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ruggerp11 04-30-2004 07:39 AM

What is your 'thing' ?
What is it you like to do in before sex or during sex that makes your technique unique. Can be just about anything, but basically what do you like to do that drives the opposite sex wild?

Personally I am a big fan of undressing. I like to undress my partner and have her undress me. After that, my thing is to spin her around and embrace her from behind. I can kiss her neck and shoulders while running my hands over her body. This way she can feel me in back of her as well. The best is when she loves it enough and her head tilts back and I can kiss her lips and cheeks too.

Anyone else?

i8one2 04-30-2004 12:12 PM

what I enjoy first and foremost, is for my subby to present herself before me, having her build up my manhood, as a greeting.

Another item that gets me going, is if she has been defiant that day, a strong session of pain discipline, has me geared up, and ready for more manhood pleasuring, almost right away.

when she goes to sleep, leashed to my bed(always), I like to wake her from a sound slumber, tell her quietly to assume the position, have hard quick sex, and tell her to go back to sleep.

To be a Dom can be fun, but it does take hard work to do right.

la petite moi 04-30-2004 12:24 PM

Wow, i8one2. Sounds like some good times.

I don't really do anything because I get shy about sex when it actually comes to doing it. But generally I pout and make some kind of whimper noise. I don't like just coming out and saying: I WANT IT. Even though that's what he wants, I'm sure. sniffle...

sillygirl 04-30-2004 01:32 PM

I've been told that my eyes turn green when I want some..... and that turns him on...

04-30-2004 02:46 PM

I enjoy kissing and licking him all over- especially his neck, ears, and sides to make him squirm like crazy!

ruggerp11 04-30-2004 03:44 PM

Very nice responses. I like them all. I don't know if I have the experience that i8one2 has :D but I really think that everyone has their own unique technique. This is why sex is such a wonderful thing.

SixEdxMia 05-01-2004 08:09 AM

I feel all cheap and dirty. Meow rugger... fucking meow.
I'll post when there are more and mine wont stand out so trashy.

: )

World's King 05-01-2004 12:57 PM


And I try to always give a massage before sex. I just really like skin. And it gives me an excuse to massage her feet. I have a foot fetish. Most girls freak out aboyt the fetish thing but if can throw it in with the whole massage thing... I'm golden.

fallenangel 05-01-2004 02:15 PM

I'm a bit of a tease on occasion, so what my sorta thing is, after some serious smooching, i tend to gear towards the earlobes, neck, nipples, down the chest, and linger at the waist band of his boxers for a bit before heading south for some light tongue teasing, then by this point he's damn near beggin, then giver! :D

Sugar&Spice 05-03-2004 12:45 PM

I like to start out with kissing and then i'll slide my hand down his boxers and start to caress it with one hand while my other is rubbing his balls...this seems to get him ready to go.

Averett 05-03-2004 12:54 PM

I'd tell you, but then all you fellas would be fighting with me to be my boyfriend :p

Okay, maybe not.

BCD 05-03-2004 01:06 PM

Good thread. My thing is that I like having my wife lie on her stomach, so I can give her a good back massage. The massage progesses to a point where I spread her legs by pushing her knees apart (about as far as I can w/o making it uncomfortable) so she feels very vulnerable. I then spend a lot of time lightly stroking from her knee along the inside of her leg up to - but not directly touching - her kittie:) I'll then use my thumbs to spread her lips far apart, again while not actually touching her lips and while she is still wearing her panties. This get her relaxed and then very worked up.

ruggerp11 05-03-2004 01:40 PM

mmm, all good replies. You guys certainly have my attention (ladies that is ;) ). I dunno what it is for me but the undressing is like offering yourself to them and vice versa. Another thing (kinda) is that I like a lot fo body contact. When we are having sex I like an arm around the waist (when position allows) and or a hand on the face, back of the neck, or holding hands. Dunno what that means but I just really really like how soft women are and touching them in general. MMMMM

tisonlyi 05-03-2004 01:54 PM

Bite the nape of her neck and shoulders, gently pull her hair and explain, between bites and in detail, exactly what i will shortly be doing to her.

tisonlyi 05-03-2004 01:55 PM


Originally posted by Averett
I'd tell you, but then all you fellas would be fighting with me to be my boyfriend :p

Okay, maybe not.

Come on... Tell us.

*dons knuckle dusters*

ruggerp11 05-03-2004 03:41 PM

tisonlyi, I also like to pull hair a bit. Kinda like putting your hand in her hair and then just making a fist. you also have to read the situation, cause some women seem to be talkative and others not so much.

khuct 05-03-2004 08:15 PM

i grab the hair... :)

Derwood 05-04-2004 06:36 PM

Wife lays on her stomach on the bed for a nice back rub (minus shirt of course). Then, when fully relaxed, my hands reach around to cup her breasts while I kiss the back of her neck. She's all mine after that.

