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Old 10-19-2004, 07:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
CityOfAngels's Avatar
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
Guys: Ever have a girl practically beg you for sex?

Today was my first time anyone has ever actually begged me for sex. My ex-girlfriend gave me a call, and we talked about nonsense for awhile. Then she told me how something has been 'bothering' her. Apparently her new boyfriend doesn't "hit it" where she needs it to be "hit" in order for her to enjoy sex at all. On top of that, he only has sex with her once a week and only lasts 20 minutes. She asked me, "So...I was wondering if I could come over tonight later on..." I was like, "I dunno..." with a sarcastic tone. After asking me again a few more times, she then said in a very excited voice, "Aw c'mon! I really need some dick! I need to be fucked right now! You're the only one that can hit it right!" This is what I said to her:
"You cheated on me with him. You chose to be with him rather than with me, and NOW you're regretting it? It's not my fault that he can't handle your business. I knew you'd miss my dick someday. And oh yeah: NO!" I hung up in disgust.

Although I was thoroughly disgusted, and probably will regret not taking her up on her offer whenever I'm feeling stupid and horny, I must say that I was quite flattered. I didn't know that my libido was adequate enough to make someone actually fiend over it! Don't get me wrong; I'm not bragging...it's just this is the first time this has ever happened to me. It came as a disgusting yet pleasant surpise.

To her credit, she did call back and apologize.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.

Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...

Last edited by CityOfAngels; 10-19-2004 at 07:42 PM..
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Old 10-19-2004, 07:46 PM   #2 (permalink)
Suave's Avatar
Location: My own little world (also Canada)
Haven't had it happen. If I were in your position though, I'd pound her good and video tape it, then show it to her boyfriend. Well, no I wouldn't, but I'm sure someone would.
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Old 10-19-2004, 07:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
boredom's Avatar
Location: California
Originally Posted by Suave
Haven't had it happen. If I were in your position though, I'd pound her good and video tape it, then show it to her boyfriend. Well, no I wouldn't, but I'm sure someone would.

I'd do it hehehe j/k well maybe....

Id actually go for it, but id make her work for it big time
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Old 10-19-2004, 07:53 PM   #4 (permalink)
Wow good for you! I'm proud of you!
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Old 10-19-2004, 09:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
Hell yea man, give 'em a taiste of their own medicine.
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Old 10-19-2004, 09:28 PM   #6 (permalink)
Future Bureaucrat
KirStang's Avatar
I applaud you on your self control , though i bet that felt good...

As for anyone begging for my sex? I think i speak for the majority of us guys when i say, "nope."
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Old 10-19-2004, 09:31 PM   #7 (permalink)
cybersharp's Avatar
Haha lucky you....self control is a virtue.
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Old 10-19-2004, 09:38 PM   #8 (permalink)
Dreams In Digital
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Location: Iowa
Nice choice, and what a compliment! Wow!
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Old 10-19-2004, 09:42 PM   #9 (permalink)
Warrior Smith
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Location: missouri
yes, a woman has begged me to fuck her- and it was good........
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Old 10-19-2004, 10:04 PM   #10 (permalink)
Yep. It was a girl I knew and I wouldn't even consider us friends. I just knew her from some other friends. One night she came to where I worked and begged me.
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Old 10-19-2004, 10:31 PM   #11 (permalink)
ibis's Avatar
Does someone you're seeing count?

My GF was all but crying for it today. I said no because she's on her period (which I'm normally ok with), I'm out of condoms, and she's geting on birth control tomorrow.

...but come Friday...
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Old 10-19-2004, 11:16 PM   #12 (permalink)
Location: South Australia
The girlfriend was on her period, at about noon I received a phone call, the conversation is hazy but went something along these lines. "Hi honey, you know I love you! You love me too right"
"Yes, of course" I replied.
"Excellent, then would you please please please fuck me today!"
"I'm on my period, baby"
And then a tentative "ok"
The sex was surprisingly good! The sensations were a bit odd at first and the blood on the condom was a tad disconcerting, but I got over it and now we joyfully fuck month round (But I still refuse to eat her out).
CatharticWeek is offline  
Old 10-19-2004, 11:24 PM   #13 (permalink)
If you've read this, PM me and say so
Location: Sitting on my ass, and you?
yep it's happened. ex gf of mine called one time at 1am complaining about how horny she was and how she needed it fixed right now. Told her I was sleeping and that she's a bitch for waking me up...then i went round and poled her.
slimshaydee is offline  
Old 10-19-2004, 11:43 PM   #14 (permalink)
Yeah, I have had that happen... makes you feel pretty good until you realize that she just wants to use you for sex...

