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Superbelt 03-17-2004 05:12 PM

Terrorists Endorse Bush. FOR REAL.

Purported Al Qaeda Letter Calls Truce in Spain

CAIRO (Reuters) - A group claiming to have links with al Qaeda said on Wednesday it was calling a truce in its Spanish operations to see if the new Madrid government would withdraw its troops from Iraq (news - web sites), a pan-Arab newspaper said.

In a statement sent to the Arabic language daily al-Hayat, the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, which claimed responsibility for the Madrid bombings that killed 201 people, also urged its European units to stop all operations.

"Because of this decision, the leadership has decided to stop all operations within the Spanish territories... until we know the intentions of the new government that has promised to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq," the statement said.

"And we repeat this to all the brigades present in European lands: Stop all operations."

Skepticism has greeted previous claims of responsibility by the group for attacks in Turkey and Iraq. U.S. officials say its links with Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s al Qaeda network are unclear.

An unrelated videotape of a man describing himself as al Qaeda's European military spokesman also claimed responsibility for the Madrid bombing, saying it was in retaliation for outgoing Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's domestically-unpopular support for the U.S.-led Iraq war.

In a shock election result three days after the Madrid bombs, Spain voted in the Socialist party, which has since said it will probably withdraw its troops from Iraq.

"The Spanish people... chose peace by choosing the party that was against the alliance with America," the statement said.


The statement said it supported President Bush (news - web sites) in his reelection campaign, and would prefer him to win in November rather than the Democratic candidate John Kerry (news - web sites), as it was not possible to find a leader "more foolish than you (Bush), who deals with matters by force rather than with wisdom."

In comments addressed to Bush, the group said:

"Kerry will kill our nation while it sleeps because he and the Democrats have the cunning to embellish blasphemy and present it to the Arab and Muslim nation as civilization."

"Because of this we desire you (Bush) to be elected."

The group said its cells were ready for another attack and time was running out for allies of the United States.

"Whose turn is it next? Will it be Japan or America, or Italy, Britain or Oslo or Australia?" the statement said, adding Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were also targets.

The group is named after Muhammed Atef, also known as Abu Hafs, a close bin Laden aide killed in the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan (news - web sites).
Whoa! What can I really say to supplement that? Terrorists WANT Bush in the WH as long as they can get him because he is useful to them as a lightning rod to attract more converts to their cause.
And basically, because Democrats and Kerry won't put up with their shit and take steps to defuse islamo-facism.

Terrorists = fire
Bush = gasoline
Kerry = flame retardent blanket :)

Mojo_PeiPei 03-17-2004 05:20 PM

How do you figure Kerry will take steps to defuse Islamo-facism, and how do you think that will be more effective then Bush?

Superbelt 03-17-2004 05:24 PM

lots of reasons, and that is a thread to itself.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-17-2004 05:26 PM

Realistically, do you think it could be a bluff and some reverse psychology? If they put their eggs in the basket with Bush, someone who has brought the fight to them. If they are "on board" (if you can even call it that) with Bush perhaps they figure it will turn voters away from him. Bush is a man of conviction, for right or wrong he sticks to what he does (excuses are different). Kerry being your typical political pollster, a fare-weather politician if you will, would get used and abused by these guys.

Superbelt 03-17-2004 05:33 PM

No, I don't think so. In the grand scheme of thing, this "endorsement" means nothing. Not many americans are going to see it, or let it be part of their decision if they do read it.

I think Kerry will do just what they are afraid of. Remove the reason that terrorism drives are going so well by pulling the US out of a commanding role in Iraq.
I think Al Qaeda partied like it was 1699 the day we invaded Iraq. They didn't like that countrys leadership anyway and it gave them an issue to use.
Kerry, whether you think it is a good attribute or bad, wouldn't have gone into Iraq without the UN as a central part of the show. And that would defuse alot of the potential hate that could be generated against America.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-17-2004 05:40 PM

Very insightful, I don't even disagree really. All I have to say is that just because some fucks in Al Qeada were getting down to boogie because of our actions, doesn't mean we shouldn't have acted, nor should it be an issue in a future.

