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Poyzun_Ivy 11-13-2003 02:09 PM

So what's your fetish?
Do tell, do tell...

I'm more of a D/s kind of person myself... how about it?

:crazy: Ivy :hmm:

Si2Evo 11-13-2003 02:50 PM

being in control:D

Corneo 11-13-2003 02:51 PM

Umm. Hot naked women tops my list.

Redlemon 11-13-2003 02:53 PM

Are we talking true fetish, as in "it must be there for me to get aroused", or just kinda fun-fetish?

vveronica 11-13-2003 02:58 PM

bound sex... I love the helpless feeling... plus like try to resist... wwwwoooohhoooo... heheheh

not so into bdsm it sorta like having to play sub or slave you have to be too much a willing cow..... and im not into pain play...

hehehehe You guys want me?! then grab me tie me down and make me helples to prevent you taking your time to play heheheheheheheh... pant pant .... damn where is he when i get like this.....

Poyzun_Ivy 11-13-2003 02:59 PM


Originally posted by redlemon
Are we talking true fetish, as in "it must be there for me to get aroused", or just kinda fun-fetish?
Either or. ^_^

Dilbert1234567 11-13-2003 03:18 PM


I like intelligent, aggressive women. always like the red hair preferbly natural, also the freckles

as for feteshes i'm open to suggestions i by nature am a bit submisive, and trying not to sound freakish, i do enjoy a bit of pain/discomfort. now and again., ill try just about anything once, and if its fun we can go again.

KnifeMissile 11-13-2003 03:24 PM

Okay, I'll bite.

pig tails
short pleated skirts

What on earth is D/s?

SiN 11-13-2003 04:21 PM


Originally posted by KnifeMissle

What on earth is D/s?


as for what *that* truly is, there are more around here much wiser than i on that subject ;)

and to answer the question...

meh. going off of what redlemon said...i kinda oh i dunno, on the one hand i'm usually very particular regarding exact/proper uses of words and so realise that what one oft says is a 'fetish' is not really a true fetish, more of a 'like' or even a 'kink'...but yet sometimes the 'colloquial' meaning is the best way to convey that particular 'turn-on'...

or whatever. i babble.

and no i have no true 'fetishes'..
...kinks, yeah. sure. :D

cylune 11-13-2003 04:23 PM

whipped cream and chocolate syrup. :)

zildjian 11-13-2003 04:43 PM

Give anything a go ....but favourite is a lady in black hold up fishnets, knee high boots, gstring taken it up the ass..god, be back in a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kinkybob0 11-13-2003 06:32 PM

ass, legs and feets....women....anything along those lines.

World's King 11-13-2003 07:30 PM

Feet. Nice small feet. On a 20yr old blonde girl. That's stradling me on my bed. With the Deftones new album playing in the backround. In a dark room. At about 2 in the morning after a few glasses of wine.

spived2 11-13-2003 07:35 PM


Originally posted by vveronica
You guys want me?! then grab me tie me down and make me helples to prevent you taking your time to play heheheheheheheh...
Damn you got me going just thinking about that :)

Uhh my fetish? Im real into lingerie and latex (not on me). That'll get me going pretty fast, especially when a giril with a tight body is dressed in skin tight latex....mmmmmm

i8one2 11-13-2003 07:51 PM

<----This is my lifestyle, and x-dressing is a my fetish

Jervis 11-13-2003 07:52 PM

A thick girl with a nice soft triple B set (Breast Belly Butt) and a pretty face. Not fat by any means (bleh) just accentuated in the right spots, dizam!

