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Sarah Palin: Sex Ed debate
---------- Post added at 06:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ---------- Quote:
OK, I forget where I read this but someone said the best way to stir up controversy and get comments is a headline "Palin says Israel and China are wrong on abortion."
Gotta admit, that's funny. |
"Unwed teenage Arab pot smoking couples protest in favor of evolutionist abortions"
"Gay Muslim Democrat takes guns from hard working Americans" |
I feel the same about recreational alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking, chewing tobacco, tattoos and probably a few other things that don't come to mind right now. And you could basically substitute "sex" for any of those other words in the above and I would be comfortable with it. If you call that teaching "morality", then I am guilty as charged. ---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:16 PM ---------- Quote:
Understand, I don't have a problem with people making money - even a boat load of money - I just have a problem when they have a pretentious attitude about it or look down on those who are honest about their motive to make money. For example, Ralph Nader. Given his rhetoric, what do you think his net worth is? According to this source in 2000 - it was $3 million. Quote:
I'd be glad to retrieve some bookmarked articles to back this up if you'd like. Quote:
---------- Post added at 11:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 AM ---------- Quote:
{added} From post #187 Will included a link to this question of Palin and her answer. Quote:
Based on the question, I agree with Palin's answer. |
So, you're changing your position on sex education, in this last post? Now you think children SHOULD be taught in school that abstinence is morally right. Before you thought the science should be taught in school, and moral issues should be left to the parents.
See, what I mean. All depends on the question. What the hell is "explicit sex education" any way? I don't see the issue of children having sex from a moral point of view, I simply don't think they can make an informed mature choice. I don't think children fully understand the consequences of sexual activity. If you call that taking a "morality" stance, o.k. - I get it. Personally, I think sex is healthy, normal, enjoyable, and should be engaged in frequently between adults. I don't believe in making people feel guilty in any way about sex, including children. People make their own choices and what they do is their business. I have no problem with scientific based sex education in the schools and children understanding the human sex drive and what they will experience as they become adults. |
That's just it, though, they're not going to abstain. You could lock them in their rooms until they turn 18 and they'd still figure out a way to shag. That's what teenagers do. Bearing that reality (this isn't opinion, I can back this up with fact) on mind, there's only one question: would you rather have them have sex with proper and complete sexual education or without?
ace: It's a moral issue for Palin and the social conservatives who support her. When you speak for yourself, it's not a moral issue, it's purely pragmatic (and I agree with you completely, by the way). When you line up in support of Palin, you're supporting something I don't think you understand you're supporting, and I don't think you understand is diametrically opposed to your own ideas. You really can't have it both ways. You can think your own thoughts, or you can follow a politician whose thoughts are different.
Maybe we're working from utterly different worlds here, and there's no reconciling them. I'm frankly gobsmacked that you'd have voted for Hillary because you'd trust her to do what is in your view the wrong thing. I can't even begin to get my head around that. I trusted McCain to do what I view as the wrong thing, which is why I campaigned for Obama. How trust can be a more important issue than that actual position the candidate takes is completely unfathomable to me. Wyodiver33: drama queen much? You didn't even get any warning points. But you might, for loading this place down with your Goodbye Forever Because I Dared to Have an Opinion nonsense. Leave the drama with your mama and come back and talk. |
I have no problem with schools teaching the scientific affects of alcohol, the history, the law. In my view the decision people make to drink alcohol is their decision, I do not make moral judgment, nor do I see anything inherently wrong with drinking alcohol. However, children do not have the capacity to make mature informed decisions regarding alcohol consumption, we have certain laws applying to children that don't apply to adults. Schools should take the standard position that the best approach for children is to abstain from the recreational use of alcohol, and they should refer the child to their parents/guardian/etc. for more guidance on the subject. I do not think our schools should adopt the approach of - we know you are going to drink alcohol so... - here are some complimentary shot glasses, here are a list of "safe" drinking establishments, here are some instructions for drinking games, and here are some coupons allowing you to buy 2 drinks and get one free, etc, etc. ---------- Post added at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ---------- Quote:
With no disrespect meant at all to the young woman in question: Grandma Sara only needs to look at who's living in the next bedroom over to see how well that policy works. I don't blame Bristol in the slightest for her unplanned pregnancy. That's a failure of parenting. |
I did not think so. |
Ostensibly, she's not opposed to contraception:
Sarah Palin on Sex Ed | Sex and Relationships | AlterNet Conservative Believer - Sarah Palin: News and Photos - TIME Palin appears to disagree with McCain on sex education - Los Angeles Times |
Palin backed abstinence-only education - First Read - msnbc.com |
Does not seem that you have read what I have written. I have no problem with children being taught about birth control from a science point of view, nor STD's and prevention from a scientific point of view. In a perfect world the government should not be in the business of encouraging or discouraging sex in any manner. One the one side the government should not be involved in "family planning clinics" or promoting "wait until you are married". I think both extremes are an inappropriate role for government. |
