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Vincentt 05-29-2005 04:50 PM

How has your masturbation been lately?
Is that a strange question? I sure think it is, but I have been asked it or a variation at least 3 times recently.

How has your masturbation been lately?
Do you masturbate recently?
Masturbate you do today?

After I stare kind of dumbfounded at the asker, sometimes they will go into their masturbation tales.

“Today while so-and-so was waiting for me outside my room, I was able to finish. That is fast isn’t it?”

My response was: !!

I guess I am not used to such questions, have you ever had someone come up and ask something like this? Is it a frequent question?

I am not sure, but maybe they are really worried about me. There is a stack of porno outside my room now, it started on one end of the hall and moved until it was on the table directly beside my room door.

I think it is a funny situation, so I thought I’d share.

What kind of question have you been asked that really surprised you?

tacobaal 05-29-2005 05:14 PM

i have never been asked such a question :|

but in responce mines been well, not that frequesnt but none the less im saticefied :p

ngdawg 05-29-2005 06:12 PM

My sister's boyfriend pointed at my chest and, in a shocked manner, asked me "where'd you get THOSE?"

No one's ever asked me about my sexual habits and I think, should they, I would be inclined to ask them why they'd like to know.

twinkle 05-29-2005 06:44 PM

Aside from internet message boards and with my fiance, I don't talk about my masturbation habits. Just like I don't talk about my toileting habits... people are on a need-to-know, and nobody really needs to know.

Not that I wouldn't discuss it, if asked, and the person wanted to know for some reason I considered legitimate (market research, or if they were desperately afraid they "weren't normal" or something). I just don't go around chatting about how I diddle my skittle.

Siege 05-29-2005 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by ngdawg
My sister's boyfriend pointed at my chest and, in a shocked manner, asked me "where'd you get THOSE?"

What was your reply? :D

If/when i'm talking about sex with any of my friends (almost always female, which is much easier and somewhat less awkward I find), questions like that come up. I can't remember if any of us directly asked each other about our masturbation habits, but personal questions do come up.

K-Wise 05-29-2005 06:46 PM

Well I'm a virgin and I have no girlfriend. I'm afraid masturbation is all I got and it's been very good to me.

I will say I have never been asked such a question by anyone I know though. If they did ask me I might just give them a "Wtf?" face and walk away shaking my head...Unless they said it jokingly..then I'd tell them "Great! 8 times a day!" or something equally stupid like that.

EDIT: After reading the above reply I just realised I have been asked a similar question once. I was at a table with 3 girls and a dude I know and I made a comment about how one time the naughty channel came in perfectly on my television and made a joke and said "So I was like...hmm..no ones around...:D" Then they were like "You jacked off?!" and they got all hot & bothered and started asking me a bunch of stupid questions trying to get details. One girl actually asked "Does it feel good when you nut?(cum)"

??? No! No it feels terrible I don't know why I do it so often! I'm so cruel to myself! The things people ask :rolleyes:


ngdawg 05-29-2005 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Seige
What was your reply? :D

If/when i'm talking about sex with any of my friends (almost always female, which is much easier and somewhat less awkward I find), questions like that come up. I can't remember if any of us directly asked each other about our masturbation habits, but personal questions do come up.

I told him i always had them, thank you very much....then got up and moved away ;) ( he later told my sister he would pay for her to have a boob job if she would get them to match mine-nice guy, eh?)

K-Wise 05-29-2005 07:02 PM

What a tool. Granted they are quite lovely but what the hell kind of comment is that? Yeah that ones a real winner alright :rolleyes: If your beauty is any idication to that of your sister, then I'd say it sounds like she could do lots better ;).


Siege 05-29-2005 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by ngdawg
( he later told my sister he would pay for her to have a boob job if she would get them to match mine-nice guy, eh?)

Extremely :rolleyes:

That probably earned the 'ol slap in the face and kick out the door

I guess the most interesting question relating to masturbation (which I just remembered), was when a gurl I know asked me how often I masturbated. I should've said something suave like "i'll do it a lot less if you help me make up for the missed times" or something ;)

K-Wise 05-29-2005 07:07 PM

^ Man I need to use that one! I usually just say over 4 times a day and they make the ":eek:" face. I'm such a loser.


Squishor 05-29-2005 07:22 PM

This question reminds me of one time when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I was visiting my (elderly) grandparents at their summer home in Florida and went in the bathroom to poop. When I came out, my grandmother asked, "How was it?" When I said, "How was what?" she said, "You know, how did it look? Did it come out okay?" I was stupefied and confused, and told her I hadn't really looked at it.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that she probably had constipation problems or whatever...but I was only 7 years old! Could she not recall a time when her poop came out okay?

Vincentt 05-30-2005 12:44 AM

I should note this is a all male dorm in Japan. So it is a little diffrent then the rest of the country.

Hektore 05-30-2005 06:21 PM

Well, how has it been is a pretty awkward question, I mean, it sucked, and I do it because its no fun at all....you know? But how often comes up, maybe habits things like that come up often enough. Most of the time its girls that ask the details. Actually, in my dorm people would generally write when they were masturbating on their door as to avoid the unpleseant walk-ins by the roommate. Several times I've actually had friends excuse themselves from my(and others) presence to masturbate.

Anybody find that weird?

Anyway, you said Japan? Well, as best as I know, Japan is much more open about all things sexual than us over here in the United States of Jesus-land (*wishes he could remember where to credit this to*), so that doesn't really surprise me at all.

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