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visotech 03-05-2005 11:40 PM

I still can't seem to get her bra off in one try...
It usualy takes me several tries where I end up using both hands. Luckily she is my girlfriend and still finds it hilarious, but damnit, how the hell do i get this contraption off like a pro? :confused:

waxmax 03-06-2005 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by visotech
It usualy takes me several tries where I end up using both hands. Luckily she is my girlfriend and still finds it hilarious, but damnit, how the hell do i get this contraption off like a pro? :confused:

Ok, here's the deal. Some guys, like me, can actually be married and still goof it up. After ten years, my wife just does it. She knows I'm an idiot. I know I'd just wind up hurting myself. Sure, I still try from time to time and I can do it one handed. Sometimes. Depends on which contraption she's wearing.

Hooray for boobies!

guthmund 03-06-2005 12:29 AM

I'm pretty handy, but 95% of the time it's just better for me to let her do it.

I just chalk it up to one of life's little mysteries that women hold dominion over. Like how come her laundry smells so much nicer than mine even though we both do it in exactly the same way? How is it women can work out and get all sweaty and still look damn sexy? And the mother of all mysteries....How does a woman manage to undo and remove the bra without first taking off her shirt?

DJ Happy 03-06-2005 12:36 AM

I can do it quite easily with one hand, but as I sit here and try to think of a way to explain how, I'm finding it very difficult. It basically involves finding the clasp, placing your thumb one side of it and your forefinger the other, and then bringing them together, like you're pinching her bra. The clasp should either give way then, or if it doesn't, you need to slide your thumb and forefinger back and forth a little to give it some further 'encouragement.'

I hope that makes sense.

Kalnaur 03-06-2005 12:36 AM

Curse bras and their damn sturdy hooks! ;)

Yeah, I have problems too, and I'm a married man.

And I agree with waxmax, hooray for boobies!

Ruse 03-06-2005 02:31 AM

Ive never really had a problem heh.. just push one side down with your thumb, hold the other side and draw it closer with the middle finger ( kinda pinch the two fingers together ) and flip it open with the pointer.

Or do the same thing with the thumb but slide the pointer finger up under the bra and when the sides are pinched together simply push the finger away from her back.

After a little practice, it'll be one fluid motion.

Jesus Pimp 03-06-2005 05:05 AM

Practice practice pratice! :p

Furry 03-06-2005 05:29 AM

*Agrees with Jesus Pimp*

Find out which side of the fastening has the hooks on. It should be the overlapping side of the fastening. If it isn't, then your girl's put her bra on inside out. :p Nestle your thumb and forefinger against the other side of the fastening, the one with the eyes on, keeping your middle finger against the outside edge of the overlapping fastening part. Now bring your middle finger towards your forefinger whilst applying inwards (into the back) pressure with said forefinger. Simultaneously bring your thumb across until it meets your middle finger. Now make a motion like you're slowly snapping your fingers together. Problem solved.

If she's wearing a lace-up one with a front fastening and you're still having problems...well, words fail me :D

Pragma 03-06-2005 06:50 AM

I've been trying to learn using it one handed (because apparently using both hands is "cheating") - and it's not easy at all. I can get it about half of the time in 30 seconds or less, the other time it takes much longer and she starts laughing at me and does it herself. I just use my index&thumb fingers from one hand, trying to pinch the clasp open - but it's really difficult.

No matter how much practice I get, it doesn't seem to help my speed.

Val_1 03-06-2005 06:57 AM

You try and try and pull and tear and rip and .... then you find out its one with the clasp in the front.

Sage 03-06-2005 08:33 AM

hahaha! you'll never conquer the secret of THE BRA!

It's ok tho, all us girls understand it's a mystery to you, and it provides some pretty good bedroom entertainment!

minyn 03-06-2005 08:48 AM

Hell, the excuse of HAVING to practice should be good enough. Cuz yea, i like that kind of practice, cuz youll learn a lot more than just gettin a bra off...

cyrnel 03-06-2005 09:05 AM

Plastic clasps are a simple operation. It's those damned microscopic metal hooks. They hang on like some otherworldly alloy of spring-steel rebar, suction cups, and velcro. And it isn't always a guy thing. I've watched my gf fail a couple times after I've given up.

