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So I was looking for something else, and stumbled into this...
http://www.gunoil.com/product_one.php?id=5 Quote:
Now this gave me a great deal of amusement... however when I gave it an ounce of thought, I recalled back in high school and college, the girls stuffed with tissues or socks - technology being what it is -- the past few years there have been "explant" - sometimes called Cutlets because that's what they look like http://www.sonies.com/curves/main.html http://www.sonies.com/curves/SiliconeEnhancer.jpg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So -- this gets me to my question.... and hopefully some discussion... Ever stuffed? Ever been with someone who did stuff? What do you think of these products on the market to "enhance" isn't really encouraging dishonesty ? Thoughts.... |
In grade four my best friend and I would put socks in our training bras and parade around for eachother. Other than that I haven't, though I can understand the appeal of it I guess.
The only problem would be, what if some amazingly attractive person wanted to have sex with you, right then and there? Wouldn't it be embarassing? :hmm: |
I have to agree with cellophane...say you wear it dancing, you meet a hot girl, you go back to your place and...."just a sec. I'm not REALLY this well endowed." I've never understood the thinking behind stuffing of any sort.
Sadly, I've never needed to stuff - but had a girlfriend who used those cutlet thingies, her reasoning - once she's alone with the guy and it's a darkened room, she pops 'em out and all he thinks are boobies are good and that's all that matters. I never did find out if she was right or not.
Isn't a pushup bra also kinda faking it? |
Oh hell no I'd never do that. It's bad enough without it sometimes. Plus call me a fag but I'd like my penis size to be a surprise...and I'd like her to notice me for a little something else first rather than just "OMG look at his cock!" And then they find out "Hee hee tricked ya bitch!" and it's out the door they go. What good did that do ya?
Asta!! |
Never stuffed...
I think this is a bit odd but not unexpected... I could see how this would make me feel more comfortable wearing a speedo... Not that I would ever wear a speedo. |
Reminds me of a joke.
Guy takes a woman home from the bar. They get to the bedroom, and she takes off her makeup. Takes off her push-up bra. Takes off her wig. Looks at him, staring at her, she says, "What?" He says, "Look, you know what I want. Just take it off and give it to me!" I've never stuffed. I'd like to say I've never needed to... Well, I guess that's true, but it's not because of some mammoth schlonger over here. I'm very comfortable with my pretty-much-average size. Incidentally, this brings up the whole related issue of "grower vs. shower". Me, I'm a grower. |
^ Yeah I'm a grower too. And I don't get that joke I'm afraid.
Asta!! |
I would feel so embarrassed walking around stuffed, im a modest person, it would freak me out if everyone was looking at me... plus i dont wear any clothes that youd notice a bulge in anyway
My ex worked in a hospital and a patient came in - a young fellow who'd been out on the town and had an appendix attack and was taken to emergency. I guess there was great amusement among the staff when they found a cucumber taped inside his trousers.
umm... What's the "grower vs. shower" thing?
I can see how the product here would be helpful for men who have until recently had the genitals of a female. I have no experience with this, but I hear that the penises that new men are able to get aren't up to par. |
Man there sure are some insecure people out there...
sorry this would only make me laugh....I like my men to be growers.....its kind of an awe inspring power trip to make it grow ;)
Theres a thread about Growers Vs Showers if you feel like searching for it Cello. Basically a grower is someone who is considerably smaller in his flacid state than he is erect and therefore "grows" a great deal when an erection occurs. I think most men fall into the catagory of a "grower" Asta!! |
http://www.gunoil.com/img/product_5.gif No. There's clear penis definement on the play... Unsportsman-like stuffing, 4 inches, product: shot down. |
and this is yet another reason why Speedos should be banned for all eternity... Just a product like this existing because a poor fella feels inferior in his speedos... gotta wonder why he just doesnt wear trunks? :D
I could never wear any speedos. Because they're too small. I'd honestly be poking out of the top of em :|. Cause I can't think of any time I've been around girls in bathing suits where I DIDN'T get a woody.
Asta!! |
I knew products like this existed for the sake of cross-dressing but it never occured to me that men would actually use them to stuff their own trousers.
As for stuffing myself, I never did because I never had to--my first bra was a 36B. I grew up REALLY fast, and that being the case I got accused of stuffing a lot. I had a girl on the bus who would always ask me for a tissue--finally, in frustration, I yanked my blouse part-way down so it was obvious I wasn't a stuffer. She was red-faced with embarassment, being stick-thin and flat-chested herself despite having a year on me. I think she was really jealous of the fact her brother's best friend liked me more than he liked her. But there were more than boobs involved with that. |
I wonder if they have an extra large rock star model for tight jeans.
I'm wondering, is this at all related to packing? Or do only women do that? I'd never heard of packing until I saw it at Good Vibes. Can someone enlighten me as to who packs and why? Is it for those who are just trying out what it feels like to have a dick? And what happens with sex?? I know nothing about this stuff, but to me packing and stuffing are somewhat related... trying to make something up that isn't there.
Hey, whatever makes you happy is my philosophy.
