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-   -   where are you on the political compass? (https://thetfp.com/tfp/tilted-politics/38910-where-you-political-compass.html)

happyraul 12-12-2003 12:16 PM

where are you on the political compass?
go to http://www.politicalcompass.org/ and click on the test on the left side and post your scores....

I got...
Economic Left/Right: -6.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.85

Liquor Dealer 12-12-2003 12:38 PM

Re: where are you on the political compass?
Economic Left/Right: -.03
Libertian/Authoritarian: -1.76

Ustwo 12-12-2003 12:40 PM


Been there done that :)

Lebell 12-12-2003 02:33 PM

Always interesting to check once in awhile:

Economic Left/Right: -0.75
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.28

Mephisto2 12-12-2003 02:59 PM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -8.25
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36


I'm surprised at the strength of the "libertarian" score, as I consider myself a democratic socialist (or social democrat at it's more popular to call it now).


Silly, but fun

Mr Mephisto

ninety09 12-12-2003 03:00 PM

Economic Left/Right: -5.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.87

Pretty accurate

Ustwo 12-12-2003 03:12 PM


Originally posted by Mr Mephisto

I'm surprised at the strength of the "libertarian" score, as I consider myself a democratic socialist (or social democrat at it's more popular to call it now).

Mr Mephisto

I think it makes you a hippie, you expect the government to give you stuff and control everyone who works but don't want it to get in the way of free love and drugs :crazy:

sixate 12-12-2003 04:14 PM

I know I did this before, but I couldn't find my score.
Did it again. I'm sure I was about the same. No big surprises here.

Economic Left/Right: 4.32
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.26

meepa 12-12-2003 04:32 PM

Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.64

Not even the Dalai Lama can catch me now!

reconmike 12-12-2003 04:45 PM

no surprise

Economic Left/Right: 5.00
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.13

ARTelevision 12-12-2003 04:50 PM

Economic Left/Right: 5.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.44

maximusveritas 12-12-2003 05:18 PM

Economic Left/Right: -5.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.92

By the way, if you didn't notice it already, the same site put up approximate positions for each of the US presidential candidates.

lordjeebus 12-12-2003 05:37 PM

Today I am

-6.12, -7.23

I feel I should be more economically right than this, but I seem a little less extreme than last time.

Conclamo Ludus 12-12-2003 06:16 PM

Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54

I'm damn close to center.

Mephisto2 12-12-2003 06:43 PM


Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54

I'm damn close to center.

You, my friend, are a politician's worst enemy.

Stop being so reasonable about everything Goddamit!


Mr Mephisto

Conclamo Ludus 12-12-2003 06:51 PM


Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
You, my friend, are a politician's worst enemy.

Stop being so reasonable about everything Goddamit!


Mr Mephisto

:D The scariest thing is that I vote in every election. And...wait for it...not third party.

Ustwo 12-12-2003 11:09 PM

I'd be interested to know how this compares with ages, but I'm not starting a 3rd thread on it :)

happyraul 12-12-2003 11:12 PM

age 21, i was in the third quadrant

Mael 12-13-2003 06:38 PM

i'm ghandi!!! oh, i'm 24.

MSD 12-13-2003 09:07 PM


Originally posted by meepa
Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.64

Not even the Dalai Lama can catch me now!

But I can :)

Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36

Conclamo Ludus 12-15-2003 08:09 AM


Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54

I'm damn close to center.

Age 25

Superbelt 12-15-2003 08:14 AM

Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.64


rgr22j 12-15-2003 08:41 AM

Economic Left/Right: 1.00
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.31

-- Alvin

Mephisto2 12-15-2003 12:55 PM


Originally posted by Ustwo
I think it makes you a hippie, you expect the government to give you stuff and control everyone who works but don't want it to get in the way of free love and drugs :crazy:
But you see, that's the thing.

I'm NOT a hippie.

I believe in a strong social welfare system. I would gladly pay more taxes for a better, state subsidized health system, better education. In effect, I'm a socialist who believes in democracy...


