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thefatbaby 07-03-2003 10:55 AM

Eating a girl out
What are some tips and stuff to make it better?

World's King 07-03-2003 11:58 AM

Make sure she's alive? :)

No really...

Going down on a girl properly is as complicated as it gets when it comes to sex. Each girl is so different that you can find a badass move that works on one and it will just piss off the next. You just have to be aware of the girls movements and if you can hear with her legs wrapped aropund your head noises are a good sign that your doing your job... And last but not least don't be affraid to ask a girl if it's going alright.

Oh, and remember to whipe off your mouth before you go in for a kiss... some girls don't like to taste themselves.

dudemac 07-03-2003 12:00 PM

Shave close before you do it, rough on smooth will piss her off.

Spinach_Indeed 07-03-2003 12:33 PM

Brainwave's Cunnilingus FAQ

Everything you could possibly need to know about going down on a girl.

Includes Positions, Tips, Techniques, What to do if it feels good but she can't cum, The Anal Factor, Methods for Multiple Orgasm, Cunnilingus foreplay, and a bunch of other stuff.

Tiger69z 07-03-2003 12:50 PM

From my experience (or lack thereof) it seems that girls like it when you put your tongue all in there, and lick. Doing so gets the most reactions.

Also, do not forget the clitoris, lick that some too..it's reputed to feel really good :D

Addendum: http://www.askmen.com/love/love_tip/36_love_tip.html

Check out the whole sexuality section...good stuff.

LittleOralAnnie 07-03-2003 05:12 PM

I don't ever remember a time when a man did a 'badass move' that pissed me off. ;) Maybe I'm just easy to please or the man just had some mad skills lol

bermuDa 07-03-2003 07:58 PM

just remember: you aren't actually eating!!!!!

rat 07-03-2003 09:08 PM

teeth are NEVER an acceptable apparatus to use when doing this. I've found that a mixture of the two primary methods (licking and/or sucking) used properly has great effect. had to settle for oral with my last relationship for 9 months before she ready to lose her virginity, so I had lots of practice. It's been 7 months since we were together, so I'm probably woefully in need of practice.

Sleepyjack 07-04-2003 02:43 AM

cheers for those links

well i am still a rookie at this, but its not like with basketball in that i can just go practice my jumpshot and ball skills on the court outside.


cronopio 07-04-2003 10:15 AM

I would have to say that listening. Do something and listen to her breathing and how she moves. Did you do something and she tensed up? Did she sound like she liked it? Things like that are important.

For me the idea is to have fun. You have somebodies' very sensitive special parts under your power. Be respectful and gentle. If she asks for more give her more. Tease, pull away, go softer. Try stuff. Mix it up. Explore.

Pay attention.

boredjerk 07-05-2003 12:45 AM

avoiding it like the plague?

*Nikki* 07-05-2003 05:40 AM

Practice makes perfect!!

Remember doing it to soft or being to gentle is not a good thing. Use pressure and lots of tounge. Lots of jaw movement and use your finger for godsakes!! That feels so damn good.;)

Derwood 07-05-2003 09:47 AM


Originally posted by *Nikki*
Practice makes perfect!!

Remember doing it to soft or being to gentle is not a good thing. Use pressure and lots of tounge. Lots of jaw movement and use your finger for godsakes!! That feels so damn good.;)

See, not for all women! Some like it so light that you are barely touching it, while others (like yourself) like it to be full on face-to-crotch grinding. What works for you doesn't work for everyone!

LittleOralAnnie 07-05-2003 01:35 PM

Derwood, I agree with you. Not all women are the same. Personally, I like both rough grinding and gently and slowly. It all depends on my mood and the amount of horniness I feel at a given moment.

boredjerk 07-05-2003 11:20 PM

go to bed with a face like a glazed donut

wake up with crazy whiteheads all over your chin

wonder where the hell that chick has been

rodimus 07-06-2003 07:25 PM

ice cubes are always fun to play with

dimbulb 07-06-2003 08:28 PM

go slow and easy....
the clit should receive most of your attention,
and DONT STOP!!!

once she gets excited... DONT STOP. not for any reason. not if you get tired, not if the house burns down. DONT STOP!!