Poyzun_Ivy 11-13-2003 08:27 PM


Originally posted by Jervis
A thick girl with a nice soft triple B set (Breast Belly Butt) and a pretty face. Not fat by any means (bleh) just accentuated in the right spots, dizam!
Never heard of that BBB thing before... but it's kinda heartening... it's nice to be a 'bigger' girl and know that people out there do love us. ^_^

31Friction 11-13-2003 09:51 PM

it's kinda weak but a girl HAS to be shaved...

rufgti 11-13-2003 10:30 PM

I'm def an ass man. And I recently tried rimming my g/f...she went nuts over it. I enjoyed it too--different texture and feeling from cunnilingus... :D

SiN 11-14-2003 12:03 AM


Originally posted by 31Friction
it's kinda weak but a girl HAS to be shaved...
heh...good point. hairy pussy is quite a major turn-off for me too.

oblar 11-14-2003 12:34 AM

as far as kinks.. i like the bound bit.. being bound, and or binding the other person.

also have a strange thing for glasses, hair pulled up, and a nice ankle length skirt without a shirt on... :)

anti fishstick 11-14-2003 12:36 AM

clothes pins
my nipples pinched
being tied up.


slimshaydee 11-14-2003 01:52 AM

i like those cute lil button noses, but that's not really a fetish.

Neato 11-14-2003 02:02 AM

I tend to get more aroused when I see a sex scene in a movie with no nudity than I do when I see a man & women porn with full nudity. The movie usually builds up this relationship between the two people, and the idea that they are in love. I've never seen a porn that has this, and for some reason I don't think I would want to.
Tatoos, peircings, alternative hair/dress styles.

I dispise fake breasts. That would be my anti-fetish. Pain is an anti-fetish for me as well. As anti fishstick said, clothes pins on the nipples. It makes me feel like the women has been forced into the situation (I understand that isn't necisarily true).

Redlemon 11-14-2003 06:29 AM

I get a big kick out of voyeurism, and fortunately my wife is a bit of an exhibitionist, so I can just stare at her!

yournamehere 11-14-2003 07:18 AM

I like the fantasy, partially-hidden identity stuff - the obviously fake silver or purple wigs, exaggerated makeup, the "masquerade" masks that cover the eyes, etc.

A psychologist could have a field day with that, eh?

Oh yes - I liked <i>Eyes Wide Shut</i>.
A lot.

spacecowboy 11-14-2003 07:43 AM

Shaved women

thejoker130 11-14-2003 08:34 AM

Boobs...yeah...boobs nice

Light bondage too: hands tied and blindfolded
and doing the same to someone else
Guess i like being in control and being controlednot at the same time tho... that would be confusing.

to Ivy :icare:

Vyk 11-14-2003 10:12 AM

A woman I'm with doesn't have to be shaved but there is a directly proportional relationship between how trimmed/shaved a woman is and how often she'll be receiving oral sex from me. I find it to be a very big turn on.

The woman I used to be with who was completely shaved was a very happy woman. :D

Crazy/Beautiful 11-14-2003 12:07 PM

Uh this might sound weird but watching a guy masterbating totally turns me on for whatever reason.

Yeah and pinching and biting my nipples as hard as you can, my bf was afraid he was going to hurt me at first! But he got over that pretty quick!

Crazy/Beautiful 11-14-2003 12:08 PM

Oh yeah and spanking!!!!! I've been so bad! Punish me ! Please???

tikki 11-14-2003 12:58 PM

hmm. I just go for beautiful female, hopefully mentally and physically. I am boring.

Poyzun_Ivy 11-14-2003 01:10 PM


Originally posted by Crazy/Beautiful
Uh this might sound weird but watching a guy masterbating totally turns me on for whatever reason.

Yeah and pinching and biting my nipples as hard as you can, my bf was afraid he was going to hurt me at first! But he got over that pretty quick!

I'm with you on the first one... on the second point, however, I've had a guy draw blood. Not cool. *owowow*

Shauk 11-14-2003 02:11 PM


I like seeing girls with pierced tongue's mostly. belly buttons are hot too.

hell just look at suicide girls

thats my fetish.

Met22 11-14-2003 04:56 PM

Loved it shaved and wrapped in leather.

Halx 11-14-2003 05:16 PM

dirty talk.. heh
If a girl can do it with her lips, she can do it with her hips.

analog 11-14-2003 05:39 PM

Shaved and pale white... *dies*... black everything... leather... PVC... latex... rope (for the lady ;) ), handcuffs... and biting/scratching/spanking... blood is your friend... mmm...

WarWagon 11-14-2003 07:41 PM

The secretary look. 'Nuff said.