Superbelt 03-17-2004 05:43 PM

Heh, ok, I will concede it's possible it is reverse psychology. But you must also concede it is equally as possible being reverse-reverse psychology. Such as in the glass-switching scene from The Princess Bride:


You only THINK I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses while your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell for one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha -" (Vizzini drops dead.)
Overall, this article gives me the chuckles.

Superbelt 03-17-2004 06:53 PM

I would also like to add that I think they want bush in office because they believe he can precipitate World War III in the middle east. The Islamic Extremists DO want this. They believe WWIII, will unite the arab world under one cause. And they believe the arab world will be able to defeat america. They think this will be the ultimate jihad and that God will be on their side, so of course, they can't lose.
And Bush invading Iraq, and threatening Iran, Syria and Lebanon just make that scenario look more and more real to them.
I think they love this guy being in Office. They want their World War.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-17-2004 06:55 PM

I'd be more then happy to give it to them.

Superbelt 03-17-2004 06:58 PM

I'm sure we could turn the whole place into a glass crater, and quite easily.

But I think it would cost us a couple more 9/11 level events in the US in the process as part of their war effort.
A war against the entire arab world wouldn't stay contained in the middle east. Not like the last two. This one will come to our shores.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-17-2004 07:00 PM

Place would probably turn into an Anti-Muslim police state. I say we just turn Israel loose on them now.

Paq 03-17-2004 11:56 PM


nuclear war=bad

just letting you know...I don't know what WWIII will be fought with, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and stones....

israel loose in the mideast is not a good thing.

and frankly, i can completely understand why al qaeda wants bush in power: He gives them a reason to recruit and a focal point of actions.

ever stop to think that compromise isn't weakness, just levelheaded thinking?

Boo 03-18-2004 12:25 AM

Anyone that believes that our foreign policy is all GW Bush needs to realize that it takes more than one person to run our country. Checks and balances people.

Does anyone really believe that this is an article from a true terrorist? Smells like propaganda to me. It must be true, I read it on the internet.


Originally posted by Superbelt
I'm sure we could turn the whole place into a glass crater, and quite easily.

But I think it would cost us a couple more 9/11 level events in the US in the process as part of their war effort.
A war against the entire arab world wouldn't stay contained in the middle east. Not like the last two. This one will come to our shores.

I disagree. Is the Iranian Aircraft carrier steaming to the Gulf of Mexico? Maybe the Saudi KC135 can refuel their F-15s once or twice on the way to Florida, but I think we would intercept. While they might get a few hits here and there. We would totally envelope them with more smart bombs and guided ordinance that they would never get an offensive force off their own soil. The subs would slip in first, then the stealths, then out and out plummage. What scares me is after we backed out of Iraq too soon, would we go overboard just to be sure the job was done? Just how ugly do the terrorists want it?

Lebell 03-18-2004 12:44 AM

Unlike the Spanish, I don't vote according to what terrorists want.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I'll make up my own mind.

Pacifier 03-18-2004 01:34 AM


Unlike the Spanish, I don't vote according to what terrorists want.
Bah! This statement is just ridiculous.
Spain voted against a lying goverment, a goverment that told them the ETA was resposible although they already knew it wasn't true. A goverment that was planning a putsch to stay in power, a goverment that went into a war noone in spain ever wanted.
it is the same as with france and the "axis of weasels" as soon as some nation practices democracy and express their own opinion, america starts the namecalling.

Lebell 03-18-2004 02:01 AM


Originally posted by Pacifier
Bah! This statement is just ridiculous.
Spain voted against a lying goverment, a goverment that told them the ETA was resposible although they already knew it wasn't true. A goverment that was planning a putsch to stay in power, a goverment that went into a war noone in spain ever wanted.
it is the same as with france and the "axis of weasels" as soon as some nation practices democracy and express their own opinion, america starts the namecalling.


The race was neck and neck and *just* before the election this attack?


Originally posted by Pacifier
it is the same as with france and the "axis of weasels" as soon as some nation practices democracy and express their own opinion, america starts the namecalling.
And you can direct that elsewhere, especially since I didn't call any country or it's citizens names.

So I raise your "Bah!" with a "Feh!"

lordjeebus 03-18-2004 02:33 AM


Originally posted by Lebell

The race was neck and neck and *just* before the election this attack?

