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Criminal Investigation in Germany into Culpability of U.S. Officials in Abu Ghraib
Not sure what to think about this. on the one hand it is necessary to investigate these events and possible violations of human rights (like in Guantanamo Bay), and a german court is somewhat beyons possible political influence by the US-Administration. On the other hand this will further damadge the german-US relations and there will be an immense pressure on the court. I think the US will not be happy about this. And what will we do if we find Rumsfeld guilty? arrest him as soon as he visits germany again? |
interesting...first that the suit was not filed in the international war crimes tribunal, the authority of which the americans do not recognize--because the administration imagines that any prosecution of americans for war crimes would necessarily be "unfair"....second in that it poses the problem of national sovereingty with reference to bodies of international law that the neocons hoped to short circuit by the entire iraq adventure.
the enforcement measure would also be interesting, if the case comes to that--it would require a bit of research for me to have a coherent opinion on the matter. i imagine you will see folk from the right shrieking about this, once it makes its way into the right media apparatus and thereby provides them with a pre-structured starting point for "thinking".... |
I'm glad to see someone seeking accountability for Abu Ghraib other than president Bush's appraisal that they were doing a "superb job." If this court is able to issue arrest warrants for top U.S. officials-thereby making it impossible for them to enter Germany-it could have major implications for our relations.
On the other hand I'm not comfortable with court trials where the defendants are not present and are not able to defend themselves. |
Sorry, nothing to see here but laughable grandstanding by the left.
If they had any credibility in the least they would have done the same to Saddam Hussien rather then make contracts with him. Pathetic how irrelevant they have become. And isn't today's news ironic? Quote:
LOL i knew you would bringt that up.
STOP thread hijacking! If you want to discuss the shit that happened in the german army open up a NEW thread! Dont hijack this to distract from this topic! Quote:
The CCR never made contracts with Saddam, the german companys, who may have made contracts, have nothing to do with the goverment or this lawsuit! Stop distracting! |
If this were serious, these groups would have pursued such charges against Hussein among others. That they have not says that this is purely political grandstanding. |
it is relevant only if--and only if--you prefer for aesthetic or political reasons to indulge the disengenous pattern of relativization particular to american conservative "thinking"---when something makes them uncomfortable, then the response is inevitably to create some fake equivalent situation and try to balance one off the other.
but say you want to play that game: given there is is hardly a nationalist tyrant on earth the americans have not eagerly sold weapon systems to (applying the same logic as above, that the actions of private corporations can be associated with those of states), on what possible basis can the americans say or do anything, at any point, about anything carried out by these tyrants? and why is any attempt to criticize these states not just hypocritical grandstanding by the americans? you would also have to apply the same "logic" to the myriad american corporations who sold hussein arms under the reagan administration, including the technology to produce the gas that killed the kurds....since the americans were so willing to arm hussein to the teeth when it was convenient, and to pretend otherwise when it was convenient, how is bushwar not simple grandstanding by the right? well it is...stupid question...sorry about that. the real question here is more about legal accountability for war crimes. the americans have tried to exempt themselves from it. that is wrong. i do not know if this case will work itself out----but if americans are found guilty of crimes against humanity as a result of this case, on what basis can you defend not respecting the judgement? why should americans not be held accountable for war crimes, if they are found guilty of them? on what basis is it the prerogative of a given nation-state to prosecute its citizens for crimes against humanity? what about the american case, which is characterized by an obvious unwillingness to do it? asif there was something about the simple fact of being american that makes such actions impossible...as if that argument was not wholly absurd. how did it get to be understood that war crimes are only carried out by citizens of nations that loose wars? how is this not the basis for the american refusal to submit to war crimes judgements: since for the right it is unthinkable that the americans actually loose wars (witness the revisionist crap about vietnam so dear to them), it follows that war crimes are therefore impossible on the part of american troops? |
Someone does need to look into war crime allegation. It has become quite apparent that the American leaders wont try to go after themselves. What sense would that make? (in their eyes, atleast) As long as they have the power to keep people out of their business and the power to push the blame on to someone else they will use it. This goes for any leader of any country or organization. There is evidence of involvement of higher officials, yet as long as they can blame someone else they'll do it until someone steps up and says "this shit is wrong, we're going to do something about it."
What is happening in the german army is a different matter completely. And this German matter, unlike the American one, is actually in the process of being resolved, not swept under the rug to be forgotten about and later referred to as a conspiracy theory. |
I'm saying they are condoning it, authorizing it, and encouraging it, yes.
I'm sure their answer would be to try to save american lives by getting information by any means. But torture is torture. There wa a lot of info on this a few months ago. How the government was trying to justify how they torture people. Like its ok to force people to stand for days at a time, or to hold their hands out to their sides for days at a time, or wear hoods and stand on boxes telling them the floor is electrified and if they step off the box they'll die, or put them in rooms with men with dogs held inches from their face that are trying to bite their face off but being held back, or sleep depreivation for days or weeks. This is what was and may still be happening, all with approval. (well atleast until they're caught.. then the stories change)
say the members of the bush administration were found to be guilty by an international court of fostering an environment that effectively sanctioned/normalized the commission of war crimes--and thereby was responsible for those war crimes--i dont suppose that you would either recognize the ruling or support its enforcement, would you? i assume you would not----but maybe i am wrong-----could you actually answer the question please? |
At any rate they aren't beating them or executing them, that shows a lot of restraint considering the stakes. |
Well thats what the government has been doing. But the government was also hiring "torture contractors" and claiming that they werent bound by the same rules. Why have these rules in the first place if you can just hire an outside contractor to do it all anyway?
