can try 30 minutes of intense biking. Thanks all.

ironpham 03-26-2011 10:52 PM

I've got the flat feet problem too. Unfortunately, I am too poor to afford those nice shoes you get fitted for to help with that problem. I've found some decent inserts at Target for cheap, though. It's not the greatest, but if you don't have money I'd recommend them. It helps enough for me to finally break the 3 miles limit.

Also, another thing that I've found that helps is weight training. A good lower body workout will help improve the strength and endurance of your leg muscles. My run times have dramatically decreased since I started weight training. However, it is imperative that you have good form and the correct amount of weight while weight training or else you might hurt yourself (my dumbass hurt my knee today because I messed up my form on the leg press). And, don't do too much weight to start off with. Make sure you know your limits before you start increasing how much weight you're using. (I personally prefer low weight, high rep count.)

citadel 03-27-2011 02:11 AM

In addition to everything else, check out Fartleks training.

PonyPotato 03-27-2011 02:20 PM

KirStang, it sounds like you need to warm up.. figure out how long you need to run to get warmed up. You can run anaerobically (sprint), but your aerobic fitness isn't that great..

For me, a warmup is at least 15 minutes. Sometimes I do it on a bike (recumbent bike at the gym is a great warmup before a treadmill run in the winter), sometimes I just take the first mile or two more slowly. It does take some time to increase the blood volume in your muscles, and if you use up all of your fuel by burning it anaerobically before you start working aerobically.. no wonder you run out of gas.

KirStang 03-27-2011 02:53 PM


Would you recommend I do some slower paced runs to get my body to adjust to carrying more oxygen in my blood? (VO2max or w/e that term is).


I'm still waiting for the RunningKing(tm) DLish to comment. :lol:

Thanks for the advice again.

PonyPotato 03-27-2011 03:05 PM

That's also why I recommended other cardio (like cycling).. it can increase your VO2max without the struggle of running. Running sounds like it's both an aerobic struggle for you as well as a mental one.. eliminating the aerobic struggle (slower but longer runs, cycling, swimming, etc) can help eliminate the mental struggle.

Zeraph 03-27-2011 04:02 PM

For cross-training if you still want that feeling of 'going somewhere' I recommend hiking. Swimming is also great, surprisingly.

genuinegirly 03-27-2011 04:48 PM

A few things came to mind as I read through everyone's wonderful responses.

Prescription Footwear:
Flat feet are considered a medical condition, and you may be able to get specialized footwear at almost no cost. Once you start looking, you'll be shocked at what health insurance will cover. See if you can find a physician and an orthopedic shoe store that can recommend quality prescription footwear or inserts geared for the flat-footed.

Stretch, posture & form:
Stretch: Give yourself 10-30 minutes before and after your workout for stretching. Learn new stretches, try new things, and create for yourself a repertoire that will minimize the pressure that you place on your joints.
Posture Check out basic Pilates or Tai Chi workout classes, take a dance-based stretching course(as you stretch it will help with your posture) search anywhere and everywhere for what works best on your body. It may take you some time to realize the posture that is best for you. Once you settle into it, you'll be shocked at how much better your body moves.
Form Find a treadmill that is placed in proximity to a mirror, so you can observe your movements and your facial expression. If it looks like you're in pain, you probably are. Make slight changes until you find a way to run comfortably. Take what you've learned outside. Somewhere in the middle of a long run, take a moment to self-evaluate. At first it will take a concerted effort to break body-damaging habits. Correct actions that appear to place undue stress on your body. When you have the problems you've listed, you should never "bang out the steps." The mental image of someone with flat feet and improper shoes hitting the pavement with force for each footfall made me cringe.

Your body needs to heal after a run. It is best able to do this when you are sleeping. Give your mind and muscles a break by sleeping a minimum of 9 hours when you challenge yourself with a hard run. Proper nutrition is another important aspect to consider. You want your body to be able to easily access everything it needs to recover after you push it to its limits. Read books on sports nutrition and put their advice to the test. It may not be the best book for you, but I especially enjoy Suzanne Girard Eberle's Endurance Sports Nutrition because of its sage words for women and vegetarian distance runners. Find your own sports nutrition "bible".

