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Superbelt 09-16-2003 06:55 AM

General Wesley Clark enters Democratic Primary

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Breaking News: Retired Gen. Wesley Clark decides to enter the Democratic race for president, CNN has learned. Details soon.

I would have preferred he had been partnered with Dean up front. I don't think Clark can gain enough traction on his own now. Hopefully after he loses the first couple states he starts running for VP, and he will have to run hard because it looks like Sen. Edwards is doing that exact thing already.

Any combo of Dean/Clark/Edwards would be very cool with me.

The_Dude 09-16-2003 06:57 AM


I would have preferred he had been partnered with Dean up front
that would've been sweet! my support is now torn between dean/clark. :(

Superbelt 09-16-2003 07:02 AM

yeah their problem now is they are both fighting for the same voters. It is gonna split the support and leave them both vulnerable to... Lieberman.. maybe.

So one is going to have to bow out and I don't see Clark as getting ahead of Dean anytime soon.

Superbelt 09-16-2003 07:19 AM


mr sticky 09-16-2003 07:19 AM

Being a republican, I can honestly say that Clark is the only potential opponent I fear. The dems are portrayed as merely contrary, lacking a fundamental plan ( ironically, much like arnold in calee-fournnyaaa). Clark could come out with "anti democrat establishment" warcry, and absolutely clean up. However, if he merely joins the pack, shouts the same diatribes, the vote will continue to split according to name recognition. The latter is my prediction, which means another four years.

Conclamo Ludus 09-16-2003 02:24 PM

This will make the race more interesting. Its needed some spice.

bigjule 09-16-2003 02:53 PM

If you want a good run down of the General check out Esquire a month or two ago, it really made me respect him

2wolves 09-16-2003 03:42 PM

Ol' George will have to land on every carrier in the fleet now. While stuffing a feral ferret down his flight suit this time.


maximusveritas 09-16-2003 03:56 PM

His record is outstanding, but I want to hear his positions on domestic issues. I hope he doesn't try to be like Arnold and duck all the questions.

lurkette 09-16-2003 06:31 PM


Is this the Esquire article?

JoeyB 09-16-2003 06:55 PM

I don't know exactly where he stands on certain issues, which means he'll fit right in with the other 9 Democratic candidates.

Hopefully he will continue to be as up front and honest as he has been in the past.

MuadDib 09-16-2003 08:00 PM

OH BOY! I was hoping we could get to the double digits! I always wanted one more candidate.

Seriously we don't kow jack about this guy other than he is a former military general. Lets not forget history either that tells us how great of presidents they make.

Zeld2.0 09-16-2003 08:14 PM

Then again that list of generals has its ups as well:

Washington, Jackson, Eisenhower

of course theres always Grant ;)

MuadDib 09-16-2003 08:28 PM

Actually Eisenhower and Grant were ones I was including in my un-ethusiasm towards military presidents.

lurkette 09-17-2003 04:29 PM

K, so I read the Esquire article about him, and actually he sounds pretty cool. The two things that jumped out at me about him:

1. His primary governing principle is accountability, which would be a refreshing change from this administration and the previous one.

2. He thinks in the long term, and in terms of social institutions as systems. A refreshing change from pretty much any other politician.

I'll be interested to see what his positions are as his candidacy develops.

smooth 09-18-2003 01:05 AM

My wife was pretty excited about him, as well. I spoke to her about some of my concerns. Now, a few days later, I find an article that explains some of the issues I was telling her. I'm not going to post the lengthy article but I figure some will find it interesting:


Moskie 09-19-2003 10:07 AM

I saw Clark for the first time a number of months ago on Meet the Press (I think it was Meet the Press...), and I liked him from the very beginning. Very personable and reasonable, and seemed to have many of his opinions based on an international perspective. I'm looking forward to him talking more about domestic issues.

I think Bush *can* be beaten in the next election. I didn't think that was the case until the war in Iraq fiasco came to end, but now I think its possible. My only fear was that the Democrats wouldn't be able to give a candidate who could beat Bush. Clark gives me hope...

Conclamo Ludus 09-19-2003 11:30 AM

I like Clark. I don't hate Bush. Its going to be close with these two for me. I want a good change, but I think Dean would be a little too much. I'm not happy with a lot of things Bush is doing, and Clark definitely sounds pretty refreshing. I look forward to seeing him campaigning. So far he seems like he would have the best chance against Bush. He'll get the moderates and the liberal conservatives if he doesn't resort to the same rhetoric as the other democratic candidates. The extremists and activists will stick to Dean, but if it was a choice between Clark and Bush, I think its obvious who they would choose. You might see Nader pick up a little more though because of Clark's moderate views. We'll see. I am glad he's running.

Rodney 09-19-2003 05:20 PM

Not familiar with him, but if he's even a real centrist (as versus the corporation-friendly Democrats in Congress), he'd be okay by me. Unless the Republican propaganda machine manages to shut him down -- I hear they're very afraid of him -- he and Dean will make a good pair of candidates for the Demo convention. The "Eight Dwarves" will have faded away by then. They're political insiders with no real support outside the beltway.

I know Dean is painted as some kind of liberal, because that's who he's playing to; but he's really a centrist who thinks that most social issues should play out at the state level. If Clarke is similar, then whoever wins will probably try to recruit the other as a running mate. And if _that_ happens, Bush has real problems no matter who's on the top of the ticket.

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