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emphant 12-09-2003 08:32 PM

You dirty cheater!
Although I see a lot of "I have a girlfriend so I wouldn't do this or that...", my practical experience has been that a lot of people cheat, especially younger people. I've found it's mostly males who cheat, but a lot of times the females know the guy has a girlfriend.

So for this thread, let's hear your experiences. Did you cheat, were you cheated on, etc..?

I'll post mine tommorow when my girlfriend isn't here :p

Prince 12-09-2003 09:09 PM

I think this whole thing about it being mostly males that cheat is nothing short of being just a(n urban) legend.

wilbjammin 12-09-2003 09:09 PM

I had an ex-girlfriend that cheated on me once. She repeatedly lied about it... not just lied about it, but brought it up first. Think she had a guilty conscience?

I've never cheated on any of my past girlfriends. I never would, I never will.

Pragma 12-09-2003 09:14 PM

I've been cheated on, and it's not something I ever want to experience again, and it's not something I would ever consider doing to my girlfriend. I value my relationship with her more than anything else in the world, and to cheat on her would - even if she never discovered it - destroy my love for her, as well as any shred of self-respect I ever had.

Speaking hypothetically, if I ever discovered a girl that I "loved more than my girlfriend", if for some reason I had to be with that girl, I would break up with my girlfriend, then date the other girl - not cheat on my girlfriend.

Seaver 12-09-2003 09:17 PM

The crap about guys cheating more is a myth. A study taken here at the University of Texas (sorry cant find the link) tested this.

Group 1 female: Women were interviewed about their sexual past and questions concerning cheating. Showed about 17% of women admitted to cheating
Group 1 male: Same as above, showed about 45% of males admitted to cheating.

Group 2 female: Women set up to a fake lie-detector (had an actual detector, just the pens were altered so they didnt depend on the actual person, but were predone to show lies when and where. Showed 47% of females admitted to cheating.
Group 2 male: Same as above, 48% of males admitted to cheating.

Followup interviews were taken. The women in group 1 who said they never cheated (later turn it around and admit to it) used loopholes. Myriad of excuses, mostly simple as "he cheated first" or long-distance relationship.

What this shows? Yes, men cheat more, but only about 1.5-2%. They are just more open about it.

omega2K4 12-09-2003 09:53 PM

Women cheat on their partner a lot more than men do. They just do it like ninjas so they get caught less often.

I've never been cheated on by a girlfriend, that I know of.

dumbnutofak 12-09-2003 09:55 PM

Umm... hmm....I cheated on my ex-girlfriend. But she cheated on me first....but an eye for an eye makes the world go blind. I must say, it's not something i am proud of, and I didn't like having on my consience(sp?) so I let her know.

That was rough, but she eventually forgave me and we are now friends.

ubertuber 12-09-2003 10:06 PM

I have never cheated. I do suspect that one of my girlfriends cheated on me though... I'll probably never find out for sure, which might even be best.

juanvaldes 12-09-2003 10:07 PM

I'm more amazed at the idea that nearly 50% of the subjects had cheated!

Bloodslick 12-09-2003 10:23 PM

I think that I've only physically cheated on one of my girlfriends, even though I slept with two different women.

If cheating incorporates having a serious relationship with more than one woman, then I'm very, very guilty of numerous offenses.

phredgreen 12-09-2003 10:40 PM

at one point in my life i had a very open plate, as far as women were concerned. i was courting a few different birds at the same time, but not really serious with any of them. as things progressed and different birds went in different directions in life, i started to settle in with one of them, a very sweet girl named beth. she was quiet and reserved on the outside, but inside she was a heavy-metal girl to the extreme. i really liked that, and she seemed to like me, so it got along alright. while i was seeing her, i kind've met another girl, and things clicked really fast with this one and it all got a little wild, and i finally decided that i didn't wanna string beth along anymore, so i let her know i was with someone else.

at the time it seemed like an alright idea, but as i look back on the whole situation and the bird i chose over beth (now my ex-wife and cause of much stress), i wonder why i ever made that desicion. beth got pretty pissed at me (and rightfully so) and eventually moved away to washington, but i hope she's doing alright. she deserves a good guy.

phaedrus 12-09-2003 11:54 PM

I've never cheated. I've been the other man three times that I know of. I suspect women are just as likely to cheat as men, just less likely to admit it.

suviko 12-10-2003 12:10 AM

I always cheated. And now comes the classical explanation of being badly scarred in first relationship ever, yeah, but it's been more about the ideal of free love and separating love and sex so that they CAN be enjoyable without both being in the picture. I have also been cheated on more than once. Then I started seeking partners who had the same history and making some sort of open arrangement.