I think his point is that, had the Spanish government reacted to the attack differently (ie. not immediately blaming ETA and ruling out Al-Qaeda without evidence), the voters may have voted differently. That is, their reaction may not have been to the attack, but to the way the government responded. (I think it's a bit of both -- terrorists and a poor government reaction)

Imagine if on September 11th Bush immediately blamed the attacks on some domestic militia, even after Al-Qaeda took responsibility. I think everyone would be pretty incredulous and/or suspicious.

Pacifier 03-18-2004 02:36 AM


Originally posted by Lebell
The race was neck and neck and *just* before the election this attack?
The attacks showed what this spainish goverment was about, it brought back the lies it told during the iraq war.
the attacks didn't chanced the election, the actions of the conservative goverment did.

Superbelt 03-18-2004 04:25 AM


I disagree. Is the Iranian Aircraft carrier steaming to the Gulf of Mexico? Maybe the Saudi KC135 can refuel their F-15s once or twice on the way to Florida, but I think we would intercept. While they might get a few hits here and there. We would totally envelope them with more smart bombs and guided ordinance that they would never get an offensive force off their own soil. The subs would slip in first, then the stealths, then out and out plummage. What scares me is after we backed out of Iraq too soon, would we go overboard just to be sure the job was done? Just how ugly do the terrorists want it?
Sorry, I guess I didn't make it clear.
I don't mean military contingents of the arab nations would be coming to america to wage war.
I mean the war would come to America in the form of individuals smuggling themselves in to set off bombs, poison water supplies, release biological agents in stadiums and attempts to smuggle nuclear warheads into a large city... etc.

filtherton 03-18-2004 06:28 AM


Originally posted by Lebell
Unlike the Spanish, I don't vote according to what terrorists want.

Another proud supporter of john kerry.:lol:

dy156 03-18-2004 07:52 AM

Brer' Rabbit- "Please, Please don't send me to the briar patch!"


Terrorists- "Please Please don't elect John Kerry!"

shakran 03-18-2004 08:06 AM


Originally posted by dy156
Brer' Rabbit- "Please, Please don't send me to the briar patch!"


Terrorists- "Please Please don't elect John Kerry!"

And who would fall for the briar patch today? Of COURSE the terrorists want Bush in office. For over 2 years he's been making a lot of noise about eradicating them, and has never come close. And when he DOES do something, he goes after the wrong guys. Shoot, they're much safer under Bush than under someone else who would see the terrorists attacking us, and then go after the terrorists rather than going after a country he holds a grudge against.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-18-2004 08:22 AM


Originally posted by Paq

ever stop to think that compromise isn't weakness, just levelheaded thinking?

I'm seriously not trying to talk down to anyone, but you and others like you in your nickelodeon diplomacy don't get it. These ass clowns don't want compromise and they don't want peace, all they want is death and destruction. They want the fall of western civilization, and to see the ultimate removal of the evil zionists and the great white satan.

pan6467 03-18-2004 08:46 AM


Originally posted by Lebell

So I raise your "Bah!" with a "Feh!"

Not the wicked "Feh!"

To be honest I don't know what to think of this article. Since 9/11 we have been good about terrorists and were before that. But to some degree we are giving up more civil rights and we do live in fear whether we admit it or not.

The only true way to end this in my opinion is to leave the Arab world alone. To tell Isreal we'll support them only in defense and that they must give equal rights to all citizens. Tell the Arabs that as long as they leave Isreal alone we will not in any way interfere with thier country.

Then we work on alternative fuels and get away from oil.

I know it's unrealistic and the rantings of a madman........... but why? Isreal claims to be innocent of all this hatred, that the Arabs are doing it all.

The Arabs say the same about Isreal.

I say if Isreal minds thier business gives equal rights to all including the Palastinians the Arabs have nothing to yell about.

If the Arabs leave Isreal alone and punish their own if someone transgresses. Again, noone has anything to yell about.


filtherton 03-18-2004 03:48 PM


Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I'm seriously not trying to talk down to anyone, but you and others like you in your nickelodeon diplomacy don't get it. These ass clowns don't want compromise and they don't want peace, all they want is death and destruction. They want the fall of western civilization, and to see the ultimate removal of the evil zionists and the great white satan.
You left out the fact that they want bush to be the next president of the united states of america. There are many people who would probably put a two term bush on the same list as "death and destruction" and "fall of western civilization".

