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Osama Dead!
Good job to the US military, our President, and our government officials!
There is no reason to believe this or think that it will change anything. The whole war on terror has been built on lies.
When we get out of Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya, I will begin to care. |
This could be the final straw that breaks the Afganistan war's back, so to speak. Bin Laden is dead, al Qaeda is out of Afghanistan, and the Taliban has had its nose bloodied rather significantly. There's nothing more to be gained there and it's time the United States concentrates on fixing our own house.
Yep, wake me up when we start pulling troops
Terrorism is a hydra. If anything, this will create more work.
Good job Obama, the covert ops and intelligence agencies.
It will most likely fracture the different terrorist groups more, but it will allow the US military to shift their mission hopefully. |
Now that that is over with, maybe i can travel a little more freely now and maybe everyones civil rights can be restored. somehow i dont think so.
if he was killed a week ago now, find it a little peculiar that news leaked exacly a week ago that if he was killed that members of AQ woulf unleash a nuclear bomb in europe. Possibly a case of our governments readying us for this possibility? i wonder if they will give him back to his family for a dignified funeral. |
Good riddance. Hopefully terrorists won't try any new plots in retaliation.
I am not convinced this will make much difference, unless it means that the US will now stand down its operations. Let's face it, the hunt for bin Laden hasn't been the focus of Afghanistan for some time now and Iraq has never been about it ever. As for Libya... also unrelated.
I don't think this will make a difference at all. |
Well like one commenter was saying (don't know who it was): Osama's death is more iconic than it is tactical. The biggest impact will probably be on the mood of Americans.
It will bode well for Obama's re-election. |
im indifferent.
It was bound to happen whether it was at the hands of his enemies or of natural causes. he's rather have been killed by his enemies anyways. it fulfills his ultimate aim. i wonder what the mood will be like outside. im inclined to believe that here it would be just another day. |
I do not understand why it is alright for USA to go and kill someone and its worth celebrating and yet if anyone else does it it is called murder.
I understand the man did some horrible things in his life, but what happened to that whole trial thing. |
A proud and admitted murderer. I'm glad he's dead. A trial would just be theater. Twenty years of appeals on technical and procedural grounds...
This kind of thing is never pretty, probably violated Bin Laden's civil rights, and I suspect the homegrown "USA is never right" crowd that inhabits TFP politics will be out in full force.:shakehead: Lindy |
Osama Bin Laden helped orchestrate some of the more terrible acts of terrorism in the world. Not just WTC, but also on 2 U.S. embassies in Africa. While I abhor everything he was, did, and stood for, I will not celebrate his death. I am relieved that there is one less mass killer in the world. What I will celebrate is the fact that he will not be around to assist in any more killings.
Regarding the trial aspect. I do not have the source, but I do remember reading awhile back that if Osama was captured he would be tried and if/when convicted, sentenced to Gitmo or some other appropriate military installation. From the civilian aspect, he getting killed would be no different from a shootout with police/swat during a drug raid. From the military aspect, according to the reports, he was shooting at military personnel and therefore a viable target. |
does this mean that colossal joke they call the "war on terror" is over now?
while reports come in thick and fast, i cant help but notice how similar the case of Osama is to that of Saddam.
replace Saddam with Osama, and replace the Shias with Americans. The amount of celebration and gloating is no different than when saddam was hung. I prefer to celebrate life rather than death. |
does this mean that neo-fascism is not ok now?
Taking Osama down feels more personal to me, and one shouldn't blame Americans for feeling vindicated. |
its not about vindication.
my point is that no one needs to celebrate the taking of a life. sure, theres relief, and theres closure and all the feelings that come with it. but celebrations and fireworks? how is that better than the palestinians that danced in the street on the morning of the 11th of September 2001? regardless of where you stand in the spectrum, this is my take Quran 5:32 - we ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person, it would be As if He slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be As if He saved the life of the whole people |
I posted my thoughts elsewhere, but I'll put them here as well.
I admit I was more taken with the discovery of the Air France black box than I was with the death by special forces of OBL. The former was a wonder of technical expertise and exploration of the depths of the ocean. The latter was a very meticulous and well performed series of actions by an array of clever and dangerous people. The black box recovery was a more positive result than the death of a wealthy fanatic. The guy is dead. Killed in a firefight. DNA'd & buried at sea. Finis. The fallout from this, like the rest of the trainwreck that is fundamentalist interaction, will go on for a while until another set of horrors overlays our current mess. |
"buried according to islamic traditions"? what a bunch of bollocks!
