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Old 10-18-2005, 05:33 AM   #1 (permalink)
Sex in a car..(not moving of course..)

Would love to try this with my girl, but need to some ideas as to the best positions etc,

any thoughts, or somewhere in the right direction i could be pointed to on the net?

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Old 10-18-2005, 05:38 AM   #2 (permalink)
On the lam
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Location: northern va
a lot depends on how big you are (S M L XL) and how big your car is. (festiva, cadillac, caravan, hummer?)

The tricky thing is to make sure you pull over in a nice quiet area!
oh baby oh baby, i like gravy.
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Old 10-18-2005, 05:59 AM   #3 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
little_tippler's Avatar
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Location: on the other side
I hate sex in a car...it's uncomfortable, and you can't spread out to do everything you think of, once I also hit my head on the roof of the car in the middle of things...kind of kills the mood. Try it once to say you did it, and then forget it lol...I don't recommend it. Unless you have a very big car and somewhere quiet you can go to.
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 10-18-2005, 06:22 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: ohio
yeah my g/f and i tried in my car once when we had no other options. i have a chevy cavalier and trust me, sex in the backseat of a car like that only works about one way and ur back hurts alot afterwards.
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Old 10-18-2005, 06:40 AM   #5 (permalink)
Redlemon's Avatar
Location: New England
I think the only semi-useful position is passenger front seat, reclined, woman on top. Speaking of which...
Making Love in a Subaru
that's what I wanna do with you
We can always feel around the steering wheel
there seems to be so much that we can do

An alibi that I will not allow
is when you tell me that you don't know how
'Cause it's just like being in bed
all your clothing you must shed
you can stick 'em in the glove box for now

Don't try to tell me it's a sin
just lie back, I'll put a hickey on your chin
When you act this indiscreet, creating so much body heat
the tachometer will nearly start to spin

And now let us lie between the sheets
and thank heaven for reclining bucket seats
Don't touch that for goodness sake
you'll release the parking brake
we'll both start to roll down the street (yipes)

Now I'm gonna try to lock your door
Wait a minute, now I'm feeling sore
It's not that I'm not able, something's sticking in my navel
my gosh, it's the four-on-the-floor (ouch)

Pigeons overhead flying high
Circling above us in the sky
now I'm feeling ill-at-ease, my darling would you please
close the sunroof something just fell in my eye (yuck)

You say that something's pinching at your feet
hey look what you just found, hey ain't that neat
it's my roach-clip and my bong
they've been missing for so long
all this time they must have been beneath the seat

Now you're suffocating and I'm water-logged
all the windows are beginning to get fogged
So my dear with your consent
I'll open up the flow-thru vent
I only hope it also isn't clogged

There are other things that we can do
but only if you're tired of getting scratched
Honk the horn real good
and you'll wake the neighborhood
and they'll have a marvelous view

Making Love in a Subaru, my friend
Making Love in a Subaru
I can't read your signature. Sorry.
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Old 10-18-2005, 06:44 AM   #6 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by little_tippler
Try it once to say you did it, and then forget it lol...I don't recommend it. .
It's kind of l ike the mile high club... it sounds good in theory... but... king size bed with 500 count cotton sheets is just a bazillion times better
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 10-18-2005, 06:54 AM   #7 (permalink)
Getting Medieval on your ass
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Dr. Demento - haven't heard that song in years. Truly you deserve your title of obsessive librarian.
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Old 10-18-2005, 06:55 AM   #8 (permalink)
I'm not a blonde! I'm knot! I'm knot! I'm knot!
raeanna74's Avatar
Location: Upper Michigan
It's not a big deal really. Try it in the back seat - most comfortable. Get a station wagon - MUCh better. Wear easy access clothes, Like elastic wastebands or the girl wearing a skirt. Works good with the guy sitting in the back seat and the girl riding. Don't know any sites. Just do a search I'm sure you'll find plenty of ideas. Keep a couple clean towels around to wipe up so you don't get your seats dirty. Maybe even a few wet wipes. PLEASE don't dump a condom on the ground outside your car at a park. Especially a park where people bring their dogs. That's just gross to have your dog sniff out one of those. Throw it in the trash please.

Sex in the car is the retreat of kids who's parents don't approve, those parents who's kids are nosy and hard to get rid of, and the occasional horny mood that just has to be satisfied ASAP. Otherwise I'd prefer the more comfortable location of my bed or perhaps the sofa or carpet.

