Originally Posted by daswig
No, their "best solution" is to do everything in their power to destroy the US as a superpower, to betray our allies overseas, to enable the delayed conclusion of the Holocaust (different hands implementing it, but it's still the same idea), and to in general emasculate the American population. Why would they want to do this? Because their guy isn't in power after the 2000 and 2004 elections. They NEED things to go badly for the US for them to try and regain power here. Want an example? See Cindy Sheehan's recent statement about Palestine.
Do you have any perception of how your criticism of Cindy Sheehan plays with those of us (the vast majority now, 60 plus percent) Americans who see her for who she is.....a mother who lost her son in a military invasion and occupation of a country that was not a threat to the US or to it's neighbors...despite endless declarations by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, et al to the contrary....all since discredited?
Cindy believes her son died for nothing. She is asking Bush to explain the "noble cause" that justifies other mothers going through the loss of their children in "his" war.
Take stock of how you look, daswig....criticizing a woman who is trying to deal with the belief that her son died for nothing. I see nothing that inclines me to disagree with Cindy's conclusion. I see you bashing her, instead of examining how pathetically wrong and misleading and incompetent the president you defend, has actually been....on fiscal policy, foreign policy, defense strategy, intelligence, and in his penchant to promote incompetence and discourage any challenges to his administration's decision making, let alone any dissent from ordinary Americans.
If it takes a comment about Ms. Sheehan like you made above, or this one you made on another thread, to bolster your undocumented arguments here, I take no pleasure in watching the level you lower yourself towards. If your cause is so fragile, that it requires verbal broadsides aimed at a grieving mother, and cannot stand the scrutiny of Americans who want truthful statements, candor, and defense of our civil liberty as a minimum, from our elected federal executive branch leaders, it is neither legitimate or American.
Originally Posted by daswig
Due to your post, is there really a need for me to do that? If you insist, I suggest you "take a gander" at sites such as Buzzflash, Democratic Underground, or just listen to Cindy Sheehan. Or, you can simply look at anybody who refers to the insurgents in Iraq as "freedom fighters".