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The Topless Survey
Women, if you were in a public area where toplessness was allowed, what factors would it take for you to be comfortable enough to go topless?
Would you go topless without thinking about it or would it take the sight of 6-8 other topless women to make you comfortable with the idea? Less? More? Would you check to make sure there were no pervs around or would you not care either way? How would you expect your toplessness to be received? Men, if a woman went topless in public around your area, how would you react? My answer: I would look if they were nice. I am a people watcher, so I would definitely watch. When I was in Portugal earlier this year, there were only a few topless women. That is: 3. And two of them were old grandmas. The one young girl was pretty to look at and seeing her topless, splashing in the water was unintentionally erotic. The fact that nobody else felt the desire to join her made it special. I know that if I were from an area where this was commonplace, I would not think much about it, but I am from the USA. Women take off their tops in Central Park, but only to get rid of tan lines on their back. That is, they are laying on their chest, so you don't get to see anything. Here is an article from Nerve about when one woman decided to go topless for all purposes: I Did It For Science: Topless in the Park - Nerve.com |
Personally, I really think my reaction to seeing a topless woman in a public place would be largely indifferent. I'd like to think that I would neither be a drooling dog or cover my eyes and run. It would pretty much been the same as covered boobs; a quick scan to appreciate the form, and then I'd move on.
When I used to sun myself, I would remove straps if laying on my back, but never more than that, and remove the top when laying face down.
I'm not comfortable topless in public, hence only faceless shots in exhibit that are not open to everyone and only once in chat, which won't happen again. I don't mind when other women go topless and I don't look or consciously not look. It's just nekkid people. But, then again, breasts are not automatically erotic to me. It's the setting that makes them so. I grew up going to a topless beach with my parents, my mother did not engage, so that part felt pretty normal to see. They outlawed it when I was 6 or 7 I think. |
Well, If it were just one person doing it, It'd be hard not to look. It's an oddity, It's an oddity featuring something I enjoy looking at. Not looking would be a sin.
The appeal would definitely wear off if it became common enough though. It probably wouldn't take many women to go topless every day for a summer. I bet at the end of the summer all the odd looks from locals would disappear. Someone should organize that to see if my theory is correct... :) |
I would bury my face in every set of breasts that didn't touch the floor.
In Ontario, it's legal to go topless in any outdoor area, but it's only on rare occasions that I see it happen. It's usually on a beach or near the water somewhere.
Of course I look. It's boobs. I don't stare though. At least I try not to. |
I really felt freakishly old last night.
In chat, there were like, 3 or 4 chicks just sitting there chatting in their bra. Eventually, a few made it to where they were just 'hanging' in front of the webcam. What the fuck was that all about? lol If this were a swinger site of sorts, I wouldn't have felt slightly uncomfortable in the least. But I deffo don't come here for any sort of sexual gratification. I have other resources for that. Sources where my face is also blurred lol. In my mid-20's there were loads of times where I hung out nude in front of groups of people. Partied lots. But I was also strung out on coke. Today, the idea of a threesome makes me icky. And no one, I mean NO ONE will see my stats other than the man I'm doing att. Well I take that back - I'll post pics of my goods here and there, but my face will never be featured in those images. So I guess what I'm saying is, I will never be topless in public again. I've growed up a bit and my morals have shifted I suppose. And no doubt, I'll definitely continue to visit chat in the evenings :o. ---------- Post added at 08:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ---------- Now if this doesn't plug chat for TFP, I don't know what will. That's right folks - there's free n00dz in de' chatz. |
I don't see it as a moral issue, I see it as an issue of piety. Not being one for piety, I'm fine with toplessness even if the woman in question isn't the type that might attract lusty stares. It's the human anatomy, and it's something to be admired and appreciated, not hidden.
On the outside I'd be cool and under control but my inner self would be like one of those old time cartoon characters with his eyes popping out of his head and a steam whistle blowing out of my ears.