The question is: how do you square that (IMO rational, sensible) view with your support of Palin's (radical, nonsensical, and--as evinced by her own daughter--failing) views? That's the part I don't get. ---------- Post added at 08:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 PM ---------- Quote:
The social conservative who says: God is punishing you (teenage unwed mother) because you had sex outside of marriage - is a person who is an extremist and does not have my support the liberal who says: You (unwed teenage mother) are being punished because you had sex without using a condom - is a person who is an extremist and does not have my support. Palin supports promoting abstinence to children but does not consider being a mother punishment. She does not make mothers feel guilty about the choice they made to have sex - she has in fact demonstrated a willingness to give unconditional love and support to a teenage mother and the baby. I have never heard her say that she is against teaching the science of sex. I think you and others are making that up or simply assuming she is an extremeist when there is no evidence to support that view. the media promotes these lies and myths about Palin, and I don't really understand why, I but I have the view that it is because she is not an "elitist" and is more an average American. |
I know I have biases, and I admit them. ---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ---------- Quote:
---------- Post added at 07:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ---------- Quote:
The thing to notice is how strongly you've supported something you haven't read or heard anything about. Isn't that curious? |
What you support is not called abstinence only, it's called regular sex education. |
These are terms that mean things, ace. When Palin says "abstinence-only", there's a code she's talking in that you appear to have missed. I propose to you that it'd be best to learn the details of what you're hitching your wagon to.
Palin doesn't want the biology of sex taught in schools. She only wants to say "DON'T" to kids. You and I both know that's ludicrous and could never work, but it's what she stands for. And you've been saying that you're for that while also saying you're for regular sex education. Which is why it's been dissonant talking to you about this. Can you see it now? |
Your view of "abstinence only" makes no sense to me. I have never talked to a person who is against teaching reproductive science at all. I have talked to some who are against certain human related sex education teaching methods, illustrations, books, demonstrations, films, etc. I also know some who are more conservative than I am and have problems with certain words or descriptions of certain things using common adult vocabulary. But I find your definition so extreme that I doubt you could find many who would actually agree with it. ---------- Post added at 09:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:22 PM ---------- Quote:
I know you're being snarky, but that does seem to be the case.
A lot of the far-right talks to itself in a code that is really only understood internally. You end up with moderate-righters like you thinking you know what "abstinence-only" means, and talking about "your definition" of the term versus "my definition". It actually means something very specific to the politician promoting it, and you're not aware of that fact. But you're supporting it, because it uses words that are reasonably close to something you would actually support. Open your eyes, chief. The evidence is blinking back at you that you've been had on this one. |
Study Casts Doubt on Abstinence-Only Programs - washingtonpost.com |
You're incredible, ace. |
It does not say the science of sex should not be taught in the schools. Local communities could request grants for this education, it was their choice. And, I don't agree with all of this, but I don't agree with all of what is presented on the other side of the argument either. ---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ---------- Quote:
The other side, the alternative to abstinence-only, reads something like this: Abstinence is the best way to avoid unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. As abstinence isn't statistically likely, however, here is all the information you'll need on anatomy, reproductive health, contraception, reproductive rights, contraception, sexually transmitted disease, abortion, and pregnancy. If you remain abstinent, great, but if you choose to have sex we want you armed with the most correct, up-to-date information so that the risk to you is drastically reduced. Our program is supported by American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Public Health Association, the Society for Adolescent Medicine, and the American College Health Association among many others, whereas Abstinence-Only as instituted by the Bush Administration enjoys little to no support from the scientific, psychological, and medical community. Moreover, our program demonstrates lower rates of STDs, unwanted teen pregnancy, and abortion. We leave morality to parents and religious influences over children, opting instead to simply educate them on the facts. |
What council on sex do you imagine schools are offering? They're not telling kids to have sex. They're not telling kids to give oral. They're not telling kids to give hand jobs or to finger. It already is factual. It was factual when I took it back in the 90s, it was factual when my little brother took it in the 2000s.
On the left we have those who council children saying if you are going to have sex use a condom. I say give children the facts. What do the statistics say about unwed mothers who have babies? What percent live in poverty? What percent finish their education? Etc. What happens to the babies? Give them the facts and let them decide what to do. What do the statistics say about various birth control methods. what are the known trade offs between the various methods, etc. Give the facts and let them decide. condoms may be convenient and inexpensive but they may not be the first choice of informed people. I don't want a teacher or social worker giving my son incomplete information based on the fact that the school just got a free carton of condoms to pass out to students. I want them to tell him to talk to me! |
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