Mr Mephisto

PS - and my shaved head just doesn't jive with the hippy moniker!

tdoc 12-21-2003 08:18 PM

Economic -2.38
Libertarian -4.63

Actually, I think of myself more in the Tony Blair-Shroeder area.

irseg 12-21-2003 08:32 PM

Age 21, 8.00/-1.28

silent_jay 12-22-2003 08:06 PM

Economic Left/Right: -5.50
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21


irseg 12-23-2003 10:48 AM

Looking through these, it's no damn wonder my taxes are so high!!

Ustwo 12-23-2003 11:25 AM


Originally posted by irseg
Looking through these, it's no damn wonder my taxes are so high!!
Laugh, no kidding.

veloce 12-23-2003 03:19 PM

Economic Left/Right: 3.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.26

bunjamin 12-24-2003 05:04 AM


Originally posted by irseg
Looking through these, it's no damn wonder my taxes are so high!!
Yes, because our elected officials are obviously representative of those who posted here. I find it funny that with a conservative (read Republican) legislature, and a conservative president, you can still find room to bitch about taxes. Republican legislators must be awfully ineffectual if they have not been able to put your skyrocketing tax bills back on a leash.

Age 25

ObieX 12-24-2003 06:08 PM

Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97

^--------copy/paste from the other thread

archer2371 12-24-2003 07:50 PM

Economic Left/Right: 4.88
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 3.44

Age 18, no real surprises for me, I'm right inbetween Tony Blair, John Howard, and Silvio Berlusconi.

Mojo_PeiPei 12-24-2003 11:32 PM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -2.88
Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.15

age 18

debaser 12-26-2003 11:21 AM

Economic Left/Right: -.05
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.05

Strange Famous 12-27-2003 02:47 PM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.03


Ustwo 12-27-2003 02:55 PM

Strange Famous you have GOT to be joking. I tried to make myself as wacky liberal as I could and I only managed a -8 -10.

Strange Famous 12-27-2003 03:02 PM

No, Im not joking, I answered the questions honestly.

To be honest, some of them like "should women be allowed to have abortions?" or "is it wrong to be gay?" seemed to be jokes to me, I couldnt think that anyone could feel anything else on at least 1/4 of the Q's.

rogue49 12-27-2003 03:46 PM

Economic Left/Right: -1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.05

Age: 36

Sounds good to me...slightly left, fairly libertarian.
Near Gandhi, The Dali Lama & Nelson Mandela...hmm...nice company. :)

Sparhawk 12-29-2003 03:47 AM

Economic Left/Right: -3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.51

westothemax 12-30-2003 04:18 AM

Economic Left/Right: -2.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.23

I remember taking this before, and I used to be closer to the dalai lama.

madp 12-31-2003 04:50 PM

Economic Left/Right: 5.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.03

Age 36

Carlo Marx 01-03-2004 10:26 PM

Economic Left/Right: -3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.54


PeaceFrog 01-14-2004 05:31 PM

Economic Left/Right: -6.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.10

nanofever 01-14-2004 06:43 PM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -7.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.56

Age 18

I really should move to Norway for a year during college, just to see what a social democrat paradise is like.

feelgood 01-14-2004 07:41 PM

Economic Left/Right -1.50
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.36

Candide 01-15-2004 09:58 AM

Pretty much a Ghandi Libertarian/Socialist. Hmmm, I've always thought of myself as more of an Anarchist (the George Woodcock variety - outgrow the need for a state, rather than overthrow it).

Some of the questions were more a question of empirical fact, rather than opinion, though.

Paq 01-16-2004 12:43 AM

Economic Left/Right: -6.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.90

age: 26

Also, be glad you pay high taxes, that generally means you make enough to be able to pay high taxes. Heck, sometimes i barely make enough to pay anything...I'd gladly move up to the bracket that pays %40-50 of their income to taxes...

drown_with_me 01-16-2004 01:04 PM

Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.41

Age: 27

hlprmnky 01-17-2004 11:47 AM

Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59

Age: 28

Wow! I've only got two years left to effect a change of some five points, lest I run afoul of the Curse of Churchill! :p

Strange Famous 01-17-2004 12:10 PM


Originally posted by Strange Famous
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.03


Looks like Im still the furthest left of you all!

hlprmnky 01-17-2004 12:34 PM


Originally posted by Ustwo
I think it makes you a hippie, you expect the government to give you stuff and control everyone who works but don't want it to get in the way of free love and drugs :crazy:
Ustwo: I apologize in advance if the above statement was meant as a specific observation about Mr Mephisto based on your knowledge of him and/or his posting history. It reads more like a generalization about the raw numerical scores he posted, and my reply treats it as such. :)

