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Tman144 10-21-2003 06:17 PM

Which country is most likly to be attacked next?
I have a bet that Syria is next on our "kill" list, but what do you think?

SofaKing 10-21-2003 06:45 PM

Can't we just mind our own bussiness? There is no reason for us to go out and get our soldiers killed in petty conflicts. Could you add a "none of the above" option or something to your poll?

pocon1 10-21-2003 08:03 PM

Why France, they are still a democracy even if they get a little pissy. They are not actually a threat to us or to general world instability. At least with the other nations you might be able to argue that they pose some sort of a threat. But if Bush Brings forth evidence like he did for Iraq, I won't accept it this time. Lets finish Iraq because we are already there, but we better have some real reasons to go somewhere else.

Tman144 10-21-2003 08:09 PM

If you want none of the above, you could just pick France. I put most likly because there may be a possibility we'll stop at Iraq.

TrogDor 10-21-2003 08:43 PM

I voted N Korea, but im not sure. I think the US is scared they will use they're alleged Nuclear Weapons. Maybe they'll show some balls though and do something about them.

JamesS 10-21-2003 09:03 PM

I voted for Syria which, along with Iran, are the only two serious targets on the list.

Saudi Arabia will not be invaded, in my opinion - our interests are too intertwined with the Saudis. Frankly, it is unlikely a president of either party will have the political will to call the Saudis to task for anything signifigant in the foreseeable future. Keep in mind we went to war partly for the Saudi's sake only a decade ago.

North Korea is a danger, of course, but one which we can only combat through deterrance. We simply do not have the man power, short of a draft, to mount an invasion of N. Korea. The N. Koreans know this, which is why their talk of a "non-agression" pact with the US is a screen for renewed economic aid in excahange for nuclear 'concessions'. Two thirds of our active forces and about two fifths of our reserves are currently tied up elsewhere, and not just in Iraq.

France - very funny. Hypothetically, however, if we were to attempt an invasion of France, I think you'd see at least the EU nations and others ally against us, wreaking a terrible toll on our economy through sanctions if not through military alliance.

The other two are possibilites only if we can draw down troop levels to a degree in Iraq where the army can reobtain a semblance of flexibility - unlikely for at least a year. Politically, also, further war would mean the Bush admin jumping the shark, IMO, and the public turning more heavily against Bush, which is probably known the the admin.

splck 10-21-2003 09:40 PM

Maybe try a bit of diplomacy?...just a thought.

thejoker130 10-22-2003 05:36 AM

can't we all just kinda, you know, get along?

Liquor Dealer 10-22-2003 06:35 AM

I would imagine that before this all ends Syria will openly shoot itself in the foot and all hell will break loose - for a day or two - it shouldn't take any longer than a couple of days. Syria is still the biggest roadblock to settling the issues in Iraq - they are still (alledgedly) pproviding a safe have for Saddam's money if not Saddam himself.

France - maybe just because they haven't had their butt kicked in a long time and they're used to it happening on a regular basis. I can give a lot more reasons for jumping France than were given in the "clobber the US" posts.

Macheath 10-22-2003 06:51 AM

France!? Hold off a bit. I'm going to Paris in a few months. Ah, I can picture it now. Watching the victory parade down the Champs-Elysées. Dubya will wear gray, my girlfriend will wear blue.

onetime2 10-22-2003 07:22 AM

There won't be another one anytime soon.

OFKU0 10-22-2003 08:54 AM

The Americans won't attack anyone else for sometime unless they are directly attacked. They really look like a three ring circus after Iraq not to mention the 2-3 American soldiers that die everyday.

Maybe next time they will have more faith in their own intelligence services to acquire solid information rather than relying on bogus information provided by other countries to further they're own agenda.

onetime2 10-23-2003 05:06 AM

Actually, if we do enter another country in the near future, I think it will be one of the African nations where some of the terrorist leaders may be hiding.

Sun Tzu 10-23-2003 11:24 AM

Altough I think its an interesting story; I dont live my life by the beliefs of the Bible, but it seems as time goes on, everything just seems to be falling into place for Armageddon.

Tman144 10-23-2003 11:34 AM

A couple more reasons why I think Syria will be next. One, Isreal seems to chomping at the bit to blow the crap out of them for protecting some of the people who are trying to kill them. If we invade Syria next it may be just following in after Isreal get fed up with them. Two, if you want a pipeline from Iraq to the Med. sea, you have to go through Syria. Three, some of the other countries seem to be falling down the list as time goes on. Iran just won a huge U.N. vote about their nuclear program, and North Korea has something like 1.2 million troops, the fith largest army in the world.

Food Eater Lad 10-23-2003 11:36 AM

I didnt realise it was about America attacking. The title just said what nation will be attacked. Since Israel is aimming at Syria I voted for Syria, so disregard my vote as it doesnt have anything to do with the US attacking.

The_Dude 10-23-2003 11:38 AM

what is about with all these would would u like to see clobbered posts? havent we had enough?

Arc101 10-23-2003 11:45 AM

Any country that does not have WMD that Israel wants the USA to attack so Syria or Iran. Mind you I don't think Blair will go along with another war as no-one trusts him anymore, and he is getting a lot of shit from the public over Iraq.

MSD 10-27-2003 12:01 AM


Originally posted by The_Dude
what is about with all these would would u like to see clobbered posts? havent we had enough?

This isn't who do you want to see hit, it's who you think will be hit.

Phaenx 10-27-2003 12:09 AM

North Korea is a problem. I'm thinking we should level it and then give it over to South Korea.

supafly 10-27-2003 04:17 AM

Iran is definitly next on the list. Iran already has issues with the US concerning nucleair stuff.

Jesus Pimp 10-27-2003 04:32 AM

You forgot Cuba :p

Sparhawk 10-27-2003 07:49 AM

My personal judgement is that the US will be the next country to be attacked (not counting the 12 americans being killed or wounded every day in iraq, of course)

Killconey 10-27-2003 08:13 AM

I think that Iran could definitely become the next country we attack if it actively begins combating American efforts in Iraq. There has been talk about Iran opposing the US directly, but so far they haven't done anything. Also, I think that the amount of bad blood between Iran and the United States makes it more likely to be attacked.

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