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Charged-GHB 01-26-2005 06:50 PM

what do you think of uncircumsicion? (ladies)
nuff said

--extra words

la petite moi 01-26-2005 06:59 PM

...Don't like it.

ally 01-26-2005 07:03 PM

never had sex with an uncircumcised guy, but have seen them hard, doesnt look much different. i dont hink id care.

01-26-2005 07:36 PM

I've only had sex with an uncircumsized guy, so I dont have anything to compare it to.... I must admit, it did freak me out at first though, as I'd never seen a penis that wasn't circumsized before. Now we're best friends :p

Sugar&Spice 01-26-2005 09:33 PM

I like them...a lot. Or at least I like my boyfriend's a lot. I have had both and think that an uncircumsiced penis might create a little more friction and in turn increase the pleasure. But, either way gets a thumbs up from me.

Sweetpea 01-26-2005 10:51 PM

My hubby's is uncut and uncensored :P I LOVE it, it's very appealing to me . . .

So you posted this because........? Are you insecure about it? If you are . . . don't be . . . for every lady that doesn't like it . . . there is a lady Who LOVES it . . . :thumbsup: :D

Suave 01-26-2005 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sugar&Spice
I like them...a lot. Or at least I like my boyfriend's a lot. I have had both and think that an uncircumsiced penis might create a little more friction and in turn increase the pleasure. But, either way gets a thumbs up from me.

It actually helps reduce friction, as well as somehow increasing pleasure (or so the sex shows tell me).

I think if a girl ever balks at your uncircumcized penis (not you specifically sugar ;) ), you should grab it and wave it her face and go "WOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Nancy 01-27-2005 02:40 AM

LOVE 'em and prefer 'em!! I'm sure a circumsized dick is great too but it hasn't got that string beneath the head which is nearly the best part of the dick. I love licking it and watch the guy almost faint from the sensation :)

franzelneekburm 01-27-2005 02:48 AM

I always found this amusing - I was born in a country where cutting off a part of your genitals for no good reason isn't the norm, and it's always funny to see the concept of not doing it brought up as some radical new idea, with all sorts of associated misgivings.

The US seems to be one of the few (if not the only) countries where circumcision is prevalant, but not for religious reasons - how did the idea that you are born with more penis than you need come about?

Nancy 01-27-2005 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by franzelneekburm
I always found this amusing - I was born in a country where cutting off a part of your genitals for no good reason isn't the norm, and it's always funny to see the concept of not doing it brought up as some radical new idea, with all sorts of associated misgivings.

The US seems to be one of the few (if not the only) countries where circumcision is prevalant, but not for religious reasons - how did the idea that you are born with more penis than you need come about?

Excellent quetion! I've always wondered about that myself. Is there really a reason why you guys get circumcized for apparently no reason?

snowy 01-27-2005 02:58 AM

Originally it was thought to be more hygienic, but science has proven that it isn't any better or worse for that better to be uncircumsized. Now it's mainly a cultural thing.

sbscout 01-27-2005 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nancy
Is there really a reason why you guys get circumcized for apparently no reason?

At the time, I didn't really have much of a choice! :D
Most of the "procedures" are done at 3 days of age...
But I get your point, Nancy. It has to be a cultural thing left over from the belief that it was more hygienic than leaving it natural. Sometimes overcoming inertia takes time. :)

little_tippler 01-27-2005 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by franzelneekburm
I always found this amusing - I was born in a country where cutting off a part of your genitals for no good reason isn't the norm, and it's always funny to see the concept of not doing it brought up as some radical new idea, with all sorts of associated misgivings.

The US seems to be one of the few (if not the only) countries where circumcision is prevalant, but not for religious reasons - how did the idea that you are born with more penis than you need come about?

Me too, I find it weirder the other way round. I also agree with Nancy about the rim around the head being the best part. Uncircumcized all the way! :thumbsup:

Nancy 01-27-2005 03:28 AM

^I see. Thanks for the info you guys! I suspected that it was a cultural thing only because if it did have another purpose surely all the men in Denmark would've been circumcized as well.

Overcoming inertia can indeed take a lot of time but hopefully some day you'll suceed in doing so as circumcision is such a rediculous thing to do when there's no need for it.