Speaking solely for myself (-5.25, -5.59), I would say that your blinders must make it hard to get around. :D

I don't expect the government to "give me stuff" or "control everyone who works"; I do believe that there are things which are vitally important to the maintenance of a democratic society (roads, national defense, and good public schools, to name three off the top of my head), but for which no viable profit model exists. I also believe that any organization which explicitly claims 'make the most money possible' as its sole criterion for decision making (cf. publicly-traded companies) requires some sort of oversight (e.g., I don't trust them :D). Despite the fact that I think capitalism is far and away the best economic model we've come up with yet, I guess this makes me a "socialist".

And as for the "drugs and free love", again your characterization misses the point. What I personally feel about drug use or premarital sex or homosexuality has nothing to do with my conviction that none of these things are any of the government's damned business. So long as a person doesn't break any laws (property crime, murder, rape, etc.), what they put in their body, or what of their body they put in other people's, should not in any way be the subject of invasive, humiliating, not to mention *costly*, government oversight and interference. I guess that makes me a "hippie", in your eyes, but I certainly disagree.

Willy 01-17-2004 01:45 PM


Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
Economic Left/Right: 1.12
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.54

I'm damn close to center.

I'm even closer.

Economic Left/Right: 0.0
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -.62

Never knew I was so moderate. I guess I should have made more use of the "strongly" options hehe.

Xell101 01-17-2004 09:13 PM

Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.69

Economic Left/Right: -1.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.15

Scipio 01-18-2004 11:03 PM

Economic Left/Right: 0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.69

Center libertarian! And a bit to the right even! And this from a solid democrat that would like to expand government! Oh the humanity!

mystix 01-19-2004 07:16 AM

good one, i'm exactly the same place as ghandi

Strange Famous 05-10-2005 10:43 PM

Economic Left/Right: -8.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.18

they say as you get older you become more right wing, and it shows Im becoming more conservative :( :(

MSD 05-11-2005 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
But I can :)

Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.36

Economic Left/Right: 0.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.67

Election 2004 map
Is it any wonder that I feel poorly represented in politics?

Janey 05-11-2005 04:32 AM

Wow! I feel normal!

Economic Left/Right: -1.88
Libertian/Authoritarian: -3.18

Charlatan 05-11-2005 04:43 AM

This is about where I was the last time I did this test. Not too surprised.

Economic Left/Right: -6.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.49

I find it facinating that the so-called left candidate, John Kerry is really not all that different from Bush.

I further find it interesting that Nader is truly the American alternative (he's much more in line with the political positioning of say, Northern Europe or the left Canada than anything else that is happening in the US...


djtestudo 05-11-2005 07:58 AM

Your political compass:

Economic Left/Right: 3.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15

Every time I take the test that's about where I get it.

hrandani 05-11-2005 09:51 AM

Economic Left/Right: -8.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.38

I was left of Ghandi. And Stalin I think : x

Age 19

MSD 05-11-2005 09:52 AM

I really wish there was a third axis for foreign policy beliefs, but this is a good way to make comparisons.

Paq 05-11-2005 10:33 AM

Economic Left/Right: -8.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.46

near gandhi, mandela and the dalai lama...I feel i'm in good company :)

Mojo_PeiPei 05-11-2005 11:24 AM


Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 0.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.36

host 05-11-2005 11:27 AM

I want a world that doesn't justify illegal miltary action "sometimes",
doesn't try to dictate who can or cannot have an abortion, favors stockholders or "businessmen" vs. the rest of us, doesn't try to permit the wealthy to go to the "head of the line" to buy organ transplants, doesn't try to prohibit the "queers" from adopting children or from a legal union, doesn't try to dictate permissible behavior in my bedroom, doesn't believe that "those" people should keep to themselves, doesn't try to cram an "official religion" down my throat.

And for those opinions, I am branded:

Economic Left/Right: -8.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.21

go figure..............

flstf 05-11-2005 12:48 PM

Economic Left/Right: 0.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00

pan6467 05-11-2005 01:13 PM

Economic Left/Right: -8.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.00

I didn't think I was so far left.

roachboy 05-11-2005 02:08 PM

that's funny. as a result of answering a sequence of often really stupid questions, i was positioned to the left of the dalai lama. i have no idea what that means.

