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Ace_O_Spades 06-02-2006 03:41 PM

Stanley Cup Final picks/discussion thread.
Hey guys! It's upon us now, the stanley cup finals! Edmonton vs. Carolina.

Let's get those final picks in and we can use this thread as a discussion one as well... Updates from last round's results and this rounds picks once the series is underway.

So make your picks! Deadline is Monday night 5:00 PM PST

Carolina in 6

Note: Since this will also be the discussion thread, any pick post edited after the deadline will be asterisk'd faster than Barry Bonds in the record books in my notes.

Bossnass 06-02-2006 04:10 PM

Oil in seven.

gcurl21 06-02-2006 04:50 PM

Oilers in 5

Willravel 06-02-2006 05:07 PM

Well I'll feel a lot better if the Oilers win, so:
Oilers in 7

go sharks!!!

BulletCatcher 06-03-2006 06:16 AM

Oilers have had too long of a layoff. Canes in 6.

Nikilidstrom 06-03-2006 07:12 AM

Carolina in 6

dylanmarsh 06-03-2006 07:20 AM

Carolina in 5

silent_jay 06-03-2006 08:05 AM

Oilers in 6

Coppertop 06-03-2006 08:20 AM

Carolina in 7

skier 06-03-2006 08:39 AM

oilers in 6

Ace_O_Spades 06-03-2006 03:57 PM

Last Round's Results:


              East        West               
Name              CAR @ BUF        ANA @ EDM        Points        Playoff Total
Ace_O_Spades        CAR 5        ANA 6                      1        10
Antikarma        CAR 5        EDM 7                      2        8
BigBen                CAR 6        EDM 6                      2        8
boom29                CAR 6        ANA 7                      1        1
Brewmaniac        BUF 6        ANA 6                      0        0
BulletCatcher        CAR 5        EDM 6                      2        8
Coppertop        CAR 6        ANA 5                      1        7
dylanmarsh        BUF 5        EDM 7                      1        1
matteo101        BUF 7        ANA 6                      0        5
Nikilidstrom        BUF 6        ANA 7                      0        7
Quadraton        CAR 7        ANA 6                      2        10
silent_jay        BUF 6        EDM 7                      1        5
Tamerlain        BUF 6        EDM 6                      1        8
willravel        CAR 6        EDM 6                      2        8



BigBen 06-03-2006 05:55 PM

Edmonton in 6.

Money in the bank.

msf518 06-04-2006 09:15 AM

I'll be the outlier, oilers in a sweep.

Quadraton 06-04-2006 10:18 AM

*Sigh* As much as I want the Oilers to win, Carolina has too much going for them. Edmonton can win, but only if Roloson stands on his head, and the rest of the team brings their best game every night.

Carolina in 7 (God I hope I'm wrong).

highthief 06-05-2006 08:40 AM

Edmonton in 7.

Tamerlain 06-05-2006 10:27 AM

Edmonton in 6.


Antikarma 06-05-2006 11:17 AM

I be sayin Oilers in 6. You can't argue mon.

matteo101 06-05-2006 11:18 AM

Ile go against my better judgment and pick Edmonton in 7. Only because they have proved me wrong in every single series.

Leto 06-05-2006 01:15 PM

the Oil in 6

Bossnass 06-05-2006 07:56 PM

Might not be the right thread, but I've heard that Rollie is out for the season with a knee injury.

I think Conklin lost the game for us tonight. He is an easy scapegoat, but it was a pretty clear screwup.

Edmonton is in trouble without our goalie.

Temporary_User 06-05-2006 08:07 PM

Its too bad to hear about any injury.
Rolo did help the Oil out quite a bit, it is still anyones series though.
I do think Canes in 6

silent_jay 06-06-2006 04:09 AM

What I can't seem to get my head around is why that dumbass defenceman hit the Canes player into Roloson, you never hit a player into your goalie, you're supposed to get them away from the goalie.

I still say Roloson for the Conn Smythe though, the guy played a hell of a playoffs.

Antikarma 06-06-2006 06:25 AM

He's out, they're saying torn ACL but thats as of yet unconfirmed.

You can't blame Conklin for that last goal either, it was miscommunication and its what happens when your backup goalie hasn't played in two months.

Depressing turn, but it'll make a great made for TV movie if Edmonton can still pull it off. I for one, am not losing hope.

BigBen 06-06-2006 07:09 AM

Yeah, the coach said Rolo was gone for the series, and then said "Knee". Ouch.

This can go two ways (yeah, no shit, Ben. Water is wet and sugar is sweet, too...)

Oilers can melt down, and use the loss of Rolo as an easy excuse;
They can get mad and play like they did in the first period, meaning that the goalie won't really need to be tested.

Hey, it was a dumb move on Conk's part to come out of the net. I screamed at the TV "STAY IN THE FUCKING NET!" when he first hit the ice. He didn't listen.

I would like to ammend my first pick.

Oilers in 7. A tight, hard, rough and dirty seven.

Bossnass 06-06-2006 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by BigBen
Hey, it was a dumb move on Conk's part to come out of the net. I screamed at the TV "STAY IN THE FUCKING NET!" when he first hit the ice. He didn't listen.


Originally Posted by Antikarma
You can't blame Conklin for that last goal either, it was miscommunication and its what happens when your backup goalie hasn't played in two months.

Fanning on the puck and standing like a statue don't help. It isn't like he hasn't laced up or been to practices. I know it would be an incredible stress situation to be put in at that point, but thats all the more reason to not take stupid risks.

I would be happier if Markkanen started the next game. I think the team rallys better with him behind them. Conklin made some stupid comments about the team and the organizaiton when we picked up Roloson. And I think he just blew his chance to handle the pressure.

BigBen 06-06-2006 03:08 PM

Conk made some stupid comments? Really?