I can avoid ogling and being a letch but I'd be lying to myself if I didn't admit to getting an erotic charge from it. |
I just reread my post and I may have come off a lil' firm. Not my intention, girlies. I think it's fantastic that you're confident enough to have fun with your bodies and with each other right now. I might even be a little jealous because I don't have the balls anymore to join in on the fun! Too skeered. :p
/some like em firm. |
First of all, I would never go topless in a chat room. Is that what this is all about? No judgment on anyone that does but it's just not my style. I mean, is it something the women in the room would do and have fun with if men were not there? Doesn't seem likely to me, but I could be wrong.
As for a nude beach, that's completely different. It's not so much a close social activity with an emphasis on giggles and ogling. Of course, that may be going on there, but it wouldn't be why I was there making it inconsequential to me. I am certainly not a prude about nudity, including my own, but it's not a party favor. Like woods, perhaps I'm just a little too old now. |
I have to say tho mm, it was interesting to just watch and see how they didn't seem to care about peeling off their clothing or whatever. Some were even doing it and no one would comment on it because it was like the room was so used to someone stripping down lol. I wasn't offended at all. Just thoroughly shocked. It seemed so strange.
So u have to come to chat one time and watch wiff me lol. |
still, I would not be one to take my top off in a chat room. what for? |
I'd think you of all people would understand the whole exhibitionism thing. Voyeurism, etc. I figured immediately they were doing it just because they enjoy the idea that others are watching them online. There was a couple on there and I'll tell you, it was obvious he was enjoying showing off his beautiful wife lol. Like, after he'd feature her ass, he'd be all over her not caring 14 others are sitting here watching.
Or perhaps he did care lol. |
omg it doesn't! I thought it was great! And I stated that.
I was just saying how I could never do it anymore. I've gotten old or something. Reread my posts tho - I'm commending the girls on what they did. |
Well, you may be saying that it doesn't bother you, but the way you come off in your posts, is that it does bother you, you find it uncomfortable
Perhaps you just don't understand the compulsion or maybe I'm misreading your posts but I'd hate to think that what you've posted above could potentially discourage some away from sharing. Am I the only one who sees this? This is an interesting issue - well deserving of being fleshed out and framed for proper discussion. |
I dunno why (or how lol) these womenz did what they did. Maybe one of 'em will come forth and contribute to the discussion. But the activities definitely didn't make the chat room boring at all, even tho it was slow att. |
This post wasn't originally about chat, but about actual public in general. There's one thing about chat that I don't think woods quite understands teling from her choice of words. The people in chat are fairly familiar with eachother already. Most of the people who participate in there have been members of the community for over a year (some for several years) and everyone knows their story. It's not that people are inherently exhibitionist, it's just that this site's MO is to encourage openness. They know that we provide a safe place to explore, so they feel comfortable pushing their own boundaries. In turn, we appreciate what they are sharing with us.
In a strictly public situation, you get none of that familiarity so my question is: what would it take to get you comfortable enough? ---------- Post added at 11:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ---------- Quote:
Also, just for the record, just like you, babe, I didn't post a picture here even of my face until I felt like I had friends here. I don't want this discussion to turn into a 'they're only doing it for attention' rant, because that's certainly not my opinion. I don't think it's yours, either. |
Boobs are amazing, but they are just boobs all the same. I think that North America is a little too uptight about nudity, and not concerned enough about violence and other such behaviours.
But having said that, I also grew up in NA so breasts are still that forbidden fruit to me. I would try not to stare and make anyone (namely myself) feel uncomfortable, but I would look, and I would enjoy. |
Also, I'm leaving in a few minutes and will have to pick this back up later... |
I made a comment somewhere about how if it were swinger chat, I would have been expecting what I saw. But I look at TFP as a place to shoot the shit and have silly or serious discussions. This is why I was shocked at what I saw the other night. Definitely wasn't expecting nudity in chat! Most importantly here, nowhere did I say I was upset by it, or offended or I didn't like it. You're pulling that out of midair. I think you need to lighten up some! |
Like I said, I'd love to join in. But fear just won't let me lol. So yeah, Halx - as I said, it won't take anything to get me to go topless in public. I just can't do it and have no interest in doing it. And there's no question, some self-esteem issues are floating around here... even though I have a killer rack lol. |
... Quote:
Also, I do believe the TFP to be exactly as much about the titties as it is about serious discussion and shit shooting. |
You seem to be one who's chosen to read into things. You can just stop if you want lol.
