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Stiltzkin 07-05-2004 09:21 AM

7 Things that Freak Women Out


7 Things that Freak Women Out
By Patty Lamberti

Seeing an anger management graduation certificate on your wall. Don't punch us for saying this, and it's great to be proud of your accomplishments and all, but maybe you should take down reminders of your violent past if a woman is coming over. Unless it's Naomi Campbell who's coming over.

A picture of your mom on your nightstand. Don't you have a mantel?

A picture of your pet in your wallet. Be a man.

A tattoo of your ex's name. If you were really over her, you would have covered it up. Tommy Lee and Johnny Depp got rid of their body art dedicated to ex-lovers.

Expensive shampoo/conditioner. You don't have to use Suave, but she may question your sexuality if your grooming products are more expensive than hers.

Your magazine subscriptions. She'll scrutinize your bathroom reading materials. If they're all work-related, she'll think you don't know how to play. If they're all ladies magazines, she'll think you like to be a player. If they're all porn magazines, she'll think you play with yourself too much.

Potpourri. This implies your mother does your interior decorating. Go on Trading Spaces.
"Be yourself" they say. What a croc.

SinisterMotives 07-05-2004 09:26 AM

Note to self: remove all the computer programming books from the bedroom. :|

Mehoni 07-05-2004 09:53 AM


Originally posted by SinisterMotives
Note to self: remove all the computer programming books from the bedroom. :|
No! Keep them. I keep LinuxJournal there. :)

rockzilla 07-05-2004 11:27 AM


Originally posted by Stiltzkin
Expensive shampoo/conditioner. You don't have to use Suave, but she may question your sexuality if your grooming products are more expensive than hers.

If a woman makes it into my shower, chances are she's experienced first-hand how gay I'm not.

What about the real things women don't want to see in a guys apartment? A mountain of dishes in the sink, pizza boxes and take-out containers everywhere, your collection of Celine Dion CDs?

wonderwench 07-05-2004 11:33 AM

These do not classify as being worthy of a full freak-out. They may give one pause.

For full freakiness, it would take something far more serious, such as:

- Autographed copies of Bubba's "My Life" and Hillary's "Living History".

- A wall shrine devoted to Britney or Christina.

- A recycling bin full of empty Mad Dog 20-20 and Dr. Pepper bottles.

- Dozens of malnourished cats.

I could go on and on, but pondering these atrocities is harshing my vibe.

SinisterMotives 07-05-2004 11:37 AM


Originally posted by wonderwench
- Autographed copies of Bubba's "My Life" and Hillary's "Living History".
Politicizing a sexual thread, huh? I doubt all women would be freaked out by that one.

wonderwench 07-05-2004 11:38 AM

This woman would be anti-aroused upon the sight of such filth.


SinisterMotives 07-05-2004 11:41 AM

I don't see that pinning derogatory appelations on the works is called for here. Some people might actually be interested in Bill and Hillary's musings.

raeanna74 07-05-2004 12:12 PM

Basically, too much of any ONE thing can be a bad thing. Too expensive, too much porn, to many dirty dishes, too Clean even. Anything in excess would bother me a little. There are certain things that will bother any woman though. Most of it is common sense. Do you dishes, wash your clothes, such things as that. Having a pic of his pet in his wallet - that's just cool. I mean if he cares for a pet and the pet is affectionate to him then obviously he's not got a sadistic nature right?

Yes be yourself but use common sense. Don't be a slimeball, filthy or over obsessed with any one person or hobby.

Kazic 07-05-2004 04:43 PM

Its always 1 thing or another. If you have to many
Action movies your a gun toting idiot.
If you have to many cooking books your gay.
My apartment is just that. MY apartment. I put in it what I like. If a woman is invited over she already knows who I am.
the scrutiny part is over.
Aside from that. I do take pride in cleaning things up. Dishes/vaccum/ fold clothes. tidy up bathroom. Cause lets face it no one likes a pig either way.

pinkie 07-05-2004 05:20 PM


Originally posted by wonderwench

- A recycling bin full of empty Mad Dog 20-20 and Dr. Pepper bottles.

- Dozens of malnourished cats.


I would be freaked out if I was offerend homemade frozen dog yogurt.

Flyguy 07-05-2004 05:21 PM

Women will find something wrong with you no matter what. Don't you know that they search your house the first chance they get to size you up? Sometimes they can never be pleased. It's always something. The real question is not if they find something wrong, but what shit would be willing to put up with while dating your ass?