It does make sex more exciting to mix it up a little. Definately gets interesting if you're parked at a park when the park ranger comes round to check up on things. "Are you consenting?" "Are you 18?" (Not asked anymore unfortunately.) "May I see your ID?" etc. While you are still scrambling to button your buttons and put your shoes back on.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
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Old 10-18-2005, 07:38 AM   #9 (permalink)
JStrider's Avatar
Location: The Woodlands, TX
I've used the car numerous times when getting away from the parents in highschool... or when the roomate wasnt willing to hang out next door for a while...

i've got an old ford explorer.. so I can lay down the back seats and you can lay out diaganolly across the bed and have lots of room...

and depending on how secluded your area is / how brave you are... you can always get out of the car and bend her over the hood

~Clatto Verata Nicto
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Old 10-18-2005, 07:41 AM   #10 (permalink)
You had me at hello
Poppinjay's Avatar
Location: DC/Coastal VA
Originally Posted by maleficent
It's kind of l ike the mile high club... it sounds good in theory... but... king size bed with 500 count cotton sheets is just a bazillion times better
This couldn't possibly have been put better.

Early on, my current SO talked about car sex and started to intiate once, at a stop light. That's just the way things are in that phase of a relationship.

But, if you've got a bed, you don't need a car, unless you have some strong desire to re-visit high school style sex.
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
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Old 10-18-2005, 08:07 AM   #11 (permalink)
"I'm sorry. What was the question?"
Daoust's Avatar
Location: Paradise Regained
I had never had sex in a car until a couple of weeks ago. It was the wifes idea, not mine. The old '93 Le Sabre. We were getting rid of it in a few days anyway, and we knew we had not initiated it yet, so it was time...

Not the best sex I've ever had. Cramped. Uncomfortable. Missionary. But at least I can say I did it.
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys
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Old 10-18-2005, 08:08 AM   #12 (permalink)
Gatorade Frost's Avatar
The best position I've had when I was doing it in the car was for me (a guy) to lay down in the front seat with the chair reclined and pushed all the way back and she got on top of me.
I got in a fight one time with a really big guy, and he said, "I'm going to mop the floor with your face." I said, "You'll be sorry." He said, "Oh, yeah? Why?" I said, "Well, you won't be able to get into the corners very well."
Emo Philips
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Old 10-18-2005, 08:08 AM   #13 (permalink)
shesus's Avatar
Location: Chicago
Car sex...not my favorite and would probably never try it again. I've been in the back seat and since I have really long legs and he was about 6' it wasn't comfortable or romantic. Redlemon suggest front seat...may work, but again I can imagine my legs would be hurt by sliding between the seat and the door and the middle console.

I say go to a place that is quiet and secluded. Get out of the car and do it on the hood. Still car sex, but a lot more room
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it

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Old 10-18-2005, 09:01 AM   #14 (permalink)
No. It's not done yet.
BonesCPA's Avatar
Location: sorta kinda phila
There is nothing better than doing in the KMart parking lot. No matter where you do it, it is best to have a larger car or and SUV. An SUV might not have the 500 count sheets, but it does give you some room.
Back into hibernation.
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Old 10-18-2005, 09:07 AM   #15 (permalink)
Car sex is for kids who can not have it at home, have no other options or no imagination. It generally sucks unless you own a stationwagon. or hatchback with folding rear seats.
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Old 10-18-2005, 09:16 AM   #16 (permalink)
I used to love car sex in High School. It was the only way girls would let me hump them. You need a decent size back seat and a girl who likes it from behind. I had a Buick Regal.
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Old 10-18-2005, 09:32 AM   #17 (permalink)
Moderator Emeritus
Location: Chicago
Originally Posted by BonesCPA
An SUV might not have the 500 count sheets, but it does give you some room.
Does it have room service?
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.
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Old 10-18-2005, 09:46 AM   #18 (permalink)
You had me at hello
Poppinjay's Avatar
Location: DC/Coastal VA
Probably at the Sonic, but then you'd get arrested..
I think the Apocalypse is happening all around us. We go on eating desserts and watching TV. I know I do. I wish we were more capable of sustained passion and sustained resistance. We should be screaming and what we do is gossip. -Lydia Millet
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:40 AM   #19 (permalink)
Car sex is a fun thing to do for a change of pace, and if there's a will, there's a way. I did it in the back seat of a '95 geo metro (sedan, mind you) when my wife and I first started dating...
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:45 AM   #20 (permalink)
Registered User
car sex is so bad.. especially if your car is little or you're tall. Try thinking "outside the car" and do it on the hood