Shyla Loral 11-14-2003 07:58 PM

I like wearing pretty panties, they get me hot, and him, too-esp if they smell good :P

SabrinaFair 11-14-2003 09:54 PM

I agree with Halx...
Hot breath against my ear as he whispers dirty secrets...*purr*

-Ever- 11-15-2003 12:14 PM

Anything taboo. Rules are for breaking. :D

tdoc 11-15-2003 01:05 PM

Silky sheer hose, no fishnets though.
Rimming my wife.

SirGoreaxe 11-15-2003 10:21 PM

water, like in the shower, pool, beach, any thing along thoes lines

brandon11983 11-16-2003 09:21 AM

Younger girls.... Dangerously younger...

*walks away and stands in corner*
stop staring at me.

motdakasha 11-16-2003 11:26 AM

I'll take a little bit of everything, minus copraphilia.

Edit: Also, minus the feet thing. I don't understand that, either.

hahaha 11-16-2003 06:28 PM

a woman masterbating

wezen 11-17-2003 12:50 PM

1. A girl friend asked me to masturbate infront of her a few years ago.. since then it's been the only thing that really gets my blood pumping. I'm so the exhibitionist now.

2. Braces. Don't know why but girls with braces drive me nuts.

dragon2fire 11-17-2003 12:59 PM

i got to second the hot naked women vote

Crazy/Beautiful 11-17-2003 01:17 PM


Originally posted by Poyzun_Ivy
I'm with you on the first one... on the second point, however, I've had a guy draw blood. Not cool. *owowow*
Yeah well not to the point they draw blood on any body part! I forgot to mention begging works for me to! ;)

Poyzun_Ivy 11-17-2003 03:06 PM


Originally posted by Crazy/Beautiful
I forgot to mention begging works for me to! ;)
Very nice... There is no feeling in the world like having a guy begging for you to (insert sexual act here).... *purrr*

Prince 11-18-2003 12:21 AM

Panties. I'm nuts about 'em.

NatureBoy 11-18-2003 08:08 AM

In no particular order...

... Catholic Schoolgirl
... Dirty Talk
... Her taking charge
... Fooling around in semi-public places

Nothing makes me enjoy sex more than the fact that I'm pleasing her. If I know I'm doing that and doing that well, I'm happy.

NetterButter 11-18-2003 01:40 PM

hot girls (big boobs) in dress pants with suspenders and tanktop...

gremlinx8 11-18-2003 01:47 PM


Originally posted by Poyzun_Ivy
I'm with you on the first one... on the second point, however, I've had a guy draw blood. Not cool. *owowow*
My boyfriend got blood out of my nipple one time- it was kind of hot- I liked it.

Bill O'Rights 11-19-2003 06:39 AM


Originally posted by motdakasha
I'll take a little bit of everything, minus copraphilia.
Ok, I'm lame and maybe even a little naive, but I had to look that one up. All I can say is...ewww, yuck, ptuey. Oh, and I'm with you motdakasha, I'll try <i><b><u>ALMOST</i></b></u> anything once.
Not that, though.

*/cold shiver*

jamesgurl 11-19-2003 03:44 PM

i like giving my man oral stimulation!! just to feel it on my tongue and watch it as it jumps when hes climaxing!!!!! whoooo im getting hot

hunnychile 11-19-2003 07:32 PM

Doggie style definitely and a man brave enough to talk explicitely to me about all that he intends to do to me while he totally dominates me. Also him biting my nipples during before and after I cum is so fantastic. Him letting me rim him would be excellent too. If only he'd say, "Yes".

bwill 10-07-2004 02:35 PM

Hairy women
For me there is nothing more sexy than body hair on a woman. Not just the pubic region, but armpits, legs etc. Giving oral when it is unshaved is such a delight, shaved I have to almost force myself.