Chill out. The words mean exactly what they say. No decoder ring needed. |
I read them and mostly ignored them because this had turned into a 25 response thread derail.
But yes I got the same view as you did Manic, only I chose to ignore it (on a side note, I had a dream about you last night, you had your camera and we prowled the city and you taught me all you knew) |
Now I think you're just trying to get me to post my hoo-haa's to prove that you're wrong.
---------- Post added at 12:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 PM ---------- Quote:
To answer Hal's original question...
I'd react by finding a nice comfy place to sit down, take out my cock, and rub one out. |
How can a thread about something as lovely as boobies turn into a mini-pissing match?
Enjoy the damn things! I have yet to see a woman walking topless down the streets of, well, anywhere, so I think an individual instance would be jarring. In the nude beach context, it's entirely different. We've been there, done that, and you get used to it pretty quick. |
It's fun and titillating. Nothing wrong with it being just about that. Still, personally it's not for me. |
I don't think I'd really react differently at all...
I'm pretty comfortable with nudity. |
I will say, mm, that I've seen firsthand the PERSONAL evolution it can be to post nudes. It was part of a whole transformation for lurkette.
I'd probably take a second discrete and quick look. Then leave it at that. I appreciate the view... but staring seems unfair and um uncool... A quick glance, then I can savour the memory for a minute before going about my business. And realistically... the curiosity thing dies down after you've seen a few. They're nice to view... but not so nice that I'd want to offend the owner. |
I am not one to usually go topless in a very public, crowded area. For me to go topless it would take me being somewhere like a nudist beach, with a sparse amount of people, none of them too close by, and wanting to feel the sun, sand, and water on my naked breasts. I wouldn't need other people around me to be topless, but at least expecting it to some degree. I would definitely check for pervs.
I live in Portugal as many of you know and topless women on the beach is very common. It's allowed, not sure if it's allowed off the beach. Nobody really cares, though I'm sure the nicer specimens get ogled at. Now, to address nudity in chat. I have taken my top off in chat and I can't honestly say exactly why I did it, but I enjoyed it a lot and would probably do it again. For me, that was the first time I exposed myself that way in front of several people who were watching. I felt very confortable. Everyone else was doing it and it felt very natural. I was enjoying watching others and thought I'd return the pleasure. It also felt very friendly and sexy too. Which seems contradictory but I'm sure others who have been topless in chat know what I mean. It takes a special situation and group of people to make me really want to show my body like that. From my experience, I'd say it's a good thing. |
I've never gone topless in chat, for the record. Sure, there's some CinnaCleavage, but the top doesn't come off. It's not ALL about the nudity :)
Public places... well, I don't know. My breasts look much better in a bra (or a corset :) ) than not. Maybe if I was on the beach, or out in a boat, but I kinda doubt it. Going without a bra is just uncomfortable sometimes-- physically, not mentally. I DID go to Mardi Gras a few years back (well, we were there a week after, but it was still very much a Mardi Gras atmosphere.) Flashing's a bit different than walking around topless, though. |
There's a big difference between topless online and topless on a beach. Online there is stronger element of exhibition/voyeurism. The beach is just a bit more natural (for lack of a better word).
The beaches in France can be rife with topless women (of various shapes and sizes). The first time I was at the beach it was titillating (ha!) but it quickly grew to be the norm. Sure, if I see a particularly attractive woman it might be arousing, but I would suggest I'd have the same reaction if she was in a bikini. Ultimately, this is about the inherent prudishness of the culture in which most of us have been raised. Nudity carries certain taboos. Combine this with the objectification of women in general (or specific if you want) and you end up with guys that can't deal with a topless woman without getting a aroused (or worse). |
Part of Hal's OP asks,"Would you check to make sure there were no pervs around?"
