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goddfather40 06-17-2006 11:54 AM

Frickin' Ghana!

What a whacky day in Group E. Ghana made the Czech's Czech themselves and now the US is outplaying Italy at half. By the way, the red card on the US before the half looked like total horseshit. It was definitely worthy of a yellow, but come on. Now the US has to stay composed and keep their gameplan. It was on a silver platter for them being one man up and tied with 45 to play, now just got to keep calm and adapt to the Italians halftime adjustments.

Pacifier 06-17-2006 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by goddfather40
By the way, the red card on the US before the half looked like total horseshit.

No it was well deserved, he tackeld him with both feet, not even aiming for the ball. That a clear red card.

Sho Nuff 06-17-2006 01:06 PM

Ive been a fan of Bruce Areana for years but its time for him to go. His attacks on Beasley were completely unwarrented since the entire team played half-hearted vs the Chechs. Then he blows a sub by not putting Johnson or Wolf into the game when fresh legs were needed.

Reyna is next on my list for his complete lack of leadership during the first round.

Latch 06-17-2006 01:11 PM

I think the US red cards were BS. They were like most other late slide tackles we've seen (that haven't gotten red cards). The ref was horrible.

Pacifier 06-17-2006 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Latch
I think the US red cards were BS.

The first was OK (I didn't seen the second).
The US Player aimed for the foot, not the Ball. That is not how you play the Ball, hat was brutal and could have easily resulted with a serious injury.

goddfather40 06-17-2006 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pacifier
No it was well deserved, he tackeld him with both feet, not even aiming for the ball. That a clear red card.

That is not a clear red card...it is a clear yellow, in my opinion. He was going for the ball, he was just late. In fact, he even got a small piece of the ball. It wasn't from behind it was from the side. The second red card (actually a second yellow) was similar, Pope was late, but got a large bit of the ball and it was again a tackle from the side, not behind. These fouls are happening all the time during this game and other games in this tournament are not warrenting any cards at all.

The Italians were victimized too, they had several calls unfairly go against them as well.

Interesting to note, that the referee was suspended by FIFA before the 2002 World Cup because other referees were complaining about his calls. He was not allowed to referee in the 2002 Cup and hopefully he will be suspended for this cup as well.

All in all, it was a great effort by the Americans to get this draw despite playing most of the second half down 10 men to 9. Keller was huge in goal.

Pacifier 06-17-2006 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by goddfather40
He was going for the ball

No, you don't dropkick the ball. In the replay it looks like he was trying to break the ankles of the italian player.


Originally Posted by goddfather40
In fact, he even got a small piece of the ball.

no, the ball was gone


Originally Posted by goddfather40
The second red card (actually a second yellow) was similar, Pope was late, but got a large bit of the ball and it was again a tackle from the side, not behind.

Well, since that would have been Popes second yellow Card which equals a Red Card. so I think that was also OK (if the foul was worthy of a yellow card).

goddfather40 06-17-2006 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Pacifier
No, you don't dropkick the ball. In the replay it looks like he was trying to break the ankles of the italian player.

no, the ball was gone

We'll have to agree to disagree, but I've watched the replay of the first US red card foul over and over and he got a piece of the ball.

highthief 06-18-2006 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pacifier
No it was well deserved, he tackeld him with both feet, not even aiming for the ball. That a clear red card.

How many two footed tackles have resulted in red cards this tournament? Virtually all have resulted in yellows. That was a yellow card worthy offense, IMO, not a red.

Pacifier 06-18-2006 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by goddfather40
We'll have to agree to disagree, but I've watched the replay of the first US red card foul over and over and he got a piece of the ball.

here is a Video
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/wJCJKLSIUyE"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/wJCJKLSIUyE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Mastroeni doesn't hit the Ball, the italian player does. He aims at where the italian player stands, dropkickstyle. IMO with the sole intention to kick him off his feet.

shoegirl 06-18-2006 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by highthief
How many two footed tackles have resulted in red cards this tournament? Virtually all have resulted in yellows. That was a yellow card worthy offense, IMO, not a red.

Agreed. Definitely yellow card worthy. If the tackle had been more from behind, then it should've been a red card. Either way, it's over and done with. I'm just waiting for the rest of Group E's matches. :)

powerclown 06-18-2006 04:22 PM

Watched the France/South Korea (great uniforms) match today. Even though I don't know what is going on out there tactic-wise, it seemed quite competitive and definitely a great spectacle. Many guys who fall down in the collisions seem to overact (are they flopping?? (faking)) just before a card is raised. Some tough and fit guys out there. I admit I am no serious fan, but its fun to watch!