Islamofascists (heh.) like bush because he is coming close to paving the way for iraq to become the islamist state that obl always dreamed it could be. On top of that, he's doing it in the name of the war where we're supposed to be hunting for obl and his ilk.

iccky 03-18-2004 06:41 PM

I'm of the opinion that if we let the terrorists influence our decision in the presidential race, then they have already won.

But seriously. The terorists want to start WWIII. They can't do this by themselves. The only way to do it is to provoke us to do something stupid. Then people get angry at our stupid action that kills civilians, embarasses islam, etc and support the terrorists. Seeing the terrorist's strength, we are more likley to do something stupid, causeing a ton of tdamage and further strengthing the terrorists. The result... WWIII.

The terrorists probablly think Bush is more likley to do something stupid. So they probably want Bush to win. But they might be wrong. So it doesn't really matter.

matthew330 03-18-2004 07:45 PM

But seriously, the terrorists can't start WWIII, they don't have the capability. I think we all agree there is a significant population of people who are whack job islamic extremists that are making pretty damn good use of the only thing they have available to them. Scare the crap out of a few weak minded countries with a few bombings, and create tension amongst the countries of the relatively civilized world.

matthew330 03-18-2004 07:52 PM

so know you know OBL's dreams filtherton...congratulations, pretty impressive.

filtherton 03-18-2004 07:57 PM

And you know his capabilities. Maybe the intelligence industry should tap us in the war on terror.

Zeld2.0 03-18-2004 09:03 PM

Yeah gotta love how everyone here is suddenly an 'expert' on terrorism, terrorists, and what they are thinking.

Gee, why need a CIA when they can just ask us!

Boo 03-18-2004 09:15 PM


Originally posted by Superbelt
Sorry, I guess I didn't make it clear.
I don't mean military contingents of the arab nations would be coming to america to wage war.
I mean the war would come to America in the form of individuals smuggling themselves in to set off bombs, poison water supplies, release biological agents in stadiums and attempts to smuggle nuclear warheads into a large city... etc.

You did, but what would really happen if these people were out in the streets doing this sort of thing? Martial law? National Guard monitoring movement. State militia and armed citizens shooting anyone that even looks like a terrorist? Stadiums would be full of terrorist suspects. Yes, we would lose some people, but we would suffer minimally compared to the homelands of the terrorists.

Nothing that a few thousand terrorists could do comes close to what 1 each 1959 B-52 could do to a country the size of Iraq. Cruise missiles with tactical nukes.

filtherton 03-19-2004 06:06 AM


Originally posted by Zeld2.0
Yeah gotta love how everyone here is suddenly an 'expert' on terrorism, terrorists, and what they are thinking.

Gee, why need a CIA when they can just ask us!

It wouldn't be much of a discussion if everyone was like, "Well, i guess i don't really know enough to comment". Even though it would be the truth.

Paq 03-19-2004 02:39 PM


Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I'm seriously not trying to talk down to anyone, but you and others like you in your nickelodeon diplomacy don't get it. These ass clowns don't want compromise and they don't want peace, all they want is death and destruction. They want the fall of western civilization, and to see the ultimate removal of the evil zionists and the great white satan.

and lemme guess, you'll be glad to give them all the death and destruction they want...

Support bush, eternal war for eternal peace. There is even an instruction manual on it by Orwell.

sorry, i really have nothing relevant to say other than that. Everything else is just obscenities.
I just honestly cannot understand how someone can see the answer to this as "let's blow them up" Sure, i'd love to "blow up" the real terrorists, but bush and co aren't even attempting that...

losthellhound 03-19-2004 03:01 PM

Hmmmm another mention of 1984. As a side note, I'd love to see how many times media has referenced 1984 in relation to the war on terror(ism) (I refuse to call it the war on terror because terror isnt what the US is fighting.. They cause it, they are a part of it, but you can't fight an emotion, you can only try to stop the causes of the emotion)

Paq 03-19-2004 08:52 PM

I was thinking about that as well. I only read 1984 in 1997 or 98 or so, and was blown away by it. I look at today, 2004, and see far too many similarities as i am going to assume most of the "elite media (bill oreilly term)" sees.