If Hal tells me how to recognize a perv, I might consider answering his question. I don't wear a bra in public. That's really pushing the limit, in this very small, puritanical USA town. |
like others have said, it would not change the way I looked at the person
the glances I would make at a girl with a nice set would be no different than the glances I would make to a very pretty girl I would admire, be sure not to stare, and go on my merry way =) ---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ---------- haha, I like the reference to the best page in the universe - funny stuff |
I dunno Crompsin,
that first dude looks like he might be a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome. Ted Bundy comes to mind when attempting to do the book-cover-judging bit. Back to OP. I would have no qualms going topless, except perhaps in a store where my generous boobs might knocker fine china off the shelves if I turned around too quickly. Many a time when I'd been mowing the lawn or digging ditches, it would have been a such relief to shed that last skin. |
You know... I think I'd look. But on some level, they've been desexualized for me. I work around children and babies and breastfeeding women. There are naked breasts everywhere at work, usually with a child attached to them. I guess I do see them in public and have developed a little switch in my head that I can flip from "Oh, those are NICE!" to "Boob = Happy baby."
Of course, I'm proud of mine. I know the effect they have on people who don't have or use that switch. :) |
I've been topless at a couple of beaches. Swimming with free floating breasts feels wonderful, and I didn't feel like putting my top back on immediately after. I don't think any other women around were topless, but it didn't really seem to matter at the time.
I like my breasts, and I've noticed other people seem to as well. I see no reason to hide my boobs from the love they're offered. |
At first you look at all of them, then after a few hundreds you think it's all the same and then once in a while there is a girl that catches the attention, and that girl who have drawn my attention dressed any other way I guess So the same would be for boobs, at first I will look but then you would only notice some of them |
I'll be honest--I was expecting more boobs in this thread :(
If I see topless women in public, I will get excited
I will take casual look as often as possible, without staring or causing embarrassment |
In a situation where many women are topless (e.g., beach) I'd glance at a nice set in appreciation, but I certainly wouldn't stare or ogle. In that context, there are given societal and/or cultural expectations: staring is offensive and rude. |
I'll say this, too--I get a little uncomfortable with a woman breast feeding in public, but will readily admit that is my problem, and a woman has every right in the world to tend to her child, my level of discomfort be damned.
My parents told a story of how they were at a nude beach in the Virgin Islands. They would have been in their mid 60's at the time. After several hundred yards of strolling, they realized they were the ONLY people on the beach clothed. They turned to one another, shrugged, and popped off their suits for the rest of their walk. The thought still gives me nightmares.
I can remember when it first became legal thinking how awesome it's going to be because there will be boobs everywhere (give me a break I was a kid who wanted to see girls breasts). Yeah not so much. The few times I've encountered it did I look? Of course but yeah I try not to stare too. |
Seinfeld says, there's good naked and there's bad naked.
...and don't ever cough while naked in front of someone else.
It's an old Seinfeld episode. He was ttly into his gf and her walking around the apartment naked all the time until she finally coughed in front of him. From that point on, his image of her was scarred pretty much. She also did stuff like try to open hard-to-open jars and stuff. It was funny lol. |
I'm indifferent. Sure I love boobs, but I won't pop a boner just because some chick is strutting with her top off. Too many strip clubs and porn. Boobs is boobs. Sure I'll glance over and check the goods, but I won't get all crazy from the experience. Now if some chick had some tight boy shorts on and her fine ass was hanging out, I might feel that surge of blood. I'm an ass man. |
I am very fair skinned, if I were to go topless I would blind everyone with these headlights.
I am not bothered by other women going topless, more power to them. |
i'll definitly look and enjoy the view but keep it moving cant stare or you look like a pervert. keep it cool like you've seen tits before
Hmmmmm. http://images.starpulse.com/pictures...JKZ-003684.jpg I knew it. From that sad day in 1994 when he abducted funny. |
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