Glory's Sun 06-19-2006 03:36 AM

Once again the US proves it can't score. They were lucky to escape with a tie. Granted, the ref was absolutely horrid. The first red is debatable as it could have gone with a red or yellow depending on the intent. The yellow on Pope was pure shit. Even the Italians got screwed by alot of calls. I think the thing that annoyed me the most, is the inconsistency of the ref. He called everything and called it hard, then as the game went on, he let them play. If you're going to be a bad ass and throw color around, then be consistent about it.

This Tournament just has way way too much color being shown. There's no reason a team (Australia) should have 14 players carrying yellows before they even play Brazil. These refs are disrupting the flow and beauty of the game. I find it very very sad.

I hope the US team has their plane tickets booked because they'll be home shortly.

highthief 06-19-2006 04:13 AM

Boy, Australia gave Brazil all it could handle. That game could have easily been a draw.

I wonder if Togo is going to show up to play, today? I hear they may boycott the game.

Sho Nuff 06-19-2006 05:02 AM

The US didnt score because Arena refuses to use his subs properly. Johnson and Wolf were fresh on the sidelines, they would have brought the extra energy the team needed for late game goal scoring. Arena just chose to sit on his hands.

And the Aussies were very impressive. Tough physical defence and good team play. That club could be a problem in the future.

Props to Brazil though for letting Robinho get the playing time he deserves. Hopefully he'll take the start and bring Reynaldo off the bench. With Robinho giving Kaka the help he needs there isnt a goal scorer in Germany that has a chance.

Glory's Sun 06-19-2006 06:31 AM

A team shouldn't have to use subs in order to score. This has been going on alot longer than just this cup. Think about it, the tie against Italy gave the US it's <b>FIRST</b> point ever on European Soil. That reeks of inability to score. I don't think it's really the US that played tough, I think the Italians just happend to suck that day.

Brazil is always the team that gets better and better as the tournament goes on. They will be really tough if they go deep.

What's the deal with TOGO? Why would they boycott the game?

highthief 06-19-2006 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
What's the deal with TOGO? Why would they boycott the game?

Some kind of monetary dispute with their national organization. They did end up playing, however, so at least the World Cup was spared that embarassment.

deportes 06-19-2006 09:06 AM

Not sure if you guys realize that the yellow card in a previous game becomes a red card. Tha's why us

Not sure if you guys realize that the yellow card in a previous game becomes a red card. That's why the us received at least 1 of the red cards against Italy. The yellows carry over until they move to the next round I think then the players start with a clean slate. That why it's so important for players that have previous yellows to not foul hard enough for another yellow. US played great, we still have hope.

highthief 06-19-2006 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by deportes
Not sure if you guys realize that the yellow card in a previous game becomes a red card. That's why the us received at least 1 of the red cards against Italy.

Incorrect. No player who received a red (or yellow) in the Italy match had received one in the Czech match. Onyewu and Reyna, who received yellows in the first game, played clean this time.

Glory's Sun 06-19-2006 10:24 AM


highthief is correct. The two players who received reds in the Italy game did not receive any cards in the Czech game. However, iirc, Pope recieved a yellow in the opening half of the US vs Italy game. So if the ref wanted to throw any color the second time, he was going to get red and yellow. Either way, the ref was horrible.

The US doesn't have a chance.. go ahead and give up. American Football sucks. Until the team gets a coach, and a squad who actually cares about taking chances, they will always suck.

shoegirl 06-19-2006 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
The US doesn't have a chance.. go ahead and give up. American Football sucks. Until the team gets a coach, and a squad who actually cares about taking chances, they will always suck.

I disagree. The US doesn't suck. Sure 10-15 years ago they sucked, but soccer in the US is still growing and still improving. Nobody can expect them to be as good as England or Brazil, they're like children in this game. Put it in perspective, soccer isn't nearly as huge in the US as it is in any other country and I'm sure in the next 10 years we'll continue to see the US make advances. Development takes time and they started much later than the rest of the world. The fact remains, they're not going to become a superpower overnight.

Glory's Sun 06-19-2006 11:17 AM

What they may become and what they are now are two very different things. IMHO, they suck. When a team goes that long without 1 single point on European Soil in WC play, they suck. Say what you will, but even <b>Ghana</b> has more points, and they are far younger than the US. They look like a deer in headlights when they play teams. They can't shoot, and they can barely defend. I stand by my analyisis that until they get a better "farm" system, and learn to take chances and get a coach that understands the game, they will continue to suck.

