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Miss Mango 11-19-2007 02:51 PM

If you are a man and you were raped by another man, would you report it...
If you are a man and you were raped by another man, would you report it to the authorities or remain silent?

(I am borrowing this topic from another message board I lurk at)

I am shocked at how many men said that they wouldnt. Because of the massive stigma they would have to bear and the social after effects they would have to live with.

Wouldnt you men want to report it, knowing that it could prevent it from happening to other men, or even little boys?

inBOIL 11-19-2007 03:04 PM

I would probably hunt the guy down and kill him. I know it's not right, but it would be hard to control myself in a situation like that. And I wouldn't tell anyone I got raped, even if I got caught killing him and it was the only way to get a reduced sentence.

Willravel 11-19-2007 03:09 PM

Considering that if you were to come forward he'd only get some jail time and you yourself would have extreme public humiliation, I'd say it's a poor strategy.

Your best bet is framing him for something so that he gets life in prison. Frame him for old unsolved multi-murders (child murder/rapes, if possible) by providing new evidence for the police to find and let them find it themselves. He's likely to get raped in prison himself and you don't have to let the world know you were raped. Also, if he has any children, adopt them and then raise them to hate their father and to be good upstanding people.

Plan9 11-19-2007 03:10 PM

Men have this silly pride thing that makes them state homicide is the answer.


Yeah, I'd have to off the guy in some cruel way involving power tools and lye.

Charlatan 11-19-2007 04:01 PM

I'd have to think about it but from the comfortable situation of not having been raped... I'd like to think that I could report it.

kurty[B] 11-19-2007 04:19 PM

Nice topic Miss Mango! I've honestly never considered this before. Charlatan's is probably close to my point of view, but at the same time I like will's resolve.

I'd certainly put up a fight in a "rape" scenario, and would imagine the person who succeeds in doing so would leave me in a state that required emergency medical attention, which would probably mean it would be broadcast all over the police blotter (I live in a small town) and everyone would know anyway.

This does remind me of that camping joke. If you went camping with friends and got black out drunk and woke up in the morning bent over a tree branch with your pants around your ankles and your ass extremely sore would you tell anyone?

No? Want to go camping?

Infinite_Loser 11-19-2007 04:35 PM

Doubtful. Very few guys would report it. If you want resolution, kill him in a way which looks like an accident.

tecoyah 11-19-2007 05:56 PM

Broomstick...and a sledgehammer

Then move to Puerto Rico

Ustwo 11-19-2007 06:03 PM

While we all feel the need to kill this person if it happened to us, that doesn't answer the question, which is would you report it.

Sometimes you can't get revenge. You are going to kill him and claim he raped you when you got caught? Enjoy getting raped in prison.

So machismo aside I'd most likely not report it though I suppose it would depend on some circumstances.

Lasereth 11-19-2007 06:14 PM

If I knew who it was, I would. If I didn't know who it was, I wouldn't.

ra211 11-19-2007 06:49 PM

I wouldn't report it. But I can tell you that he or them would have to beat the living crap out of me and then I would later go on a man-hunt for the bastards.

Miss Mango 11-19-2007 07:34 PM

What about... If you are a man and you were raped by a woman, would you report it?

Willravel 11-19-2007 07:53 PM

Well I enjoyed our thread about a woman raping a man and whether it's even possible... would I report rape by a woman? Probably not. A free shag would be an inconvenience at worst. Even if she was a horrible person, it's really not a big deal. I'd have myself tested and go back to doing whatever it is I was doing.

Infinite_Loser 11-19-2007 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Mango
What about... If you are a man and you were raped by a woman, would you report it?

Since it would be consensual, I don't think it's possible for a woman to 'rape' a man.

blktour 11-19-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by kurty[B]
I'd certainly put up a fight in a "rape" scenario, and would imagine the person who succeeds in doing so would leave me in a state that required emergency medical attention, to go camping?[/I]

I am sorry but I laughed at this... does that make me bad??

but as for the question, i think i would have to know who it was, and try to be the one to say yes i would, but i think the anger of a man taking something from me like that, would leave me in a state to not care about justice ,(legally.) and let me get my own justice..