PonyPotato 03-27-2011 05:19 PM

Just something I want to add to genuinegirly's post (which is great, btw): try not to stretch "cold" too much, or at least not stretch hard. Do your warmup (which you need to start doing anyway!) and then stretch if you feel tight somewhere - you mentioned calves and quads. ALWAYS stretch after your workouts, and through the day after - it will seriously help with soreness (I had my boss, a PT, stretch me out the day after my half marathon, and it made an amazing difference in my recovery compared to my 10k the week before where I didn't fully stretch the same day or for the day following) and identifying the spots where you are tight/sore will actually help you choose shoes or identify injuries/problems in your gait a lot faster than waiting until it hurts too much to deal with.

Also, I'm sorry I'm so wordsy in this thread.. I really just took up running last year and I start PT school this summer, so I have learned a LOT recently and want to share it so you are more successful sooner than I am. :P

dlish 03-27-2011 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885442)
I have always had weak legs. Partially due to my flat foot, I've never been able to become a superstar distance runner like I wanted to. I love running fast--the feeling of cruising along, banging out the steps, it's great.

the problem isnt exactly your flat feet. the flat foot probably results in an inefficiency in your running gait due to your foots biomechanics, that you could improve on. i suggest you see a podiatrist [aka foot doctor]. You may or may not need orthotics to adjust some of those inefficiencies


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885442)
I used to have a hard time with pushups, but after cranking out an average of 300+ a night, pushups became a forte..

you've touched on an important point here, which Jazz alluded to. You werent good at pushups because your muscles werent used to doing pushups. with time ( and enough practice) you were able to find that you have them for breakfast.

I bet that the best way to become good at pushups, if to actually do.....pushups! [or benchpress - which is a pushup on your back, although if you're looking for speed, then low weight/high reps would be recommended]. The same principle should be used for your running.

Now going back to your running, what you need to decide on is what type of running want to be concentrating on. from what i can see it is middle distance track running ( 1-3 miles) which requires explosive speed and some endurance work. you'll need to factor that in your training programme, and keep doing that with variables so that you a) dont get bored with the training and b) so that your muscles dont get lazy doing the same exercises. believe it or not, different types of running uses different muscles in the legs, so its important that you use variation in your training rather than just churning out a 3 mile same pace run.


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885442)
Due to the discomfort in my knees, shins, and ankles from my cross country days (I would run 30min 3 miles...I sucked), I tend to avoid just straight running long distances, or, at least to do it only once a week. Right now I run 2 miles on Monday, interval sprints on Wednesday, and a 3 mile "distance" run on Fridays.

get yourself checked out by a PT before you increase your distances and intensity. if you havent changed your gait, then its more than likely that those injuries will rear their ugly heads soon enough. shin splints could be because of the pronation in flat foot, which causes the foot to 'turn in' which in turn puts strain on the muscle on the inside of your shin. because of this 'turning in' your knee has to compensate by also turning in, which would give you pain on the inside knee also.

thats just guess work on my behalf going by what you've said, so see a PT and possibly a podiatrist to get the right advice for your feet.


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885442)
However, to my chagrin, yesterday when I went to our PT track to do a 2 mile timed run, I became tired after my first quarter mile.

Does anyone have any exercises (Besides just straight running a lot) that helped them improve? I'm considering going on a 7 mile ruck march tomorrow to help improve the strength in my calves.

you probably became tired because your training didnt include training that targetted the type of running your wanted to be doing. by the sounds of it you went out too hard and built up too much lactic acid in your muscles that you felt tired after the first 400m. again, targetted training is important, so you'll need to hone in your training on the type of races you want to be doing.

a 7 mile ruck march will build up your leg muscles, but you could also get the same or similar workout in the gym also while saving the pounding on your legs for the running part of your training.


Originally Posted by Strange Famous (Post 2885524)
the best thing I find is not to run in the first place.

The only running Ive ever done competively is on the football pitch, and there, the first yard is all in the mind... and if you get a yard head start you'll win your fair share of balls.

there's some truth herein SF's statement. cross training in other sports is a good way to add variety to your training. in your case kirstang, if you're into 'flag football' or a team sport that requires explosive running over long periods, that could be a great way to get in shape without having to get bored running on your own. Once upon a time, our resident running Guru, Jazz used to play ultimate frisbee as part of his offseason training.

i use touch rugby as a way to work up speed and endurance because it gives me 1-2 hours of explosve running a night while building up my endurance at the same time.