StickODynomite 07-05-2004 06:36 PM

No one is perfect, but a shrine to a celebrity would kinda scare me..

Key 07-05-2004 06:58 PM

these items are listed only as early impression things. girls always want to know what a guy's like before they go out with him.

there were countless times in college there'd be girls over for parties and such, and of course they're gonna want to use the rest room. seeing a bottle of shampoo is something that can happen the first time they meet you.

i can see how all of those would be cause for concern, except the pet thing. i agree if a woman sees how affectionate you are about your pets, you'll likely be as affectionate around her. and it's possible to defend expensive shampoo- but much harder if it's more expensive than her's.

a nasty bathroom and a nasty kitchen are no no's when you're on the market. they tend to get messier the longer you're with a woman. no woman wants to spend the night if it means a grimy shower and nasty ass toilet in the morning. or eat a meal you cooked in dirty dishes.

there's countless things that'll freak a woman out, but these are the little things you want to watch out for. dirty underwear ANYwhere's a bad sign. crapload of porn on your computer, any prescription medication that may give pause found in the medicine cabinet... dunno, there's a lot of little subtle things a woman checks for.

SinisterMotives 07-05-2004 07:04 PM

I think I'd have an issue with any woman who went looking through my wallet. I think it's very rude when you're out with someone and they do the "wallet peek" to see how much cash you have in there. I agree with Emily Post when she says that a lady doesn't inquire into a gentleman's finances. Sorry, but it makes me feel like they're looking for a meal ticket.

Key 07-05-2004 07:19 PM

women check wallets to glance into the psyche of the person they're with. it gives a good idea of what they're into.

it's not to check how much cash there is, besides lots of guys stick strictly to debit cards now.

a wallet reveals a lot about a guy. if he holds on to movie ticket stubs, what pictures he has, what receipts he may be carrying, what kind of cards he has. for example, an expired library card.

it's like looking at how someone's decorated their room.

fernweh 07-05-2004 07:20 PM

Of course, the disclaimer for this kind of article is always that you should just be yourself and find someone who likes you for you, and not for how many affectations you can hide under. Just thought I'd throw that in there :)

SinisterMotives 07-05-2004 07:23 PM


Originally posted by Key
women check wallets to glance into the psyche of the person they're with. it gives a good idea of what they're into.
That may be true in many cases, but I've had women look into the part of the wallet where the money is kept when I had it open for the express purpose of seeing how much was in there. They didn't look at anything else in the wallet.

KMA-628 07-06-2004 12:14 AM


Originally posted by rockzilla
If a woman makes it into my shower, chances are she's experienced first-hand how gay I'm not.
Best line in the thread!

My dog (a female) used to destory undergarments of visiting female "friends" in the old days.

Would that be bad as well?

Key 07-06-2004 02:36 AM

eh, if her undergarments are already laying around i think you've already done your job

Blackthorn 07-06-2004 05:31 AM

I would have thought missing a period would have made the top of the list....?

denim 07-06-2004 07:35 AM


Originally posted by kjroh
I would have thought missing a period would have made the top of the list....?
That's only if you're dating an English major. Guys don't miss periods, after all.

jRuntlets 07-06-2004 07:47 AM

Ack! All of this hiding stuff sort of bugs me. Then again I'm not the type of woman to go into a man's house and look around. I'm also definately NOT the type to look around in someone's medicine cabinet. That's just plain rude!

The only issue I have with a guy and his house/apartment is if the carpet hasn't been shampooed. I despise shoes so I typically walk around with out them, I don't want my feet turning black!

KMA-628 07-06-2004 10:22 AM


Originally posted by denim
That's only if you're dating an English major.
And....we have a tie for first! Ding-Ding-Ding

/self-proclaimed judge

cameroncrazy822 07-06-2004 11:37 AM

#8.... Unidentified body parts in the freezer.

kutulu 07-06-2004 01:27 PM

That's about the dumbest list I've ever seen.

maleficent 07-06-2004 01:39 PM


Originally posted by Key
crapload of porn on your computer, any prescription medication that may give pause found in the medicine cabinet..
Maybe I'm from a different generation....

But there are certain things that are off limits, the medicine chest, the goodie drawer.

Even in a long term, very committed relationship, there is no way I would ever go into a man's wallet without express permission.

I booby trapped my medicine chest before a party once, just to see if there were any snoopers, the sound of 200 lead marbles hitting the porcelein sink creates quite a racket, it definitely cured the snooping habit of one person,
and other people picked up on the idea.