Do you have the transcripts somewhere, or can you give me the broad strokes?

Have I ever been under that much pressure? Nope. Would I ever want to be tested like that? That is an excellent question. What are the odds?

How confident am I? How long have I been practicing? What resources do I have to use?

In the situation of a backup goaltender, the answer would be:

Practicing your whole life.
Team of professionals working with you to win. The highest calibre of professionals, selected and trained along with you.
Confidence would be a personal issue.

Hell yes. Put me in.

What a wonderful idea for a thread. We could put this in broad terms, like the World Cup, or the World Series, the Superbowl or other team sport.

A star player is hurt, and you are one of the backups. It is the final game. You have a 50/50 chance of success.
Your teammates are not confident in your abilities, but you are.
Your teammates want the other backup to be sent in. They have voiced their opinion.
You know that you can do a better job than the other player, but you need to have the team's support to push the odds in your favour.
If given the chance, do you:

A. Bow out gracefully, throwing your support behind the other backup, and therefore not accepting any blame in a possible loss? This also means that you will not share the true spirit of the possible win.

B. Advocate to the coach, and get in there and do your best. The team will be better with you out on the field. This will lead to a 50% chance of failure.

C. Advocate to the players to get behind you. Confidence in your ability will allow the team to function better, and thus possibly improve the odds. If they don't, and the other backup is selected, the chosen backup's confidence will be shaken due to your lack of support.

Hmmm. INteresting.

Antikarma 06-07-2006 04:17 PM

TWO games straight Carolina fans have stood, sung along, and CHEERED the Canadian National Anthem. I honestly can say I've never seen an American market do that before. Not to say it hasn't, but I've never seen it.

I wanna hate Carolina, I do, but I can't after that. You hear a lot of bad things about Carolina as a market, but that was classy as hell on behalf of the fans.

To any Carolina fans lurking here for the hockey discussion, CHEERS!

skier 06-07-2006 09:11 PM

the whole cheering of anthems thing started with the sharks booing canada's anthem and oilers fans drowning out the star spangled banner in response. This is the continuation of that, correct?

anyways, sounds like we're fucked. I miss roloson.

Willravel 06-08-2006 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by skier
the whole cheering of anthems thing started with the sharks booing canada's anthem and oilers fans drowning out the star spangled banner in response. This is the continuation of that, correct?

Yes, one of the most shameful days for shark fans. A few loud mouthed morons bood durring the Canadian national anthem On Sunday May 14th (they didn't boo at the song, btw. They booed the picture of one of the Oilers that came up on the giant screen durring the national anthem). A lot of Sharks fans, including myself, were and are extreemly embarassed. We didn't know they were going to do that, they never said anything at the meetings. Some of the Sharks best players are Canadian.

Not that the Oilers are completly innocent, as they booed durring the US National Anthem Friday, May 12, but we're all better than this. I proudly support the underdog Oilers in the finals, despite them getting the Sharks elimenated. Why would there be hard feelings? It's just a game.

Antikarma 06-08-2006 10:10 AM

Well agreed. I may not like a city's team, but you will NEVER EVER hear me boo a country. We're supposed to be farkin neighbors, adults. I get into my sport, but I honestly wanna know whats going through someone's head when they boo an anthem? What the hell is the justification?

Of course, I may be more naive than most, I still take off my hat at home for the Anthems. My wife found it amusing during the olympics.

BigBen 06-08-2006 11:07 AM

Lord in Heaven, what a horrible game last night.

You hear that crack? That is the goaltender's confidence breaking the sound barrier as it falls.


Originally Posted by BigBen
...This can go two ways (yeah, no shit, Ben. Water is wet and sugar is sweet, too...)

Oilers can melt down, and use the loss of Rolo as an easy excuse...

Well, I guess it went the first way.

I now know what it feels like to be a yank and see the World Series championship go to the Toronto Blue Jays. This is our identity, and somehow the foreigners are better at it.

maleficent 06-08-2006 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by BigBen
I now know what it feels like to be a yank and see the World Series championship go to the Toronto Blue Jays. This is our identity, and somehow the foreigners are better at it.

yeah but yeah but -- how many of your peoples are playing for carolina... :D

why does carolina have a hockey team anyhow - it's not like they know of winter :D

Glory's Sun 06-08-2006 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by maleficent
yeah but yeah but -- how many of your peoples are playing for carolina... :D

why does carolina have a hockey team anyhow - it's not like they know of winter :D

I've been trying to figure this out ever since they got here. Geez, give us a baseball team not a hockey team.

I <3 hockey but it just seems out of place here.. although, I guess we have more of a winter than Tampa Bay.

qweds 06-14-2006 07:47 PM


wow what a game. anyone else catch that madness?

oh canada, the dream lives

shoegirl 06-14-2006 08:12 PM

What a giveaway! I'm very doubtful that the Oilers will come back to win it all, but they put forth a great effort tonight!

skier 06-14-2006 09:03 PM


Damn you for getting my hopes right back up again, please keep it up


off to whyte to watch some crazy antics of stupider/drunker than average fans.

Glory's Sun 06-15-2006 03:41 AM

Since I'm a Red Wings fan, I really don't care who wins, but Edmonton looked better than they have all playoffs IMO last night. With a couple key players for Carolina hurting, Edmonton should be able to at least force a game 7.

Ace_O_Spades 06-15-2006 08:49 AM

The stage is set for my pick of Carolina in 6... CMON CAROLINA!

Ace_O_Spades 06-17-2006 09:35 PM


Oh well... the best I can do is tie now... curse my horrible last round.

Quadraton 06-18-2006 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades

Oh well... the best I can do is tie now... curse my horrible last round.

I know this might sound strange, but I hope you do end up in a tie. :thumbsup:

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