Psycho Dad 10-07-2004 02:40 PM

I want to marry all the women who said they like to be tied up and have their nipples pinched.

radioguy 10-07-2004 03:46 PM

tanlines and see-through clothing!!!! those things drive me nuts.

bingle 10-07-2004 06:00 PM

Dominating - including humiliation
shaved women
pale skin
anal play of any kind - penetration, rimming, fingering - on her or me (yay strap-ons!)
women asking or begging for almost anything weird - the stranger the better.

doncalypso 10-07-2004 06:18 PM

I'm definitely a sucker for the female ass... I love nice firm big juicy butts, and I definitely love to take women anally.

Missy 10-07-2004 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by 31Friction
it's kinda weak but a girl HAS to be shaved...

Completely or just most of the way? How do you guys feel about landing strips and/or leaving just enough for show?

Ofirethorn 10-07-2004 06:49 PM

Kink = bondage, phone sex, cyber

Fetish = I have none

Preferances I have a lot.

Missy 10-07-2004 06:54 PM

I actually get turned on by my partner suggesting different things that I wouldn't think of. I really get off on him getting off on things we do....

bingle 10-07-2004 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Missy
Completely or just most of the way? How do you guys feel about landing strips and/or leaving just enough for show?

My main concern is that there isn't any hair in my meal ;-) As long as the area around the outer labia down to the anus is clean, anything higher up doesn't bother me. Aesthetically, sometimes having some there looks a little better, but then again sometimes it looks better without.

There's also this idea of total nudity and access that's implied by the total lack of hair, I like that, as well....

10-07-2004 07:22 PM

I love it when my husband talks to me in my ear, plays with my nipples, kisses my neck, and takes charge. I like when he pulls my hands up above my head and holds them when he's on top.

Lockjaw 10-07-2004 07:26 PM

Hmmm lemme see....

Foreign accents(Spanish mostly). My current girl is Mexican and whenever she whipsers something in Spanish I lose it...

Damn I just got chills thinking about it.

Anxst 10-08-2004 04:49 AM

I have a thing about women's mouths. It's not a fetish, just a kink, but it's a strong one. My wife and our girlfriend aren't into giving oral though, so I just watch them use their tongues on whatever and thankfully they like to talk dirty.

moonstrucksoul 10-08-2004 09:01 AM

69's definitely drive me wild, something about the mutual gratification. being dominated, freaky circus-sex, anal (still waiting on that one:().

faciallover 10-08-2004 09:11 AM

I love to be cummed on.....It's such a turn on for me.....I like to watch movies with it too....

sushiboy 10-08-2004 11:41 AM

I am a clean cut, boring, run of the mill guy, but goth chicks really turn me on. Piercings, tatoos, dreads, colored hair....

Twizted 10-08-2004 11:54 AM

Hmmm... I have to say I am a voyeur at heart. Nothing gets me spun up more then a peek at what your not supposed to see... My wife accomidates me occasionally, thankfully!

Its funny though... it doesn't have to be like full on exposure... just the prospect of seeing something... yikes!

98MustGT 10-08-2004 02:27 PM

Two young girls at the same time!

fped3 10-08-2004 06:26 PM

a fine classy looking women wearing a nice skirt, showing her fantastic legs, but she should be sporting a classic high heeled shoe !!!

william 10-08-2004 06:36 PM

Glasses - as in the teacher/librarian look.

usrbinboy 10-08-2004 07:45 PM

"nice" girls are always good, even when they're naughty in private ;)

ibis 10-09-2004 12:25 AM

Having sex in a place where it's possible to get caught drives me wild.

And of course the two (+) girls at a time. A SO is very into the idea... we're looking for company ;)

Perhaps my favorite is being a somewhat forcefull. Not all the times, but every one and a while I like to hold the girls hands down and pull her hair while we're fucking. It's always consensual and with a safe word.

pippepin 10-09-2004 12:26 AM

hmmm....natural women

ibis 10-09-2004 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by brandon11983
Younger girls.... Dangerously younger...

*walks away and stands in corner*
stop staring at me.