Vaultboy 07-06-2003 08:42 PM

Here's a summarised list that I got from a girl on another forum. We call it: Doing Down 101.

This is quite an individual thing actually, you'd be surprised how much "good technique" varies from one woman to the next.

A few things to think about:

a) Communication is king (or, perhaps, queen). If you can't tell what works and what doesn't just from her reactions, then you need to have her tell you or guide you in some way. If she's too embarassed to do that, then you need to get her feeling comfortable.

b) Feeling comfortable is a big thing for most women. No matter how good your technique is, many women won't reach orgasm unless they are relaxed. Often the main concern is that performing oral sex is unpleasant for you. Make sure she understands that you love it.

c) Women taste good. If you don't like it much at first, then you will soon. If it's *very* unpleasant, she may have an infection. The taste *will* be stronger after exercise, so keep that in mind if you have difficulties with it. Also the taste changes as a woman gets closer to orgasm. Anxiety about taste is one of the main problems women have when recieving oral sex. If you can't manage to convince her you like the taste and she shouldn't worry about it, take a shower with her first. The taste is very neutral right after a shower.

d) One thing nobody seems to expect is how hard it is. Your tongue *will* get tired, especially if you haven't done it much before. Change techniques to alleviate this, and don't forget that you don't necessarily have to move your tongue all the time, make good use of your lips, and movement of your head and neck.

I've been doing this seven years, now I can practically do push-ups with my tongue.

e) Some people will tell you things like "trace out the letters of the alphabet". That's crap. The only thing that is useful for is helping you get into a nice regular rhythm - the actual movements aren't that special, and if that's all you do chances are you'll have a lot of difficulty making her come.

f) Variety is good. Very good. But it's best early on, when you're teasing her and making sure she's very aroused. Variety isn't generally very good when you're going for the orgasm. Usually it takes something consistent to push her over the edge.

g) Don't go straight for her pussy. She should already be very aroused before you start. Pay attention to the rest of her body. Oral sex can be very uncomfortable for a woman if she isn't aroused when you start.

h) On the same note, often the clitoris is too sensitive to touch at first. This varies a lot from woman to woman, but in general you'll want to avoid it at first, just tease around it. Some women are too sensitive to ever have direct contact on the clit, in that situation you can stimulate it from the side, or through the clitoral hood if she's "hide and seek".

i) As you will have seen, and I mentioned earlier, PAY ATTENTION. If you know how she is feeling at each moment you're at least halfway to being great at oral sex.

j) The clitoris isn't the be all and end all of oral sex. You'll usually need to focus on it to get her to her orgasm, but the rest of the vulva is senstive too, and responds very well to attention.

k) One really common mistake guys make is to try and fuck a woman with their tongue. In general, this is really unimpressive. A few women like it a lot, and it can make a nice different sort of sensation, but most of the time you're much better off directing your attention to the labia and clitoris.

l) There are various "tricks" people use to make oral sex extra special, such as the hot/cold thing Calliope mentioned, and another common one is to do it with a peppermint in your mouth. Personally I think this stuff can be fun, but it's something you should be doing once you're already very good at oral sex, not when you're starting out.

m) Teeth are a BIG nono. Avoid, avoid, avoid. Under certain circumstances and for certain women, teeth gently used can have a place in oral sex, but it's really something you shouldn't even consider until you're a pro. And even when you are, my advice is don't consider it unless she actually asks for it.

n) Fingers can be useful additions or not depending on the woman. I could write a whole seperate post on the subject of using fingers. This is really something you're best off following the advice of your woman on (and learning by experimentation).

o) These are just guidelines. If your woman tells you to do something, DO IT. Regardless of whether or not it agrees with what I've said here. Nobody knows better what pleases a woman than the woman herself.

nickt 07-06-2003 09:40 PM

Vaultboy knows his shit! I could not have put it better myself! Listen to the man, his advice will take you a long way.