WarWagon 05-04-2004 10:13 PM


Originally posted by Derwood
Wife lays on her stomach on the bed for a nice back rub (minus shirt of course). Then, when fully relaxed, my hands reach around to cup her breasts while I kiss the back of her neck. She's all mine after that.
I did that to my ex with a massage lotion, only during the massage I would sneak the hands down and just catch the side of her breast and maybe the nipple. I had no idea how much she was enjoying it until I looked down and she was the wettest I'd ever seen her.

majik_6 05-05-2004 11:59 AM

Interesting thread! :)

My "technique" tends to change depending on who I'm with:

the first girl I was with tended to get very worked up from oral, so I spent some time learning to do that well. It paid off, since that was something that she greatly enjoyed. We were really young, so things were never too adventurous.

my second was very shy about her sexuality, so usually just kissing or other "tame" stuff got her in the mood. Sometimes massages/backrubs got involved, but she tended to be more into stuff that was "cute" or tame...

The girl I'm currently interested in is much more secure with her sexuality, and tends to be more open (from what I've seen, we've only recently become physically involved). With her, biting is a sure way to start things. We haven't really gotten the chance to be more adventurous yet (she lives 850 miles away), but so far biting/scratching has worked well. We're both into biting, preferably with some force, which is awesome, since I've always wished I could find someone as turned on by that as I am.

cameroncrazy822 05-06-2004 09:34 AM

My thing is right after they wake up from their drug induced stuper feeling groggy, sore, and disoriented I engage the brake on their wheel chair and slam the door to their room shut. Trust me all the honies at the assisted living home LOVE it!

hossified 05-06-2004 09:50 AM

i would say my move.....is while laying behind in a spoon....i'll rub the inside of the girls thigh......and getting ever so close to the holy hole.....but not quite......I'll spend like 10 minutes doing this...maybe having the back of my hand just lightly tough her lips every once in a while......but the time it comes down to business.....her undies are jsut soaked

mew 08-27-2004 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by ruggerp11
Personally I am a big fan of undressing. I like to undress my partner and have her undress me. After that, my thing is to spin her around and embrace her from behind. I can kiss her neck and shoulders while running my hands over her body. This way she can feel me in back of her as well. The best is when she loves it enough and her head tilts back and I can kiss her lips and cheeks too.

Anyone else?

omg :o I must try that if i get a lover. Mm~I love getting hugged from behind...*meltinmytoesyummyness*~a girl can dream~ :o

Konichiwaneko 08-27-2004 09:10 PM

I imagine it's a dream, I'm a artist, and she's my landscape.

CityOfAngels 08-27-2004 10:24 PM

I like to kiss her from her forehead all the way down to her feet. If she's patient enough, I'll then turn her around and give her a massage from her feet to her butt, and once I start working the butt, she usually gets too excited to think about a massage anymore. :)

ruggerp11 08-27-2004 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by mew
omg :o I must try that if i get a lover. Mm~I love getting hugged from behind...*meltinmytoesyummyness*~a girl can dream~ :o

Just noticed this. Sure Mew annnnytime!

08-28-2004 03:49 AM

Being in the shower, getting all soaped up and just moving against each other in every way possible

Meier_Link 08-28-2004 06:23 AM

One thing I like to do is to grab her wrists and hold her hands above her head while I'm fucking her, lick her neck and suck on her ear lobes.

Seaver 08-28-2004 06:56 AM

Hmm... I got lots.

Great fan of giving massages as stated by everyone above, I use all the same tricks.

What I love is putting on music, and blindfolding her with her silk scarf. I lay her down and kiss for about 5 min, with my unit just barely touching hers. She usually starts thrusting her hips to get me to enter, but being the tease I am I usually dont let her. While holding hands I move to her ears (her spot), and spend 5 min on those and her neck. Then I move slowly to her breasts, doing kind of a spiral kissing avoiding her nipples until the very end at which time she's almost begging for it. After about 2 min of this she's soaking and can hardly control herself (god I love that), so I move to her ankles. Slowly move from the ankles to the inner thigh, not touching her spot (just slowly blow hot air on it to tease), and back up the ankle, then back down. Finally I go down on her, always stopping before she climaxes, and when finally I cant hold it anymore I enter her. Usually at this point she rips off the blindfold because she loves it when we look in each others eyes the whole time. We always climax together after all of that, and because I had brought her to the brink so many times before it's explosive for her.

Yeah... I'm a tease.

ratbastid 08-28-2004 11:08 AM

I've been told that I'm very good with nipples.

mew 08-28-2004 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by ruggerp11
Just noticed this. Sure Mew annnnytime!