Cyborg Ninja 11-19-2007 10:18 PM

I feel sorry for those men who would feel ashamed and embarrassed (or think they'd be) if they admitted they were raped by another man. Do you think you would be mocked, and/or ashamed of yourself? If you were mocked by anyone, why should you care? Those who would do such a thing are disgusting people. A woman being raped is just as painful and humiliating for the victim, and yet there are many more women (though not enough) who come out with it. If you don't think you'd reveal it to authorities, you really should ask yourself "why" and what you can do to fix some of the internal conflicts you have going on.

On another note, there have been a number of young men recently reporting that other men forcibly gave them a blow job while they were drunk/asleep. One accused rapist is a college football player, at least that's what I think I read last night. To be honest, I think that things aren't black/white even with something like rape. If someone else was clearly drunk and did something like that to me while I was asleep... I'd have to take other things into account if I thought they were really a threat to myself again or other people. I don't think being drunk is an excuse (nor any other drug), however. It's complicated. I've been taken advantage of myself and there were situations I wish I had reported, but I didn't believe at the time that they would be taken seriously by authorities.

Baraka_Guru 11-19-2007 10:19 PM

I'd like to think I'd have the courage to report it.

Menoman 11-19-2007 11:24 PM

I'd probably not report it

first like others said, they'd have to beat me into oblivion in order to even think about it. So there is about a 50/50 chance they won't be able to do that.

second, I wouldnt kill him probably, but I'd beat him within a breathe of dead with a ballbat or 2x4 after the fact.

No police needed here.

DaveOrion 11-20-2007 12:29 AM

Strange how some guys are still avoiding the question while throwing the macho revenge theory into play...... truth be told, no man is invulnerable to attack, or rape for that matter. Even Bruce Lee (God rest his soul) could have been incapacitated & ........yes, raped. Although a tranquilizer gun would probably have been the best method to subdue Bruce, avoiding the hour long battle..... And no, Bruce would not report it & neither would I.....

Menoman 11-20-2007 02:25 AM

Nobody said they were invulnerable, just that they better be prepared with a tranq gun (honestly...) or a damned hardcore fight. I don't see this answer avoidance though.

Killing/beating them is their answer, obviously they aren't going to beat them to death and THEN turn them in... so its pretty much a No answer.

DaveOrion 11-20-2007 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by Menoman
Nobody said they were invulnerable, just that they better be prepared with a tranq gun (honestly...) or a damned hardcore fight. I don't see this answer avoidance though.

Killing/beating them is their answer, obviously they aren't going to beat them to death and THEN turn them in... so its pretty much a No answer.

I think it goes without saying that most guys would indeed fight to the death rather than take a boner up the ass........:oogle:

But still, there are many possible scenarios where you might be unable to fight (tranq gun, drugged, etc, etc...) or you're simply outnumbered (gang raped in prison, etc, etc.......)

Plan9 11-20-2007 03:36 AM

The real question is: How many scathing remarks would you get on TFP after somebody found the article and posted a thread on it.

TFP: "MAN, that dude took more pipe than the line from Alaska!"

You: "Yeah, huh-huh, yeah, that's funny." (rubs backside)

tecoyah 11-20-2007 05:19 AM

OK...to be serious.

Yes I would report it, and would then try to get the bastard locked up. I would look at this as if he had raped my wife, sister or son. And though I will admit my initial reaction would be to seek revenge through violence, I want to believe the logical side of myself would prevail when it came down to it.

Truth be told....it would be a very hard battle within myself, and I really don't know which side would win.

Kadath 11-20-2007 05:48 AM

Hell yeah I would! Macho bullshit is for suckers.

Redlemon 11-20-2007 06:24 AM

Rape is an assault. I would have no problem going to the authorities. Regarding "stigma and social effects", I don't care; as long as my wife still wants me, other people don't matter.

Crack 11-20-2007 06:54 AM

I thought this was going to be a joke.

Man1: If you were to go camping with a friend and you woke up after the second day and your ass hurt, and you had dick breath... would you tell anyone?

Man2: Hell no!

Man1: Wanna go camping?

Psycho Dad 11-20-2007 07:19 AM

I'd likely not report it. I would see reporting it as little use. This "you need to prevent this from happening to someone else" attitude I think comes from TV and the movies. Our system has yet to demonstrate how it prevents these people from attacking again.

And I am as big on revenge as anyone and I'll not pretend to be so "civilized" that I'm not. But who is to say that such an attack would leave one to be able to physically or mentally be able to exact revenge? As Charlatan said, most of us have the luxury of never having been through this.