When a fastener prompts thoughts of pliers and power tools isn't it time to reconsider the design?

alpha 03-06-2005 09:16 AM

I've managed to do it with just one hand many times, but usually I do it with both just because it's easier for me. I don't consider it "cheating".. I'm not trying to be cool doing it, I just want to get the damn thing off. :)

Sometimes it takes a while to get it off even with two hands though.. it really depends on the fastening.

TexanAvenger 03-06-2005 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by DJ Happy
I can do it quite easily with one hand, but as I sit here and try to think of a way to explain how, I'm finding it very difficult. It basically involves finding the clasp, placing your thumb one side of it and your forefinger the other, and then bringing them together, like you're pinching her bra. The clasp should either give way then, or if it doesn't, you need to slide your thumb and forefinger back and forth a little to give it some further 'encouragement.'

I hope that makes sense.

Ditto here. I remember doing it for the first time and was unstoppable from there... Sometimes doing it to my then girlfriend even when her shirt was still on just to play around with her. :lol:

I think you've described it best as one can unless somebody finds a video somewhere to demonstrate.

TexanAvenger 03-06-2005 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by minyn
Hell, the excuse of HAVING to practice should be good enough. Cuz yea, i like that kind of practice, cuz youll learn a lot more than just gettin a bra off...

And she's got a major point here...

boredom 03-06-2005 10:09 AM

with clasp i usualy just pinch and snap and that does it about 80% of the time, the rest just makes me look like an idiot. Hooks are alot harder and require more concentration.

In dire situations you could carry a razor, but only if this is the last time your gonna see her, cuz some women get mighty pissed if you just slice their bra open.

snowy 03-06-2005 10:24 AM

You should really ask degrawj....he's an expert at getting bras off one-handed.

exizldelfuego 03-06-2005 11:47 AM

I don't know about you guys, but it sure seems like a fun afternoon activity to me: Bra Removal 101. Take it off her, put it back on. Take it off her, put it back on. You can start off with the simpler of devices, and by the end of "term" you should be able to take on the most complex of garments. Just imagine the final exam! :crazy: :lol: :thumbsup: :D :eek:

ShaniFaye 03-06-2005 11:53 AM

Im a girl.....getting it off one handed has never been something thats impressed me or not impressed me, its never struck me as a skill......is this some male need Im not aware of?

Im I being a bad woman by not praising dave every time he does it? :lol:

Willravel 03-06-2005 12:34 PM

Practice. If all else fails, try the old off-the-shoulder when her arms are tucked in. If you slide it down to an area that has a smaller circumfrence (waist, in some cases), the bra won't be pulled as tightly and you'll have more leeway in your mission.

If you practice long and hard enough, you can reach a level 7 bra remover like myself. I can undo both plastic and hook types with my teeth. I can also undo it with the shirt still on very quickly, sometimes barely brushing the bra. It looks accedental, and it's pretty funny. Joey from friends is a fabled level 10, as he can unhook a bra just by looking at it.

ratbastid 03-06-2005 12:36 PM

Do it the way she does it, but FUN!

Slowly push the straps off her shoulders, with lots of slow, light touching. Run your fingers lightly and slowly all over where her brastraps used to be, over her shoulders. Run your hands around the top of her back and her neck, back over her shoulders and down her chest. Graze the tops of her breasts with your fingertips.

Then, after a while, slowly peel the bra off her breasts. It'll be basically inside-out now and hanging down her belly. Cup her breasts (gently! you're just getting warmed up here!). Wrap your arms around her and crush her against you. Nuzzle into her hair and her neck.

Eventually, you can spin the bra around on her so your work is in front of you. At this point (if you can't keep her from taking it off FOR you) you can just take your time unhooking the thing.