ive never heard of an islamic funeral at sea. the only tradition that the US wanted to adhere to it seems was that 'two suns should not fall on the dead'. which basically means that the dead need to be buried within 24hrs. their justification is that no one wanted to bury him in their land. seriously?!?!? according to islamic traditions the dead need to be buried in the land they died. according to islamic traditions the dead need to be buried in a while in the ground layed on bare earth. according to islamic traditions the dead are washed, shrouded and taken to the mosque for the funeral prayers ............. according to islamic traditions, bodies are not discarded at sea. i find this very strange that the US would discard his body at sea when they can have the possibility of exhuming him later for further evidence. i find it really strange because this will raise more questions than it will solve. |
for all we know, bin laden was disposed of at sea because the ship's refrigerator he's been stored in for the past 8 years broke down.
i don't see anything interesting in this. i found it interesting that the infotainment was understood as important enough to warrant it coming up in the 9th inning of the phillies unfortunate loss to the mets. like something from "the harder they come" really. i'm hoping that this is a final bit of punctuation on the pathetic story of the "war on terror" and the collective lurch toward some nitwit neo-fascism that it engendered. i'm hoping that the end of that story will open up space for a rethinking of priorities in the united states. maybe we will see the beginning of the dismantling of the national security state finally and a reallocation of resources away from killing people in great number in the name of freedom and other such words toward developing approaches to making people's lives better. sadly it won't mean the end of meathead jingoism. but one can hope for that too. |
UBL is dead... hey we've got the DNA and physical descriptions. He may be fish-food or spending some quality time with "interrogators" (he's "dead" right...anything goes). Either way I'm fine with the outcome, the latter would bear more useful fruit.
observation - It's amazing how all the college students suddenly appeared in Time Square. Weren't they like 8 years old in 2001? Orchestrations make good TV and boost failing approval ratings at critical moments. Everyone does it, so that wouldn't be such a surprise. If it was a natural reaction to the event, then I'm glad to see such spontaneous outpourings of national pride. However, I'm afraid it may be playing much like "American Extremism" to the international crowd... much like the celebrations post 9/11 seen in the Arab/Islamic World. We need to be better. I see what's handed to us, let's see what's in the other hand. |
Hil-Rod said it best today:
Today is a good day for all of those needing more closure to the painful events of 9/11. All Americans can be proud of the CIA and the men and women putting their lives at risk in the war on terror. |
Rules about Burial of the Dead Body If this is correct, there are exceptions allowed to tradition. Now, that being said, respect for Islam or tradition probably had very little to do with it, and desire to mollify Muslims worldwide was probably paramount - they found a "loophole" that met their desire to put the body where no one would ever know, and used it. |
ive read your link and theres nothing in there that conflicts with what i have said. The first option is always to bury the deceased in the ground. if that is not possible, then you can consider other options. The option to bury at sea is precedent set, based on whether or not the first criteria is met. the bit you are referring to is here. Quote:
here is what Al Azhar University, Islams oldest centre of learning has said about Osamas Burial at sea Quote:
As I said, I bow to your greater knowledge... no offense was intended. Basically, I agree that the burial at sea was solely for the benefit of the US, but that the "exceptions" formed their rationalisation that it would be acceptable to Muslims worldwide.
i would like to merely note the obvious absurdity of this official story. thank you.
islamabad is not near the north arabian sea. |
So odd. You'd think they'd at least snap a couple of pictures. |
Oh, I'm sure they have pictures. The Arab world is not going to believe he's dead without photographic evidence.
I truly hope they stuffed a pigs cock in his ass before they delivered him to be fish food, kinda hard to meet your virgins in heaven with a pig penis in your ass.
As symbolic as his ass waxing was, maybe now the U.S. will realize that Pakistan and the likes are not our friends, we should pull all aid to the rest of the world and give the more to the leeches here in the US. |
thanks for that delightful civilization-optional commentary, recon. it's always good to know where the bottom of the barrel is.
i guess recon hasnt heard that there isnt any 72 virgins, and that the hadith that this theory is derived from is considered weak by the hadith experts.
if they did do that to him, then i want to see pictures dammit! no wonder they gave him a brisk funeral. greywolf, im but a mere servant of TFP ;) |
Civilization-optional Roach? You always crack me the hell up. Sip some more of that intellectual better than thou special green tea, you must drink up there in your ivory tower. Oh I have your fuking bottom of the barrel right here book boy, OBL needed a bullet in the eye, this country NEEDED to put a bullet in his face, now that it is over with you can go back to your we all need to frolic in the dewy meadow together shit.
Now back to your original marxist tfp programing. OUT |
No dignity at Ground Zero | Mona Eltahawy | Comment is free | The Guardian
frat boys with imaginary guns. why stop at jettisoning civilization. you might as well throw your dignity out the window at the same time. fuck yeah america. |
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