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Tomservo 03-25-2004 11:49 AM

Officially finished with Bill O'Reilly
Well, I'm very happy Air America (Read:Liberal) radio begins broadcasting next week here in Los Angeles.


Why? Well, this Richard Clarke flap has vaulted me 100% into the anti-O'Reilly camp. I've been an O'Reilly listener on and off for a few years, and while I don't agree with many of his points, as a moderate liberal, I'm thankful for the discussion on my way to work. It's generally not too partisan, although still tilted, and I can find my way around the conversation.

However, O'Reilly's asinine responses to the Richard Clarke situation have painted him as right wing as Rush Limbaugh. This morning he continually blasted Clarke as a "weasel" for using the dislike of Resident Bush to sell his book. His proof, of course, was the Fox tape of Clarke supporting Bush in 2002, which is a whole seperate thread. My opinion, as stated in that thread, is simple- the guy worked for Bush, and we ALL know that everyone who works for Bush shouts the BUSH IS GOOD message from the rooftops. It is the way this guy works, and whether it's coming down from Bush or Rove or Halliburton itself, it is what is is. Anyone who's seen the Daily Show report on the White House attacking Clarke will see they're ALL working from the same script-something Clarke would have been doing if he still worked for Bush. This attack dog mentality is well known about the Bush people. Certainly you're more likely to tell the TRUTH when you're out of the belly of the beast.

Anyhow, this is all O'Reilly's opinion, sure, but completely bypasing the fact that O'Reilly uses the hatred of Dean/Kerry/liberals ALL DAY LONG to sell his books. He plugs his website, his "Who's Looking Out For You?" book, and his suspense novel *constantly* while discussing Kerry's flip-flops and the like. In other words, he expects us to accept his words as face value while he's MAKING HIS PROFITS, but Richard Clarke *MUST* be lying when he tries to sell his book! I have no problem with him trying to sell his nonsense, but to call someone else a "weasel" for doing the same is ridiculous.

Oh yeah, another note: REALITY CHECK! O'Reilly, you WERE NOT THERE. You don't know what happened, so you do NOT know who's lying. Period. You were selling your *other* book when Clarke was attempting to protect our country. Come to think of it, you were on "Inside Edition" when Clarke was "Looking Out For Us".

Anyhow, this is one of the most obvious examples of hypocrisy in the media that I've ever seen, and for it, I'll just listen to Mike and Mike or Jim Rome, and hope the Liberal Radio is worth listening to.

seretogis 03-25-2004 11:52 AM

So.. you hate the lack of objectivity of O'Reilly and yet you're "very happy" for the arrival of Air America? That makes sense to me!

kutulu 03-25-2004 11:58 AM

I don't know why you ever thought that O'Reily was even remotely objective.

Kadath 03-25-2004 12:04 PM

It's important to know how the enemy thinks so that you can defeat them. That being said, if you can find objective news, send it my way. Might as well watch some liberal and some conservative.

Tomservo 03-25-2004 12:39 PM

Seretogis- nowhere in my post did I say I "can't wait" for Air America to start airing, which makes it a little strange that you used quotations in the first place.

Nonetheless, it's not the lack of objectivity that turned me off of O'Reilly, rather the obvious and blatant hypocrisy. Lack of objectivity is a fact of life- I hate fresh tomatoes, I'm even allergic to them, so I can't objectively understand someone eating a burger with a big slice of tomato on it. I just can't. But if I were to tell that person they're a moron for eating a fresh tomato, then turned around and gulped one down myself, I'd be a hypocrite, and most of us try to avoid that leap.

And a serious point- no one here has heard Air America. At all. Flat-out assuming it won't possess any objectivity is as ridiculous as if I'd shunned O'Reilly before even hearing his show.

seretogis 03-25-2004 01:09 PM


Originally posted by Tomservo
And a serious point- no one here has heard Air America. At all. Flat-out assuming it won't possess any objectivity is as ridiculous as if I'd shunned O'Reilly before even hearing his show.
Pardon the misquote, I could have sworn that you said you "can't wait" when I guess in fact you said you were "very happy" that it was coming.

Take a look at Air America's "personalities" lineup if you have any question of their lack of objectivity. Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo, and Katherine Lanpher are equally as asinine as O'Reilly. Hopping from one flawed source of information to another isn't something that is worth the effort, imho. Make a statement and turn the television and radio off.

kutulu 03-25-2004 01:50 PM

What really bugs me about O'Really is the fact that he claims to be objective with his bullshit "no spin zone"

Tophat665 03-25-2004 04:37 PM

I'm kind of looking forward to Air America too, but I have no expectation of objectivity from them at all. Quite the opposite. I am hoping that, once Bush is sent packing, a good dose of liberal excess will help me back into the political center.

Oh, and because there really should be a equal and opposite force to Faux News and Rush Limbaugh.

seretogis 03-25-2004 05:28 PM


Originally posted by kutulu
What really bugs me about O'Really is the fact that he claims to be objective with his bullshit "no spin zone"
hahaha.. "O'Really" -- was that a Freudian slip, or intentional? I think it's pretty appropriate considering the vast conspiracies that he cooks up.

tdoc 03-26-2004 12:46 PM

Did anyone here catch Bill when he had Hans Blix on? The amount of humble pie he ate was incredible, and he had such pleasant table manners doing it as well. O'Reilly can actually admit that he's been wrong and I actually like that in the guy, even if I disagree with him most of the time.

kutulu 03-26-2004 12:59 PM


Originally posted by seretogis
hahaha.. "O'Really" -- was that a Freudian slip, or intentional? I think it's pretty appropriate considering the vast conspiracies that he cooks up.
That's the name I prefer for that asshole.

I don't care if a show or news agency has a bias as long as they are upfront about it. When you listen to Rush, you know you are going to get the conservative spin on everything.

The dangerous ones are the people who try to seem "fair and balanced" when you know they aren't.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-26-2004 01:11 PM

Bill O' Reilly is a smart man, and better yet he is straight forward. The thing that I like about him is that he uses common sense, something that seems to be lost a lot of times on America's left.

matthew330 03-26-2004 01:12 PM

It's a political talk show, and nobody has ever had any trouble figuring out where O'reily stands, so what's the big deal. You don't think it's "fair and balanced" in what respect? Because he has a political opinion on issues - he's always got the other side on debating it, what more do you want. The dangerous ones are shows that make no mention of being political, and all you hear are jabs at republicans and idiot leftist rants (i.e. - Katie Couric)

Paq 03-26-2004 01:25 PM

i really really used to lik oreilly. sometimes i'd wanna scream at him and throw my tv in the street, but hey, i tried to keep an open mind and every now and then, he'd make sense.

But lately..Wow...geeze, limbaugh isnt' as far out as oreilly lately..

i didn't hear about air america, but with that lineup...wow...just the same...wow

losthellhound 03-26-2004 01:32 PM

I want to listen to Air America now! (after seeing an interview on Daily Show)

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