Frankly, she's not going to give a damn how many hands you use to finally unhook the bra. You'll have impressed her with... other things. And you'll have her full attention. :thumbsup:

World's King 03-06-2005 12:40 PM

I'd like to think I'm pretty good at it myself. But everyonce in a while I'm all thumbs, mainly when I'm half drunk or too tired to be having sex but the fucker won't go down and my girlfriend looks so cute when she's half asleep...

Okay... What I was trying to say was this. You can't be perfect dude. Just keep a pair of scissors by the bed or where ever you get it on.

analog 03-06-2005 01:08 PM

Not to brag, but i've always been such a breast man that I learned long ago how to do it with ease. I can snap it off instantly, thumb and pointer finger or middle finger.

Sometimes when i'm out and about with my girlfriend, i'll reach over and unsnap her bra. Then she goes nuts trying to reattach it- but it's not too hard. I love her chest, but she's not so big that getting the bra back on is a major pain. And she thinks its funny, so no harm.

tres 03-06-2005 01:12 PM

I'm the same way, I'm so good at it that my girl thinks that I used to sleep around. She laughs every time, at how it just slips off like butter :) :crazy:

Gilda 03-06-2005 01:32 PM

ratbastid nailed it. It isn't the speed so much as what else you do while you're doing it. Clothing removal should be done slowly, with lots of touching and fondling, and ideally entirely by the partner.

But don't worry if she laughs at you as you try it. That means she's having fun, and that's always a good thing.

And I'll echo what someone else said: take an afternoon or evening and practice, practice, practice. Put it on her, take it off. Switch to a new bra. Put it on, take it off, rinse, repeat. Even if you don't get much better, it'll be a hell of a lot of fun.

One-handed never impressed me much, but it's different for every woman.

Hampshire 03-06-2005 04:04 PM

i actually find it easier with the type my mate uses. Just put it between your index finger and thumb and pinch it inwards. Works almost everytime. Good luck with the boobie touching!

scott_p_1 03-06-2005 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
If you practice long and hard enough, you can reach a level 7 bra remover like myself. I can undo both plastic and hook types with my teeth. I can also undo it with the shirt still on very quickly, sometimes barely brushing the bra. It looks accedental, and it's pretty funny. Joey from friends is a fabled level 10, as he can unhook a bra just by looking at it.

Does doing it with my feet while she's sitting on my back giving me a massage get me past level 7 (I've got all the other level 7 skills too). How about with the teeth through a shirt? I can't quite get them to fall off by looking at them yet though ;)

raeanna74 03-06-2005 04:32 PM

Hubby hates the things. He no longer makes much attempt. Usually we both just strip and dive for the bed (Jeff Foxworthy style) since we're usually limited on time before the kid calls "Mom I need a drink." or something of the sort. When we've got time I still usually grab the hooks myself. Often I use the 2 or 3 hook contraptions which can be a bear for me to unfasten let alone a rookie. One fellow did quite impress me though with his method. I'm not even absolutely sure how to managed it. We were walking with him behind me, he grabbed the back of the bra, thumb on one side of the fasteners, pointer and middle finger on the other side, pinched the two sides together and pulled, let loose of the one side and helf onto the longer side that had overlapped. At least that's how it seems like he did it and seems like it would work. Get creative and maybe you can find your OWN method that works good for you. Good Luck.

wolf 03-06-2005 05:45 PM

My wife worries about the fact that I can do this one handed, but hey, that's just who I am.

Don't try it with two hands, it just gets confusing. Using one hand place the thumb one one side of the clasps, and your index finger about an inch away from the thumb. Now pinch together, careful not to get any skin. Now use a motion almost like you were going to snap your fingers and it should be unclasped. I know these aren't the best directions. Hey, practice makes perfect.

cowgirl02 03-06-2005 07:48 PM

i have bras that latch in the front and my boyfriend still cant get them off. I find it hilarious, so i just do it myself!!

dlish 03-06-2005 08:05 PM

maybe u should try one on yourself, that way u will know the mechanics of the bra. from then u just picture it in your head..kinda like a locksmith picking a lock, u cant 'see' it, but u picture it in your head

toxic515 03-07-2005 10:49 AM

the motion is much like snapping your fingers. Now if she's got a real boulder holder, it may take more then once, beceause sometimes those have numerous little hooks.. if there are only one or two, I can normally do it through a shirt and often without them realizing why the damned thing came loose.

c172g 03-07-2005 11:28 AM

I can handle two & three clasp bras with one hand pretty easily. If you have a girlfriend (only once) that has really big boobs, the four clasp bra is a bitch. They require two hands no matter what (some may argue).