Sho Nuff 06-19-2006 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
A team shouldn't have to use subs in order to score. This has been going on alot longer than just this cup. Think about it, the tie against Italy gave the US it's <b>FIRST</b> point ever on European Soil. That reeks of inability to score. I don't think it's really the US that played tough, I think the Italians just happend to suck that day.

Dont underestimate bench scoring. Football is just as much strategy as it is physical. The US doesnt have the caliber of players as some of the other clubs, so a little strategy goes a long way. (Especially since Reyna is not holding his own as a cap)

Johnson should be starting anyway making it uneccesary to bring him in as a sub, but using a strong, physical man up front against a tired defense late in the game is how a possibly inferior team can use the depth of its bench to level the playing field.

And please dont judge World Cup teams by past performances that are 8 years old or more. Look at the Miami Heat and Dallas Mavericks 8 years ago. You'd be hard pressed to name more than a handful of members on this team that ever saw World Cup play in Europe. How can that past performance be on their head? If anything, it shows the improvement of the team in the past 2 World Cups that they made it deep 4 years ago and held of Italy this year.

Im willing to call game one nerves, inexperience playing as a team and poor leadership by Areana and Reyna and be optomistic about the team's future.

djflish 06-19-2006 02:58 PM

Spain 3-1 Tunisia
Spain are looking good, 7 goals in two games. They are the biggest under-achievers in football, so they've got to win something eventually.

And I still don't get how the US are ranked 5th in the world. Ahead of England, Argentina, Portugal, France, Spain.....??

Glory's Sun 06-20-2006 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by djflish
And I still don't get how the US are ranked 5th in the world. Ahead of England, Argentina, Portugal, France, Spain.....??

Good question....

Look, I understand about strategy and all that. The point is, that unless you have some good quality players that can play anywhere in the world and a coach that actually <i>uses</i> strategy, you won't win. Tell me all you want about Brian Mcbride being MVP of Fulham. My response.. AND?? Fulham is horrible. Look at the other teams doing well.. Spain for instance. They have more players playing in the premiership now. Guess what? Their team is alot better in the WC. I just think that until the US gets players that can play in the Premiership or other great leagues (because MLS is just horrible) they won't do anything.

The past performances will always be on their heads because <b>they were ranked 5th in the world and touted as being a strong team</b> Not only that but some idiot on ESPN said Keller was the top keeper in the world. What the hell is he smoking? I need some of that shit.

I'm an American. I love the beauty and simplicity of Football. (yes, it's football damnit, at least get the name right--maybe you'll play better) ;) However, I will not cheer for the US team because I find them severly lacking in passion. Give me a US team with passion and fire and I will support them win or loose. (except for when they play England) :D

healer 06-20-2006 06:09 AM

Am I the only one pissed off that the last round of the group stages sees matches being played at the same times?

The games - up to now - have been played at 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00 my time, and I got to watch them all. Imagine my horror when I found out that the games were now being played two at a time -at 16:00 and 21:00. Now I'll have to watch what our public broadcaster chooses to screen and miss the other game being played in that timeslot. :mad:

Serves me right for not reading the schedule properly.

shoegirl 06-20-2006 07:22 AM

Nah, I'm not pissed off about it - at least not today. I'm watching the Germany/Ecuador match since I'm not interested in the Poland match. And later I'll be watching the Sweden/England match. But, I'm sure I'll hit that point later this week when I want to watch 2 games that are on at the same time.

Pacifier 06-20-2006 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by healer
Am I the only one pissed off that the last round of the group stages sees matches being played at the same times?

There is a Reason for that :D
West Germany vs. Austria

djflish 06-20-2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr
Not only that but some idiot on ESPN said Keller was the top keeper in the world. What the hell is he smoking? I need some of that shit.

I don't even think he's the best US keeper. He's a good GK, don't get me wrong, but Brad Friedel is a much better keeper. Is he injured or something?

shoegirl 06-20-2006 11:03 AM

Friedel announced his retirement from international soccer early in 2005.

Michael Owen injured 3 minutes into the England match. You hate to see that happen to any player.

Glory's Sun 06-20-2006 11:26 AM


Owen just had to get hurt.

Damnit Damnit Damnit!!!!

He's brilliant with the ball. At least Rooney is in there. I'm betting he scores today.

What the bloddy hell?

Can someone explain to me why Ferdinand and Rooney were taken out?? Jesus.

I really really hate last minute goals. Have fun with Germany, Sweden.

connyosis 06-20-2006 01:08 PM

Germans. Pah! We fart in their general direction.
Really nice game between England - Sweden.

Pip 06-20-2006 02:38 PM

When was the last time England actually beat Sweden at football? ;) I'm worried about Germany though, I had preferred a win.

