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onetime2 04-21-2004 10:02 AM

Who would you prefer to be the next President of the US? (Bush and Kerry excluded)
Alright, we pretty much all know who on the board wants Bush and who wants Kerry to win in the fall.

We also know that there are plenty of people who don't particularly like either but we're pretty much forced to vote for one of the two major party candidates (yeah, yeah I know we're not forced and we can vote for whoever we want, yada, yada, yada but Bush and Kerry are really the only ones with a shot at winning the Presidency).

Now, if it was a completely wide open election process (with the exception that Bush and Kerry are barred from it) and you could vote for any politician, celebrity, activist, citizen, non-citizen, whatever who would you like to see as the next President and why?

I voted for McCain in the primaries against Bush and think he'd make an excellent President. I like his stand on campaign finance reform, his record of service to the country is incredibly impressive, and I think he is morally strong.

seretogis 04-21-2004 10:13 AM

Re: Who would you prefer to be the next President of the US? (Bush and Kerry excluded)

Originally posted by onetime2
I voted for McCain in the primaries against Bush and think he'd make an excellent President. I like his stand on campaign finance reform, his record of service to the country is incredibly impressive, and I think he is morally strong.
Ugh. :P

If I voted for a Republican, it would be Forbes.

onetime2 04-21-2004 10:23 AM

Re: Re: Who would you prefer to be the next President of the US? (Bush and Kerry excluded)

Originally posted by seretogis
Ugh. :P

If I voted for a Republican, it would be Forbes.

Forbes didn't impress me in the least. Whenever I saw him, the first thing that came to mind was "Good thing Malcolm was brilliant."

grumpyolddude 04-21-2004 10:23 AM

McCain is the most palatable of the Republicans. He has displayed the courage to resist the hard-core right-wing pressure. He also seem to have a sincere concern for the general population. Who would he staff administration with? Finding passionate centrists to sacrifice their lives to public service would be difficult.

onetime2 04-21-2004 10:27 AM


Originally posted by grumpyolddude
McCain is the most palatable of the Republicans. He has displayed the courage to resist the hard-core right-wing pressure. He also seem to have a sincere concern for the general population. Who would he staff administration with? Finding passionate centrists to sacrifice their lives to public service would be difficult.
I'm sure he could field a capable team but am more interested in hearing who others feel would make capable leaders.

Lebell 04-21-2004 10:56 AM

Since this is fantasy but to keep it realistic,

I would vote for Ron Paul (R-Texas).

Highly respected on both sides of the aisle and with his constituants, Paul is very much a constitutionalist when it comes to making laws.

He is also known for his honesty and bi-partisanship, caring more about the country than for politics.

dy156 04-21-2004 10:59 AM

I like Ron Paul. He has courage too, but I think the vote "against Snoopy" might hurt his hypothetical campaign. :)
Here are some other options:

How about the bipartisan, compassionate George W. Bush that was Governor of TX before he became president. The man that took principled stands, even in losing political battles, because it was the right thing to do.

Oh, well.
Someone else-
I've always liked Dick Lugar. He's been chairman of the Senate foreign relations, and knows what he's doing. Before that, he was mayor of Indianapolis, then president of the national council of mayors, or something like that. He started on his political career by running for and serving on the school board. He also ran the family farm and small business manufacturing specialty farming equipment. He served in the Navy.
Talk about someone that can bring the country together! How many other candidates for any political office have experience in issues facing the rural red states and the urban blue areas? Here's a moderate Republican that has expertise in foreign affairs, business, military, urban problems, agriculture, and education! he's also a Republican that's not beholden to the religious right wing of his party. If I were to be able to appoint someone, he'd be it.
However, he tried to run in the primary against Dole, and he's just another short white-haired Republican Senator without much campaign charisma.

Another option-
Arnold Schwarzenegger

There, I said it. Mock me all you want.
Here's why:
Fiscally conservative/socially liberal, yet pragmatic.
Should know enough to let the professionals advise him. There are alot of Hollywood stars, but few of them have the business experience that Arnold does. Former Hollywood stars have done alright as president.
I know he can't be president because of the Constitution. (Though it didn't stop Cheney from being VP even though he was really living in Texas)

Those are two great options.

Sparhawk 04-21-2004 11:02 AM

If I had to pick a Republican, I'd go with Chuck Hagel. He's been a pretty consistent moderate voice, able to work well with members on the other side of the aisle, and had a lot of foresight on terrorism.

But since this thread is about picking whomever I want, I think I'll go with Bill Clinton. :D

pan6467 04-21-2004 12:14 PM

In a fantasy world............ DONALD TRUMP. The man knows how to run a business and government is just a business.

I have wanted him for years. I think Trump would make a great president.

mml 04-21-2004 12:56 PM

While I do like McCain, if I had to pick a Republican, I would like to see Colin Powell in the Oval Office.

If I were to pick a Democrat, I really like Joe Biden.