If your girlfriend isn't willing to have her bra unsnapped for an hour each day till you get it right, find somebody on the forum who also has the same problem & get together with a practice one & work it out that way.

ShaniFaye 03-07-2005 11:33 AM

Hey....you guys could always borrow a bra and try undoing it on yourselves and go from there on getting it off of another person :lol:

doncalypso 03-07-2005 12:02 PM

I remember seeing an episode of Happy Days where the Fonz was teaching two of the guys how to unhook a bra strap with one hand. It was hillarious.

Coppertop 03-07-2005 12:12 PM

I consider myself pretty dextrous but this is something that confounds me as well. Amazing, considering that being proficient in this would facilitate faster access to breasts. But still I fail at this. One of life's mysteries I suppose.

And yes, Hooray For Boobies:


visotech 03-07-2005 02:59 PM

STEP 1: Come in from the top, place one finger under the hook and place the rest above. Begin to squeeze the hooks together.

STEP 2: Continue the squeeze while twisting in a clockwise direction.

STEP 3: Release and ENJOY!

Found on: http://www.gwhatchet.com/news/2003/0...a-506661.shtml

MSD 03-07-2005 06:42 PM

The obvious solution is to convince the lady to wear a corset. If you can untie your shoes, you can undo a corset. Optionally, you can get her one that doesn't cover her breasts, lace it up as tightly as is comfortable, and leave it on the whole time. I've heard very good things about the increased sensation for her if you lace it up as tightly as possible without causing damage.

ktspktsp 03-07-2005 06:46 PM

That's a nice visual guide visotech :) . Anyway, I'm pretty bad at removing bras easily.. I just end up doing it with both hand or she just does it.. However, I have no problem removing her panties, so that works :D

ruggerp11 03-08-2005 02:42 AM

I have never had a problem with the bra. I <3 breasts and my previous gf had large breasts (DD) and through trial by fire I have become the level seven that I trained for. I now remove bras with the quickness that often evokes a comment like

"Is there a window open, I just feel a dr... OMG"


"Done this before have you?"


"My name is ___ its nice to meet.... what the fuck did you just do?"


"Now class, for tomorrow I want you to read chapters...[stunned silence]"

DJ Happy 03-08-2005 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by TexanAvenger
Ditto here. I remember doing it for the first time and was unstoppable from there... Sometimes doing it to my then girlfriend even when her shirt was still on just to play around with her. :lol:

I learned the technique on clothed girls as well. We used to do it to the girls at school and then leg it as they chased after us to administer a sound beating with their boobies bouncing around under their shirts.

Ah, those were the days..........

jhkayakr 03-08-2005 05:56 PM

You just gotta practice man

bookiebye 03-11-2005 07:19 AM

Too easy...first finger in under the clasp,pinch the clasp between your thumb and middle finger, then move thumb and middle finger back and forth ( kinda like rolling a joint) and the clasp will come right apart.

And if that doesn't work, nothing beats a good pair of scissors, hehe

wolf 03-11-2005 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
The obvious solution is to convince the lady to wear a corset....

Yeah if you have an hour to unlace it.... good solution though. :lol:

chilini 03-11-2005 09:04 AM

I have a better idea ... lets try to convince all of the bra manufacturers to make Velcro clasps! Would make it *so* much easier for all parties involved. Then again, you would probably get the random guy who just runs thru a bar/club and unhooks all the girls bras with a quick pull. Hmm .. well it was an idea.

healer 03-14-2005 12:10 AM

Even though I'm right-handed, the left does it 100 times faster.