Originally Posted by noodle (Post 2885539)
Get the right shoes.
And run more.
That being said, I suck at running, too.
Unlike you, though, I has the boobs and the ass that make running painful and annoying.

the right shoe with the correct motion-control for your feet are important. again, see your PT for advice. if your foot rolls inward, you may need shoes that have motion control towards the inside of the foot. if you get custom made orthotics, you will probably need a neutral shoe because the correct to your foot would be made by the orthotic. see a professional.

noods - as much as id love to see your boobs flailing all over the place when you run, i suggest a sportsbra. works wonders i swear!


Originally Posted by PonyPotato (Post 2885581)
1: get fitted for good running shoes, run more. (See a physical therapist or a sports medicine doctor for a REALLY good gait analysis if you need one.)

2: Improve your cardiovascular fitness through something other than running, and running will get easier. For me, this was spinning classes.. when I started running seriously, I sucked.. but after a month or two of spinning classes (something that came more naturally, where I was more willing to push myself), my runs improved drastically, and my endurance was surprising.

3: Run consistently, with good form. As Jazz said, more miles, faster. If you have to, do shorter runs for a while focusing only on your form - this will help prevent shin splints and other injuries, in addition to your fitted shoes.

When I started running seriously last year to train for triathlons, I couldn't run more than a minute or two without feeling tired and wanting to quit and do something else.. and I just finished my first half marathon on Sunday. Get some good playlists to run to, and go out and do it for some zone out time and for the enjoyment of it, and it WILL get easier and start to feel good. You just have to make sure the big pieces are in place (shoes, form, fitness base) so you don't develop any injuries to further repel from running.

Oh, and don't increase your mileage too quickly. Do some non-impact cardio on off days (swimming, cycling, whatever) to help maintain and increase that fitness base, and make sure you build rest days in, as well as weeks where you cut back your mileage.

no bad advice here. cross training to ward off injuries is good. also worth noting that working on core stability muscles helps your running form too.


Originally Posted by Hotmnkyluv (Post 2885582)
If you're having a problem with ypur legs, shins, etc, I'd encourage you to research running bare footed.
Studies show you run "lighter" on your feet, and it doesn't put as much pressure on you

you dont run 'lighter' on bare feet. you just land on a different part of your foot which allows your knee to bend. instead of heel striking, you land further up the foot which puts less pressure on the knees and shins by cushioning each step with a knee bend.

there has been a trand lately to go 'minimalist' which is bringing a lot of the shoes lower towards the ground. these shoes have less and less support ( and in some cases no supports). i'd warn you off these shoes if you've never used them previously. if you do decide to go down this road, you'll need to ease into them to ward off any potential injuries because of the different type of running technique you would be utilizing.


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2885622)

Barefoot running is stupid.[/I]

Barefoot running is an asinine fad and diversion from reliable training. Protect your feet with the proper equipment.

The human foot isn't designed to deal with the kinds of shit you're going to step on out there. Rock, glass, metal, etc.

I was a kid who had to go to the ER to have a big part of the bottom of his foot sewn shut and was on crutches for while.

Explaining to your spouse / boss why you need time off work because you were running barefoot outside? Yeaaah.

Barefoot stuff is best done on a track or in a CrossFit gym or for P90X/Insanity on workout mats. Watch your paws.



Cardio work in general is great but there is no substitute to running itself. Bicycling isn't even close to the motion.

Example: Dammitall and I go on a bike ride. She smokes my ass. Dammitall and I go on a run. I run like a gazelle.

I'm horrible on a bike, my muscles straight fail, but for some reason I'll do a 10 miler in well under 80 minutes.

Note to self: Spend more frickin' time on your bicycle.


One of my coworkers and I were doing a 3-mile run and he was wearing Five Fingers. He couldn't do 500 yards.

Pebbles are a bitch.



Your current training program is good. Stick with it. I couldn't run a 1/4 mile without stopping when I started.

Stop thinking about times and go for distance. Focusing on the clock is bad for morale. Get down solid distance first.

There are nights I just go and run and don't time myself. I just push myself as hard as I can and call it awesome.

That way, the nights that I'm out cranking live Pantera and actually timing myself are always so much sweeter.

barefoot running is a new trend. its possible, but not recommended for newbs. even on cross country terrain. our resident hasher, Jstrider runs barefoot cross contry and swears by it. so it is possible, but i dont think its the right thing for kirstand with feet issues.