However, it is a flavor of cheating and bad things usually happen when cheaters get caught. ;) |
now, was that as inappropriate as your comment, or not? |
I've stuffed... I like to wear tailored clothes when I dress up. Unfortunately the way they are cut sometimes you need to be barbie! I'm pretty flat, no actually very flat around the bust and unless I make my own clothing I stuff so the clothing will sit right.
Those that know me know darn well I stuff because they see me when I'm in my regulars and they all know I don't wear a bra :D |
Losin' It (Tom Cruise has come a long way since this movie) The movie was basically about the quest of 4 high school boys going to Mexico to lose their virginity. One of the characters used to stuff the front of his pants with a tube sock to make him look more endowed. He was basically a geek but thought he was cool and the stuffing gave him confidence he didn't other wise have on his own. So basically, I think the reasons why men and women would stuff wold be the same... to give them that added boost of confidence? |
I wasn't calling anyone a "fag" was I? I said anyone call me one if they want to(which you did). Don't be so sensitive. Everyone here knows I'm not a hate monger. Didn't even realize I typed that. Obviously you took from my comment what you wanted to.
EDIT: Also I'd like to apologize for offending you. I did not mean to. I've also noticed you're very sensitive about the subject because you lashed out on me in another thread where I asked if any straight guys had been hit on by gay men. Look man I'm sorry okay I'm human and sometimes I say stupid things without thought. Thanks for pointing them out to me every time. Asta!! |
I almost stuffed for Halloween once... I was dressed as a hair-band heavy metal drummer, and I was going to dangle a 10" dildo down my pants leg. My wife vetoed the idea; I think she didn't want to explain to our friends why we happened to have one around. :lol:
Don't forget the most famous stuffer: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v3.../spinaltap.jpg |
Personally, I wouldn't have cared... everyone has sex toys of one sort or another lying around... (can you say "vibrating back massager?") About the stuffing, my boobs are humongus enough on their own! I have the oppisite problem when I buy fitted stuff- usually it fits fine everywhere BUT the boobs! Martel loves it, because I'm always coming out of my tops just a little. But yeah, I agree, it seems to be a confidence thing- whatever floats your boat! |
I've never thought of it as a confidence thing... clothes look just terrible if they fit everywhere else but, and that is due to the cut or make. I have a terrible time finding clothing :(
i never had to stuff, being a 44DD. but that was almost a year ago, now i am a very happy 38B. i don't really understand why anyone would want to make their boobs bigger, having had boobs so big that i couldn't stand up straight. ;) |
I must admit that I have stuffed, but only for costumes. For Halloween last year I went as an "aging 80's rocker" (I would have just gone as an 80's rocker, but I still have a few extra pounds and my hair's a little thinner than your average rocker).
I teased out my hair (all 25" of it), ripped the sleeves off my too-tight t-shirt to show off my tattoos, and of course stuffed my way too tight jeans as an homage to Spinal Tap. I did try to make it quite obvious that I wasn't trying to pass it off as real, since I used something ungodly obvious (a couple of tube socks, I think) to produce an unnaturally round 10"+ bulge. |
I know a LOT of women wear the 'wonder bra' but there is a big difference in that and sticking a cucumber in your pants.
I don't care how big you are, in normal pants+underware as a guy you won't show that much. About the only reason I can see doing it, was more to 'stimulate' the mind. If you are chatting with some girl at a bar and she sees the 'outline' the concept would be it would get her thinking about sex/wanting to see it etc, basicly make her horny. So while I would never 'stuff' and never felt a need too, I can see why it could be 'helpful'. |
Never had or want to. I don't think theres anything wrong with my little guy, why the hell would I need to stuff? I guess it has to do with your self confidence.
I stuff... my crotch... *shifty eyes* One of the "benefits" of being skinny are small boobs. Besides, padding hides my erections, specifically the ones I get around streak_56. My friend went as a 70's porn star for Hallow's Eve. He took a sock, stuffed a tennis ball in the end and filled it up with more socks. He hung it down the side of his leg and it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. |
Haha! Wearing one of these for real would be a joke... but wearing one for a joke! now that could be some fun. On several ocations some guy friends and I (and some girls if they really want to come with, but they mostly don't, not when we do this anyways) visit 7/11's and macs and them kinda convenience stores in tight pants or undies or what-have-you with socks tucked in our trousers. It's just fun to see peoples reactions. A buddy of mine also has these super tight PINK and PURPLE bellbottoms that show serious pud (pud=the mans package bulge), he sometimes goes with the natural pud or enhanses it with a sock or 2... or 3!
But to wear one for real would be a little odd, besides whats wrong with what God gave ya? |
I've never seen the point. I'd be sort of worried about what happens when the umm.. prosthetic comes out. If you've got 4 inches and are wearing a device that makes it look like 8, she's gonna know.
Maybe it's not a concern, I don't know. But I don't think I'd ever do it. My schlong's fairly respectable in size and definitely not where my confidence comes from. I don't know. I guess whatever butters your bread. |
pink and purple bellbottoms? Good lord Keith Partridge lives!!!
:lol: |
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