I am an open person and can get people to trust me so what my experience says is that it's pretty equal in amount. Both sexes cheat to get (better) sex or having a bit of romance but what I've seen men seem to cheat if they haven't had that many partners before starting the phase of serious monogamous relationship in their lives so they want to know if they've missed out on something or get more confidence when they don't have to admit having been with only one or two people.

BTW, last year I was talking in a grill party with two men. The Finnish boy is my friend and known plyaboy/bragger and the other person was visiting from the States. The guest was handsome and small celeb (Justin Achilli) so many girls looked at him the Way. Heck, I did. He was really great storyteller and came up with hilarious drunken pranks. But I noticed him trying to mention his gf when stuff started getting too excited. When we were talking the discussion got serious when "the playboy" asked if he gets a lot of girls trying something at him. He said he's catholic, not a saint by any means but brought up that way anyhow took a serious face and said he would never cheat on his gf. We both finns felt like "uh, ok, if you feel so strongly about it... sorry that we asked." I got no reliable statistics but I think Scandinavians have more liad back attitude. People might live over it in marriage more easily than just get a divorce immidiately when they hear about spouse cheating once.

SecretMethod70 12-10-2003 02:18 AM

Once in 8th grade - cheated on my girlfriend with her best friend. Then broke up and started dating the best friend and later cheated on her with the ex-girlfriend. :rolleyes: Junior High. :rolleyes:

Other time in HS - cheated on onodrim with some overly flirtatious and horny austrian girl. She was mosdt certainly bad news - knew I had a girlfriend yet laid it on thick (not that that's any excuse) and also was seeing a 30-something married man who had children back hime in Vienna. Told onodrim about it right away cause I felt really guilty and that's the last time I've ever cheated. Some things are too special to risk losing ;) :)

Silvy 12-10-2003 02:27 AM

I've never cheated, and I don't think I've ever been cheated on...

I hope to keep it that way. Like Secret Method said: it's just not worth it!

sixate 12-10-2003 04:37 AM

Never cheated on anyone, never will.
Never been cheated on either.

If I know that a girl has ever cheated I won't even get involved.
Once a cheater always a cheater.

Averett 12-10-2003 05:47 AM

I've never been cheated, but I have been cheated on. College boyfriend, went long distance when I moved back home. I wanted to just end it when I was leaving, but he didnt.... I should have stuck to my guns. Anyway, he started seeing a 17 year old high school senior. :rolleyes:

It all ended up okay though... My past makes me what I am today. Besides, he's turned out to be quite the fuck up apparently ;)

I guess I was the "other woman" once. I knew he had a girlfriend. I guess I justified it because they weren't serious, I was only visiting for a week, and there was no way she'd know. Looking back it was pretty shady of me. They stopped seeing eachother about a month later, then reconnected this summer. But stopped seeing eachother soon after. The girl's got some issues...

Pragma 12-10-2003 06:14 AM


Originally posted by suviko
Both sexes cheat to get (better) sex or having a bit of romance but what I've seen men seem to cheat if they haven't had that many partners before starting the phase of serious monogamous relationship in their lives so they want to know if they've missed out on something or get more confidence when they don't have to admit having been with only one or two people.
Maybe it's just the way I think, but I've got no problems admitting that I've only had three girlfriends in my entire life, including my current one - and I'm quite happy with her and content to spend the rest of my life getting to know her better.

I see no need to see if I've "missed out" on something, or to rack up "numbers" before I get married (which admittedly won't be for several years). Different worldviews, I guess.

la petite moi 12-10-2003 10:09 AM

Cheated once...sorta.
The guy I was going out with knew what I was doing, and didn't care. However, we were still going out for another couple weeks...
I dunno....

Iliftrocks 12-10-2003 10:12 AM

I was the "other guy" once in college. I wasn't this chicks only other either, but it still made me feel bad, though not bad enough to stop. Since then I've not cheated..... Although sometimes I regret that.... but that's another story.

frozenstellar 12-10-2003 05:10 PM

never cheated, and never been cheated on. guess i've just been lucky.

but spending 3 years with only female friends, i learnt a lot about females. one big thing was how much it fucks them around when they're cheated on. so i venture to never do it.

starbum 12-10-2003 06:59 PM

been in 8 relationships, including my present one. In 7 relationships, i've been cheated on. That scars you.

Males cheating more? Bullcrap.

jay-g 12-10-2003 10:16 PM

I have never been cheated on. As for me, i would never cheat on my girl. I would never want her to feel like she's not "good enough" and hurt her. If something else did come along, i would end the current relationship before proceeding to the next. It sucks that there is such a thing called "cheating".

amge 12-11-2003 09:27 AM

Now I don't know if this was cheating since we weren't even going out. Well that's what I think. Maybe it just came back to bite me...