When it comes to matters of national security or personal security the army should and could do whatever deemed necessary to acquire information.
If that means shipping those fuckers to gitmo or Jordan or < insert country that tortures people > so be it. |
The idea that the 'torture' of the prison was for information is somewhat laughable. 'Hey guys lets humiliate some people and take pictures, that will get the information out of them!' Sorry don't see that happening. Were this an offical policy, only select people would have been so tortured, and you would know nothing about it. This was just a couple of asshats acting like people in war have always acted, and they are currently paying the price as we prosecute our soldiers who do wrong. |
You guys just kinda forfeited your right to complain about the "terrorists" and "insurgents" taking captives, torturing them, and beheading them. If its ok for us to do it as a means to protect our land/peoples/way of life, its just as ok for them to do it to protect their lands/peoples/ways of life.
It's disturbing that you would actually compare the kidnapping and torture of innocent civilians, to military and intelligence and their operations with illegal combatants and terrorist sympathizers/enablers.
There is no way to win the war on terror just by virtue that people in America actually have the mentality that we are not acting justly, or that we are not in the right (at least as it relates to this). |
How do you figure?
Ex Parte Quirin: Quote:
I skimmed it.
Please point out the section that says the U.S. can torture people it deems as enemies or hold people indefinitely with out any rights what-so-ever. And also if you could point me to the portion that states that the U.S. can hold U.S. citizens indefinitely and without rights and that when the Supreme Court rebukes them, the U.S. can strip the citizenship of the prisoner and force that person out of the country. 'Cause naturally, that is exactly what the U.S. has done - so it must certainly be "legal". That it is in direct opposition to the principles of this country is why I state that if they are acceptable to protect the country, they are unecessary because the country is already destroyed from within. |
What I always thought was interesting... what took place in Abu Garaib is the BEST that American PoWs can hope for if captured by the enemies.
Why is it only Americans that ever are accountable for these things? Where were these lawyers when Saddam "lost" an American pilot? We found his uniform in the PoW camp, well, parts of it but he was "never there". Being stripped naked isnt all that horrible considering the alternative of severe beatings, electrocution (instead of just wiring it up as a threat), and obvious torture to death in this case. Where were these lawyers after Korea when dozens if not hundreds of Americans were put to death? Where were they when in Vietnam our pilots were hung from their arms until they became so disfigured that they could never fly again? Where were they when the Vietnamese used the bamboo torture? water torture? or simple public execution? Hold us accountable? Fine, but dont make it a one way street. Say what you want about the moral high ground, but to leave our own soldiers out to hang by a foreign country after we (yes the majority of the country) supported their being called to do horrible things. Now you can say you never supported it but that's irrelivant now isnt it? Anyways these people are not soldiers under the LAW. They are not uniformed, they are not distinguishable between the civilians. Under the law they are treasonous. They are the same as the Werewolves of Germany in WWII (do some history searching). We executed them on sight and guess what? It was legal. |
There is a difference between execution and torture. There is a difference between finding someone, in plain clothes, lets say.. setting a bomb, and shooting them on the spot, than from taking that person in to torture them for no apparent reason other than to torture them. Because as Ustwo said, what information could we possibly get from them that is useful? If we're not torturing them for information, why are we doing it? Just for kicks? Just for amusement?
And also, i don't think anyone said that it was ok for Saddam or the Vietnamese or the North Koreans to torture, string up, or otherwise disfigure anyone. If "these lawyers" had the chance I'm damn sure they would throw those who committed these acts into prison, or have them put to death. |
Actually, I wanted to start a new thread, but then I found this one.
I would just like to know what happened to this case, maybe someone knows. I could not find too much on the internet, but to my knowledge, Bush and Rumsfeld were charged at the German Federal Court in Karlsruhe. Does anyone know if the case is closed, still being investigated or what? Well, let me know what you know... |
[B]Germany is the last one who should worry about prison camps and torture. Abu Gharib prisoners were not tortured. They were humiliated and harassed. They were most unhappy with having an American woman yank their dicks. Screw their culture. Nothing would have happened had the detainees answered questions truthfully. In a combat situation things are not always rosy.
I'm just going to ignore OPgary.. but as for updates, I couldn't find any. I did all sorts of google searches with Michael Ratner and CCP and Germany Abu Gharib.. didn't get much other than this article by MR himself:
http://www.zmag.org/content/showarti...04&ItemID=7503 Not a bad read. |
German Attorney General Kay Nehm said there will be no charges against Rumsfeld.
Since there were US inquiries about the torture no german inquiries were needed |
Another "dogma", repeat unti you belive:
thats no real torture, raping boys and woman are just college pranks http://www.democraticwings.com/democ...ism/001963.php |
If Dick Durban and these lawyers want an example of true torture and crimes against humanity, they should look no further than their beloved Iraqi "insurgents":
Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it. |
And about the above post, thank you. My friend from HS told me about that, he was in the second round (medic) that went in and treated those wounded. From what he said they used some of the exact same methods Saddam used, and compared Abu Garaib as a Continental Resort in comparison. |
We here have a law that allowes it to charge anyone regardless of nationality with crime againt humanity etc. But I think you've read all this in my first post... And I won't reply to bodyhammers obvious trolling ... |
You kinda get used to it after a while. |
If an insurgent beheads a hostage you don't have one torture "for free" Be doing so you have zero chance to win the war on terror. Quote:
Those insurgents are terrorists, ruthless assholes. I think the US Army should not behave in a similar way thats why I critizise the US if they do. I still want to believe, contrary to all evidence, that US has higher morallity and ethics than the insurgents, you seem to believe that the US should sink on their level as quick as possible. |
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