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Israel Finally got him....
I'm just glad the terrorism in Israel will end now that he is dead. |
Re: Israel Finally got him....
Edit: Btw I'm putting 1:3 odds on an isreali cabnet member dying this week. |
So killing someone without a trial and bragging over the deed is different than the other side how?
Did this guy probably deserve to die? .... yeah
Will a helluva lot more Israeli citizens die becuse of this? ....yeah It will never end. |
Yeah, they might have been right to kill him, and the guy before him, and the other guy before him, and the guy even further back in time, and so on...
I think I missed the trial......guess it wasnt televised.
Wish they'd been a bit more subtle that this, but, really, 'bout frickin' time. If he was a terrorist, then he was regrettably killed during apprehension, but, if he was a freedom fighter in an assymentrical war, then he was the bloody generalissimo, and I don't understand why it took Israel this long to remove him from the board, and why they used their army rather than the vaunted Mossad to do it.
Sad to say, that the only way there will be peace in that area is when there is no one around to fight anymore.
This really sheds a "poor" light on the whole conflict.
He was killed for what he promotes, not in action just in thought and statement. Hmmm, how many other figures in the world could be killed for this exact reason?? A WHOLE FRICKIN' LOT OF PEOPLE!!!! This Middle East mess is becoming more & more disgusting by the death. |
Re: Re: Israel Finally got him....
If christianity has taught us anything it is that killing the leader can make a movement a million times stronger. Maybe palestine can respond in kind by assassinating some obstructionists in the israeli goverment. Eye for an eye.
Next we're gonna hear about how wrong it is to kill someone in a wheelchair. |
Just to be clear..he was a spiritual leader. Palestinians (if it is true) are not the only people who want to exterminate people on the other side. |
The Fox News web site has a poll up -
The leader of Hamas was killed Monday in an Israeli missile strike. Which best describes your opinion? -This is good and will help end violence in long run. -This is bad and will lead to more bloodshed in Israel. -This is bad and could lead to more bloodshed beyond borders of Israel. -The U.S. should get more involved as the situation is deteriorating. -None of the above They should've included: -This is a good thing but it may lead to an all out war. I want to give Palestinians the benefit of the doubt, but after hundreds of civilian Israeli deaths from kids strapped with bombs, I feel like some retribution is justified. Arafat then gets on the T.V. and says that the attack "crossed all the red lines". When a jackoff sells his kid as a suicide bomber to kill people just living their lives exactly which color line does that cross? (edited for grammar) |
I've said it before and i'll say it again there will never be peace in the middle east....ever.....period
I fully support the killing of this monster. However, I fear for the resulting slaughter of Jews. OTOH, there would have been a slaughter of Jews anyway, just spaced out more evenly over the months and years.
As for the claims that this is unlawful: if Yassin would have been arrested, put on trial and then executed, the end result would have been exactly the same. How much evidence do you need to assume that someone is guilty? Everyone knew that this guy was one of the founders of Hamas, a terror group whose sole aim seems to be to kill as many Jews as possible. Everyone knew that this guy was personally spreading hatred amongst the Palestinians. And everyone knew he was personally responsible for each and every Israeli that Hamas killed. Just because a judge didn't order his death does not mean it's unjustified... |
For the record he was already arrested and sentenced to life in prison.
Sure yassin was a bad guy and AFTER a trial he may have been executed, but what really gets me is he was just assassinated using missiles without any tye of trial. Israel can no longer claim the higher ground and try to paint their actions as part of the war on terror. They have stooped to the level of the terrorists and two terrorist organizations will never make peace with each other.
I don't think a trial was needed in this case. Not like it would've done any good anyways, it all would've been a conspiracy by the evil moussad and zionist agenda.
As I stated before he was already tried and convicted for murder, he was the founder of one of the worlds' premere terrorist organizations... needless to say he got released on a technicality. |
So it is better to kill a personand brag and show excitement than to give a man his civil and humane rights.
Isreal made a martyr of this man and unfortunately more deaths will be the outcome. Perhaps, just perhaps, if Isreal and the US gave these terrorists a trial and showed the world that we do in fact treat people fairly and not just kill them, the world would see who truly was righteous. BUT to kill just to kill and then to brag is just as evil and causes more hatred. |
He was an animal, he had long since forsaken his humanity and washed it away with the blood of the thousands of deaths he is responsible for. And who is bragging? Israel certainly is not, they are just doing their job. This guy was a murderous asshat who had it coming, they executed their policy of dealing with people like him, the order came from the top. End of story.
I don't think it is right they just said, "Whoop there he is! Let's explode him," and missile fire ensued, that is not right, JRG is dead on with that, Israel is now officially in my mind engaged in a duel of whomping, not wits, not diplomacy, just bashing foreheads seemingly hoping to cause the hated enemy to pull a sad indian and write their equivellent of "I will Fight No More Forever"
Sounds like you know him personally. I want to see what kind of animal replaces him. Anyways, i thought assassination was something that terrorists do. Five other people were killed to get this guy. That's what timothy mcveigh called "collateral damage". I think that both sides should stop whining about dead innocents until both sides decide to kill no more innocents. |
Yeah 5 other members of Hamas... big loss.
this is something I wrote in another forum that covers this issue pretty well..............................