He is extraordinarily bright, well versed in international affairs as well as domestic issues and he knows how to get things done in Washington.

And perhaps in 2016 or 2020 after she has finished her two terms as governor and at least one term as Senator, I think I might like to see Janet Napolitano in the White House. (Current governor of AZ http://www.governor.state.az.us/ )

theusername 04-21-2004 01:01 PM

My choices have already been said but any of these three would grab my vote, Colin Powell, Giuliani, or John McCain.

add Rice and Lieberman to that list. I also would prefer Edwards over Bush/Kerry.

Both Kerry and Bush probably wouldnt be in a list of the top 20 people i'd like to become President.

irateplatypus 04-21-2004 02:57 PM

If no Bush or Kerry then...

Bill Richardson (Dem) Governor of New Mexico
Trent Lott
Condaleeza Rice

I've never really liked McCain. He has always struck me as a lukewarm political opportunist, though I'm probably in the minority w/that assessment.

tecoyah 04-21-2004 03:44 PM

McCain, Dean, Nader- in that order

iccky 04-21-2004 05:05 PM

Since its a fantasy world...

John Edwards after another term or two in the Senate and maybe one as NC governor.

Reincarnated FDR (best damn president ever).

Reincarnated Hubert Humphry (would have been one of the best damn presidents ever if he'd never become friends with LBJ).

And, yes, to be cliched, Colin Powel (probablly the only Republican i'd ever vote for).


Originally posted by pan6467
In a fantasy world............ DONALD TRUMP. The man knows how to run a business and government is just a business.

I have wanted him for years. I think Trump would make a great president.

Except his casino is failing...

djtestudo 04-21-2004 05:20 PM

I think a combination of two out of Powell, McCain, and Rice, in any P/VP order, would be great. I wouldn't be at all suprised to see that as the Republican ticket in '08 (maybe not McCain, but Powell/Rice).

Eventually, I'd like to see Bob Ehrlich, the former congressman and present governer of Maryland, have a chance. He managed to be the first Republican governer elected in almost 30 years in an extremely Democratic state, and if he can survive the assholes in the legislature and the next election, I think he could go pretty far in national politics.

HamiC 04-21-2004 05:52 PM

Bill Bradley -- Damn smart and can hit the three
Joe Lieberman -- An honest man with strong convictions
Jeb Bartlett -- If only he were real...

Mitt Romney -- Damn smart and knows how to fix complex organizations
Colin Powell -- A good soldier who deserves a chance to lead

Angus King -- Former Governor of Maine with lots of smarts and a great name

tkkfan 04-21-2004 05:58 PM

Joe Walsh. Y'know everytime the Pres elections come around, he always gets an alarming amount of votes...but he never runs!

Rocky Mountain Way, bam bam bam bum...

yournamehere 04-21-2004 08:33 PM

I kind of wish Joe Lieberman would have been the Democratic candidate, but with the Middle East such an issue, I don't see us having a Jewish President for awhile. We'd lose all credibility as peace negotiators (what little credibility Bush has left us, anyway) in that region.

Otherwise, I would vote for John McCain - I lived in Arizona for 22 years, so I have followed his career closely. The man is a straight shooter.

Jesus Pimp 04-21-2004 08:42 PM

Dean duh!

dy156 04-22-2004 05:22 AM


Originally posted by irateplatypus
If no Bush or Kerry then...

Bill Richardson (Dem) Governor of New Mexico
Trent Lott
Condaleeza Rice

I've never really liked McCain. He has always struck me as a lukewarm political opportunist, though I'm probably in the minority w/that assessment.

That's a pretty odd combo. I'm curious as to what you see that you like in Lott and Richardson.

FaderMonkey 04-22-2004 08:50 AM

I wish I could vote for Nader, but I dislike Bush too much to do it.

Paradise Lost 04-22-2004 12:18 PM

Tis Fantasy FaderMonkey, vote for Nader, I know I shall in this
November's fictional vote. I'll probably vote for Kerry in the real
November vote...

Giltwist 04-22-2004 12:53 PM

Well if we are doing a fictional vote, why not vote for a fictional character. Q for president :) (Star Trek not James Bond)

ganon 04-22-2004 04:37 PM

i would love to see alan keyes win the big seat.

hunnychile 04-22-2004 05:03 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by irateplatypus
[B]If no Bush or Kerry then...

Trent Lott - The original Johnny Jingo!!!! LOL!!! and
Condaleeza Rice;

This is a scream. Are you serious? Miss Condi being set up to take the "big fall" so she's history in about seven months & counting. She'll be a great professor of Poly Sci at Moorehouse. She was the Perfect Tokenistic Professional Poster Girl for the Republicans.

But - Too bad she hasn't the guts to jump ship & go Democratic.
Jump Condi, jump!! I do believe she is brilliant in policy interpretation & giving testimony under duress.