Economic Left/Right: -9.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.79

keyshawn 05-11-2005 03:27 PM

[age 18]

Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.87

A bit more left than I had originally thought. I agree that the compass had few, if any questions, on foreign policy/war.

meembo 05-12-2005 08:59 AM

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82

Just a little more libertarian than Gandhi, I guess.

Some people's scores are a little surprising! Got to read their posts more carefully....

bigwolf 05-12-2005 09:09 AM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.21

middle of the road radical.. thats me!

The_wall 05-12-2005 10:52 AM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.82

I don't post here often but read this forum a lot.

soundmotor 05-12-2005 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by veloce
Economic Left/Right: 3.62
Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.26

Wow, 3.75/0.31 for me.

Hello kindred, pretty close within .5!


cellophanedeity 05-12-2005 04:43 PM

It seems I'm in good company in my little space.

Economic Left/Right: -4.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.90

I thought that this was an interesting statement/question:

Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all.

muckluck 05-13-2005 12:10 PM

Economic Left/Right: -5.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.67

:) I have long hair, and listen to the Beatles... just thought you should know. I don't call myself a hippie though.

Daniel_ 05-13-2005 12:34 PM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -5.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.95

Like Paq, I'm near Ghandi and the Dalai Lama. Good company indeed. :D

MSD 05-13-2005 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by cellophanedeity
I thought that this was an interesting statement/question:

Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all.

Many totalitarian leaders have criticized abstract art and at times had it destroyed along with intellectual institutions like universities. Agreeing with the statement that it shouldn't be considered art indicates a tendency to want to impose personal views on others and dictate not only their actions, but their thoughts.

That's one of my favorite questions on the test, along with these:

"It's a sad reflection on our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product."

"The prime function of schooling should be to equip the future generation to find jobs."

"When you are troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things."

"Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried."

"The businessman and the manufacturer are more important than the writer and the artist."

host 05-13-2005 10:08 PM


"Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all."

"Although the electronic age makes official surveillance easier, only wrongdoers need to be worried."
If you selected "agree" to either of the above two questions from the survey, did you consider, before answering, that you would be agreeing to cede the decision making authority as to what constitutes "art that doesn't represent anything", and "wrongdoers" to unknown entities of unknown qualification and integrity, operating in the confines of unknown criteria, if they disclose any criteria at all, or adhere to what they do disclose?

I cannot support the death penalty because I am not confident that the integrity of the officials charged with overseeing the process of selecting the guilty candidates for execution, is at a high enough level to consistantly mete out justice with accuracy. The former governor Ryan of Illinois seemed to make a similar observation a few years ago. He then emptied the death row cells and suspended the death penalty in Illinois. Why are so many other governors unwilling to ask the same questions, or are willing to accept a lower level of justice and accuracy?

"I still believe the death penalty is a proper response to heinous crimes," Ryan said "But I want to make sure ... that the person who is put to death is absolutely guilty
Do people in Illinois care more about the integrity of their justice system for capital crimes in Illinois than they do in Texas? Why was the Illinois governor going through such a different process regarding decisions on approving execution warrants than Texas governor Bush was, simultaneously, in 1999? Why is the Texas legislature still refusing to react to lessons learned in Illinois?

Does the process that leads to the "left" or the "right" boil down to the "devil" being in the "details" vs. the ends justifying the means?

May 13, 2005, 10:33PM
Death penalty study offers tips to Texas
Legislation that would've included suggestions fails

To minimize the risk of innocent people being sentenced to death, Texas should work to establish public defender's offices, independent crime labs and other safeguards, an organization that represents death row inmates recommends.

In a study released Thursday, the Texas Defender Service studied the recommendations of an Illinois commission appointed to study its death penalty after a moratorium in 2000 and compared them with the Texas justice system.

"Texas failed to comply with 80 percent of the best practices identified in Illinois," said Andrea Keilen, deputy director of the Defender Service and one of the study's authors.
The process that each of us uses to conclude, arrive at a conclusion, is by it's nature, a process designed to end with the reaching of a decision. Is "left" or "right" reduced to a matter of the complexity of the decision making processes of the survey participants?