============================================== I don't understand something. While not forgotten why is the Holocaust brought up to justify everything Isreal does? 6 Million died, yes but the governments responsible and the people responsible were tried and are no longer relevant in anyone sane's life let alone any government. And by the by, there were a lot of CATHOLICS, HOMOSEXUALS, SCHOLARS, AND SO ON KILLED IN THE HOLOCAUST NOT JUST JEWS. Isreal would be nothing if not for US and UK support, BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEAR AND NOTHING IN RETURN EXCEPT HATRED FROM THE REST OF THE MIDDLE EAST, WHO BELIEVE WE ARE OUT TO CONQUER THE WORLD, AND HATRED FROM ISREAL, WHO BELIEVES WE NEED TO DO MORE. Yet, despite all our help, they keep killing instead of trying terrorists. The US and UK turn blind eyes and Isreal just makes the situation worse by creating martyrs. Not trying to sound anti-semitic, because I'm truly not, but killing people and treating people as sub-citizens as they do to the Palestinians, is that not what Hitler's Germany and Holocaust did to the Jews? If they were truly a peaceful people and wanting peace, would Isreal not strive for it? I'm sorry but as far as I'm concerned the US needs to pull out of the Middle East 100% AND THAT INCLUDES ISREAL and tend to ourselves. We need and want the oil, ok we make trade agreements but no more interfering in ANYONE'S POLITICS OVER THERE UNTIL THEY ALL START ACTING LIKE ADULTS AND NOT CHILDREN WITH DEADLY WEAPONS BEATING UP ON EACH OTHER. It's like how some police officers describe answering most domestics. The man or woman can be beating the other to Hell, but as soon as the officer gets there they stop and turn the anger onto him/her. That's what we have in that region and it since it won't end, WE NEED TO JUST STOP SUPPORTING IT BY NOT SENDING ANY TAX DOLLARS THERE. Have a feeling, within a year of no US/UK monies coming in the Isreali government will be making sure there is peace over there. ============================================== I firmly believe taking away ALL AID AND MONEY and Isreal will truly show who they are. Friend or foe. Isreal will either strive for peace or turn on us. I STRONGLY URGE EVERYONE TO READ JACK BERNSTEIN'S "AN AMERICAN JEW IN MARXIST-RACIST ISREAL". THE BEST READ OVER THIS SITUATION I HAVE EVER READ. HERE'S A LINK: http://christianparty.net/sephardic.htm BERNSTEIN WAS KILLED BY THE ISREALI MOSSAD AFTER THIS WAS WRITTEN AND I HAVE NOT FOUND ONE PERSON FROM ISREAL OR PRO-ISREALI WHO EVER DEBATED THIS. THEY JUST THROW OUT WORDS LIKE LIARS AND ANTI-SEMITE AND SO ON. If someone here knows of a true rebuttal or has one, that is FACT BASED I am open to reading it and perhaps changing my opinion. But, I fear that will not come to light. I'll be attacked as flaming an argument, and pictured as an anti-semite spreading hateful anti semitic and anti-Isreali propaganda among other untruthful things AND/OR I and the challenge to show the truth will be ignored, either way it adds credence to the arguments made on my side. |
IMHO, the Israelis just poured gasoline on the fire.
As pointed out, they made a martyr out of this guy. Yes, he's a murdering scumbag, I agree. But so is Sharon. He's a fat murdering scumbag too. One is as bad as the other. It will never end. |
And careful... if the Mossad goes after every Joe Shmoe that writes bad stuff about Israel I'd be careful if I were you. After Chomsky, Shahak, etc, you might be next. :rolleyes: edit: BTW, there will be peace. Not long ago, it was thought to be impossible that France and England would have peace or England & the US. Who knows, there might be a day when Palestine is viewed as Israel's greatest ally. |
Your optimistic Popo, its tough to undo thousands of years of hate and conflict.
I don't think I'm being optimistic about peace. There will be bumps in the road but I really believe that soon as Palestinian extremists (yes, just the Palestinian extremists) are stopped, peace will come quickly. Israeli extremists just don't matter as much as the Palestnian ones, Yigal Amir or no Yigal Amir. |
How sociopathic murderers who have it coming get theirs?
Anyone know the odds on a nuclear bomb going off in Isreal in the next 10 years?
=/ "I do not know with which weapons WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones." |
Historically, Muslims have provided solace and sanctuary for Jews. In every region large Muslims exist, Jews have communities. They allowed Jews to immigrate during the Crusades and WW2. I don't know what else might be seperating the two cultures. For one, while Israel claims to be some form of democracy, the people of Palestine aren't opposed to democracy. In fact, they claim to want a representative democracy. If anything, the rulers of the various nation-states are opposed to democracy--but we support them with military and monetary aid. But the people aren't opposed to democracy, so I can't see that being a reason to attack Isrealites. |
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