Nancy 01-27-2005 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by little_tippler
Me too, I find it weirder the other way round. I also agree with Nancy about the rim around the head being the best part. Uncircumcized all the way! :thumbsup:

Rim? Is that what it's called in English? Thanks – I've got to remember that! :)

strcrssd 01-27-2005 03:58 AM

Speaking as a circumsized male, I wish that I wasn't. Its a silly cultural tradition left over from the 1950's, when scientistst in the US thought it was more hygenic.

From what I understand, it is possible that I lost a great deal of sensitive skin three days after my birth :(

Nancy 01-27-2005 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by strcrssd
Speaking as a circumsized male, I wish that I wasn't.

hmm... it must feel weird to have a part of your body altered without your consent :hmm:

K-Wise 01-27-2005 04:26 AM

Hmm ditto. I didn't really have a say in the matter. I do know what uncircumsised ones look like....seen em in porno's n shit among other things...kind of a difference in appearence when flacid but don't see too much erect. It does look like the guys that aren't nipped get more pleasure from handjobs though cause the skin just slides up and down with ease and quickly allowing the girl to go really fast if she wants to. Part of me thinks I'm missing out on that. I hear that since it's covered all the time it's not as used to exposure and rubbing on things like clothing n such and therefore is way more sensitive and gets a lot more sensation from sexual favors because the slightest thing sends pleasure. But eh I don't think it really matters all that much in the end...I wonder if since it's more sensitive it's more prone to pre-mature ejaculation? :confused:


trache 01-27-2005 05:39 AM

I'm circumsized myself. I haven't known anything different, so I don't really have an opinion. If I had a son in the future, and the choice to have the procedure done on him presented itself, it wouldn't be for religious reasons.

It can be more hygenic. The fact of the matter is, some people don't know that you can develop Smegma (Wikipedia English) if you aren't careful about your personal hygiene. I would use a slang term to describe this, but for those who know it, I think you know why I don't! :)

I've heard horror stories about men who simply have never washed that area, didn't know enough to, and have turned their partners off of oral sex completely because of one bad experience.

I've read that it sometimes hurts to pull back the foreskin, and thus one reason guys don't wash up down there enough. I have no personal experience though.

The reason that "string of skin" described earlier in the thread drives your men nuts is simply because they aren't used to the sensation that having the foreskin provides protection from the glans and corona of the penis being rubbed (for those of you who didn't know).

So, to guys who are uncut - Pulled Back Foreskin + Washed Genitals = GOOD ACTION FROM PARTNERS

Charlatan 01-27-2005 06:18 AM

Yes, the dreaded smegma... soap and water takes care of it everytime.

I too am circumcized and wish I wasn't now... of course when I was a kid I would have been mortified to uncut as everyone else was...

I am happy to say that I haven't continued this practice of multilation on my son. In fact hospitals here, as rule, do not perform circumcisions anymore. They are available on request but people are urged against it...

I just remembered that one of my friends had his son's circumsized because he thought it would be tramatic for them to not look like their father... I found this odd. I just explained it to my son and as far as I know he's just accepted it as one of those things in life...

pinkie 01-27-2005 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by Nancy
Excellent quetion! I've always wondered about that myself. Is there really a reason why you guys get circumcized for apparently no reason?

Another stupid American "ideal" mainly done because here, it's weird when you aren't circumcised. The doctors say it's a cleanliness precaution too, but really it's just another few hundred dollars they can put on your hospital bill.

pinkie 01-27-2005 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Charged-GHB
nuff said

--extra words

You didn't say anything... :confused:

vvveronica 01-27-2005 09:10 AM

Oh come on They are both wonderful to feel, specially very deep inside. At that time a guy is circumsized or not makes no difference.

Charlatan 01-27-2005 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by vvveronica
Oh come on They are both wonderful to feel, specially very deep inside. At that time a guy is circumsized or not makes no difference.

I'm sure it does to the guy...

Suave 01-27-2005 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by trache
I've read that it sometimes hurts to pull back the foreskin, and thus one reason guys don't wash up down there enough. I have no personal experience though.

Yeah, that can happen if it hasn't been pulled back before or often (such as when one first starts getting erections and has to stretch it over a larger object ;) ), but the foreskin will stretch, and it gets used to it; especially when it's being pulled back and cleaned daily.

And smegma is GROSS. *shudders* When your parents tell you to wash under that foreskin, DO IT. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I don't think there is a text size large enough to communicate the ickiness that has enveloped me.