I hope others will share the thought process that they went through to answer the "abstract art" and "wrongdoers" questions. I hope that it will help us to better understand our differences of opinion and philosphy.

Gilda 05-13-2005 10:58 PM

Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.28

I'm in almost exactly the same place as the Dalai Lama. Not sure what to make of that.

This is like one of those "masculine feminine" tests. There are some questions that I couldn't figure out what the left / right or lib / auth position was supposed to be, though I did answer all question honestly.

For example, the abstract art, or the bottled water questions, can't quite grasp what those are guaging. The abstract art can't be economic, but I can't see whether it's supposed to be libertarian or authoritarian. If I say abstract art is art, I'm imposing my opinion on it, but the same is true if I say it isn't art; both positions seem to be libertarian.

Pacifier 05-14-2005 04:04 AM

Economic Left/Right: -6.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.44
age: 29

aKula 05-14-2005 04:39 AM

Economic Left/Right: -2.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74
I find that it only give a very general idea of where I stand on the political compass. Many people have more 'precise' and honed thoughts on many issues that such a scale cannot disply accuratly. Still fun nonetheless.

MSD 05-17-2005 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Gilda
For example, the abstract art, or the bottled water questions, can't quite grasp what those are guaging. The abstract art can't be economic, but I can't see whether it's supposed to be libertarian or authoritarian. If I say abstract art is art, I'm imposing my opinion on it, but the same is true if I say it isn't art; both positions seem to be libertarian.

Theart quesiton has nothing to do with what you think abou tthe art, it has to do with your opinion toward others' views on it. Anyone who states that abstract art should not be considered art is demonstrating an authoritarian tendency to dictate what others should think. I can't find it on the FAQ or other areas, but there used to be an explanation given stating that Hitler and Stalin, among others, restricted art and trashed the abstract stuff and called it a waste of time (and sometimes had the artists killed.)

Those who see the sale of bottled water as unfortunate are likely to be economically liberal (collectivist) because people of that school of thought tend to believe that something necessary to sustain life should be free rather than a commodity. Others (myself included) see that there is plenty of cheap water, and wish that we got to the idea first because we don't feel at all bad providing a product or service that, while scientifically proven to be useless, generates significant amounts of honest, legitimate revenue.

If anyone else is wondering about any of the questions, I've gone over it several times and can tell you fairly accurately where a certain question lies on the spectrum.

Nimetic 05-18-2005 05:18 PM

Economic Left/Right: -4.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.51

kramus 05-24-2005 07:21 PM

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.21

age 47

I don't know where that puts me - I couldn't give myself scenarios that would fit the real world to those numbers.

But hot diggity dawg, did I ever enjoy the outdoor Come Together annual May 24 long weekend hippy campout festival in Waterford Ontario :)

analog 05-24-2005 09:49 PM

Economic Left/Right: -1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.01


What in the hell does being almost completely dead-center mean? Does that mean I just don't give a shit one way or the other? Or are my opinions just so fucked-up-jumbled that I don't indentify with anyone?

cyrnel 05-24-2005 11:03 PM

Uh... -5.88/-2.41
Looking at their examples, I think I killed Gandhi.
That surprises me.

I noticed I alternated in treatment of some questions, but didn't have the patience to be very careful. This one deserves a retake after sleep.

MoonDog 05-25-2005 02:40 PM

Economic Left/Right: 0.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.95

Whatever the hell that means...

Elphaba 06-02-2005 01:35 PM

Economic Left/Right: -1.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.79

It it appears that I am the polar opposite of GWB. I'm simply...shocked. :D

kandayin 06-07-2005 06:14 PM

I got
Economic Left/ Right: -4.72
libertarian/ Authoritarian: -9.48
in June 2003

And I got
Economic Left/Right: 5.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.44

I guess the French welfare state fails definitely at getting me hooked up to it.

dy156 06-14-2005 09:56 PM

for those interested, I'm:
Ecomomic (right) 4.25
Social (libertarian) -1.54

back almost two years ago, I was 4.21 right, -1.74 down.
Questions were still silly, but I'm glad I am consistent.

stevo 06-15-2005 05:03 AM

Economic Left/Right: 4.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.56


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