Halx 04-22-2004 05:29 PM


I can do the job. I'm dead serious.

If not me, then Mark Cuban.

cj2112 04-22-2004 06:04 PM

I'd vote for ya Halx if you were old enough, but since you're not....yet, I'd say Ted Nugent w/ Joe Walsh as his running mate.

hunnychile 04-22-2004 06:33 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Halx

I can do the job. I'm dead serious.


I believe you could do wondefully well at this job and I'd vote for you!

It's even possible, but you might be a little too nice and sweet to play in those leagues.

onetime2 04-23-2004 04:16 AM


Originally posted by ganon
i would love to see alan keyes win the big seat.

That would be interesting. Nice choice.

phyzix525 04-23-2004 09:33 AM

surprised I did not see anyone say Hillary Clinton.
Personally I don't think there is a politian that would make a good president. I think what you need is a good business man, someone who knows how money works. But as soon as you start running a country like a bussiness you are going to piss alot of people off, cause in business there are no "free rides" A LOT of spending would be cut.

mml 04-24-2004 03:05 PM


Originally posted by phyzix525
surprised I did not see anyone say Hillary Clinton.
Personally I don't think there is a politian that would make a good president. I think what you need is a good business man, someone who knows how money works. But as soon as you start running a country like a bussiness you are going to piss alot of people off, cause in business there are no "free rides" A LOT of spending would be cut.

This sounds great in theory, but in reality most "good businessmen" have run into great difficulty in the political realm. It would take a wholesale change in our political culture for such an individual to be successful. For better or for worse, politics is a game and you need to know how to play it to survive and thrive at the national level. That is why people like Karl Rove and Dick Morris exsist.

Jizz-Fritter 04-24-2004 05:34 PM

My president is Ralph Nader.

Aletheia 04-24-2004 07:15 PM

I would want Colin Powell or John McCain.

Tophat665 04-25-2004 05:53 AM

Anyone? Georg Soros.

Anyone eligable? George Carlin. Let's elect a comedian instead of a joke. Or Clinton. George Clinton. Let's drop Da Bomb on Iraq.

KellyC 04-25-2004 01:27 PM

Another term for Bill Clinton any one?

twotimesadingo 04-25-2004 01:52 PM


Originally posted by Tophat665
Anyone eligable? George Carlin. Let's elect a comedian instead of a joke. Or Clinton. George Clinton. Let's drop Da Bomb on Iraq.
Holy shit, this is great.

I would say either Colin Powell (rep), or John Edwards (dem).

hunnychile 04-25-2004 02:26 PM


Originally posted by twotimesadingo

I would say either Colin Powell (rep), or John Edwards (dem). [/B]
Sorry but Mr. Powell has already stated publicly that he will not run for office. After all the dirt settles from the Woodward Book and interviews, I seriously don't blame him for bowing out.

Sparhawk 04-25-2004 02:52 PM


Originally posted by hunnychile
Sorry but Mr. Powell has already stated publicly that he will not run for office. After all the dirt settles from the Woodward Book and interviews, I seriously don't blame him for bowing out.
This thread is about who you would prefer, in a magical Sliders-esque alternate reality where you get to pick the President, not whether it's possible or not.

BigGov 04-25-2004 04:59 PM

Who would I like to see as president?

Michael Moore.

Just so I could tune into Scarbourugh Country and hear how shitty of a job he is doing as president, then tune into Jimmy Kimmel and Conan O'Brien and hear about how fat he his.

Would be absolutely horrible for the country, but at least I'd have a good laugh.

KellyC 04-25-2004 05:52 PM

Oh shit...I forgot Robert Kenedy. I've always wondered what will it be like if Robert is president. that and JFK didn't die and finish his term...

Tholo 04-25-2004 08:53 PM

Henry Rollins

hammer4all 04-26-2004 12:03 AM


Originally posted by Jizz-Fritter
My president is Ralph Nader.

MSD 04-27-2004 10:04 AM

If it could be anyone, I'd resurrect Robert Kennedy and stick him in there with McCain as VP

sprocket 04-27-2004 06:54 PM

After reading some of his posts here in Tilted Politics, I think Id have to nominate ARTelevision for president

gibingus 04-28-2004 06:27 AM


Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
If it could be anyone, I'd resurrect Robert Kennedy and stick him in there with McCain as VP
RFK Jr. is presently kicking ass at the Natural Resources Defense Council. He's one to watch. The environment is a pressing issue that will be more important in future elections, and it is the one issue that really does cross party lines.

But if people are going to offer up The Donald for Prez, I have to counter with the even bigger mouthed Ted Turner. Not only does he have the business savvy, but he has really put his money where his mouth is by giving $1 billion of his own to support UN programs for health and education. He thinks about global issues, but is pro business and wants limited government.

Not Normal 04-28-2004 09:57 AM

There's too much bullshit flying around DC. You want someone to cut thru it all. George Carlin for president.

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