Right after graduation, I started to hang out with one of my classmates. We went out to movies, or went out to eat because she or I didn't want to eat alone in a resturant.

Anyway, during that time I started to see another girl and we did the same thing. I did this for around two months. I then started to date the second girl exclusively. I just stopped seeing the first girl.

Now here is the ironic part of the story. The girl I started to date exclusively, after around 8 months, she eventually cheated on me.

bermuDa 12-11-2003 09:49 AM

I can't cheat, I have a guilty conscience.

So I try to stay completely open with them and do nothing that I wouldn't be hesitant to tell them about.

No idea if I've been cheated on, I wonder what constitutes cheating? kissing? sex? what?

lady 12-11-2003 09:50 AM

Never cheated. Been cheated on though...

Dano069 12-11-2003 11:47 AM

Although I've been sorely tempted from time to time, I have never cheated on any of the women I've dated. It's just not right, in my opinion.

NeverBorn 12-11-2003 06:55 PM

I don't believe in cheating myself. Why ruin something?

Seaver 12-11-2003 07:34 PM

I've been the "other guy" a number of times.

I dont know what I do or how they spot me, but I'm always the one they use for other intensive purposes. Usually its a BF/ex-BF they want to cut it off with... though I always found out AFTER.

Needless to say when I found out I cut it off immediately everytime, been cheated on once, never personally cheated. I would never continue to date a cheater.

rebecca 12-11-2003 07:52 PM

From what I see girls may cheat just as much, but guys do more serious things when they do.
I think it gets the most rampant in long distance relationships. As a girl I don't believe in it because of how self-conscious it can make you when it seems like you are being compared to someone else that they are involved with. It can get to be a terrible game between two people.:confused:

mikepeca18 12-11-2003 08:13 PM


ninety09 12-11-2003 09:36 PM

Being cheated on really doesn't feel good. It hurts. Also makes it pretty hard to trust anyone after. Cheating is to violate a very deep trust, that is the sort of thing that a good person simply wouldnt do.

I would never cheat and I never have; I wouldn't want to hurt someone i care about, or once cared about.

Johnny Rotten 12-11-2003 11:08 PM

I got burned like I was covered in gasoline once. I understand it's permissable in certain areas of the world, and understandable in certain situations, but I can't stand the thought of it.

hellasnow 12-12-2003 11:18 AM

i got cheated on and still burns me bad specially the way i found out.

there i was at work one day taking a piss kinda had an ich looked down and there was a little crabby cruzing around. needles to say i'd never had anything like that so freaked out!!!

boy did that bitch get an ear full. she even had the nerve to tell me she didn't cheat on me. what a bitch!

Enka 12-14-2003 01:38 AM

Cheated on gf #2. Wasnt worth it.

Got cheated on by gf #2 a few years later. Nothing as bad as what I did, but then i found out she was planning more. Needless to say we broke up. Bitchtits.

Wombat 12-15-2003 03:10 AM

I've thought about cheating.. but never have*. Kind of an empty fantasy or something I suppose.

* Nearly did once.

shileno 12-15-2003 05:07 AM

i've never cheated on my girlfriend.

and once a cheater always a cheater

neddy65 12-15-2003 09:00 AM

My first wife cheated on her boyfriend with me, this should have clued me in. She eventually gave me an STD, passed on from her guy on the side. I know how I felt and could never justify the act knowing the end results and how I would hurt my wife.

wry1 12-17-2003 12:25 AM

I'm not a cheater. If I'm in a relationship, it's because there's something there that I feel is worth nurturing - cheating destroys that, whether your partner knows of the indiscretion or not.

I have, however, found out that I was the other man. I had met an interesting lady one night when I was out with my friends, we hit it off, talked on the phone quite a bit, and then hooked up. After a great afternoon of "getting to know each other better", I didn't hear from her for a while.

Eventually, we got back in touch, and it was then that I learned that she's married, with a couple of kids, and was just looking for something to "blow off some steam"....

Oh well, live and learn, right?

yabobo 12-17-2003 06:30 AM

I was using two girls for about 4 months then tried to add a third girl to the farm. Well, busted:crazy: :( :(
However,what goes around cums around.
Started in on my current love the second she got home from the mall and started working my way down to her pussy,:rolleyes:
She was pushing me away!:eek: :eek: :eek: Said she wanted to shower! continued and slid my hand into sumyoungguyscum!:crazy:
Oh, that one still stings!:thumbsup: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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