:o Tomorrow at my place? ;) lol

Halx 08-28-2004 09:05 PM

My thing is kissing about the neck and playing with breasts. I find I can make my partner very fuckin' hot by paying attention to these two areas before anything else. By the time I'm done, her lower section is screaming, "Pay attention to MEEE! TO MEEEEE!"

Willravel 08-29-2004 12:27 AM

Teasing can be a great motivator/stimulator.
I have two (formerly) top secret moves that are fail safe.
#1 I write erotic literature and leave it for my gf. I'm not talking about simple porn, nor about sappy novels. I am very certian to put a lot of effort into a decent story. I was never into english in school, but if they taught this, I would have goetten a 4.2 gpa. At first my stories were simple, only a few pages. After a while (and a few girlfriends) they became very involved and, according to critics, quite good. I wouldn't dare publish them, but I find that women are very sensual when they are partially involved in a fantasy.
#2 The massage...sort of. Pressure point massages are supposedly used to heal parts of the body by massage. Have you ever seen the foot model in which the foot is broken up into areas of different colors which each account for an area of the body? This is probably what you were looking at. It is similar to acupuncture, but without the needles. Well I took some time to study these techniques. Ther are certian areas or locations on the body that can, if massaged properly, induce a pre-orgasmic state without sexual stimulation. There are also ways to lessen the pain associated with women who are new to intercourse, and are still sensitive.

While I will not reveal specifics about either of these ways, I'm sure most of you can figure them out with some study and some practice.
Oh, learn the massage from a pro, not a book. Trust me.

mew 08-30-2004 09:23 AM

PUrr~must try all.......

Pragma 08-30-2004 03:53 PM

I am with Halx on this one - I spend tons of time paying attention to her breasts and neck, getting her soaking wet, before I let her have the satisfaction from me paying attention to anywhere else. By that point in time, all she cares about is just jumping me on the spot :D

Gogogo 08-30-2004 04:15 PM

I have found that a lot of women don't know how sensitive some parts of their bodies are. I love to explore her body finding those parts. It can be done with a lot of humor, or very romantically or totally wild.
I'll innocently start walking two fingers on her body from somewhere innocently like her leg if she's sitting or her back or belly if she's laying down. I start telling a story about going treasure hunting. The story can be made like a funny pirate story (AAhhr, I heard of a treasure being hidden on this Isand), an exciting mystery plot (Sherlock Holmes has to recreate the scene for heinous crimes of passion) or anything else I think of at the moment that fit the mood.
So I walk those two fingers around a little back and forth, and if she's wearing a skirt I'll say something like "I think the treasure/clue/whatever is down this way. My two fingers walk with more aim and towards one of the big three, but let's say she's sitting in a skirt, and we are in the giggly mood. So this time I'll go for her crotch, but takes a left or right just before or after where the pubic hair starts (or should've started). ;)
I walk on the outside of the thigh continuing the story the whole time like commenting "Arrh we have to be carful not to fall down etc". And then I'll get to the knee. I walk around the inside of her knee and by then she's probably laughing since I look silly on the floor with my two fingered exporer walking around. Then my explorer walks just around the little "skin patch" that is at the back of the knee, but he sees problems uh-oh. He'll have to get help from his digging tool. Enter mouth and his mighty tounge. They "dig" for a while, but the reasure, clue, or whatever was not there. Moving on.

I continue this all over her body espescially the creases of the elbows and knees, her footsoles, ankles, wrists, back of the neck and gradually the lower back, inside of her thighs, her cheecks, neck, her belly (the belly button seems to vary a lot so I don't do that with a girl I don't know, can ruin the mood fast). Mouth, breasts and usually eyes last. By the time when I finally find the treasure she gets so happy, and when the digging tools arrive the story sometimes comes to an early climax. The sequel to the story includes even better digging tools!

radioguy 08-30-2004 05:08 PM

I have got to go with the undressing of her down to her bra and panties. I love seeing my girl in her see-through lingerie!! That drives me wild! After that, a nice backrub is the key for her. It gets her so worked up, me as well!

bigoldalphamale 08-30-2004 06:22 PM

laying her on her stomach and pulling her hips toward my face so that i can tend to her ass and pussy orally. after a few minutes, scoot up and work it a little from behind. after that...whatever.

Flyguy 09-04-2004 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Averett
I'd tell you, but then all you fellas would be fighting with me to be my boyfriend :p

Okay, maybe not.

Now I'm really curious! :p

Flyguy 09-04-2004 01:41 PM

Plus I'd have to go with good old fashioned doggystyle. There's nothing like hittin' it from behind and hearing flygirl's moans of pleasure! :thumbsup:

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