I wish we could clone Allbäck. What a fighter he is! :love: :thumbsup:

Glory's Sun 06-21-2006 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pip
When was the last time England actually beat Sweden at football? ;) I'm worried about Germany though, I had preferred a win.

I wish we could clone Allbäck. What a fighter he is! :love: :thumbsup:

Well, before yesterday, Sweden had won the last 11 matches against England. So I guess that makes it 12 matches.

Alot of people are saying Ecudor can beat England. With Owen out, I'm a bit worried but I think England can pull it out.

highthief 06-21-2006 06:10 AM


Originally Posted by guccilvr

Owen just had to get hurt.

Damnit Damnit Damnit!!!!

He's brilliant with the ball. At least Rooney is in there. I'm betting he scores today.

What the bloddy hell?

Can someone explain to me why Ferdinand and Rooney were taken out?? Jesus.

I really really hate last minute goals. Have fun with Germany, Sweden.

Rio had a bit of a groin pull, but he's OK, they just weren't taking chances. Rooney was tired, he's not quite up to 90 minutes but almost. Anyway, Gerrard scored so it's all good.

Hello, Equador.

Glory's Sun 06-21-2006 08:18 AM

Well, Owen is out. This is a huge blow to England's chances.


Owen ruled out of tournament
21 June 2006
by FIFAworldcup.com

Michael Owen received the news the whole of England was fearing, if expecting, when it was confirmed on Wednesday that he would miss the remainder of the 2006 FIFA World Cup™.

The England striker was stretchered off after twisting his knee awkwardly just 74 seconds into Sven-Goran Eriksson’s side’s 2-2 draw with Sweden in Cologne, and his club, Newcastle United have revealed that he has suffered a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament.

This could well mean a period of at least five months in rehabilitation for a player who only recently returned to action from a broken foot that had sidelined him since 31 December.

Owen, who has flown home to England, said: "Obviously it's a massive blow to suffer the injury – and to be out of the World Cup. As soon as it happened I knew I was in trouble. It was a major disappointment to pick up the injury so early in the game.

"I'll go back home now and work with the Newcastle medical staff to put a recovery programme in place. I'm clearly sorry to be leaving the lads in Germany, but I'm convinced they can go on and achieve success.

"I'll be following all the matches very closely and giving them my full support, hopefully all the way to Berlin. My main objective is now to get fit as quickly as possible for Newcastle United."

The thoughts of England fans will be dominated by sadness for Owen, but there will also be the realisation that the 26-year-old’s injury leaves a gaping void in their side’s attacking armoury, particularly as Wayne Rooney is still evidently short of match-fitness and only the untried teenager Theo Walcott can be considered a genuine like-for-like replacement for the Newcastle striker.

Eriksson, however, opted to leave that particular dilemma for another day and focus on sympathising with a player who has long been his first-choice striker.

"Michael has had terrible luck with injuries since Christmas," said the England coach. "I feel very sorry for him to miss out on the rest of the World Cup - it's blow to him and a big loss for the team.

"However, I am sure Michael will work very hard to get back as quickly as possible for Newcastle and England. He is a true professional and a very mentally strong person. I hope the team can now go on and achieve success in Germany for Michael."

Doos 06-21-2006 08:42 AM

I see you guys haven't yet raised the Lampard argument.
How the hell he plays instead of Gerrard and Hargreaves, God alone knows. What a waste of space he is.

djflish 06-21-2006 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pip
When was the last time England actually beat Sweden at football? ;)

The commentator said it's been 38 years since England have beaten Sweden.

Originally Posted by Doos
I see you guys haven't yet raised the Lampard argument.
How the hell he plays instead of Gerrard and Hargreaves, God alone knows. What a waste of space he is.

Gerrard was left out because he was on a yellow and they didn't want to risk him missing the next match.
Lampard is still a world class player, he will come good in this tournament.

highthief 06-21-2006 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by djflish
Gerrard was left out because he was on a yellow and they didn't want to risk him missing the next match.
Lampard is still a world class player, he will come good in this tournament.

Yeah, as a Liverpool fan, the Scouser is my favourite player, but Lampard has what it takes also. He's a bit inconsistent but when he hits his stride he's among the best.

Doos 06-21-2006 10:11 AM

A stat i've seen is 18 shots 0 goals. It seems he needs a deflection to score. Its a damn shame that Gerrard has to hang back and cover, he has way more to offer than FL. Its not his game.

Anyway, he STILL manages to score more than the goal hanger.

edit. And FL was on a yellow too.

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