For mine, if you are gonna make a woman come, you need some stamina in your tongue - work it out, get it strong, because it will get tired and sore when you are pushing for the Big O, the repitition is a necessity and you have to be able to go the distance!

livewirerc 07-07-2003 12:00 PM

I've found that grinding some with my chin works wonders too, as well as utilizing my hands to provide added pressure and stimulation. Like the gynecologist says, every one is different, and requires special attention. :)

Nova_Dust 07-07-2003 12:10 PM

All I can say is, if you can't love the pussy, you can possibly eat it with passion.

Phatmonkyz 08-15-2003 10:35 PM

Those sites were wonderful
They helped alot!

kalashnikov 08-15-2003 10:54 PM

Yeah, it may be called eating her out, but if you wear a bib and make munching noises, you'll probably get slapped pretty hard.

Tuffy_McGee 08-16-2003 12:32 AM

OMFG some of the advice here is hilarious.

Take it slow at first.

Jonsgirl 08-16-2003 12:41 AM


Originally posted by nickt
For mine, if you are gonna make a woman come, you need some stamina in your tongue - work it out, get it strong, because it will get tired and sore when you are pushing for the Big O, the repitition is a necessity and you have to be able to go the distance!
Thank god I married a sax player!!!

Viking1064 08-16-2003 04:43 AM

VaultBoy is right on the money. Every woman is different. Contrary to the ladies posts, my wife lamost NEVER likes it rough. The lighter the better for her.

zubrei 08-16-2003 05:20 AM

I always tend to use my tongue on the clit while my fingers gently or occasionally roughly (depending on how she responds) push and rub her G-Spot. Yes ladies I do know where it is on some girls.

Devilchild 08-16-2003 05:23 AM

use your tounge, try and tease her at first but try and get your fingers (FINGERS!!! not hands) in there as well, try not to push to hard untill shes screaming, even then be careful :)

soxsfans 08-16-2003 06:01 AM

A B C D E F -- make the alphabet!

Jesus Pimp 08-16-2003 06:39 AM

Tell them to wash it first! You don't want to go down on a foul smelling pussy. Trust me..

Krycheck 08-16-2003 11:53 AM

Mix in some Altoids for that hot/minty sensation ;)

I've done the icecube thing too. Much fun for both of us.

Pedialyte 08-16-2003 11:57 AM

Well i know there is a lot of rules and "correct ways" of performing oral on a female... but truly if you want it to be the best it can be you need to communicate with the lady and see what SHE likes personally. You dont have to talk like an eye doctor, but you should try multiple things until she shows what she likes.

analog 08-20-2003 01:34 AM

repitition, not speed, is key. speed up more towards the end, but repitition is the best way to get you there. every girl is different. keep licking! :)

anti fishstick 08-20-2003 02:06 AM


Originally posted by Jonsgirl
Thank god I married a sax player!!!
lol. my first bf was a sax player. and he was the worse kisser ever. his tongue was too strong for me... he never went down on me tho. that might have been a different story....

virus 08-20-2003 05:15 AM

people are mostly talking about technique and not so much logistical planning, so here's a little. i will use the word "pussy" as it is all encompassing, i do not mean to offend.

i don't like to eat a pussy right out of the shower. the non-synthetic taste of real woman is absolutely amazing. if the scent and feeling turns you on, your sexual autopilot will turn on and you should be able to munch quite successfully based on the above or natural tactics.

HOWEVER, depending on the female's activity level of the day and probably race, it will probably be of some discomfort to you to eat day-old pussy. i know this will be very difficult to communicate to her, but try to find a way.

make sure she has a good experience, even if it doesn't work (she can't fake an orgasm if you're eating). if she doesn't finish, make absolutely sure she gets off manually or otherwise, as it may decrease your future chances to try again later.

do _not_, i repeat, do _not_ earn your "red wings." iron-rich vagina is bad. though maybe we should start a thread on that, i hear some guys like it.

sltkr2000 08-20-2003 03:34 PM

personaly i never aim for her vagina, i start from belly taking my time all the way down then turn her around and go up to her ass crack..

and then back to her vagina, use hand fingering (3 fingers close together with a twist as they come out and in)and offcourse eat with your tonge and soft kisses.

but she have o be trimed, and i am shaved.

quantumburnz 08-20-2003 04:10 PM

I agree with sltkr2000, they have to be trimed or shaved. However, I'm not too much of a fan of going down on girls... I've never tried the ice thing though, may be interesting... I might throw that in sometime...

vin 05-12-2005 06:03 PM

awesome tips guys

TexanAvenger 05-12-2005 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sleepyjack
cheers for those links

well i am still a rookie at this, but its not like with basketball in that i can just go practice my jumpshot and ball skills on the court outside.