...and then you feel good again when you realize how cool that is... hehe
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Old 10-20-2004, 03:36 AM   #15 (permalink)
Ambling Toward the Light
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Location: The Early 16th Century
Yeah, had an ex show up at the door to my apartment in college. I opened the door for her (we had parted on rather decent terms and are still friends to this day) and she told me she needed to fuck. She then pulled off her sweatshirt right there on my front porch in full view of the street (no bra, she hated them) just to show me she ment business. Then she pushed by me and by they time I had followed her back to my bedroom she was naked. It did not last long as was in a "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am" sort of mood but hey, it was still good.
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Old 10-20-2004, 03:43 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands (find it on a map, it is there (somewhere))
Once, but was to drunk to enjoy it. However a friend of mine does it with his ex, who has a new boy friend. And he basically tells everyone except him directly. So the new boyfriend is going nuts with all the hear say and gossip he hears. Granted that is evil, but hey she constantly calls him, asks him out and begs him. He is only flesh and bones
Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas,
Nocturnus lemures, portentaque.
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Old 10-20-2004, 04:00 AM   #17 (permalink)
Location: London, England
Awesome self control man! Congrats on being the bigger guy (no pun inteded) and not doing the same thing that had happened to you.

And yes.. a couple of times but this is because i'm a No Sex Before Marriage guy and they were horny gals (different occations of course.) One of these act. led to a break up but thats a completely different thread all together. Short answer. Yes.
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Old 10-20-2004, 04:01 AM   #18 (permalink)
Location: Over Yonder
Nope.. I can't even seem to give it away lately.
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:19 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: snowwhite will tell you...
nope never been begged,...but paid, yup, and more than once!
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:24 AM   #20 (permalink)
Helplessly hoping
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Location: Above the stars
"You cheated on me with him. You chose to be with him rather than with me, and NOW you're regretting it? It's not my fault that he can't handle your business. I knew you'd miss my dick someday. And oh yeah: NO!" I hung up in disgust."

Good for you. Fuck her. (Well, not literally)

People that cheat deserve the lame sex they get stuck with.
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:26 AM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Ontario, Canada
Yeah I've been begged before... It is a good feeling. Although I have been in the same position as you and I have done the same. I won't have sex with someone if I know they are with someone else. I am just not that kind of guy.

Congrats to you for having the morals to do that... It is tough to turn down good sex...
"That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy."

Lionel Hutz
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Old 10-20-2004, 05:47 AM   #22 (permalink)
about 10 years ago I worked near a coffee shop which I naturally frequented. There was a girl there who started flirting, then started bringing coffee to me in my office, then told me that I could "have her" in the bathroom if I wanted. Told her I wasn't available. She said she knew, she "often saw" my girlfriend around town.
She was really cute, but this was so far from sexy. It was just creepy. She moved to Maine shortly after this incident, only to return 3 years later. I was in a restaurant and she approached us (now married to the girlfriend). She asked If I remembered her, and my wife and I said "yes" in unison. She said "good" and walked away never to been seen again.
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Old 10-20-2004, 06:39 AM   #23 (permalink)
Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
*ex gf story*
Well that happened to me, but with a different ending, I fucked her silly. It was great and to this day I don't regret it.

When I first met my wife she jumped me within a week. Of course she didn't so much beg as take charge and have her way...
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Old 10-20-2004, 03:54 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Location: Texas
yes, but unfortunately it was with a married woman. she came on to me pretty hard and i didn't resist. i hope i didn't screw up the marriage. on a side note, it was VERY cool and would love to experience it again. not with a married woman though.
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Old 10-20-2004, 04:28 PM   #25 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
Most girls I know beg me to fuck them.