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885642)
Great, great advice in this thread, thanks to all.

On my best time, I ran a quarter mile in 70 seconds....and HAD A LOT MORE LEFT IN ME. I was amazed. Best run time of my life.

Lately, in a 2 mile run, I'll finish the first quarter mile in about 96 seconds or so, and I'll start to feel the fatigue in my calves or quads set in. I can do a mile in about 7:30, but I'll hit a wall and I get slower and slower.

Anyway, great advice. More interval sprints, more "I'm just out on a long run, dude" and maybe I can try 30 minutes of intense biking. Thanks all.

what you're describing there is you reaching the lactate threshold at 96 seconds. what you want to do it work on training at that threshold. what you will find is that you will push that lactate threshhold higher and higher with time, and you'll find yourself hitting that wall later on in the run. Again, targetted training is your friend.


Originally Posted by ironpham (Post 2885667)
Also, another thing that I've found that helps is weight training. A good lower body workout will help improve the strength and endurance of your leg muscles. My run times have dramatically decreased since I started weight training.

yes, just be careful with overtraining on one body part. it may cause an imbalance in your muscles and cause a strain. if you intend on doing weight training, make sure you train your overall muscles and not just quads or just calves. your lower body consists of more than just 2 body parts.


Originally Posted by citadel (Post 2885682)
In addition to everything else, check out Fartleks training.

fartleks are a good way to work on that lactate threshhold.


Originally Posted by KirStang (Post 2885839)

Would you recommend I do some slower paced runs to get my body to adjust to carrying more oxygen in my blood? (VO2max or w/e that term is).


I'm still waiting for the RunningKing(tm) DLish to comment. :lol:

Thanks for the advice again.

no no, im the RunningPrince(TM). Jazz is the RunningKing(TM). 9er is TheRunningMan(TM) [sorry i had to get an Arnie movie in there]

If you want to be running at your VO2max you need to be running faster not slower. Running between thresholds to maximize your training. LSD's ( long slow runs) will improve your cardio cascular, but for the type of running you want to be doing, LSD's once a week like you are currently doing on fridays is fine for now.


Originally Posted by PonyPotato (Post 2885841)
That's also why I recommended other cardio (like cycling).. it can increase your VO2max without the struggle of running. Running sounds like it's both an aerobic struggle for you as well as a mental one.. eliminating the aerobic struggle (slower but longer runs, cycling, swimming, etc) can help eliminate the mental struggle.


Originally Posted by Zeraph (Post 2885845)
For cross-training if you still want that feeling of 'going somewhere' I recommend hiking. Swimming is also great, surprisingly.

An idea may be substituting your LSD's for a hike may get the boredom out of your training.


Originally Posted by genuinegirly (Post 2885855)
Your body needs to heal after a run. It is best able to do this when you are sleeping. Give your mind and muscles a break by sleeping a minimum of 9 hours when you challenge yourself with a hard run. Proper nutrition is another important aspect to consider. You want your body to be able to easily access everything it needs to recover after you push it to its limits. Read books on sports nutrition and put their advice to the test. It may not be the best book for you, but I especially enjoy Suzanne Girard Eberle's Endurance Sports Nutrition because of its sage words for women and vegetarian distance runners. Find your own sports nutrition "bible".

no one has really touched on nutrition up until now. nutrition is one of the most important aspects of running. rest and food is as important as running, so make sure you dont train on empty because you wont get the benefit of the training. all you will be doing is using your protein stores from your muscles instead of the glycogen in your muscles.

the night before a big run make sure you eat plenty of carbs ( also called carb loading - although carb loading for athletes is a little different) so that you get the maximum out of your stores.

having just finished a 518km run over two weeks, i can tell you how important food is in your diet. but if you do it right, you'll fuel yourself to maximise your results.

citadel 03-27-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by dlish (Post 2885881)
having just finished a 518km run over two weeks

:bowdown: I wish I enjoyed running that much.

dlish 03-27-2011 10:17 PM

...and i learnt a lot about myself (mentally and physically) in the process.

if you eat the right foods, you'll be surprised at how quickly your body will respond to your food. in my case it was a case of eating whatever i could get my hands on. but in a matter of hours and some sleep i'd go from being sore, tired and stiff to feeling good and ready before each run. even blisters go away after a while and your body becomes more efficient in the process.

citadel 03-28-2011 12:47 AM

I'm sure I could get there if I put in the time, but I'm not trying to win any races, just stay in shape.