Heh... sure it is. You just can't practice on every court. :rolleyes:

Practice makes perfect. Practice with the same girl for a long time, and, chances are, it'll seem pretty perfect for both of you.

pinkie 05-13-2005 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by The Original King
Make sure she's alive? :)

No really...

Going down on a girl properly is as complicated as it gets when it comes to sex. Each girl is so different that you can find a badass move that works on one and it will just piss off the next. You just have to be aware of the girls movements and if you can hear with her legs wrapped aropund your head noises are a good sign that your doing your job... And last but not least don't be affraid to ask a girl if it's going alright.

Oh, and remember to whipe off your mouth before you go in for a kiss... some girls don't like to taste themselves.

This is so totally right on.

I think for myself, I just don't want a mess of my own juices rubbed all over my face. The taste doesn't really bother me, but it depends.

The only thing that I might mention as a tip is to stick out your tongue and move your head back and forth like you're saying, "No" (your tongue brushing across the clit each time) and then dipping down into the opening for juices, then back to the clit. I've found that the head motion gives the tongue a break and gets a consistent rhythm going which is important.

Best of luck!

maleficent 05-13-2005 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jesus Pimp
Tell them to wash it first! You don't want to go down on a foul smelling pussy. Trust me..

I hope you manage to say that with some degree of charm... :confused:

pinkie 05-13-2005 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Devilchild
use your tounge, try and tease her at first but try and get your fingers (FINGERS!!! not hands) in there as well, try not to push to hard untill shes screaming, even then be careful :)

Fingering is good while going down. Find her g-spot by gently pressing forward toward her belly with your fingers inserted all the way, preferably 2 fingers.

Honestly, if you're new at this, I'd skip all the "candy-ice-food" ideas until you're both comfortable with each other, and you've made her cum a few times already.

pinkie 05-13-2005 07:20 AM

Jesus Pimp, if it bothers you, you have no business down there in the first place.

A good man goes down -- No matter what. AND LIKES IT!!!

astrahl 05-13-2005 07:30 AM

If you don't enjoy pleasuring your partner orally, you don't really like your partner.

doncalypso 05-13-2005 11:09 AM

Never forget this: Tongue to clitoris... fingers to vagina.

snowy 05-13-2005 11:13 AM

As my good friend says...A real man goes down in ALL conditions...like the post office, he's willing to bear all to deliver the goods.

KinkyKiwi 05-13-2005 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by pinkie
A good man goes down -- No matter what. AND LIKES IT!!!

cracked me up!! thanks for that pinkie :)

my only tip is i like it when he/she like makes a tube with their tongue..i know only some people can do it..and like presses teh clit in between and moves up and down..lol for the few people who can do it it feels SO SOO SOOO GOOD!!

kramus 05-13-2005 05:54 PM

Well I guess I'll have to try the kiwi tongue roll whenever I can find a willing lunch.

The only real drawback that I've found to diving is with the post Big-O woman, drained and limp, who basicly wants you to hurry up and get yourself off because she is so weakened she has to rest. Rats, no 2 hour ecstatic playtime for tongue guy :( Nope, just a quick hump, a squeeze, and I go read a book or something :(

Carno 05-13-2005 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by pinkie
A good man goes down -- No matter what. AND LIKES IT!!!

Hahaha... yeah right. No way in hell I'm going down on a girl after she's been running a marathon :lol:

MSD 05-13-2005 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by pinkie
Jesus Pimp, if it bothers you, you have no business down there in the first place.