At least that's what I tell myself after they hit me in the crotch.
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Old 10-20-2004, 04:35 PM   #26 (permalink)
herostar's Avatar
Location: South Dakota
Happened to me once. This girl grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room. She says "lets fuck". I'm like "no" because she was very unattractive... she then sayd she just wants to cuddle... me again "no". She then says she just wants to talk, "no". She kept pulling my arm, but I kept denying her. It was a hard choice, but 2 days later I realized I made the right decision.
Got time to chill?
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Old 10-20-2004, 04:50 PM   #27 (permalink)
filtherton's Avatar
Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Yes, but very rarely is it the right girl. I suppose that's where the begging comes in.
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Old 10-20-2004, 07:56 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Swooping down on you from above....
Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Today was my first time anyone has ever actually begged me for sex. My ex-girlfriend gave me a call, and we talked about nonsense for awhile. Then she told me how something has been 'bothering' her. Apparently her new boyfriend doesn't "hit it" where she needs it to be "hit" in order for her to enjoy sex at all. On top of that, he only has sex with her once a week and only lasts 20 minutes. She asked me, "So...I was wondering if I could come over tonight later on..." I was like, "I dunno..." with a sarcastic tone. After asking me again a few more times, she then said in a very excited voice, "Aw c'mon! I really need some dick! I need to be fucked right now! You're the only one that can hit it right!" This is what I said to her:
"You cheated on me with him. You chose to be with him rather than with me, and NOW you're regretting it? It's not my fault that he can't handle your business. I knew you'd miss my dick someday. And oh yeah: NO!" I hung up in disgust.

Although I was thoroughly disgusted, and probably will regret not taking her up on her offer whenever I'm feeling stupid and horny, I must say that I was quite flattered. I didn't know that my libido was adequate enough to make someone actually fiend over it! Don't get me wrong; I'm not bragging...it's just this is the first time this has ever happened to me. It came as a disgusting yet pleasant surpise.

To her credit, she did call back and apologize.
Bravo. You did the right thing. I'd have told her to fuck off too.
Flyguy is offline  
Old 10-20-2004, 08:10 PM   #29 (permalink)
"i knew you'd miss my dick someday"

thats a great line man, i'll have to remember that.
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Old 10-20-2004, 09:07 PM   #30 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Why doesn't this kind of thing ever happen to me?

Maybe it's the total lack of ex-girlfriends affecting things.
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Old 10-21-2004, 01:56 AM   #31 (permalink)
Originally Posted by herostar
Happened to me once. This girl grabbed my arm and pulled me into her room. She says "lets fuck". I'm like "no" because she was very unattractive... she then sayd she just wants to cuddle... me again "no". She then says she just wants to talk, "no". She kept pulling my arm, but I kept denying her. It was a hard choice, but 2 days later I realized I made the right decision.
I basically had the same thing happen to me while I was a Resident Assitant in college. The girl wasn't unattractive, but she was my resident and I had only known her for a few days. It was a weird experience since a few other of my residents were aware of her request. The worst part of it was that she would just not leave my room after I repeatedly told her "no." I had to make a compromise to get her out, so I agreed to let her hold me for 10 minutes. I still want those 10 minutes of my life back.
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Old 10-21-2004, 02:08 AM   #32 (permalink)
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
CityOfAngels's Avatar
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
Originally Posted by boom29
I basically had the same thing happen to me while I was a Resident Assitant in college. The girl wasn't unattractive, but she was my resident and I had only known her for a few days. It was a weird experience since a few other of my residents were aware of her request. The worst part of it was that she would just not leave my room after I repeatedly told her "no." I had to make a compromise to get her out, so I agreed to let her hold me for 10 minutes. I still want those 10 minutes of my life back.
With all these sexual harassment suites being filed, mostly by women (I assume), I applaud you for your patience while dealing with that girl.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.

Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...
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Old 10-21-2004, 12:02 PM   #33 (permalink)
It seems like whenever I am at the bar with my gf, or when she comes home from the bar after going out with the girls, that she is totally horny like nobody's business. My gf is asian and probably has an allergic reaction to the alcohol (her body turns red from her knees to her forhead, i dunno why she's never seen a doctor), and there's been a handful of times when she's begged me to screw her in a corner booth or washroom. So far i haven't had the guts to do it in such a public place, and we often end up screwing in the car (during a pit stop) on the way home.
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Old 10-21-2004, 12:31 PM   #34 (permalink)
Oh shit it's Wayne Brady!
CityOfAngels's Avatar
Location: Passenger seat of Wayne Brady's car.
Originally Posted by jamessh1
It seems like whenever I am at the bar with my gf, or when she comes home from the bar after going out with the girls, that she is totally horny like nobody's business. My gf is asian and probably has an allergic reaction to the alcohol (her body turns red from her knees to her forhead, i dunno why she's never seen a doctor), and there's been a handful of times when she's begged me to screw her in a corner booth or washroom. So far i haven't had the guts to do it in such a public place, and we often end up screwing in the car (during a pit stop) on the way home.
My ex is Chinese and she's exactly the same way. I don't think it's an allergic reaction, but rather a low tolerance for the alcohol. I took her to Olive Garden once and we ordered an entire bottle of wine (they didn't check ID as I was only 19 at the time). After one half-glass, she was shit-faced drunk. It was a mindblow for me, 'cause I'm so used to having at least 5-6 drinks before getting drunk off my ass. I'm not attributing the low tolerance to her ethnicity, but rather a) She's female, and b) She's not an everyday drinker.
The words "love" and "life" go together. It is almost as if they are one. You must love to live, and you must live to love, or you have never lived nor loved at all.

Originally Posted by Zeraph
...the best way to keep a big secret would be to make it public with disinformation...
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Old 10-21-2004, 02:29 PM   #35 (permalink)
stonegrody's Avatar
Location: CA-USA
An old co-worker of mine begged me for sex quite a few times but I never went for it because we worked together and we all know how that goes. Once night she called me and I finally said yes, but only if she would come to my house, pick me up, take me back to her place and then take me home afterwards because I didn't feel like driving. I didn't think she'd go for it but sure enough, she came over in about 15 minutes and we went through with it. I later found out that she was married and that her husband was in jail Yeah, that was the end of that. Fortunately for me, she got fired a week later (completely unrelated)
This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality. Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion.

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Old 10-21-2004, 08:36 PM   #36 (permalink)
I had my first experience with this last night. She'd come over as usual, but we both had a lot of work to do, and stuff to do early in the morning, and thought we'd just go to sleep. Throughout the night, she kept grinding into me, and I kept trying to resist. By the morning, she was literally begging for it, and it was some of the most amazing sex I've ever had. What a way to wake up .
So many people to love in my life. Why do I worry about one? - Ben Harper
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Old 10-21-2004, 09:21 PM   #37 (permalink)
Possible StuD
cpugamerbb's Avatar
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Sometimes I willingly resist sex, just to get a reaction, sometimes I get aggression, sometimes it turns to begging. Almost every time we have phone sex, she begs for me to sneak out of my house and come fuck her. I enjoy it.

Oh yeah, and if I ever question if I'm "good at it" or not, I remember those situations and think... "Why would she beg if she didn't enjoy it?"

Last edited by cpugamerbb; 10-21-2004 at 09:23 PM..
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Old 10-21-2004, 10:04 PM   #38 (permalink)
Location: Albuquerque, NM
You know that I already want the sex anyways...Cpu...I too, though, have had a girl beg me for sex. Kinda wierd when it's your best friend.
"You always said destiny would blow me away. But nothing's gonna blow me away"- Something Coporate
" I do not pop pills! I take them and I eat them..."
- Foamy's friend
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Old 10-21-2004, 10:15 PM   #39 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
Willravel's Avatar
Yes, my wifey...we both beg at times. It really depends on the mood.

To CityOfAngels: I'm glad that you reminded her that she cheated on you. People need to understand that being cheated on hurts, as they aparently didn't care enough in the first place about your feelings. It's not a matter of getting revenge, but a matter of them understanding the amount of pain they inflicted through a selfish act.
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Old 10-22-2004, 07:23 AM   #40 (permalink)
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Location: Denmark.
Oh yeah, sure.. Happened on several occations. It was by the same girl all of the times though. It still feels great to be wanted.
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beg, girl, guys, practically, sex

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