KirStang 03-28-2011 05:59 PM

I biked for 46 minutes today. Heart rate was about at 160 the whole time. Going to try out that fartlek routine on Wednesday.

With respect to mental block, what do you guys do to get over it? I've heard of visualizing the word "Excellence" and reaching for it....

Plan9 03-28-2011 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by KirStang
With respect to mental block, what do you guys do to get over it? I've heard visualizing the word "Excellence" and reaching for it....

Oh, fuck that.

Here's the thing: Running sucks. As with much in the military, you need to just embrace the suck. When I'm running I get into whatever pace I'm doing (steady or sprints) and then go daydream about other stuff. I think about the different sex positions I wanna work the woman through when I get home a million years from now or what I need to do to maximize the efficiency of my sock drawer or what type of AR I'm going to buy or how to best approach the issue of being short one vehicle and wanting a Tacoma. The stitch in my side isn't going anywhere between miles 3 and 5, nearly roll my ankle and worry about it on mile 6... but by mile 8 I'm flying on pure Full Retard juice thinking about rerigging my plate carrier and how I need a liquor cabinet in the dining room. Music helps push a lot of people. I've run a lot in shitty conditions without it and keeping your brain loaded with little tasks works well.

A mentor of mine that taught me "how to run" mentioned that you should use the time to solve a problem by examining all possibly solutions.

Get the mind moving and the ass will follow.

dlish 03-28-2011 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Plan9 (Post 2886227)
Oh, fuck that.

Here's the thing: Running sucks. As with much in the military, you need to just embrace the suck. When I'm running I get into whatever pace I'm doing (steady or sprints) and then go daydream about other stuff. I think about the different sex positions I wanna work the woman through when I get home a million years from now or what I need to do to maximize the efficiency of my sock drawer or what type of AR I'm going to buy or how to best approach the issue of being short one vehicle and wanting a Tacoma. The stitch in my side isn't going anywhere between miles 3 and 5, nearly roll my ankle and worry about it on mile 6... but by mile 8 I'm flying on pure Full Retard juice thinking about rerigging my plate carrier and how I need a liquor cabinet in the dining room. Music helps push a lot of people. I've run a lot in shitty conditions without it and keeping your brain loaded with little tasks works well.

A mentor of mine that taught me "how to run" mentioned that you should use the time to solve a problem by examining all possibly solutions.

Get the mind moving and the ass will follow.

thats exactly what i do too. i solve all the worlds problems ( as well as my own) on my two hour canter. dont think about the pain, and it wont exist. thats honestly how it works. if i have a niggle in the knee and a i think about it, its only going to get worse with every step ( so i think). by solving other problems like how to iron a wrinkle free shirt without an ironing board, or better yet, where that damn 2nd pair of sock disappeared to.

dont worry yourself about excellence just yet. just master a good techinique, and the speed will come.

just a note about your spinning session. i can see your problem right there. you're maintaining one constant pace throughout without varying your heart rate. from what im understanidng, you want to run middle distance races which require more sprint work than just beating out the km's. try changing the settings to accomodate hill climbs etc. what you just did on the bike is probably equivelant to say 8-10km run on the same pace. i dont think that's what you are looking for..or are you?

The_Jazz 03-29-2011 04:42 AM

I don't solve world problems or think about women. The former slows me down to a crawl and the latter speeds me up to a really uncomfortable pace.

I take in the sites. I compose bad poetry. I sing songs to myself. I focus on a person in front of me and try to pass them. Music can be good, but it's not the answer for everyone. It's definitely not the answer for every day. What's your answer? Good question. I'm arrogant enough to KNOW that I'm faster and tougher than anyone else running anywhere close to me and having to prove it. That might not work for you, though. We all know I'm a freak.

Kirstang, you know what you need? A training partner. Someone to go out and shoot the shit with for a half hour while you're both chugging along on the slower days. Plan9's due for another promotion in the next 20 minutes, so maybe he'll get promoted to "Kirstang's running buddy" and actually do something positive for the world.