Homey_V 01-27-2005 01:11 PM

I've read and been told that circumcision can lead to a loss of sensastion in the Penis. I could be mistaken.

Either way, Im not cut and I'd like to stay that way. A bit of cleaning everyday keeps the smegma away.

Cimarron29414 01-27-2005 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Nancy
if it did have another purpose surely all the men in Denmark would've been circumcized as well.

You've seen ALL of the penises in Denmark!? Wow, Nancy! You are a busy girl! :crazy:

Cimarron29414 01-27-2005 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Untitled
I've only had sex with an uncircumsized guy, so I dont have anything to compare it to.... I must admit, it did freak me out at first though, as I'd never seen a penis that wasn't circumsized before. Now we're best friends :p

You and the friend or you and the Penis? :p

01-27-2005 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
You and the friend or you and the Penis? :p

Both, actually :D

Cimarron29414 01-27-2005 01:22 PM

Did you here in the news about the baby that was born without eyelids?

The doctors didn't know what to do so they called in a specialist. The specialist circumsized the baby and used the extra foreskin to fashion eyelids. The baby is now in recovery and doing better. They think he is going to recover nicely, although he might be a little cock-eyed.

I said "cock-eyed."

Is this thing on?

stonegrody 01-27-2005 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cimarron29414
Did you here in the news about the baby that was born without eyelids?

The doctors didn't know what to do so they called in a specialist. The specialist circumsized the baby and used the extra foreskin to fashion eyelids. The baby is now in recovery and doing better. They think he is going to recover nicely, although he might be a little cock-eyed.

I said "cock-eyed."

Is this thing on?

I'm embarrassed to say, that made me laugh out loud.

Cimarron29414 01-27-2005 02:12 PM

You can rest assured, the guy that told me that joke was punched very hard in the arm. Consider it from both of us.

Being an East Coaster, I think I am out of reach from the "long-arm of stonegrody."

Hardknock 01-27-2005 04:13 PM

Being cut myself, I've always wondered if there really is more sensation with all that extra skin. From what I've read, I'm missing out!

Mabye next life I'll get lucky.

Grasshopper Green 01-27-2005 04:31 PM

As long as the guy keeps himself clean, I don't see what the difference is. I didn't get my son cut when he was born, I don't see any need for it since I'm not Jewish (don't Muslims get circ'd too?)

K-Wise 01-27-2005 04:32 PM

Haha funny joke


Suave 01-27-2005 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by Medusa99
As long as the guy keeps himself clean, I don't see what the difference is. I didn't get my son cut when he was born, I don't see any need for it since I'm not Jewish (don't Muslims get circ'd too?)

I'm almost positive that Muslims do not get circumcised.

hunnychile 01-27-2005 06:22 PM

EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. I don't think there is a text size large enough to communicate the ickiness that has enveloped me.[/QUOTE]

once more with feeling, EWWWWW! And ick!

Stiltzkin 01-27-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Nancy
hmm... it must feel weird to have a part of your body altered without your consent :hmm:

EXACTLY!!!!! This is why I would NEVER allow any of my hypothetical kids to be circumcized (if I ever have kids).

Originally Posted by Nancy
Rim? Is that what it's called in English? Thanks – I've got to remember that! :)

The rim that Little_Tippler speaks of is not the same as the "string" that you speak of, Nancy. I think Tippler is refering to the fact that the rim (at least for me) is THE most sensitive part of the penis, even moreso than the "string". The rim is just the edges around the back part of the head of the penis. The "back" of the head of the penis being the part that is closest to the man's body.

I dunno about other men, but I am not cut and I use that foreskin to aid in masturbation. I don't know how a guy can even jack off without it. Wasn't circumcision invented by the Jews or something? Some kind of ancient custom of Judaism? I've never heard this uttered anywhere else, but I think... now don't fling tomatoes at me if you don't agree with me, but I THINK that circumcision came about to try to prevent males from "sinning"... that is, to discourage masturbation. ::dodges a heapload of rotten tomatoes:: That's my theory, and I think it is plausible ::dodges a whole truckload of rotten tomatoes::

jillian 01-27-2005 06:30 PM

i used to think the uncircumsized penises when limp looked funny.. but after browsing the world wide web and seeing more and more of them im starting to desire to try one out

Grasshopper Green 01-27-2005 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Suave
I'm almost positive that Muslims do not get circumcised.

Thanks for the clarification!!

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