At least you've got the balls to say it. Most guys (like myself) will deny it. ;)

animal909 10-09-2004 12:54 AM

asian lesbian porn... me and my girlfriend's fetish

WOOT. charmane star

jamessh1 10-09-2004 12:50 PM

I definitely have a foot fetish, and thank god my asian cuttie has one of the cutest set of feet i've ever laid eyes on. It's funny because i never paid much attention to feet until one of my buddies asked me, when i first started dating my ex, if the girl had nice feet. Since then i've taken notice of nice feet and obviously a liking to them.

boredom 10-09-2004 07:39 PM

Goths oh and black lipstick...

summerkc 10-10-2004 10:42 AM

When the girl initiates the sex, begging for it makes me feel like a rapist. I like to know that she really wants it.

SteelGlider 10-11-2004 09:35 AM

Pantyhose and spanking......great thing is that they work well together.

blar 10-11-2004 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by hahaha
a woman masterbating

i second that....there nothing like watching a women doing that in front of you :D

Czernobog 10-11-2004 01:33 PM

in no peculiar order:
redhead (absoloutly LOVE redheads)
shaved (mostly or all)
innocent looks
dirty talk
that look in her eyes that says "please please fuck me NOW". yowza

I think that's all of them.

mkultra 10-11-2004 01:36 PM

Redheads for the win. Not necessary, but I've always been a sucker for a redhead. Freckles are awesome as well, but any shade of red hair is an instant turnon.

HGClown 10-12-2004 08:46 PM

Its all in the ears for me

bonehed1 10-13-2004 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by WarWagon
The secretary look. 'Nuff said.

HOLY HELL....secretary look is the $hit....this by far is the best...

Kontjesman 10-13-2004 11:19 AM

Giving a girl oral sex untill she grabs your dick and gives you the blowjob of ur life or switching into 69!!
See through underwear or baby dolls, especially if it's a BBB girl

Originally Posted by Jervis
A thick girl with a nice soft triple B set (Breast Belly Butt) and a pretty face. Not fat by any means (bleh) just accentuated in the right spots, dizam!

Having fun with the butthole is also a major turn on.

tehpronking 10-13-2004 03:56 PM

I have a serious thing about tearing clothes... but that can get expensive. :)

rdg_wrangler 10-14-2004 04:10 AM

Milk filled boobs. The sheets may get wet but I love them.

mused76 10-14-2004 03:26 PM

knee highs
no doubt that knee highs are the all great fetish

joofoo 10-14-2004 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Prince
Panties. I'm nuts about 'em.

Hear, hear.. I'm a big time panty man... doesn't matter what kind, just a woman in panties is enough to make me stand tall.

blar 10-14-2004 09:31 PM

well its not a major fetish for me but womens feet sometimes gets me going

i sometimes just like a women that has great looking feet

Dawson70 10-15-2004 11:12 PM

Cotton panties ( On a woman ) LOL
That choker thingy girls wear
and voyuerism

Kalnaur 10-16-2004 01:38 AM

Being bitten on the neck. Esp. where the shoulder meets the neck.

Costume makeup as follows: fangs, contacts that change the look of the eye in pretty much any way. Pointy ears are also good.

I wish my wife had wings. If I must I will enumerate on this.

doncalypso 10-16-2004 06:11 AM

I've said it before and I'll say it again.... I love the female ass and anal sex!!!

Aladdin Sane 10-16-2004 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by brandon11983
Younger girls.... Dangerously younger...

Originally Posted by Ibis
*walks away and stands in corner*
stop staring at me.

At least you've got the balls to say it. Most guys (like myself) will deny it.

I'm with you pervs on this one. But let me be clear: for me it's nothing but fantasy. When I say my fetish is young girls, it's not based on something I would ever do in reality. Also, in my fantasy, they must have all the physical attributes of a woman. I mean, the secondary sexual characteristics must be in full bloom, and they must be aware of their own sexuality. In short, it's an attraction to the new and growing sexuality of a sexually maturing female. Maybe the fantasy is based on the idea of teaching a sexually interested but innocent girl about the pleasures of her body.

This reminds me of a story about Britney Spears. She was quoted as saying that she was concerned about middle aged male pedofiles being her fans. She was 18 at the time, and well, you know what she looked like-- as far from a little girl as is possible. My thought was that no pedofile would be interested in her with that sexually mature body of hers.

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