The thing that will make you fastest is running your mileage fast. If you want to run a 5k in 21 minutes (call it 7 minute/mile - it's not, but you know what I mean), then you should be running 3-5 miles in practice (more if you can) in 7:30-:45/mile pace. The idea of the fartlek is to be going faster than your goal race pace for an extended period.

What I haven't seen (and maybe I missed it) is what you're trying to do. What's the goal? Sub 4 mile? Finish a marathon? Something in between?

There are some great ideas for enhancements in this thread, but you seem to be missing a very basic element of distance training - a plan. As I read it, you're currently doing about 6 miles/week. I'm not sure what you think you're going to accomplish with that. I'm also not sure what the intervals are there for. Honestly, if I were coaching you, intervals would be the last thing that I'd have you do. You're not gaining anything from them, mainly because you're almost certainly not stressing your system enough to make them meaningful.

Plan9 03-29-2011 04:51 AM

6 miles a day is a better choice. 2-a-days work well for those that have the time.

KirStang 03-29-2011 05:23 AM

The goal is to run 2 miles in 14 minutes, but also be able to finish 5 miles in something like sub 40 minutes. A half marathon would be nice too, but the primary goal is a sub 14 minute 2 mile for now.

The_Jazz 03-29-2011 05:47 AM

For where you are now, the first two goals are compatable in the short term, but the last one is a long-term goal. That's fine, and really the way it should be.

Ok, if you're running 6 miles/week, you need to up that. Kill the interval/speed work day. It's not doing you any good unless you're doing something like 2x(4x400), 200 jog recovery/400 jog set recovery. And even then, it's only a marginal benefit.

If I were coaching you, I'd try to get you to at least 5 days/week running. It's not that big a time investment, probably a half hour on the shorter days, 1:15 on the longer ones. That includes stretching, BTW.

What you want to do is build up some endurance (VO2MAX). 3 days a week will help but won't get you to where you want to be. You need to build a base. Without knowing your other committments, I recommend something like 2 - 2 1/2 miles M, W, F with longer runs of 3-4 on Tu and Sa. Shorter days should have a faster pace than longer days.

Assuming your body acclimates to the workload well, this microcycle would last about a month, then the mileage would be upped to 3 on short days and 4-5 on long days. I would add speed back into the mix in the third micro-cycle, probably on Wednesday, and I'd ratchet mileage again to 4 and 5-6.

This is all completely blind and may not fit with what's going on with your life or with set dates for competition. But that's a 3 month macrocycle for you if you want it.

KirStang 03-29-2011 05:56 AM

Awesome. Very helpful Jazz. I shall start running a lot more. I'll probably do a 3 mile slower run today instead of taking the night off.

Query: Should I still run on days where I'm experiencing joint pain? For now, the shin and knee pain goes away on my rest day. The reason I ask was, I used to shrug it off and keep running when I was younger, but I fear I may have irreversibly damaged my joints (hahaha I sound like an old man, I'm sorry).

dlish 03-29-2011 05:59 AM

arrgh..shin pain. Let me tell you all about shin pain.

where is the pain exactly?

The_Jazz 03-29-2011 06:01 AM

Joint pain is a strange thing. It could just be your muscles warming up and expanding, bringing the connective tissue along with it. It could be something much worse. What does the doctor say?

Cimarron29414 03-29-2011 06:35 AM

Have you tried having someone chase you? with a machete?

dlish 03-29-2011 10:37 AM

no but ive had a dog chase me in thye park before. you'll be surprised by how much energy you can summons when you have a dog on your tail!

kistang, i also suggest that you keep a log of your workouts. it will giveyou extra incentive to train when you start to see your times drop.

KirStang 03-29-2011 05:05 PM

You guys rock. Started out pretty slow today, rather than coming out of the gate like a Bull. Jogged the whole 3 miles, and even put some faster paced runs in between. At one point near the end of my run I was going pretty fast without feeling tired. Gonna stretch out a little and see how I feel tomorrow.

This is looking good. Not being able to run, and not getting in to Georgetown Law have been two of the biggest things that Haunt me. To be able to overcome one of them feels really good. :)

Plan9 03-29-2011 08:23 PM

I called Georgetown.

They're not letting you in. They decided your seat is best reserved for me whenever I get my head out of my ass and get a real sellout job like Jazz.

But keep running anyway.

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