Kinda scary, but i read ta least one or two instances of 1984 mentionings a day...minimum. it'll be on everything from cnn to faux news to msnbc to the daily show to just bill maher to just random spots or else i'll overhear it.

so yeah, i'm with ya, i would hate to know how many times it's mentioned in a day here...

hammer4all 03-19-2004 09:35 PM

RE: Terrorists Endorse Bush. FOR REAL.
Don't cave into terrorists' demands. Vote out Bush!

Mojo_PeiPei 03-19-2004 11:11 PM


Originally posted by Paq
and lemme guess, you'll be glad to give them all the death and destruction they want...

Support bush, eternal war for eternal peace. There is even an instruction manual on it by Orwell.

sorry, i really have nothing relevant to say other than that. Everything else is just obscenities.
I just honestly cannot understand how someone can see the answer to this as "let's blow them up" Sure, i'd love to "blow up" the real terrorists, but bush and co aren't even attempting that...

Its unrealistic to address what everyone refers to as the "root of terrorism". Please could someone inform how they plan to challenge a set of ideals passed on by a backwards repressive religion, fostered in a culture that hasn't changed since the dawn of time. America is not now, nor in the past, done/doing ourselves any favors in how we deal with these people. We are not the problem, it just doesn't help that we got in bed with the STD-ridden Mid East, because now we have Ganasphyilaids.

So I'll have to say this again, maybe it will finally register with some of you people out there. We are dealing with Sociopaths. These people are not rational human beings, and there is no dealing with them, there is no talking to them. All they know is the way of the sword, so I will oblige them and let them die by it.

Zeld2.0 03-20-2004 03:37 PM

Yeah because you know every terrorist out there right?

Look at those Americans who have felt wronged enough to fight back/bomb - not all are sociopaths, many are misguided.

Please stop trying to be experts on others - and i question if your idea of killign them all makes you one also? Obviously you show little compassion for them... oh wait, because suddenly we're automatically qualified experts we are better.

Just take a step back and look for a bit

Mojo_PeiPei 03-20-2004 06:11 PM


Originally posted by Zeld2.0
Yeah because you know every terrorist out there right?

Look at those Americans who have felt wronged enough to fight back/bomb - not all are sociopaths, many are misguided.

Please stop trying to be experts on others - and i question if your idea of killign them all makes you one also? Obviously you show little compassion for them... oh wait, because suddenly we're automatically qualified experts we are better.

Just take a step back and look for a bit

Anyone who knowingly and willing kills civilian non-combantants is a sociopath. And yes I do know every terrorist out there, they are scum and they are not worthy of compassion.

tecoyah 03-20-2004 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Anyone who knowingly and willing kills civilian non-combantants is a sociopath. And yes I do know every terrorist out there, they are scum and they are not worthy of compassion.
OK.............interesting take on human psycology.

Question, christians killing abortion doctors, terrorists?
Shall we now kill all christians?

Drug dealers, killing other drug dealers, terrorists?
Shall we now kill all drug dealers?

Governments, killing thousands of civilians in wartime, terrorists?
Shall we overthrow the leaders?

Isreal, assasinating palestinian leaders, terrorists?
Tactical nuke should clear that right up.

Terrorism is relative to the observer, and a very difficult line must be drawn. While I agree that some fraction of terrorist groups are completely insane , and cannot be apeased. Simply destroying anything WE consider "evil" is only going to make some borderline factions, fanatic.
Much of the violence, we have created ourselves as the richest, most powerful, and one of the most corrupt nations on earth. We need to create the path to freedom from terrorism, with a strong hand, and a fair mind.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-20-2004 10:50 PM

Christians are not indoctrinated with hate as the Muslims are... Abortion doctor killers are murders, I wish you wouldn't attempt to blur the lines. There is a big difference between people who fly planes into civilian structures MURDER 3,000 people, the same people that target hotels housing civilians, the same people that target buses carrying civilians, then those that are straight nuts and shoot one/two people. Am I sensing a pattern? Drug dealers have nothing to do with this so we will forget them, besides the fact that in some cases they aid "the cause". Israel has every right to defend itself, especially when it comes to the fucks of Hamas and Al Aqsa or any other group of punk ass bitches that willing targets INNOCENT CIVILIAN MEN,WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. The State has the responsiblility of protecting its sovereign, at any and all costs. It deeply pains me that anyone would think otherwise. Israel is not the sole entity to blame. You limo cab, soup kitchen, bleeding heart liberals need a serious reality check... open your fucking eyes!

filtherton 03-20-2004 11:40 PM


Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Christians are not indoctrinated with hate as the Muslims are
Hold on, are you saying that all muslims are indoctrinated in hate? Aren't you the same guy who likes to stick people with the label "christaphobe" whenever they dare question the integrity of christianity? Need i point out that the majority of muslims have not, in fact, made known their intentions to destroy america?