And I have, on numerous occasions, removed my SO's bra without her having to remove her shirt and without her noticing till it was too late (always brings a look of total disbeliefe to her face) :)

lunchbox 03-14-2005 06:33 AM

I just do a thing similar to snapping my fingers only with the bra thinger in them. it seems to work pretty well.

nulltype 03-14-2005 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by guthmund
I just chalk it up to one of life's little mysteries that women hold dominion over. Like how come her laundry smells so much nicer than mine even though we both do it in exactly the same way?

The large amount of scents and perfumes that women use becomes ingrained in the clothing. Putting it through the laundry a couple of times isn't going to cut it.


Originally Posted by guthmund
How is it women can work out and get all sweaty and still look damn sexy?

That's because you're a guy. And presumably not homosexual. I assume the converse is true, that sweaty men still look damn sexy. In any case, I don't think that sweatyness is something that affects sexiness in a negative manner.


Originally Posted by guthmund
And the mother of all mysteries....How does a woman manage to undo and remove the bra without first taking off her shirt?

This is obviously magic.

captanhero 03-15-2005 12:33 PM

The bras that clasp in front are the real enemy...might as well try to break out of prison with a plastic spork.

ironmaiden7o7 03-15-2005 06:55 PM

Oh don't be so hard on yourself. I'm a female and can't get mine off in one try! hehe. Take it easy, atleast she thinks it's funny.

Mantus 03-15-2005 08:42 PM

Hehe, I'll try to help.

Examine your opponent. It's a two part mechanism - the top strap with hooks and the bottom strap with the loops. Most men simply try to pull on the top strap which leads nowhere. You have to find a way to keep the bottom strap and its loops in place while your remove hooks from them.

It's easier to do while you are face to face and reaching behind her.

Use your right arm. It's easier to do if you reach around her left.

Method #1:

- Grab the top strap
- The tips of your fingers should feel the loops.
- Unhooking: pull top strap and its hooks out of the loops using your thumb. This is posible because your fingers are right against the loops thus keeping them in place. The motion is kind of like snaping your fingers.

Method #2

- Grab the top strap
- Press your thumb behind the hooks you feel though the fabric.
- Unhooking: using the thumb to keep both straps in place use your fingers to stretch the top strap pulling the hooks out of the loops.

Ok, so I suck at giving directions I'll be glad to clarify anything.

Good luck. :p

lindseylatch 03-15-2005 09:00 PM

I've tried to train the b/f, but he just gets frustrated and flips me over so he can see and uses both hands. :D and I still have to help him sometimes, if the bra is older and the clips are tight.

ErcDaMerc 03-20-2005 02:52 PM

my gf has one that hooks in the front! plus its just plain an easier kind of hook...

Captain Canada 03-21-2005 09:07 PM

It takes practice, but after you get it once perfectly, you'll always get it.

JamesB 03-22-2005 02:32 PM

You know what? I've actually creeped out a girl by being able to do this first shot in less than a second. Seems like a double-edge sword!

dirtyrascal7 03-22-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by lunchbox
I just do a thing similar to snapping my fingers only with the bra thinger in them. it seems to work pretty well.

this is the technique i've always used. once you master it, there's not any type of bra that can hold you back... even a double clasp bra through two layers of clothing is no match for the snapping fingers technique. :)

thalakos315 03-23-2005 12:54 AM

i never had time to even think about removing it with my ex gf..
she'd just pull the whole damned thing over her head along with her shirt..
makes for a really nice visual when she's straddling your waist ;) although i can't see how that could be comfortable..

pattycakes 03-26-2005 10:43 PM

someone needs to post a video :-)

Gatorade Frost 03-27-2005 10:52 PM

I've never done the snappy thing, I've just always put my left hand behind her back then used my thumb and fore finger to grasp one side then my pink and ring finger to hold the other side and I just kinda squeeze together and it un-clasps.

Never had a problem really, but normally I use both hands when I do it anyway.

Key 03-27-2005 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by JamesB
You know what? I've actually creeped out a girl by being able to do this first shot in less than a second. Seems like a double-edge sword!

my ex told me this as well. she seemed happier i was a total moron around her bras. said it made her feel better having to do it herself than imagine me having a lot of previous experience :P

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