A good man goes down -- No matter what. AND LIKES IT!!!

Yeast infection.

Want me to come up with more exceptions?

aKula 05-13-2005 08:21 PM

another link: http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=79241

mokle 05-14-2005 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Yeast infection.

Want me to come up with more exceptions?


haha. Too true.

I don't expect a woman to go down on me after I've run a marathon, so I'd hope she didn't either ;)

snowy 05-14-2005 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by kramus
Well I guess I'll have to try the kiwi tongue roll whenever I can find a willing lunch.

The only real drawback that I've found to diving is with the post Big-O woman, drained and limp, who basicly wants you to hurry up and get yourself off because she is so weakened she has to rest. Rats, no 2 hour ecstatic playtime for tongue guy :( Nope, just a quick hump, a squeeze, and I go read a book or something :(

That makes me sad...

Big Os always make me want more! I'm a greedy bitch.

Oh, and the tongue roll is a good one. And involving other parts of the face--nose, chin--is also very exciting. Mmm. Unshaven chin.

liquid2487 05-16-2005 07:33 PM

oh so much fun, i love it, but my gf isn't a fan of ice, girls like warm stuff though. also make sure she didn't eat asparagas the night before, awful smell

mandy 05-25-2005 05:30 AM

all you gotta do is ask ask ask!aint no shame in asking how she wants it done.after all you doing it because its pleasurable for both of ya'll(am i right?)mostly for her though, but its only right to ask her how she wants it done.

sadistikdreams 05-28-2005 11:40 PM

Oh man. I'm a self procliamed expert.

Best thing to do: Ask the girl.
Do you want it fast or slow?
Hard of soft?

And if it's their first time, just build up momentum. Slow and soft at first, stay consistant but slowly speed up and pretend it's an ice cream cone.

But most important is to simply ask.

Batski 05-29-2005 05:05 AM

one thing that feels good is if you moan with pleasure while you are eating, with your mouth pressed right up against the pussy - the vibration is a real turn on, as is the knowledge that you are into what you are doing.

ktspktsp 05-29-2005 08:27 AM

Add menstruation to the exceptions. Although if she washes up and puts in a tampon just before ou start, then you're definitely fine going on her clit.

But yes. In general, girls are yummy :D. Looking forward to seeing my Abaya again in a week! :icare:

chickentribs 05-30-2005 05:35 PM

This has been the one good thing that having a larger... wait, I mean a distinctive nose can do for a man. If you know what your doing it can really add to your bag of tricks. Whenever somebody mentions "Stopping to smell the roses," I always get a bit of my evil grin!

ktspktsp 05-30-2005 06:24 PM

A 'distinctive' nose is good indeed.. especially if the girl is sitting on your face! :)

pan6467 05-30-2005 06:47 PM

Personally I have always found that sucking nibbling and the DANCING FROZEN GRAPE work wonders in pleasing the woman.

freeze grapes and when the time comes get a sprig of 4-5 and have a bowl nearby.

arouse the woman by licking her thighs and teasing her clit with your tongue as your fingers go inside looking for that spot..... usually up and forward you'll feel the ridges and then you'll feel the spot and she'll let you know... trust me.

Once found take a frozen grape and put it as close to that spot as you can, then go down and nibble the clit, tongue and suck the grape around..... make it dance and hop in her.... then suck it out and feed it to her.

Repeat process until all 4-5 grapes are gone OR they have thawed out.

other fruits don't work as well.... strawberries, raspberries and the like have seed on the outside..... cherries are not sweet enough and are hard and spitting out a pit is not romantic..... melons are too soft, dissolve and get lost in her too easily, pineapple, and other citrus are too acidic and are uncomfortable to her.... SEEDLESS GRAPES ARE THE BEST.

I have gone through years of research and practice to find this technique and I can say without doubt EVERY SINGLE WOMAN I HAVE DONE IT ON HAS LOVED IT AND CUM MULTIPLE TIMES.

Try it guys the women will thank you and the sex will be the best you have ever had.

Then there's always Sam Kinison's way............ lick the alphabet

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