... Abortion doctor killers are murders, I wish you wouldn't attempt to blur the lines.
I think that you're the one blurring the lines with statements such as:


Anyone who knowingly and willing kills civilian non-combantants is a sociopath. And yes I do know every terrorist out there, they are scum and they are not worthy of compassion.

Christians are not indoctrinated with hate as the Muslims are

You limo cab, soup kitchen, bleeding heart liberals need a serious reality check... open your fucking eyes!
You forgot "volvo driving" "latte sipping" and "america hating". Or did i just miss the memo on the new anti-liberal conservative buzzwords?

Please don't come in here waving sweeping generalizations and then tell somebody to "open your fucking eyes" when they take the time to point out your innaccuracies.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-20-2004 11:58 PM

Muslims are indoctrinated with hate. Go to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Palestine, Pakistan, Afganistan, Iran, Yemen, Lebanon, Syria, and Indonesia. Christians are not the problem. Nor are any christians causing problems anywhere near the same scale as Muslims. Get serious.

Paq 03-21-2004 12:03 AM

and yet..you wonder why they may hate people who think like you think, mojo

tecoyah 03-21-2004 03:49 AM

So.........interesting take on terrorism.

Question, from your reply, I guess the abortion doctor killers are off the terrorist list?

It would seem that your interpretation of terrorist, is simply.....Muslim.

This does shed some light on your motivations for such seething hatred and violence, religious bigotry. It would seem you are as guilty as those you condemn, in your blind hatred for an entire group of people.
Still, you are entitled to your beliefs, just as all others are(note the lack of silly name calling). My opinion would be.....that it is this very mentality that is slowly destroying the country I love.
And since it is also this mentality that perpetuates the violence in the first place, we could simply use your own logic, hows this.

The violence in your beliefs will likely be filfilled in the future, by the leadership of the United States. This will lead to further attacks against civilians in retribution. You are in full support of said actions. You are partially responsible for the deaths of thousands. You are a terrorist.

Before you slip into the defensive, and call me more silly names, realize this was an exersize into the flow of your logic, NOT an attack on you as a person.

Mojo_PeiPei 03-21-2004 09:55 AM

Thats fair, whatever make it an attack on me as a person. I'm not letting the abortion doctor killers off, and I'm willing to concede that they are engaging in a form of civic terrorism. Also I am not condemning Islam or all Muslims. All I've ever said is that as a whole, their culture and mindset buys into the shit they are fed. As a whole they are indoctrinated with hate against the west and against Israel, or at least to a very alarming and very real and dangerous level.

I seriously don't get how you people think. Granted I would be quick to get into a fight, I honestly think you people are cowards. What do you do when dealing with a bully, do you invite him over to play tea? No. You give him a swift kick in the nuts, and then another swift kick in the stomach when he's down. You show that fuck that you're not going to take his shit, and if he tries anything he'll wish that he wouldn't have. Hell preemption even works. Would it surprise you guys that the US government teamed up with the mafia back in WWII to keep the gestapo(sp) out of American harbors? Sometimes you have to play rough, sometimes you have to do things that are unsavoury, lord knows there would be nothing stopping the likes of OBL or the sort from taking any shot or leg up he could get.

In the long run violence won't fix the solution. But catering and making concessions sure as hell won't either, ever short or long term.

filtherton 03-21-2004 10:04 AM

Whatever. How can you talk about courage sitting safely in minnesota screaming for someone else to fight your wars?

Mojo_PeiPei 03-21-2004 11:38 AM

Cause I'm an arm chair commander!

Zeld2.0 03-21-2004 05:39 PM

Oh so easy to sit back and talk

Dostoevsky 03-25-2004 10:59 PM

I'm dumber for having read this.

Paq 03-26-2004 11:17 AM

i don't know if that's possible Dostoevsky

*totally joking* :)

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