much more comfortable plus the heat feels kinda nice too..
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:46 AM   #21 (permalink)
fightnight's Avatar
Location: The lovely Northeast
It can be fun once or twice like everyone else said, but be weary of seemingly empty parking lots at night, as often companies have security they pay to come by every half hour and drive around.... and let's just say from experience that a car all fogged up in an otherwise empty parking lot at night draws some attention from security.
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:52 AM   #22 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
Location: Iceland
Aw, come on guys, car sex can be fun if it's done right. Ktspktsp and I have done it in just about every car we've driven. Best position for us is the front passenger seat, rolled back as far as it can go, with me on the bottom (occasionally on top).

There's a favorite secluded place I like to go in Seattle, and we had the best sex there. Sometimes we just can't wait to have sex, what can I say! (actually, I'm looking forward to initiating his new car!)

...I will admit that one time, it was very uncomfortable (in the backseat), but that was in a very small muscle car and it was a design flaw if you ask me.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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Old 10-18-2005, 11:55 AM   #23 (permalink)
<Insert wise statement here>
MageB420666's Avatar
Location: Hell if I know
Car sex can be fun. You just have to be creative.

And where there is a will, there is a way. I did it in a miata with my ex-girlfriend once. Not on the miata, not near the miata, inside of the miata, the passenger side to be exact. There wasn't anyway we could do it on the driver side, the steering wheel was in the way. And did I mention this was with the top up?

After that we stuck to getting out of the car and doing it on the hood or laying out a blanket or something and doing it beside the car, much more room. I was so glad when I got a mazda protege, it at least has a backseat...
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.
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Old 10-18-2005, 12:14 PM   #24 (permalink)
pigglet pigglet
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Crap this brings up memories. It's not too bad in an SUV in the back. Ummm...of course, the beds of trucks can be quite fun - especially out in secluded areas. Which is similar to gulciver's comment - you can always knock it on the hood or the trunk. I don't even want to contemplate having sex in the front seat of anything, unless it's a cruise. Then again, I guess I've had sex in the front seat of a car, driver's side in an Acura. How in the hell do you have sex in the front seat, with girl on bottom, unless she's flipped over. The angles, my back - it hurts, make it stop.

Of course, the first thing I thought of was "Mallrats."
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style
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Old 10-18-2005, 12:17 PM   #25 (permalink)
Young Crumudgeon
Martian's Avatar
Location: Canada
I agree with the people who say it can be fun; it's a way to spice things up. My current girlfriend and I have had sex both in the back of her Toyota Camry and my Monte Carlo. The Monte is better, because there's more room. It all depends on what kind of car you drive I think and how willing you are to be creative (the last time we did it we were driving when she reached over and unzipped my fly - we were in Detroit, so she was giving me directions with her hand in my pants. That was hot).
I wake up in the morning more tired than before I slept
I get through cryin' and I'm sadder than before I wept
I get through thinkin' now, and the thoughts have left my head
I get through speakin' and I can't remember, not a word that I said

- Ben Harper, Show Me A Little Shame
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Old 10-18-2005, 03:01 PM   #26 (permalink)
through charlatans phone
paddyjoe's Avatar
Location: Northcoast
Man, all I remember is that I was glad to be getting sex at all! Cramped or no, it was still all a freaking riot.

But maybe to help you guys find the ultimate position, click this:

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Old 10-18-2005, 03:07 PM   #27 (permalink)
Sugar&Spice's Avatar
I've done it in the back seat of my tiny car before. Girl on top seems to work the best. My head would just rub a little. Back of a truck on a road trip with blankets and pillows is really comfortable. Back of an SUV with the seats down gives plenty of room. I think sex in a vehicle is better if it is spontaneous.
-Speak your mind even if your voice shakes
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Old 10-18-2005, 10:21 PM   #28 (permalink)
I say forget about trying it IN the car,try it On the bonnet of the car. Obviously in very quiet place where no-one's around. My back hurt a bit afterwards, but hey it was worth it. A bit of adventure could'n t harm anyone. try it!!
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Old 10-18-2005, 11:20 PM   #29 (permalink)
Currently sour but formerly Dlishs
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the last time i tried this in a 'quiet area' some freak thought the car was abandoned and came up to the car thinking it was a prize catch.. of course i saw him and chased after the bastard for about 20m..but it was a cold winter night and i didnt have all that much on.....
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere

I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy
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Old 10-19-2005, 09:27 AM   #30 (permalink)
will always be an Alyson Hanniganite
Bill O'Rights's Avatar
Location: In the dust of the archives
Car sex? All I can say is that it was a hell of a lot easier, when I was 16-17, in the back seat of of my '68 Mercury (you could set up light housekeeping in the back of that Mercury).
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." - Susan B. Anthony

"Hedonism with rules isn't hedonism at all, it's the Republican party." - JumpinJesus

It is indisputable that true beauty lies within...but a nice rack sure doesn't hurt.
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Old 10-19-2005, 10:29 AM   #31 (permalink)
Catdaddy33's Avatar
Location: TN
When I was dating my now wife, I had a 85 Buick Regal that had a bench seat, we had no problem getting busy in that. Her car was a Nissan 200ZX that had the center console, that was rather painful...
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Old 10-19-2005, 10:42 AM   #32 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
"... like the backseat of a Volkswagen?"
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 10-19-2005, 10:57 AM   #33 (permalink)
No. It's not done yet.
BonesCPA's Avatar
Location: sorta kinda phila
Originally Posted by maleficent
Does it have room service?
Excluding the drive through, no. But who orders room service for a quickie - and isn't that what having sex in the car is all about?
Back into hibernation.
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Old 10-19-2005, 12:25 PM   #34 (permalink)
air45's Avatar
Location: Midwest
my best sex is on top of my car, which is pontiac montana van. if you are in a wood area, no one can see except for a bird or owl.

do not do if the montana is in sun for a long while, because metal roof is very hot to touch! you will not like to be on bottom, no way!

the good news on the pontiac montana van is the luggage rack -- this way, it is so difficult to fall to the ground. go for love!
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Old 10-19-2005, 01:25 PM   #35 (permalink)
hoarding all the big girl panties since 2005
Sage's Avatar
Location: North side
Done it in the backseat of a Volkswagen GTI (2 door 5 speed)!!

Worrying about getting caught was the mood killer for me- we actually fit rather well
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Old 10-19-2005, 03:36 PM   #36 (permalink)
Borla's Avatar
I have a 2000 Trans AM................the best way to have sex in it is to pull over somewhere on a dead-end country road.........roll the windows down, and take the tops off. I move my seat all the way back, and recline it slightly. Crank up the stereo to some appropriate music, and let her climb on top. She can get her groove on, leaning back and out the roof, watching the sky full of stars, grinding to the beat.

Works good, trust me.
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde!!!!
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Old 10-19-2005, 07:11 PM   #37 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
MSD's Avatar
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Location: CT
It works best if you have a cargo van. Every time I pull a GMC G2500/3500 with an empty back seat into the garage at work, I look over my shoulder and think that having one wouldn't be nearly as boring as it seems. A shag carpeting remnant (scotch guarded!) one of those cheesy 7-color chandeliers from Auto Zone, and a cooler between the front seats, and you're set.
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Old 10-19-2005, 07:24 PM   #38 (permalink)
Psycho Dad's Avatar
Location: Some nucking fut house.
I've had sex in every vehicle I've owned. In fact my oldest is nearly 21 and he was conceived in my car. Where there is a will there is a way I believe.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.
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Old 10-19-2005, 07:31 PM   #39 (permalink)
Location: Nunya
Get it on in a car is hot!!!! I get all hot and bothered just thinking about it!!!
I like to be on top or with my partner sitting up and me with my legs around him.
It doesn't really matter the position... I think its just the whole idea of being in the public eye.... Do it in the daylight!!! Its so much fun!!! I feel so rebelious, ya know?
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.
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Old 10-19-2005, 08:13 PM   #40 (permalink)
qtpye4u84's Avatar
Location: oregon
Well, if you go for road head, thats fun!!
Bad part is,
when your done and you want to get gas or go get something to drink the female looks like crap, all the blood rushing to her head and her hair all over so use a pony tail, you'll look less like a druggie.
I freak kinda when we pass a big truck cause my dad has one and you can see ppl better
( I tell my self they wont ever see me again, or they wont know who I am lol)
The QTpie
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carnot, moving, sex

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