Plan9 11-20-2007 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Psycho Dad
As Charlatan said, most of us have the luxury of never having been through this.

Pfft, have you seen our asses? I wouldn't rape us either!

World's King 11-20-2007 11:22 AM

Only if I got pregnant...

Oh wait...


Daniel_ 11-20-2007 11:40 AM

I'd like to think that I would be brave enough to report it.

I'd also like to think that I know enough science to preserve forensic evidence.

But I know how many rape victims do not report, and I know how many end up in depression and self harm.

I hope none of us ever has to find out what we'd really do.

Plan9 11-20-2007 11:46 AM

I got raped by a fat chick once.

Almost as bad.

Strange Famous 11-20-2007 11:48 AM

100% serious answer.

I am not an overly violent person, but I would deal with this situation without the involvment of the law.

Assuming I know who the guy is or have a way to trace him...

Doesnt really matter even if he is stronger than me, there's a lot of ways to deal with a situation that don't even require brute force, but which get the correct result in any case.

Ustwo 11-20-2007 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Crompsin
I got raped by a fat chick once.

Almost as bad.


Me too.

I got invited to this set up dance, for a girl I met only briefly, while drunk. So I get to this dance and she hasn't shown up yet. So I drink, and I keep drinking, talking with some people I knew there.

By the time she shows up I'm at the stage where I'm thinking, (and I remember it) how the crappy dark beer I"m drinking tastes like Coke.

Odd how a moment 18 years ago is seared into your brain. Looking at the bottom of the glass from above and thinking 'this tastes like Coke' will be with me till the end of days.

Well I'm drunk off my ass, and she suggests we go for a walk on campus somehow. We ended up in Lincoln hall and she touched me...in places......

...the shame is too much to bear....I'd have never done any of that had I been sober.....I was raped!

Ok well no, if I was a woman I'd have been legally raped, as a man I chock it up to a case of beer goggles and moved on without issue.

Sort of highlights the differences between the sexes.

MrFriendly 11-20-2007 04:51 PM


I'm not trying to stir shit up, but your getting dangerously close to trivialising rape.

That's just how I read it anyways.

Willravel 11-20-2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by MrFriendly

I'm not trying to stir shit up, but your getting dangerously close to trivialising rape.

That's just how I read it anyways.

Real rape can't be trivialized, but anything that's taken too seriously is going to be made fun of. Case in point? Dick Cheney.

MrFriendly 11-20-2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
Real rape can't be trivialized, but anything that's taken too seriously is going to be made fun of. Case in point? Dick Cheney.

I can dig it :)

Ustwo 11-20-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by MrFriendly

I'm not trying to stir shit up, but your getting dangerously close to trivialising rape.

That's just how I read it anyways.

Its a true story.

Were I a woman that would have been a rape by law.
As a man its something your buddies make fun of you for.

I think based on the questions at hand its important to highlight the differences.

inBOIL 11-20-2007 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Mango
What about... If you are a man and you were raped by a woman, would you report it?

I think the only thing that would change is I'd be marginally less upset. I'd still probably not report it, partially out of shame or embarrassment, but mainly out of a feeling that nothing the justice system would do would satisfy me.

MSD 11-20-2007 08:45 PM

At my size, I would have to be incapacitated or mobbed by half a dozen people for it to happen, but yes, I would report it if it happened. I would treat it like any other case of rape, though; I am permitted by law to use lethal force to defend myself from serious bodily harm, and a rapist attacking me or anyone around me would likely be on the ground bleeding and/or full of holes before they got a chance to whip it out.

Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Since it would be consensual, I don't think it's possible for a woman to 'rape' a man.

It's possible for a guy to not want to fuck a woman, and if she forces him, it's rape.

Originally Posted by Strange Famous
100% serious answer.

I am not an overly violent person, but I would deal with this situation without the involvment of the law.

Still have that giant machete you found while cleaning your house?

Kadath 11-21-2007 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ustwo
Its a true story.

Were I a woman that would have been a rape by law.
As a man its something your buddies make fun of you for.

I think based on the questions at hand its important to highlight the differences.

I think it's important to note that you are highlighting the differences in the way the legal system treats the genders, not the differences in the genders themselves.

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