Why snoop? if there's something you want to know, ask, and none of your business is an acceptable answer.

stevie667 07-06-2004 01:44 PM


Originally posted by cameroncrazy822
#8.... Unidentified body parts in the freezer.
Wouldn't it be worse if they were indentified?

'yeh, whats this damned spleen and liver doing in your freezer, and why does it say mort goldman on the side?'

Key 07-06-2004 03:54 PM


Originally posted by maleficent
Maybe I'm from a different generation....

But there are certain things that are off limits, the medicine chest, the goodie drawer.

Even in a long term, very committed relationship, there is no way I would ever go into a man's wallet without express permission.

I booby trapped my medicine chest before a party once, just to see if there were any snoopers, the sound of 200 lead marbles hitting the porcelein sink creates quite a racket, it definitely cured the snooping habit of one person,
and other people picked up on the idea.

Why snoop? if there's something you want to know, ask, and none of your business is an acceptable answer.

haha, great idea. maybe it's more common for the younger audiance. every girl i've known, or at least most of them, have said the medicine cabinet's something they don't think is that bad. most of the time there's nothing surprising, but regardless it's easy to give into your voyeuristic notions without getting caught- unless someone booby traps it of course!

besides, on the off chance that he's a real freak he's not going to come out and say it if you ask. perhaps i'm playing devil's advocate, but this is what i hear from the ladies of a college campus. i don't think i've ever looked in a medicine cabinet of someone i didn't know, just because i'm not really interested and i figure if they did have something incriminating they sure as hell wouldn't leave it out. i don't really expect to find a bloodied murder weapon in there.

powerclown 07-06-2004 06:33 PM


A picture of your pet in your wallet. Be a man.
A neighbor of mine used to have a big, laminated picture of his dog on the front of his mailbox.

saut 07-06-2004 07:03 PM

Make sure you don't take her down to your basement for a tour of your pit and lotion basket.

n0nsensical 07-06-2004 09:16 PM

What if my magazine subscriptions are whatever I could get for free, then I'm cheap?

Key 07-07-2004 02:59 AM


Originally posted by n0nsensical
What if my magazine subscriptions are whatever I could get for free, then I'm cheap?

my brother has the most random ass subscriptions he's never even opened. sport fishing, cigar affecionado, ball room dancing, new age hunting, i don't know. he's like who cares, they're free. besides, you can always cut them up and make a collage or something if you need.

Stompy 07-07-2004 06:40 AM

8. They will plunge into an enternal depression if you even so much as HINT about the increase in their weight *chuckle*

So when a woman pisses you off, call her fat. That'll give her about 5 years of mental issues.

(Don't do it to your SO, but if you ever encounter a snobby woman who thinks she's too good for you, try it.)

fernweh 07-07-2004 08:59 AM


Originally posted by Stompy
if you ever encounter a snobby woman who thinks she's too good for you, try it.
You: "Hey, wanna dance?"
Her: "In your dreams!"
You: "I think you misheard me, I said 'You look fat in those pants'"

Kazic 07-07-2004 07:13 PM


Originally posted by fernweh
You: "Hey, wanna dance?"
Her: "In your dreams!"
You: "I think you misheard me, I said 'You look fat in those pants'"

Hahah I still get a kick out of that. Maxim had some awsome comebacks to chick 1 liners. I will have to find it.

When I go to someones place I only go where they have said I could, Most women don't say "yeah check my medicine cabinet at you leisure!" so I don't I guess I just expect the same curtousy.

Slauncha Man 07-08-2004 09:22 AM

Your movie selection could be a huge turn-off too. Having Ed Gein next to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre next to the whole Hannibal series might give her a few bad ideas...

Stompy 07-08-2004 11:34 AM


Originally posted by Slauncha Man
Your movie selection could be a huge turn-off too. Having Ed Gein next to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre next to the whole Hannibal series might give her a few bad ideas...
hahaha, that's funny, because that's ME! I'm a horror movie fanatic.. I have leatherface and evil dead statues in my living room and all that.

If a woman wants to complain about it, she knows where the door is! Generally people like that aren't too fun anyway, hehe ;)

maleficent 07-08-2004 12:13 PM

Better horror movies than an assortment of chick flicks -- If a guy, who lived alone, had nothing but chick flicks, I'd be very scared....

curiousgeorgett 07-08-2004 03:37 PM

how about empty condom wrappers on the floor ... even if I know he had sex the night before with someone else, I dont want a blatant reminder of it

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